Originally posted by calstorm
I have a pretty high pain threshold. I have given birth naturally, 10 hours of back labor (women who have been through this know what I am talking
about) and I am suborn as heck. My family calls it my best//worst trait. I have also learned how to trick my brain when it comes to pain, how ever I
am only good at it when I am well rested.
That said it depends on what reason I am being tortured for. There are things I would die for, and things that won't be worth the pain.
You gave up your weaknesses in your own statements as most people do. You referenced family and child birth that is what is important to you.
Therefore exploitable. Also, sleep deprivation is the first of the techniques used. This and the maternal drive to protect your offspring would make
you an easy target. Pain would likely be unnecessary.
First you will stand up for a day or so for processing in which time you will be stripped, searched (very thoroughly) and methodically cataloged. The
photos will be judged and every flaw will be pointed out in conversation you can overhear. This is only the beginning - you will be showered and
doused with an insecticide that will irritate your skin.
After that in processing you are put into in a cell too small to sit up in or stretch out in with a temperature too cold to sleep at night and too hot
to sleep during the day with rotating very bright light and absolute darkness at irregular intervals disrupting the normal circadian rhythm till you
are not even sure what day it is or what time it is or how long you have been there. Then piped in loud irregular noises and screams cycled in on a
button so that every time you dose off an operator makes you hear a baby cry.... Sleep will mean infants screams and you will want to avoid that.
Awake will be just white noise pumped into your cell just loud enough to disorient you.
Usually disorientation can be achieved in less than 72 hours. Women are especially vulnerable to an infant’s cry - you may be tough but biologically
you are programmed to respond to it. Where are the babies what are they doing to them?
Irregular interrogation cycles sometimes once a day then once an hour then not at all...with different interrogators and the same ones in different
clothes so you think a week is a month long. Some will be nice, some will be irrational and scream and ask no questions just make accusations - some
will be methodical some rapid fire questions some will just stare at you while you are naked for your safety inspections.
None will hurt you but you will see and hear other's being hurt. (Again, maternal fear, who do they have what are they doing, will they do it to
They will then find the right irrational fear you have to make you afraid to sleep even when you are alone... Say letting some rats, spiders, or
snakes (dogs, cats, whatever it's easy to find) into the cell at irregular intervals for a week or so. Whatever that fear is be it suffocation,
drowning, tight or open spaces, or even other people they will find it in a matter of hours cause they will try them all and your heart rate will
betray you.
About 72-96 hours of this along with some mild dehydration and hunger and I'm just guessing that you'd be talking like everyone else. No one will
have to ever physically hurt you, strike you or break the skin.
edit on 7/6/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)
edit on 7/6/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)