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Saudi men launch Facebook Campaign To Whip Women Who Dare To Drive

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by SophyC76
is this 2011!?!?
or did i travel back in time

Depressing isnt it?

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:32 PM
From a quick search, it looks like women can get a driver's license, but legally can't drive. Seems strange but it's probably for ID purposes.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by OneLife
This is one of the many groups that give Islam a bad rap I'm sure.

Correction. This IS Islam.

This isn't Islam, it's a CULTURAL thing as well as about tradition. Islam gives women equal rights in almost everything AND they gave them way before "Western civilization" ever did. Muslim take one look at Western society, see what "freedom" does to a woman, and don't want that infiltrating their society. There's nothing wrong with that, it's THEIR society. Anyone that doesn't like it is not being forced to live there. You're more than welcome to move if you don't like it.

Personally, I'm all for women's rights, but the Saudi's just need to be careful not to give too many rights.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:13 PM
I would drop a soap box and rant all day about how barbaric this is and how backwards Islam is but would that stop the abuse in Saudi Arabia or any other Islamic nation? No surprise or shock that's just Islam and trying to change it or cry out against it is like trying to put out the sun with a water gun.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:21 PM
I feel really bad for the Saudi Arabian women over there. They treat the women as pets, not human beings! It's really sad that this stuff is still going on. I wonder if we as a whole race will advance greatly. I do say religion does hold us back.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:45 PM
This furthers my theory that middle eastern men are the most intolerant people on Earth.

Also, they are the ONLY people that have the balls to immigrate to another country, and demand that the ENTIRE country convert to Islam and follow their laws.

It's disgusting, insulting, and astonishingly arrogant. You want an Islamic, barbaric government? Move back to your 120 degree desert wasteland, and continue killing each other over ancient feuds.

I should stay out of the middle east, because if I ever saw a man whipping a woman over something this ridiculous, I would be facing murder charges.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:11 PM
I am amazed at the bigotry and racism, the hypocrisy being shown by people on this thread.

Talking about "that part of the world" when actually this is just one country.
Condeming Islam when this is a local cultural issue, not a religious one.

How can you take the moral high ground and at the same time admit that you would kill a man who you saw whipping a woman? As if you have the right to punish with death, (Or in one case the removal of the mans genitals) a man who is acting within his cultural norms merely because your culture dislikes what he is doing.

It has been said on here that we should have been at war with this counrtry. More killing!! At war with a nation merely because your cultural attitudes differ? I am not defending the abuse of women, merley pointing out that it is none of your busines!

It is this arrogant, high brow Chritian based, USA Lead "We are the world police" attitude which will in the end do more damage to the worlds society than anything currently happening in Soudi Arabia.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Adyta

Also, they are the ONLY people that have the balls to immigrate to another country, and demand that the ENTIRE country convert to Islam and follow their laws.

Unlike the US who send in the armed forces to acheive the changes they want. Can't you see the hypocrasy behind your statement. Look at what is happing in the middle east dude! Regime change was the sole reasoin for the war in Afganistan.

Iran and Pakistan will be next. You see!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

There is a HUGE difference... We went into Iraq and Afghanistan to bring change the PEOPLE wanted and deserved. Liberation from oppressive governments.

They go to other countries and demand people conform to THEIR beliefs, against the people's will.

Do not compare our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to the "invasion" of Islamic immigrants, it's not even remotely similar.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Shamatt
I am amazed at the bigotry and racism, the hypocrisy being shown by people on this thread.

Talking about "that part of the world" when actually this is just one country.
Condeming Islam when this is a local cultural issue, not a religious one.

How can you take the moral high ground and at the same time admit that you would kill a man who you saw whipping a woman? As if you have the right to punish with death, (Or in one case the removal of the mans genitals) a man who is acting within his cultural norms merely because your culture dislikes what he is doing.

It has been said on here that we should have been at war with this counrtry. More killing!! At war with a nation merely because your cultural attitudes differ? I am not defending the abuse of women, merley pointing out that it is none of your busines!

It is this arrogant, high brow Chritian based, USA Lead "We are the world police" attitude which will in the end do more damage to the worlds society than anything currently happening in Soudi Arabia.

Wow. Your beliefs are so shocking, I can only be thankful that you are not, or ever will be, in a position of power in our government.

No, it is not just one country. Crap like this is happening all over the middle east... Saying we should accept it as "part of the culture" is absolutely ridiculous. Using that same logic, we should turn a blind eye to so called "honor killing" happening right here in America?

Oh, and stop with the USA bashing. It's gotten old. Either you are a self-hating American, or one of those jealous Europeans that hate the fact that we are, in fact, the world police and number 1 super power.

Is it so shocking that some of us would like to "punish a man with death" for this? After all, in the middle east, a woman could be punished with death for simply not being a virgin.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Adyta
reply to post by Shamatt

There is a HUGE difference... We went into Iraq and Afghanistan to bring change the PEOPLE wanted and deserved. Liberation from oppressive governments.

Ahh! - you are the person who believed that line! Nice to meet you, I know there was someone out there whi did.

Please!!!!! We went in looking for "terrorists" and "WMD", found neither and stayed for the oil! The fact that you see your version of democracy as the best thing in the world and decided the people would be better off with it than jjust being left allone is another brick inn the wall off agorance and ignorance which has plagued the world since European countries were building their empires hundreds of years ago. Have we learned nothing?

Originally posted by Adyta

They go to other countries and demand people conform to THEIR beliefs, against the people's will.

No they don't. Give one example!

Originally posted by Adyta

Do not compare our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to the "invasion" of Islamic immigrants, it's not even remotely similar.

Yes it is. It is the attempt to impose your coultural and religious beleifs on a foreign population because you arrogantly think you are better than they are. End of story!

This possition has been prevelent in world powers since the time of empires.


posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:23 PM
I have always wondered ,
why muslim men can do just about anything,
yet their women are supposed to hold the morals of their religion
by threat of indignation and or even basic human rights??

edit on 5/27/2011 by Ex because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

Ahh. So when my uncle, brother in law, best friend, and countless other friends came back from Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm guessing all those photos showing happy citizens cheering for the US forces and holding signs of support were fakes then?

I remember a story my uncle told me about when he was in Afghanistan. He told me of a woman kneeling in the street, begging for money... My Uncle threw her a $5 or $10 bill (can't remember which), and the woman picked it up and broke down into tears. I suppose those were tears of hatred then?

The Queen can either "become Muslim, or leave the country". Here's just one example.

Yes it is. It is the attempt to impose your coultural and religious beleifs on a foreign population because you arrogantly think you are better than they are. End of story! This possition has been prevelent in world powers since the time of empires.

No, it is not. We haven't forced our cultural OR religious beliefs onto the people of Iraq or Afghanistan, other than what the people WANTED... democracy... and it's not because we "think we're better than them", it's because we consider them equals.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:52 PM
Well all I can say is....

WOW What a bunch of Wankers these Saudie men are'

I'd truly love to see one of them come here to Australia for a holiday and start beating up their female Taxi driver, and see if they actually survive long enough to make it back to the airport and get out of the country..

Islam is the sickest religion around, in terms of womens rights...

I think everyone here should join the facebook page and tell these guys what worthless scum they are in the eyes of the international community..

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:52 PM
Total supporter toward anyone being mis-treated here or in mid-east or anywhere on this Ball. Mid-east Men, seems to me, are traditional and the Women living in that tradition subscribe. It's not nice that change takes generations in this cause, I feel for the Saudi Ladies suppressed into the old world with millenia to go before being totally able to blossum.


posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by burntheships

lol...thats fricken hilarious

we should ban them from driving in the states as well

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
Days after a Saudi woman by the name of Sharif posted a YouTube video of herself defying Saudi's Arabia's ban on women driving, she was then arrested by police and imprisoned for five days, charged with "spurring women to drive, on the Internet, and inciting public opinion,"

Now, AFP is reporting that a Facebook page has sprouted up calling for men to beat any Saudi women who drive their cars with an iqal; the cord men use to keep their headdress in place.

6,500 "likes" at the moment!

The Facebook page is titled :
You Drive, I Whip!

Sharifs driving video is here:
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 26-5-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

Having read that page, i dont think that is the one calling for the whipping

According to the reports, more than 11,500 women and men in Saudi Arabia have joined the female drive while around 1,400 have so far joined the men’s counter-campaign. “We warn women against adopting Western attitudes and concepts and against a large increase in road accidents in case women are allowed to drive cars,” the men’s site said. The warning was met by a similar threat from women, who said on the page that they could use “bladed weapons in case they are intercepted by any one while they are driving.”

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Adyta

OK, fair enough - I respect your opinion, but I do disagree strongly. No point arguing neither one of us is likely to change their possition.

I can't bring myself to support illegal wars, one which was justified and started on lies, and 1 started on Idealism. Regime change, protection of the US$ and oil supplies all just below the surface. Eventually to be exposed. It's just wrong.

I do, however, have utmost respect for the armed forces personell, like your friends and family, who bravely put themselves on the line in service to their countries. I just wish those countries had better jugement.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:58 AM
So why is it wrong for women to drive? I'm still trying to figure that out. It probably has something to do with some ridiculously obscure verse in the Qur'an that if you use your imagination really hard could kind of be interpreted that way. At least, that is my theory based upon my experience with religious wingnuts. Granted, I'm more than a little jaded.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:59 AM

These little boys are afraid their subordinate chattel, I mean prisoners, I mean women, will get in the car and drive...

... and drive

... and keep on driving

... and not come back

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