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Hippies lying down in front of cars getting run over.

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posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Acidtastic

If you've seen the movie, "The Matrix" these people are the sleepers or agents............knowingly or unknowingly.

They just are clueless and don't see the big picture or have sold their souls out to the highest bidder.

Again I keep saying, united we stand, divided we fall and again and again, so many people just don't seem to understand the full extent of what is going on planet wide.

There is no on the fence anymore, the time has come for everyone to make a stand.

That's another good movie, Stephen King's "The Stand".

Good post, starred.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Idiots, I must say if I was on my way to pick my daughter up from school I also would run a protester's over if they were sitting in the way trying to stop me.
And where the hell are the police trying to control the situation??

oh when i said police i meant the first video.

edit on 7-6-2011 by ototheb85 because: mooooooo

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by ototheb85

So you would run another human being over, feeling your tires and car crushing another human body while picking up your little darlings from school.

What if one of your little darlings in a few years turned out to be one of those protesters?

What if in another ten years one of your little darlings were drafted to go fight the rich elite's war and brought back in a coffin?

Due to the respect and polite rules on ATS I'm not going to put what I think about you..............I'm just glad I personally don't know you.

You do not sound like a good, kind hearted humane person to me.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

dont waste your time, on ATS nones know what sense of humor mean

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:21 AM
So if your daughter or son was an activist and someone ran them over with their car, you'd say to them calmly in the hospital..."Well, that's what you get for being an activist sweetie."?

The people who laugh at this are idiots! F***ing idiots! That's right. There is nothing funny about this. The people who drove their cars over other, unarmed civilians should be tried and sentenced! And I'll tell you why...

There are other ways of dealing with protesters(regardless of how stupid they appear to be). What should have happened, was the motorists should call the police and let the police deal with them. If you have to wait 4 hours before the police get there..then you sit your ass down and you WAIT! What, your boss is going to fire you because you didn't want to run over a little kid? Well, if your boss is that much of a should feel like an ass working for him! If, for some reason, you cannot wait...let them know you are turning your car, and find another route. A sensible, reasoning adult will not mash on the gas, running over other, weaker people because he needs to be somewhere. Those people should face criminal charges, simply because it was uncalled for.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by ototheb85

So you would run another human being over, feeling your tires and car crushing another human body while picking up your little darlings from school.

What if one of your little darlings in a few years turned out to be one of those protesters?

What if in another ten years one of your little darlings were drafted to go fight the rich elite's war and brought back in a coffin?

Due to the respect and polite rules on ATS I'm not going to put what I think about you..............I'm just glad I personally don't know you.

You do not sound like a good, kind hearted humane person to me.

Like I said previously I don't condone running them over, but what if one of your family members was in or waiting for an ambulance or fire engine and they died as a result of the totally pointless delay?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

If you have to wait 4 hours before the police get there..then you sit your ass down and you WAIT!

Not if you or one of your family members is in ambulance in a crtical condition and who will die as a result...okay I wouldn't run them over either but I would hope they would be charged by the police for what is effectively manslaughter as their actions directly resulted in someone's death!

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by destination now

I believe most people if they saw an ambulance with its lights coming towards them would stop the protest and allow the Ambulance through. Cars normally part way for an ambulance so Im pretty sure the protestors would have made an exception. But there was no ambulance with a casualties being blocked only one needed for those who were run over.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Not if the ambulance/fire engine is at the back or the middle of the log jam of cars, vital minutes would still be lost in getting the traffic moving and allowing the emergency vehicles through, also you don't necessarily hear the klaxons until the vehicles are very close and if these kids are all lying down in the road they'd be unlikely to see flashing lights from vehicles some way back in the queue!

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:45 AM
To be honest , it made me laugh.

Seriously, you sit in the middle of the traffic and expect to leave the area safe and sound .?
You think blocking traffic magicaly change the world political view ?

You think nations dropping bombs and goin to wors really care about some idiots sitting in the middle of the road ?


They got what they deserved, im sorry but its the sad truth .

Thoses who been facing rifles, tanks knew their lives was in danger and did it because they knew if they died it would at least maybe alarm the world medias about the status of the society we live in.

But here, what can we see ?

Some kids acting all cool, expecting their number would impress the drivers.

If you sit facing a train rolling at full speed, expect to die.

for all of you crying about thoses idiots,you're laughable, in all honesty i have to say it.

Do you really think sitting if front of traffic, in your little city gonna create a miracle ?
Do you really think your stupid un planned action can reach the gov, selling bombs in every countries ?
Do you really think the guy driving to his workplace REALLY care about you ?

the answer is no

To all who shout "compassion, humanity, etc etc etc" bs, are just hypocrytes.

If you protest, try at least to be constructiv.
sitting in front of a truck never changed the face of the world

Im not desensitized, im just amused when i read somewhere some idiots been ran over by a car while sitting in the middle of the road.

If you do that kind of stuff, what do you expect, being saved by a magical unicorn ?

Call me a coward,a kid, or monster, but remember, im one of yours,im like YOU.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Conciliatore

Some "humor" is sick and times have gotten to the point that there is no longer the luxury for such childish "humor".

ATS is suppose to be a place, was originally set up to be a place for serious discussion not sick and twisted humor.

Have you ever greeted a patient, hit or run over by a car in ER?

It's no laughing are probably young, most definately immature and clueless.

And your humor sucks.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Good reply.

Gives me hope that there are still some nice level headed people out there.


posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:56 AM
I've driven an ambulance in city traffic. Most people will yield right of way but a lot will not, You can have everything going and you can see them nodding their heads like they are listening to music, The biggie is someone ballsy enough to tail-gate to get through traffic with you.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by destination now

Working in nursing and now that we have GPS systems with being able to detour traffic, there are multiple roads to take and the police should have been called immediately.

You're trying to still justify a car running over a fellow human?

Hope your daughter or son never decides to be a member of a protest and get run over.

If I myself were in an ambulance having a heart attack, I would rather the ambulance back up, take a detour, go around and or call the police (many times police accompany abulances).

To know I was in a vehicle and felt that vehicle plow over and crush another human's body would distress me further - but I'm a warm blooded, kind human and not a cold blooded reptilian.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Good reply.

Gives me hope that there are still some nice level headed people out there.


So you believe that it is acceptable that other people in emergency situations may die because they have to wait for 4 hours for the police to arrive to disperse the protest to let an emergency vehicle through, even if the delay is only for 20 mins that can mean the difference between life and death? That's not very compassionate either, so you are being a bit hypocritical there!

I would suggest that the people wishing to protest would do it in such a way that would not endanger themselves or others

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Star for your post.

This is one of the more interesting threads because it separates the cold hearted lizards from the warm blooded humans.

And do I mean that literally?

Don't know, after reading some of these replies, I'm beginning to wonder.

Possibly a lot of these people really have no imagination as to what happens to a body once a car rolls over it...........again, I do, I've greeted a few people, one a ten year old boy that fell off the back of a pick up truck and was run over by the car in back. He died of internal injuries.

His body in places was smashed flat and he was black (started out white). One of his eyes had popped out.

You folks spouting "oh she deserved it" are truly clueless.

Those of you that have seen this kind of stuff first hand that agree she deserved to get runned over are truly scary, you are heartless and souless, like a pod person in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1950's one).

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by destination now

Working in nursing and now that we have GPS systems with being able to detour traffic, there are multiple roads to take and the police should have been called immediately.

You're trying to still justify a car running over a fellow human?

Hope your daughter or son never decides to be a member of a protest and get run over.

If I myself were in an ambulance having a heart attack, I would rather the ambulance back up, take a detour, go around and or call the police (many times police accompany abulances).

To know I was in a vehicle and felt that vehicle plow over and crush another human's body would distress me further - but I'm a warm blooded, kind human and not a cold blooded reptilian.

If you read my posts properly you will see that I have always said I DO NOT CONDONE running people over, but the actions of the protesters may in fact have serious consequences for others, which the protesters don't seem to care about. And as for the GPS system, and detours, all well and good, but these protests have a habit of suddenly materialising by which point the driver of the emergency vehicle may already be in a position where they cannot detour or the detour would cause that vital loss of a few minutes.

My daughter would never be so stupid to lie down on a road, no matter what she was protesting!

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by destination now

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

Good reply.

Gives me hope that there are still some nice level headed people out there.


So you believe that it is acceptable that other people in emergency situations may die because they have to wait for 4 hours for the police to arrive to disperse the protest to let an emergency vehicle through, even if the delay is only for 20 mins that can mean the difference between life and death? That's not very compassionate either, so you are being a bit hypocritical there!

I would suggest that the people wishing to protest would do it in such a way that would not endanger themselves or others
if a protest is organised, then police will be informed and then ambulance drivers will be notified of the potential disturbance, and will be diverted another way, before they get stuck in a hypothetical gridlock. You're sensationalising a hypothetical situation. Do you write for the gutter press by any chance? Lol:

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Acidtastic

Ok, so say the emergency is a life-or-death situation with only minutes to work with. Even if the ambulance driver knows he needs to take a detour ahead of time, the activists still created a situation where that unrelated person is now at a greater risk of death. Nobody is trying to justify running over protesters; they're saying that impeding traffic is a foolish thing to do in the first place.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Reply to post by Somehumanbeing

No is not "hilarious" u donkey's hershey highway. What is " disturbing" is most of the comments on this thread. Youtube comments have more soul. Regardless of what a teen girl did, it does not give anyone the right to violence wtf is wrong society?? Unfknexcusable murder!! Infknexcusable you crass barbarian driving a weapon. Even if these protestors didn't decide to protest that day, it would be a matter of time until they committed vehicular fkn homicide. Fkn sick, fkn medievally sick

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