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California`s June Oddity

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by reesie45

It's called La Nina .. cooling of ocean water.. follows El Nino which is the warming of ocean waters.. this follows a cycle, has for millions of years.

True. Although to imply that is the only force at work here is inaccurate.

Global Warming was a false attempt by Progressive to get us to pay more for "Green" items, and pay hefty taxes for "Sustainability"

False. Global Warming refers to a large body of climate science over several decades pointing to an increase in global atmospheric temperature. What you are referring to is called a 'carbon tax' which is not the same thing as Global Warming by any stretch of the informed imagination. (the uniformed imagination, of course, can entertain myriad theories with no basis in fact)

Climate Change is the false idea by Progressives to replace Global Warming after it was proven to be a sham .. the end goal is still the same, taxation and corporate profits.

False. "Climate change" is a more accurate term meant to give ignorant people a better understanding of what is referred to as 'Global Warming". Since "Global Warming" is misconstrued by many people ignorant of basic science to mean 'everywhere gets warmer all the time', the term "Climate Change" was adopted several years ago to try and better convey the message of the complexities involved when the earth's temperature rises by a few degrees (which it is in fact, doing, btw, no matter how much industry propaganda an character assassination you employ).

Again, you conflate 'taxes' from carbon trading with climate science, in an attempt to circumvent a discussion about the actual science showing the earths' temperature rising.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Stratus9

La Nina is supposed to suppress storm formation off the Pacific coast- not enhance it.

Erm... no .. it's not.

Weather is impacted by water temps, as the temp of the water effects the temp of the air, and the temp of the air effects wind currents, which in turn effects the disruption of average seasonal weather patterns.

La Nina cools the West Coast, this in turn creates cooler temps and wetter than normal seasons.. usually Winter and Spring specifically.

It warms the South East and into the North East, the alteration in the weather pattern pushes more rain into the plains states, which then in turn can create severe storms into the Mid West and East Coast.

In Oregon and Washington it rained quite literally every day from December to June .. our temps average -10 below normal.

La Nina is particularly strong this year, meaning temps dropped more than average at the Equator.

My advice?

Get an education. Research something before believing it. People scream about natural disaster because they are apparently more "frequent" .. this is false.. the fact is that we build cities in stupid places, and because our population is continuously expanding, each disaster will effect more people. Law of probability. No moronic Progressive has ever given me even an ounce of evidence to suggest anything to the contrary.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by potential_problem

Originally posted by thedeadwalkk
reply to post by reesie45

Heres a quick lesson on global warming:
Yes it has the name WARMING in the title, but that doesn't mean all it will do is WARM. It can WARM and COOL places based on their location.
And btw to everyone saying this weather isn't "normal". Do you have the weather data for the past 10k+ years? no I didn't think so. When the earth has been around for millenia, you can't say "this weather isn't normal" based on weather nomalities for the past 30 years, because the Earth has been around for so long, 30 years is basically a milisecond in timespan.
edit on 5-6-2011 by thedeadwalkk because: (no reason given)

Star for you.

OP soon will blame humans for ice-age(with sCIENTIFIC PROOF!).
Ridiculous babbling of ignorants here is last they know how to set avatar.
edit on 5-6-2011 by potential_problem because: (no reason given)
No, not really, im glad you know me so well. Tell me what color is my shirt?
you fail.

Also, if climate change, global warming or cooling is all made up to make more money then the only cause for this crazy weather is this in my opinion: Nature is preparing for something, its putting on its boxing gloves and its putting in its mouth guard. Thats what this all may be. And when its ready to ring the bell, we will all agree that those who thought it was normal were indeed wrong.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

You completely miss the point.. and because you miss the obvious point everything you say is dead wrong.

Climate Change, Global Warming, Etc etc etc..

These are used to bring about taxes, carbon taxes, emission regulation, $50k sedans that get an average 10 more mpg.

Everything about the "science" of "climate change" always comes back to money.. whether it's taxes or government subsidies for lightbulbs.. it doesn't matter.. it's always, always, always about the money.

The science it's self is so pathetic it cannot be called science..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

deny ignorance before walking around spreading it

and even how much your claims may be right, the fact IS

that the people pushing the "Global Warming(c)" and "Climate Change(c)" issues to the forefront do not have the interests of the planet in mind or any concern for the weather patterns.

they just see it as an untapped area to impose further regulations and taxation upon the population.

you are failing to realize that while "A" maybe right, it only precedes "B" and "C" wich may not be as right.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by reesie45

the fact we never witnessed these changes before does not necessarily imply they never happened before.

we seem to believe and claim to know alot, while forgetting our existence in this planet is a short spam of time compared to the planet itself.

trust nature and adapt to it.

dont adapt nature to our needs.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by AnotherYOU
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

deny ignorance before walking around spreading it

and even how much your claims may be right, the fact IS

that the people pushing the "Global Warming(c)" and "Climate Change(c)" issues to the forefront do not have the interests of the planet in mind or any concern for the weather patterns.

they just see it as an untapped area to impose further regulations and taxation upon the population.

you are failing to realize that while "A" maybe right, it only precedes "B" and "C" wich may not be as right.

Thank you for illustrating the amount of substance on the side of those who misconstrue decades worth of peer-reviewed climate science.with a few dismissive catch phrases.

As we continue to experience extreme weather patterns EXACTLY AS PREDICTED by thousands of climatologists over the pat few decades, it will be entertaining to see your side continue to pretend it isn' actually related to the mountains of data that have been warning against this exact outcome for years.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:51 PM
For those of you who live outside of the U.S. Triumph the Interviewer is an Icon in the Entertainment Industry..

Here is Triumph interviewing 4 Republicans in Washinton D.C. on Global Warming. Clip is 21/2 minutes..

Here is Triumph doing the Weather in Hawaii..

Note Hawaiin weather patterns are different then here in Califonia:

I think is points are valid with a refeshing approach to the truth.

A little more so then most of the Sunday morning news shows.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

You completely miss the point.. and because you miss the obvious point everything you say is dead wrong.

Climate Change, Global Warming, Etc etc etc..

These are used to bring about taxes, carbon taxes, emission regulation, $50k sedans that get an average 10 more mpg.

Everything about the "science" of "climate change" always comes back to money.. whether it's taxes or government subsidies for lightbulbs.. it doesn't matter.. it's always, always, always about the money.

The science it's self is so pathetic it cannot be called science..

No amount of bad-mouthing carbon tax schemes actually addresses the SCIENCE of climate science. That's like arguing against gravity by claiming Newton was a homosexual.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by czygyny

You state that the California weather this spring is not 'too unusual'. But yet it is unusual. And this is how anomalies (weather or otherwise) are recorded for pattern studies. Studies of patterns is what science is all about. Patterns are determined by series of incidents and events. This unusual California weather event is one of a Pattern.

In other words- no one event, be it a hurricane, tornado, etc can determine anything. But an anomalous Pattern of them over a short period of time can point to reasons- and help forecast future events.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Climates change all the time.. there were periods of extreme climate change.. there was a time when wine was grown in England..

WTF does that have to do with anything? Nothing.. nothing at all .. the climate changes, we adapt, but Progressives would fix it with taxes and regulation..

There is NO, not a single itty bitty tiny shred of scientific evidence to suggest HUMANS cause Climate Change.

Anyone who buys into it is a sheep.. nothing more..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by Stratus9

La Nina is supposed to suppress storm formation off the Pacific coast- not enhance it.

Erm... no .. it's not.

Weather is impacted by water temps, as the temp of the water effects the temp of the air, and the temp of the air effects wind currents, which in turn effects the disruption of average seasonal weather patterns.

La Nina cools the West Coast, this in turn creates cooler temps and wetter than normal seasons.. usually Winter and Spring specifically.

It warms the South East and into the North East, the alteration in the weather pattern pushes more rain into the plains states, which then in turn can create severe storms into the Mid West and East Coast.

In Oregon and Washington it rained quite literally every day from December to June .. our temps average -10 below normal.

La Nina is particularly strong this year, meaning temps dropped more than average at the Equator.

My advice?

Get an education. Research something before believing it. People scream about natural disaster because they are apparently more "frequent" .. this is false.. the fact is that we build cities in stupid places, and because our population is continuously expanding, each disaster will effect more people. Law of probability. No moronic Progressive has ever given me even an ounce of evidence to suggest anything to the contrary.

Apparently you are the one who needs to do the research- try starting with the NOAA:

Current Conditions As of mid-May 2011, SST anomalies have weakened to the point of reflecting cool ENSO-neutral conditions in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. For April the SST anomaly in the NINO3.4 region was -0.77 C, indicative of weak La Niña conditions, and for the January-March season the anomaly was -1.01 C. Currently the IRI's definition of El Niño conditions rests on an index of SST anomalies, averaged over the NINO3.4 region (5S-5N; 170W-120W), exceeding the warmest 25%-ile of the historical distribution, and similarly for La Niña relative to the 25%-ile coldest conditions in the historical distribution. The NINO3.4 anomaly necessary to qualify as La Niña or El Niño conditions for the May-Jun-Jul and the Jun-Jul-Aug seasons are approximately (-0.50C, 0.45) and (-0.50, 0.45), respectively.

What is causing the enhanced low pressure systems that have affected not only the Pacific coast but also the mid US is a stronger than normal Jet Stream that has been forced higher into the northern latitudes over a warmer north Pacific Ocean. The Jet Stream then has been looping deeply south dragging cold northern latitude and upper atmosphere air down across the west coast and western US with it. This has been cooling the Pacific Coast.

Once over the mid US the lows behind the Jet Stream are pulling in warm, moist Gulf air that is creating massive storms. This 'loop' then has been turning in a northerly direction- driving up over the eastern and northeastern states. This was strong enough last week to create a tornadic outbreak in Massachusetts.

This has been happening off and on all year - and the first effect from it was the Winter Blizzard.

Of course to mention this explanation would then open up the 'Oh, the pacific ocean is warming'? can of climate denial worms.

So lets just call it El Nino or La Nina - that'll fix everything.

And to your remark about 'cities expanding' and 'more people'.
That doesn't work with Tornadic outbreaks or floods.

People used to be more spread out across the countryside in 10 to 200 acre farms. People are now more tightly compacted in suburbs around city areas and there are fewer people 'spread' across the country.

Picture this in your mind:
Set up a pattern of bowling pins scattered across an area and roll a ball at it.
Now set up a tight cluster of bowling pins and roll a ball at it.

Do you get it?
edit on 5-6-2011 by Stratus9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by reesie45

Do you have the scientific evidence to support this?

I mean really, ATS slogan is "Deny ignorance" but you are very ignorant.
I'm willing to say you know nothing about climate change, and global warming. That is a fact based on your OP, and your few posts are your OP.

Please, show me ANYTHING that says mother nature is "putting on her boxing gloves and getting ready"
Please, show me. If you are basing these claims on something with minor factual tangeability, then you shouldn't have a problem providing me, OR this thread with your sources.

If you do have sources, 100% chance they only look at data for the past few years ( 1900 + )
When the Earth has been around for as long as it has been, you can only make these claims when you know weather patterns for HUGE time frames ( IE 10k, 100k, 1M years )
reply to post by Stratus9

Over a short period of time? Again your are wrong. Read the text above as it also applies to you
edit on 5-6-2011 by thedeadwalkk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

science and predictions in the same argument are sort of asinine

the only way science can "predict" anything is by coorelation with past events and observation of the same phenomenons that trigger it.

yet you claim these changes are new and caused by us.

so wich one is it?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by thedeadwalkk
reply to post by reesie45

Do you have the scientific evidence to support this?

I mean really, ATS slogan is "Deny ignorance" but you are very ignorant.
I'm willing to say you know nothing about climate change, and global warming. That is a fact based on your OP, and your few posts are your OP.

Please, show me ANYTHING that says mother nature is "putting on her boxing gloves and getting ready"
Please, show me. If you are basing these claims on something with minor factual tangeability, then you shouldn't have a problem providing me, OR this thread with your sources.

If you do have sources, 100% chance they only look at data for the past few years ( 1900 + )
When the Earth has been around for as long as it has been, you can only make these claims when you know weather patterns for HUGE time frames ( IE 10k, 100k, 1M years )
reply to post by Stratus9

Over a short period of time? Again your are wrong. Read the text above as it also applies to you
edit on 5-6-2011 by thedeadwalkk because: (no reason given)
Are you slow? Do you know how to read right? I said in my opinion. wow your a joke. thanks for the contribution though.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by reesie45

I live in Sacramento, California, and we have been experiencing some pretty bad storms this month.. It's odd, but when you take a look back at the state's weather, it's happened before..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Fair enough, thats all i was wondering. Instead these numskulls are bickering back and forth and turning this thread into a playpen. I want it closed now. wow is all i have to say. wow.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 04:41 PM
I live here in the Bay Area. The weather is definitely a bit strange but it's not uncommon. I just wish summer would show up already.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by silverbullett

Your wishing this while im wishing it would go away lol, i wanna live in alaska!

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Hi there, I live in the northern sacramento valley near chico, were we recently had two tornados on the ground, this is rare indeed! We might see a funnel cloud in early spring but not two tornados on the ground in one day.
this whole spring has been weird and not normal, living here my whole life i can say this is strange, but hey i love it!!

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