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Iranian women’s soccer team forfeits 2012 qualifier over head scarves

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by confreak

Say they did allow the head garments during play. Suppose one gets ripped off during play? Does the match stop to cater to someone putting their religuous freedom back on their head? Will there be a jihad issued to the offending player? May be its a can of worms best left unopened.


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by confreak
Are you suggesting football isn't football without FIFA? I'm not convinced.

Yes and it really does pain me to say it... I would love to leave FIFA or for FIFA to cease to exist and for there to be another governing body, but there isn't.... so FIFA IS football.

As it stands, football really isn't football without FIFA.

Sure, you can go to the park and have a kick-around.... but if you want to play in serious tournaments and have your league and team officially recognised, you have to be FIFA affiliated and regulated.

If there wasn't any bigotry then you would be able to explain a logical reason behind the ban, but up till now I haven't seen any logical reasoning.

I and many others already have.

The ban is a ban on Snoods/neckwarmers.... because of the choking hazard... unfortunately, this also means that headscarves fall under this category.


This is NOT a ban on a religion or any one group, this a a blanket ban, for safety, on any head/neck clothing.

And it is the right thing to do.

The ban came to effect in 2007 (not quiet sure though), but Iran played in the West Asian Football championships at 2010 also.

Well as far as I'm aware, the ban is about to be enforced....

I don't think it's been in effect for 4 years? Since 2007.... have you any links?

I'm sure this is a new decision and if it was as you say, then FIFA would have banned the Headscarves years ago...they didn't, so your theory that FIFA are "Picking on Muslims" is ridiculous.... you're seeing bigotry and unfairness where there is only equality and safety.


OK so I just found out that this ban has been in effect since '07, so my question is how have they managed to carry on wearing the headscarves?

The team already played three games and moved to the next round, FIFA invited Iran to the game knowing the conditions of the Iranian team. This is obviously bigotry because no cases of injury was reported in any of the games which Iran played, and obviously headscarves are not any more dangerous to the neck as a shirt is.

Well as I said, I think the ban is about to be enforced and is just coming in now, I guess it doesn't count that games HAVE been played, it just now affects the games that WILL be played,

I really don't see the issue.

Religion is intolerant, not sport.

It's that simple.
edit on 8/6/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by confreak

Originally posted by CatInABox
Any grament worn loosley around the neck presents a choking risk and or may create offence if tampered with in a religous context. Logical ?

If that is the logic used, then it would be illogical to not ban shirts, as shirts also present a choking risk, not to mention sweat bands, long hair and ever Goal nets.

Just admit there is not bigotry here. The only problem here is the oppression of woman by the Iranian regime. See, people over there use religion to control people's minds. They make you think men are better than women, this is a fallacy that will make those nations fall. I pray that those Iranian women will rise up from their oppressors much like our women did in the past.
edit on 8-6-2011 by BIGPoJo because: with -> than mixup

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by blupblup

FIFA is not football, I think we have to agree to disagree because I don't think I'll ever be convinced that FIFA is football. I kinda believe Football is Football, I play in the park, it is still Football. We play for the love of the game, FIFA is big corporation sponsoring Footballs matches and Tournaments, that's it, nothing more or less than that. I don't think FIFA rules apply to the Football I play in my local park, or the Tournaments our little team joins, or Iran sponsoring their own tournaments.

Head scarf is not a safety issue, that's why they have been playing and continued playing for 3 qualifying rounds. Can you possibly explain to me how bigotry is not involved? I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how a shirt, or a shoe or a long hair is any less dangerous than a scarf? If it had anything to do with safety then wouldn't it be logical to ban shoes, shirts and long hairs?

Until that happens, the facts support my conclusion, that bigotry was involved to create this rule.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by CatInABox
so with your logic 2 wrongs make a right?

No, if one is wrong, then the other is wrong also. If one is right, then the other is right also. If one is banned, then the other should be banned.

But if one is banned and the other is not banned, then it isn't logical or based on logic, which is why I present to you bigotry.

edit on 8-6-2011 by confreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by confreak

FIFA is not football, the actual game being played, I deffinately agree with that. Most of you are missing the main thing here though. They match was a quailfier for the OLYMPICS. Knock, Knock. Its FIFA at the door... Guess what? you have to go through the door to get into the Olympics. May be when Iran hosts the Olympic Games they can do something about the headdress requirements. Until then people should conform to the rules or face forfeiture of the match, just like what has happened here.

edit on 8-6-2011 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by confreak
, FIFA is big corporation sponsoring Footballs matches and Tournaments, that's it, nothing more or less than that. I don't think FIFA rules apply to the Football I play in my local park, or the Tournaments our little team joins, or Iran sponsoring their own tournaments.

No... FIFA is the governing body of the sport.... it IS the law.
Every sport has a governing body, when new rules/laws are brought into Football, it is the IFAB that decides them... and FIFA play a rather significant role in this.

The growing popularity of the game internationally led to the admittance of FIFA representatives to IFAB in 1913. Initially, they only had two votes—the same number as each of UK associations—and decisions required a four-fifths majority to pass, meaning that the UK could still change the laws against FIFA's wishes if they all voted together. In 1958, the Board agreed on its current voting system, with each UK association having one vote, FIFA four and six votes being required to carry any motion.

Believe me, I don't like FIFA.... but THEY ARE THE LAW, they hold more sway in the IFAB than anyone and we have tried (The FA) to get changes many times, but Sepp Blatter and FIFA will not budge.

I may not be with you on the matter of headscarves, but I am with you in that I don't like FIFA.... we can at least agree on something.

The International Federation of Association Football (French: Fédération Internationale de Football Association), commonly known by the acronym FIFA (usual English pronunciation: /ˈfiːfə/), is the international governing body of association football, futsal and beach football. Its headquarters are located in Zurich, Switzerland, and its current president is Sepp Blatter, who is in his fourth successive term. FIFA is responsible for the organisation and governance of football's major international tournaments, most notably the FIFA World Cup, held since 1930. Nineteen editions of the FIFA World Cup have been held so far. The next edition is to be held in Brazil in 2014. FIFA has 208 member associations, three more than the International Olympic Committee and five fewer than the International Association of Athletics Federations

Can you possibly explain to me how bigotry is not involved? I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how a shirt, or a shoe or a long hair is any less dangerous than a scarf? If it had anything to do with safety then wouldn't it be logical to ban shoes, shirts and long hairs?

OK.... now I know you are either a TROLL or a MORON.

All of these have been explained, not only by me but by several others on this thread.
You don't want to listen and learn about the rules of the game.... you probably know NOTHING about football and are just here for an argument because YOU see bigotry.

Either read back through the posts because every single one of your "questions" has been answered.

You are just trolling and not listening.

If you want a serious discussion or debate, let me know... otherwise, good luck waging your war on imaginary bigotry.

edit on 8/6/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by blupblup

I think I made my point, scarves weren't banned for safety reason, rather for bigotry.

Unless someone can show me how scarves are more dangerous than shirts, shoes, or long hair.

Also I have made my point regarding FIFA, I guess you haven't noticed, FIFA doesn't control the local games I play, you seem to confuse the size of the organization and its influence with the game called Football. Just to add, FIFA didn't create Football, Football created FIFA.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by confreak

When is the last time your local league went to the Olympics? Just wondering?


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by confreak
Let’s suggest both are wrong but one’s wrongs are outweighed by its necessities within the given scenario I.E goal posta for goals Boots for protection of feet repeatedly kicking balls or Shirts to determine teams

Where in this does a garment worn on the head that has potential to cause injury stack or even offer any benefit.

Also consider this a blanket ban on all religous and political matter from the field of play which by definition means that bigotry is aimed at all of us.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by CatInABox

Well if a dangerous shoe is used to protect the feet, a dangerous shirt is used to show teams, I guess a head scarf is used to protect the head and the show teams? What do you think? What about dangerous hair? What is the purpose of the dangerously long hair in the game?

and no, headscarf is no more dangerous than a shoe, a shirt, or long hair. Unless you can prove it.

Everything that was banned was to justify the complete ban of headscarves, the rest is collateral damage.
edit on 8-6-2011 by confreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by confreak

If no other players are allowed to wear things on their head, why do you feel these women should be able to? They are no more special than anyone else, no?

edit on 8-6-2011 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by confreak

Agreed rapunzel may trip and break a leg, but this Snood or head scarf does not offer protection does it so its not relevent to football and there are already fifa endorsed head protection which I'm sure Iran would be very aware of.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:35 AM
And btw: FIFA is corrupt.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Awesome one liner...


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by CatInABox
reply to post by confreak

Agreed rapunzel may trip and break a leg, but this Snood or head scarf does not offer protection does it so its not relevent to football and there are already fifa endorsed head protection which I'm sure Iran would be very aware of.

Wait, pause, are we finally having an agreement that this is not about safety?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by confreak

No that was the insertion of a bit of humor, Prove to me that it was bigotry and not Iran playing upto Islamic paranoia?

Fifa is in hole but sepp's time is limited what he's 75 can't be there forever change will come (hopes)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by CatInABox

So it isn't about safety, that's why we are talking about relativity between the clothings and the game.

The funny thing is, the shirt isn't necessary (but dangerous), the girls can just wear their bras to show which team they are in. So if a shirt is dangerous and not needed, then why doesn't FIFA ban shirts like they banned headscarfs. Bigotry written all over it.

How about the shoe, you claim the shoe is to protect the leg (when kicking the ball), well, what about the spikes? Think about a scenario where you get poked in the eyes (dangerous)?

Proven that this is not about safety while I'm still waiting on the hair.

We all agree FIFA is corrupt, why do people keep repeating that.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by DuceizBack
Seriously though.

I don't think the hijaabs would be too much of a problem.
I hate islam as much as the next man but this is kind of sad.

You hate Islam? ...and you hate it as much as the next man? I don't compute.

If anything I see it as nobility. The women put the faith they believe in above a passion they succumb to.

Now it would be kind of the FIFA members to bend the rules in the name of religion, choking hazard or not the women were skilled enough to make it to the qualifier with head scarves, I'm sure they would be okay.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 12:11 PM
I wonder if I could wear these in an Iranian mosque?

Oh that's right.

I can't, that whole darn "When in Rome......" thing

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