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The Extent of Jewish Control

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Actually, no. You are born a gentile, Jew, slave, free, etc etc, but you are under one spirit in Christ. Take note in your own quotes. Paul never said they were Jews now, just with Christ, nor did he ever say they were citizens of Israel now that they were with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12)

See that's the whole point of Christ. Surprise, you're adopted. (Romans 8) As he also says elsewhere, Jews are still his people, but the time of their plan is mostly over. Though it is said they would be gathered before the end of the world, never said they would be in a state, and that was before the diaspora, so that's also interesting to note.

Jesus himself talked and preached to none Jews. Remember the Samaritan woman? The Roman leader? Even Pilate. So don't lie about that. He did, however, tell them that there was a plan. They would not simply run away and preach to the world. They would go out into the world after he sent them the Spirit. (Acts 1)

The plan is not over. But the existence of Israel is no longer a covenant. While the Jews no doubt have some place in God's plan, they are few and far from. Acts makes it quite clear that there was a growing division in Judaism, those Jews and Gentiles whom followed the Apostles, those Jews and Gentiles following the law of Moses, and those Jews and Gentiles following their own shindig. In our modern world, the Jews and Gentiles following the law of Moses are few and fairly extinct. They have pockets still in Iran, Israel, and Europe, but they are nearly gone from this world, and Christ calls us to preach to them and bring us over. The Jews and Gentiles whom followed the Apostles broke out and, as I quoted to you before, formed many parts of the body of Christ. Both Jew and Gentile. And yes, there are those jews whom follow Christ. Some would even argue that the Catholic church is this, and that the protestants are the true gentile churches. But that's theory. The Jews we see today all around us are of the most part those whom follow their own shindig. They don't exactly sit well with God, and indeed Jesus showed them their error.
edit on 5-6-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Take note in your own quotes. Paul never said they were Jews now, just with Christ, nor did he ever say they were citizens of Israel now that they were with Christ

I know this is controversial for modern Christians, but look at the text again.

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household
Ephesians 2:19

There is also the Olive Tree from Romans 11.

If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in." Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.

Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.

Its a very controversial topic as it totally tears apart the very idea of what the Church was thought to be since Rome took command of Christianity, changing it from being based on Israel to being based on the empire.

Jesus himself talked and preached to none Jews. Remember the Samaritan woman? The Roman leader? Even Pilate. So don't lie about that. He did, however, tell them that there was a plan. They would not simply run away and preach to the world. They would go out into the world after he sent them the Spirit. (Acts 1)

I am not lying. He said do not cast pearls before swine:

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
Matthew 10:5-8

He spoke to some gentiles, but did not give sermons to them. The few he did help, he compared to dogs. For example, the Samaritan woman:

The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said. He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." "Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."

I'm not here to argue, but simply wanted to point out in Paul's view gentiles were no longer gentiles once they followed Christ, but part of Israel. The bit about the Ekklesia and Qahal, is without any debate. Its a fact in that time that Ekklesia was the term in Greek used for the Qahal. If one rereads the Gospel and the Epistles with Qahal instead of Church, it becomes a radically different text. It also cannot be denied that Jesus and the early Christians prayed the Shema, with Jesus himself saying it was the greatest mitzvah.

I know its a radical concept for many modern Christians, but for an early Christian, there wouldn't have been any disagreement. The Olive Tree was never cut down and the Shema is still the greatest mitzvah. I will leave it at that.


edit on 5/6/11 by MikeboydUS because: ed

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Yes. The household is the same spirit that flows within us all. But this is not necessarily removing your individuality and background. A hand and a foot are of the same body, same blood, and same cells. But they are not the same. A Jew and a Gentile, assuming they have faith in Christ, are a human, they are of the same spirit, and they are the same sons of God. They are both adopted, both Jew and Gentile. Only Christ is the only true son of God. What makes them difference, at least to some understanding, is that Abraham came to God, God came to the Gentiles. There, after all, is the fundamental separating factor.

I think that's enough to merit God sending Christ to the Jews as their next step, but just as Christ himself came, he came to save the world, not just the Jews. There was a plan. The Jews are his people, and therefore, his people come first. The Gentiles did not come to God, God came to the gentiles, and it is his grace and mercy that saved them, including myself, certainly not their want for him.

Even your grafted-on quote shows this. Gentiles are dogs. Gentiles are worse than Jews. This is why Christ came primarily.

And let us not forget that he told the Jews that the Roman had more faith than anything, and dogs is not an insult. Even dogs know food, even dogs know the truth. The woman was coming to him. But from the beginning, Christ first came to the woman.

Countless quotes prove Israel as a nation today is nothing but a creation of man. First off is their gross failure of the word of God. Fact is they are unbelieving Jews. They are not Christ-believing Jews. So even though they follow the law God gave to moses, they have not fulfilled the law he gave. That's a fact. Israel has yet to follow through and follow Christ. Thus they are lost sheep and no longer under the covenant of God. We, as Christians, are to bring them back into the covenant. At every step it was like this. Those Jews that rejected the prophets were not under God's way. And thus, lost sheep. Those that listened were his people.

I am not denying Christ came to the Jews first. The Jews are God's promised people. But to say Gentiles like me are Jews now that we believe is not true. There are those whom follow the full law of moses. But even as Paul came to the Jews and asked them if the gentiles had ot be circumcised, so was the answer in agreement, no, for they are not Jews.

Fact is, there's hardly any Christ-fearing Jews in the world. Israel has fallen. Israel was crated to be a light amongst the nation. As it is that today Israel is a blight to other nations, it cannot possibly be the Israel God created. For that light was given to the gentiles to bare in Christ. Christ is the light, the temple, and the word now. Having finished the covenant Israel had with God, now God has moved on to save the gentiles. Israel's existence, by the very actions of Israel, prove it is not the nation God created eons ago.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
reply to post by AuranVector

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it." Lenin

I felt he was trying to control me by leading me.

..... Lots of Christian folk in the Bible Belt are some of the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish ("Chosen") that you can find in America.......


interesting thought about the Bible Belt !

the opening points and authorities mention "who knows just how deep this subject goes".

There are theories as to how the "Jewish" influences began in the deep South.

without a long dissertation, it simply began in the early 1500's with the Spanish conquests in the now U.S. Southeast. Many "Jewish" merchants and administrators from Spain and Sicily came across after the conveniently timed "expulsions" in 1492 and 1493, possibly as results of some Crown of Aragon influences and policies.

the Bible Belt influences are results of many Southern preachers that had (and still have) "Jewish" roots and support !

many slave traders and plantation owners were of "Jewish" roots !

too long a subject for this thread.

the "Bible" itself is a form of "media" .... yes ?

some members had a general discussion in All Roads Lead to Rome.

several posts apply on page 167 and 168
edit on Jun-05-2011 by xuenchen because:

edit on Jun-05-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:23 AM
and here we see opinions focusing on TV "evangelists" and Zionism

It’s official. “CUFI” (Christians United For Israel) is on the march.

Never mind that the CUFI label is misleading; “Christian Zionists United For Israel” (CZUFI) is the accurate label. Led by Christian Zionist TV Evangelist John Hagee, some 3400 mega-church leaders and supporters met in Washington in August '06 to lay out their goals and strategy.

Their overriding goal is to assure that all U.S. Foreign Policy toward the Middle East be geared to “restoring Israel’s Biblical borders”. The strategy is to divide the U.S. into 12 zones controlled by various mega-church leaders. These will oversee a network of supporters who can lay down a blanket of 20-40 million emails, phone calls, media spots, you name it, in a matter of hours to pressure policy makers on Israel related issues.

and here

makes people wonder if the likes of popular TV personalities like

Pat Robertson

Jerry Falwell

Jimmy Swaggert etc

may be of "Jewish" bloodlines ?

their methods of delivery do seem to resemble the Zionist tactics of "mass hysteria" !

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Xuenchen, I can't thank you enough for these leads. I just read the PT (can I mention his username?) post on the top of page 167 and it was like someone turned the light on. I've been trying to figure out how & why there has been the systematic destruction of Europe, and this spells it out. And of course, the same thing is happening here.

The farther you go down the rabbit hole....

This information on the Jews in the antebellum South is enlightening to say the least.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:09 PM

The scope of this conspiracy is breathtaking, I will never see things in the same way.

I wish I could shout this info from the roof tops, but you know what the results would be.

So much I did not know and so much I have yet to learn....

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Great stuff xuenchen, regarding the Old South.

Here's a link from Rense, has a lot of info people might find interesting regarding the subject:

Rense: 10,000 Confederate Jews...

Seems like the "extent of Jewish control" down South used to exceed that of the North.


posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth
reply to post by xuenchen

Great stuff xuenchen, regarding the Old South.

Here's a link from Rense, has a lot of info people might find interesting regarding the subject:

Rense: 10,000 Confederate Jews...

Seems like the "extent of Jewish control" down South used to exceed that of the North.


in some respects, the "Jewish" control in the South did excced the North's.

but in different ways.

the business climate was not the same, and there were cultural differences between the Northern European Ashkenazic and the Sephardic "ways of doing business".

the South was more open at the time.

the Northern "conservative" Jewish controls were more "hidden" due to the paranoia instilled in the upper classes. Those agendas eventually won out and have evolved to what we see today.

the Rothschild's financing tactics created both climates. Long story as you know.

One amazing point from the article is

The largest ethnic group to serve the Confederacy, however, was made up of first-, second- and third-generation Jewish lads. Old Jewish families, initially Sephardic and later Ashkenazic, had settled in the South generations before the war. Jews had lived in Charleston, S.C., since 1695. By 1800, the largest Jewish community in America lived in Charleston, where the oldest synagogue in America, K.K. Beth Elohim, was founded. By 1861, a third of all the Jews in America lived in Louisiana.

More than New York even !!!!!

the old American South was one example of "Jewish" control that had evolved from the entire colonization of Central and South America !

There also were Hispanic Confederates. Col. Santos Benavides, a former Texas Ranger, city attorney and mayor of Laredo, Texas, commanded the 33rd Texas Cavalry, while Gen. Refugio Benavides protected what was known as the Confederacy of the Rio Grande. Recent Irish Catholic immigrants also chose to fight for the South, as did a few stalwart Chinese who served nobly in Louisiana.

there's a pretty could chance that the Hispanics were from old Jewish families too.

many families had "cloaked" their heritage as they migrated from Europe and settled.

and of course, don't forget his guy:

Davis appointed Benjamin to be the first Attorney General of the Confederacy on February 25, 1861, remarking later that he chose him because he "had a very high reputation as a lawyer, and my acquaintance with him in the Senate had impressed me with the lucidity of his intellect, his systematic habits, and capacity for labor." Benjamin has been often referred to as "the Brains of the Confederacy."

YES folks, the first Confederate Attorney General was "Jewish" !!

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:56 PM
The Jews were heavily involved in the slave trade.
Strictly business you understand.
There is plenty of information available on this subject. Wherever money is to be made?
Well, I won't go there.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:50 PM
There may be a lot of Jews in positions of enormous power, in many different arenas. But to single out Jews (and I know you acknowledged they're not the ONLY ones in positions of power), is unhelpful to the discourse. And that's the bottom line.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Josephus23

Originally posted by Josephus23
reply to post by xuenchen

Gimme a minute. I am doing some research on the next post that will discuss some elements of Judaism and the Roman Empire that are not familiar to me.

Another post in an hour or two.


edit on 6/3/2011 by Josephus23 because: (no reason given)

isn't amasing how everytime, it end up that, All Roads Lead to Rome.
What about your next post, is it ready

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by meathed

Essentially, quit being like everyone else... If you don't like it, instead of sitting behind your keyboard and bitching, get out and change things or work at getting a change started.;.. Yeah, I kind of rambled at bit, but all in all, it seemed relatively simple to me.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by JR MacBeth

Rense: 10,000 Confederate Jews...

Seems like the "extent of Jewish control" down South used to exceed that of the North.

Thanks for that link, MacBeth. I had NO idea Jews were so important in the antebellum South until reading the info you & Xuenchen have posted here. Really adds a dimension to the Civil War that (as far as I know) is not normally taught in our schools.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by JR MacBeth

Rense: 10,000 Confederate Jews...

Seems like the "extent of Jewish control" down South used to exceed that of the North.

Thanks for that link, MacBeth. I had NO idea Jews were so important in the antebellum South until reading the info you & Xuenchen have posted here. Really adds a dimension to the Civil War that (as far as I know) is not normally taught in our schools.

welcome to Rome !

get your titanium shovel ready .....

you will be digging through some heavy-duty rocks on the way down !

and you might need a labor force of at least 6 to clear away the rubble as you uncover mysteries never before encountered !

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen

The largest ethnic group to serve the Confederacy, ... was made up of ... Jewish lads..... Jews had lived in Charleston, S.C., since 1695. By 1800, the largest Jewish community in America lived in Charleston, where the oldest synagogue in America, K.K. Beth Elohim, was founded. By 1861, a third of all the Jews in America lived in Louisiana.

More than New York even !!!!!

many families had "cloaked" their heritage as they migrated from Europe and settled.

YES folks, the first Confederate Attorney General was "Jewish" !!

Stunning info, Xuenchen. Especially interesting to me are the "Crypto-Jews" -- I had never even thought about that, but of course it makes sense. There must have been a number of Spanish & Portuguese Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity during the Inquisition to save their lives.

And, of course, in private they retained their heritage & connections. (Can't blame them.)

The more one digs in this area (extent of Jewish control), the more validation one finds. No wonder they want us to stop digging.
edit on 7-6-2011 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2011 by AuranVector because: cut down quotes

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by DeadBirdCitizen
There may be a lot of Jews in positions of enormous power, in many different arenas. But to single out Jews (and I know you acknowledged they're not the ONLY ones in positions of power), is unhelpful to the discourse. And that's the bottom line.

Why is it "unhelpful to the discourse," DeadBird?

Why are we not allowed to talk about the "elephant in the room" without being attacked as anti-Semitic?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

yes, the "Crypto-Jews" pose some interesting theories by themselves.

although they continue to practice Judaism while cloaked in Christianity, i don't know if that passes Rabbinical standards to be officially "Jewish" ? Exceptions to the rule perhaps.

Hence, that may put the "official" "Jewish" population at a much higher number than what is currently being claimed ! Especially in the Americas if not worldwide.

i wonder what the extent of this would mean for "control" purposes ?

maybe we would call it "crypto-control by remote-control" ... in all its hidden glory !

good observations

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by DeadBirdCitizen
There may be a lot of Jews in positions of enormous power, in many different arenas. But to single out Jews (and I know you acknowledged they're not the ONLY ones in positions of power), is unhelpful to the discourse. And that's the bottom line.

i assume you are addressing the OP and thread author.

the thread title mentions "Jewish" and the OP does not limit "Jewish" to the discussion ..

i stress Discussion ...

comments are welcome and by all means useful.

But, informative information and Discussion are the key to knowledge.

edit on Jun-07-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Operation Megaphone in full effect here THREAD

I think I should start documenting these guys that have ATS accounts, I think most posts in this thread are made by them

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