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Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
Originally posted by SG-17
reply to post by DerbyCityLights
How does social welfare impact personal freedoms? You are still free to drive cars in Sweden, you are still free to use private health care in Sweden, you are still free to overpay for housing and utilities in Sweden, you are still free to not vote in Sweden, etc. Social welfare of the democratic socialist variety doesn't impact personal freedoms at all, if anything it increases them. No one is going to "take your guns", no one is going to abridge your right to free speech, right to assembly, or anything else defined by the Constitution or common law.
If you really feel that way, renounce your citizenshiop and move to sweden. Cause Im telling you right now, your belief is no longer the majority in this country.
Originally posted by SG-17
Once upon a time the United States was the most progressive nation in the world and the best place possible to live. No more.
prog·ress [n. prog-res, -ruhs or, especially Brit., proh-gres; v. pruh-gres] –noun
1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
2. developmental activity in science, technology, etc., especially with reference to the commercial opportunities created thereby or to the promotion of the material well-being of the public through the goods, techniques, or facilities created.
3. advancement in general.
Originally posted by SG-17
reply to post by DerbyCityLights
Why don't you actually explain how democratic socialism negatively impacts our personal freedoms, or can't you?
No, the true failing of this country is that too many people, both in power and the voters, can't see what is best for the people....
The Irresponsibility of Ben Bernanke and How He Will Destroy the Dollar
...Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing approach is immoral, failed Keynesianism and harmful. ..... It is a deliberate but hidden default on government obligations. It steals from taxpayers because it is a hidden tax on income and wealth. In all of these respects, it is outright theft!
...All economists know the solution to unemployment is lower real wages.
All economists know the solution to unemployment is lower real wages. A central part of Keynes’ theory was the notion of money illusion. Keynes believed that workers would not accept nominal decreases in wages but that they could be fooled via inflation, a belief that only an elitist could have. If the cost of living goes up and wages stay the same, then real wages go down and presumably employment goes up (or down less than it otherwise would). Inflation, the critical tool in the Keynesian paradigm, has been used regularly. Since the formation of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen almost 96%.
Inflation, the critical tool in the Keynesian paradigm, has been used regularly. Since the formation of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen almost 96%.
Could Bernanke Spark a Run on the Dollar?
...QE2′s greatest shortcoming is that is really doesn’t create jobs as advertised. It’s just more supply side, “trickle down” monetary theory designed to goose the market while workers languish in unemployment lines. Here’s how the Wall Street journal’s Kelly Evans summed it up: ”…the limits of monetary policy are becoming clearer. History suggests any further easing probably would do too much for the stock market and asset prices, and too little for jobs.The only real fix is to lower the cost of U.S. workers relative to foreign rivals and machines, or else raise their bang for the buck. The latter, while clearly preferable, requires education and training that won’t turn things around overnight.” (“The Fed’s Magic Show Appears to Be Over”, Wall Street Journal)
In other words, the Fed is planning to give every working man and woman in the US a big pay-cut so they can go nose-to-nose with foreign labor.
You can see how this blends seamlessly with Obama’s State of the Union Speech where he focused on “competition” as his central theme. More importantly, Obama reiterated his pledge to double exports in the next 5 years. The only way that can be achieved is by destroying the dollar.
edit on 26-5-2011 by crimvelvet because: fumble fingers
Where do you think all that money from socolized programs comes from?
Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
Ha! You have GOT to be kidding!
Where do you think all that money from socolized programs comes from? If you dont know, you should do a little more research. There is no such thing as a Utopia and even if there was, I would not want to be a part of it. Talk about boreing and sterile....
No, the downfall of this country is the "entitled" mentality, backed by laziness and a sever lack of self respect.edit on 26-5-2011 by DerbyCityLights because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by SG-17
Once upon a time the United States was the most progressive nation in the world ...
Originally posted by SG-17
reply to post by DerbyCityLights
You'd be a great replacement for Glenn Beck with the way that you twist words.
Too many people act against their own interests because they don't know any better.
Do you think that if everyone was aware at how high the quality of life and socially strong so many European nations are they would continue to vote for the people who are hell bent to keep us in the first half of the 20th century?
Do you think that if everyone was aware at how high the quality of life and socially strong so many European nations are they would continue to vote for the people who are hell bent to keep us in the first half of the 20th century?
...All of this is smoke and mirrors propaganda, why ? Because the Government / Bank of England Wants / Needs HIGH Inflation, and has done so since the start of the financial crisis several years ago, as I will illustrate in this article, high real inflation remains the ONLY response that the Government and it's central bank have to deal with Britain's debt crisis (ever increasing debt mountain) as the alternative is to go down the same path as bankrupting Greece....
The Bank of England also downgraded the UK economies GDP growth forecast for 2011....
IFR-COMMENT: Greece restructuring worse than Lehman bankruptcy?
Tue Apr 26, 201
While the official line is that Greece does not need a restructuring, if one reads between the lines (and joins the dots) it is clear that a restructuring is not only possible but the most probable outcome. The ECB is against a debt restructuring from any Eurozone country but they now have a new warning from the ECB's Gonzalez-Paramo in the form of a restructuring being more damaging than Lehman's bankruptcy of Sept 2008.....
Debt Crisis: The EU is the fear of bankruptcy to Portugal
A threat of state bankruptcy Portugal produces great nervousness at the EU summit. He should adopt a historic € reform.
Concern about a bankruptcy Portugal strain on the EU summit in Brussels. The government crisis in Lisbon, speculation is rife that the highly indebted southern European country no longer do without help.Portugal could soon emerge as the second candidate to Ireland in the Euro-rescue
Markets fend off Portugal crisis but will Spain break their back?
To all intents and purposes Portugal is already bankrupt, with its non-financial debt representing more than 410% of its GDP...
But on the other hand sit the problems in Spain – where at 354% the non-financial debt level is only marginally in the shadows of the figures for Portugal and Greece, yet its unemployment level far outstrips that of both countries.
Banking crisis hits Germany with full force
For the past 10 years, all of the cuts made in the public services have been justified with the argument that it was necessary to balance the German federal budget by the year 2011. This includes the anti-social measures (Agenda 2010) introduced by the previous Social Democratic Party-Green Party government.
Now, Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück (Social Democrats--SPD) has made €26.5 billion available to bail out a single German bank. Overnight, his budget targets have been thrown overboard.
With the imminent bankruptcy of the bank Hypo Real Estate (HRE), the financial crisis has hit Germany with full force....
Iceland crisis: what does "national bankruptcy" mean?
Oct 12, 2008 - Iceland's prime minister has raised the spectre of his country being at risk of "national bankruptcy" as a financial crisis took hold.
...If a country no longer has enough foreign currency to pay for imports, it typically must borrow funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or other countries.
...The IMF historically has used its loans with member countries as leverage to push for changes in fiscal and economic policies....
...Structural Adjustment Policies are economic policies which countries must follow in order to qualify for new World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans and help them make debt repayments on the older debts owed to commercial banks, governments and the World Bank...
SAPs generally require countries to devalue their currencies against the dollar; lift import and export restrictions; balance their budgets and not overspend; and remove price controls and state subsidies...
....As a result, SAPs often result in deep cuts in programmes like education, health and social care, and the removal of subsidies designed to control the price of basics such as food and milk. So SAPs hurt the poor most, because they depend heavily on these services and subsidies....
By devaluing the currency and simultaneously removing price controls, the immediate effect of a SAP is generally to hike prices up three or four times, increasing poverty to such an extent that riots are a frequent result.
I'll simplify it for you, son. I am still taxed for it whether I want or need it....
Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by The Old American
I'll simplify it for you, son. I am still taxed for it whether I want or need it....
I'll simplify it even more. Why the heck should I even try to work???
I have a buddy on Section eight who said she would show me the ropes on how to get welfare for a back injury like she did. She even makes a bit of extra money selling her prescription pain meds.
I had a severe back injury over thirty years ago so why should't I grab the government tit???
Those country have been messed up since time immemorial, I am talking about ones like Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and the Netherlands
Stopping a Financial Crisis, the Swedish Way
September 22, 2008
A banking system in crisis after the collapse of a housing bubble. An economy hemorrhaging jobs. A market-oriented government struggling to stem the panic. Sound familiar?
It does to Sweden. The country was so far in the hole in 1992 — after years of imprudent regulation, short-sighted economic policy and the end of its property boom — that its banking system was, for all practical purposes, insolvent.
But Sweden took a different course than the one now being proposed by the United States Treasury. And Swedish officials say there are lessons from their own nightmare that Washington may be missing.
Sweden did not just bail out its financial institutions by having the government take over the bad debts. It extracted pounds of flesh from bank shareholders before writing checks. Banks had to write down losses and issue warrants to the government.
That strategy held banks responsible and turned the government into an owner. When distressed assets were sold, the profits flowed to taxpayers, and the government was able to recoup more money later by selling its shares in the companies as well....
Sweden spent 4 percent of its gross domestic product,... to rescue ailing banks....
But the final cost to Sweden ended up being less than 2 percent of its G.D.P.....
A few American commentators have proposed that the United States government extract equity from banks as a price for their rescue. But it does not seem to be under serious consideration yet in the Bush administration or Congress.
The reason is not quite clear. The government has already swapped its sovereign guarantee for equity in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance institutions, and the American International Group, the global insurance giant.
Putting taxpayers on the hook without anything in return could be a mistake, said Urban Backstrom, a senior Swedish finance ministry official at the time. “The public will not support a plan if you leave the former shareholders with anything,” he said....
... "The Prime Minister of England came here for money! He came here to collect cash!
"He came here with Fed Currency and other claims against the Fed which England had bought up in all parts of the world. And he has presented them for redemption in gold.
"Mr. Chairman, I am in favor of compelling the Fed to pay their own debts. I see no reason why the general public should be forced to pay the gambling debts of the International Bankers...."
"..."At noon on the 4th of March, 1933, FDR with his hand on the Bible, took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the U.S. At midnight on the 5th of March, 1933, he confiscated the property of American citizens. He took the currency of the United States standard of value. He repudiated the internal debt of the Government to its own citizens. He destroyed the value of the American dollar. He released, or endeavored to release, the Fed from their contractual liability to redeem Fed currency in gold or lawful money on a parity with gold. He depreciated the value of the national currency.
"The people of the U.S. are now using unredeemable paper slips for money. The Treasury cannot reeem that paper in gold or silver. The gold and silver of the Treasury has unlawfully been given to the corrupt and dishonest Fed...."
Remarks in Congress, 1934 by Congressman, Louis T. McFadden
You just exemplified the very essence of collectivity. You assume that just because you have one friend who is taking advantage of the rest of us, they must all be.
Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Cuervo
You just exemplified the very essence of collectivity. You assume that just because you have one friend who is taking advantage of the rest of us, they must all be.
ONE friend??? I have lived in the inner city/"combat zone" of several cities. I have met a heck of a lot more people who were taking advantage of the system vs those who really needed it.
Funny thing is the ones who really need it are usually the one reluctant to ask and are often the ones turned down. And yes those are the ones I have tried to help.
The amount of corruption I have seen in Social Services here in the USA makes me ILL!
Originally posted by DerbyCityLights
Ha! You have GOT to be kidding!
There is no such thing as a Utopia and even if there was, I would not want to be a part of it. Talk about boreing and sterile....
(no reason given)
Originally posted by SG-17
reply to post by DerbyCityLights
Why don't you actually explain how democratic socialism negatively impacts our personal freedoms, or can't you?