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Sarah Palin Is about to become the GOP Lead Candidate for POTUS !

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM
LMAO.......I hope I at least get to see her in a political debate for POTUS.

It will be so thrilling to see Ron Paul squash her like a bug.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
The fact that this woman still has any relevance at all in our political arena is outrageous.

But this is just a poll. They can put anything in these polls they want.

Have YOU ever been polled?

I haven't.....

Polls are a bunch of b.s.

It matters alot I'd imagine, if you're Sarah Palin and her busband Todd's ego. Everything means something at some level, right?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
I'm beginning to suspect that you Palin supporters are actually DNC plants trying to nominate an unelectable candidate to guarantee that Obama wins in 2012.

That's what I'm starting to think too. Look at where a president with little to no experience has gotten us, and you all want to vote in another one just like him? A woman who quit her post as governor when things got rough just so she could be a reality star? If you all were smart you would at least back Ron Paul, or someone else like him, who knows the issues and can argue them effectively, and not someone who's handlers had to actually train them how to debate in the middle of their campaign for VP.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by aCurious1
I so very much look forward to seeing Obama debate Palin.

One problem with that.

Then you'd know it's fixed, the whole damn thing.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by JeepOrDie

We can't afford to keep being "short term memory America" anymore. Other older and wiser countries make 100+ year policy plans, while we can barely remember what happened six months ago here, let alone 4-8 years of a presidential term.

Oh the USA has 100+ year policy plans it is just that WE the people never know about them or vote on them.

Here is an Article about one of the plans LINK

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

It matters alot I'd imagine, if you're Sarah Palin and her busband Todd's ego

LMAO.......I love the "Todd's ego" remark......

I just wish she would disappear.....PLEASE IF THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:41 PM
Wow! TPTB must REALLY want Obama to win a second term if they're honestly considering propping up Palin as a candidate. At this point Palin might be the only person Obama could actually beat in order to win a second term.

Through her "governance" of a state (notably, one with a population less than that of the city of Austin TX) she proved her commitment to her word by bailing on those who were foolish enough to elect/support her, and abandoning her oath of office; all for the sake of personal gains as a pseudo-celebrity. There is now no question that she places personal gains before her word, and before the well being of anyone she's "sworn" to represent.

If, and that's a BIG "if", she even had a shred of viability in the 08 election, she threw it all out the window when she abandoned and betrayed her oath of office. She may still be a fun political cheerleader, but to anyone whose blood still remains in their head, the one that's attached to their neck and shoulders, she's already committed political suicide when it comes to actual candidacy.
edit on 5/26/11 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by redmage

If, and that's a BIG "if", she even had a shred of viability in the 08 election, she threw it all out the window when she abandoned and betrayed her oath of office. She may still be a fun political cheerleader, but to anyone whose blood still remains in their head, the one that's attached to their neck and shoulders, she's already committed political suicide when it comes to actual candidacy.

Yes, true......

Maybe she's the perfect candidate to lead the zombies in the aftermath of the upcoming "Zombie Apocalypse."

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Habit4ming

Precisely because Cain worked for the Federal Reserve is why I would not vote for him (Herman Cain) under any circumstances!!

I mentioned him because I could see him drawing a wide group of voters. Unfortunately having the Federal Reserve on his resume AND supporting Keynesian Economics is a real killer., which is a shame since he had several other things going for him.

Louis T. McFadden was also a banker, served as treasurer and President of the Pennsylvania Bankers’ Association. However he was a "vociferous foe of the Federal Reserve," so being a banker and supporting the Federal Reserve are not necessarily the same thing. Actually having an "inside view" can often make you develop a deep hatred as Davison Budhoo did.

"Today I resigned from the staff of the International Monetary Fund after over 12 years, and after 1000 days of official fund work in the field, hawking your medicine and your bag of tricks to governments and to peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. To me, resignation is a priceless liberation, for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples. Mr. Camdessus, the blood is so much, you know, it runs in rivers. It dries up too; it cakes all over me; sometimes I feel that there is not enough soap in the whole world to cleanse me from the things that I did do in your name and in the name of your predecessors, and under your official seal. "

With those words, Davison Budhoo, a senior economist with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for more than 12 years, publicly resigned in May, 1988....

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
The fact that this woman still has any relevance at all in our political arena is outrageous.

But this is just a poll. They can put anything in these polls they want.

Have YOU ever been polled?

I haven't.....

Polls are a bunch of b.s.

Gallup in fact did call my father one time long ago.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by aCurious1
I so very much look forward to seeing Obama debate Palin.

"Ummm, let me be clear, ah..."

"I can see Russia from my house!"

"I have, ah, maintained a, um, firmly ambivalent stance on, ah, Russian housing."


posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

You have to love being an American, look! even the Re-Re's can run for President lol

In all seriousness, no. there should be an aptitude test to be able to run for President, just like trying to go to college, which, wouldnt be a bad idea for Sarah Palin to check out.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by Rockdisjoint

It shouldnt matter about sex, religion etc I refuse to vote for a moron

Morons yeah they 're the ones with all the wives and the holy underwear -- I wouldn't vote for one of them either.
edit on 26-5-2011 by spyder550 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by mac420

No worries, some Paparazzi will catch her without her makup on, and then it'll be all over for her.

Forgive me Sarah, but the Presidency of the USA isn't something you can declare from the stage of a beauty pagent.

"And I will become President of the United States, and change America forever."

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:42 PM
My Obama pajamas give "Montezuma's Revenge" so I'm not going to vote this election...corone!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:45 PM
The same Sarah Palin that talks family values:
yet couldnt teach her teenage daughter to keep her legs shut, or atleast teach her daughter basic sex ed?

The same Palin who could not answer what her favorite Newspaper was.
The same who did not know what the bush doctrine was?
The same who bitched about someone using a teleprompter, yet she acts like a retarded 2nd grader and puts notes on her hands...INCORRECT ONES AT THAT.

The same who quit as governor of alaska after 2 years?
The same who thinks Africa is a country?


Yeah nominate her teabaggers, the Obama administration thanks you.

Between her and look at the wrong camera for 15 minutes crosseyed Michele Bachmann the Tea Party / Teabags have some truely retarded members.

edit on 26-5-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by anon72
reply to post by ScousePhil

Rather join a terrorist group hell bent on killing Americans....

There are several to choose from: CIA, FBI, BATF, NSA, TSA, etc... Remember Randy Weaver (Iowa native) and the Ruby Ridge incident? It was not al-Queda that invaded his property on bogus charges. No sirree...Government snipers shot his wife Vicki in the head, shot his son Sammy in the hand and in the back, not to mention they killed their yellow lab Striker. All because of Weaver's mistrust of the government and the fact he wanted him and his family to be left alone.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:00 PM
People who hate Sarah Palin must LOVE paying $5 for Gas.

Seriously, did anyone listen to her?

All she was saying during McCain's campaign was "Drill here, and Drill NOW"

America has a trillion barrels of oil more than Saudi Arabia, enough to last us for hundreds of years (a trillion is a lot. Think about it.)

Why aren't we drilling into our soil for that OIL?

I'd definitely vote for either Palin or Ron Paul come 2012, gladly.

Only fools who hate America would vote otherwise

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Only a retard would think this moron is "smart".

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:09 PM
She's scares, horrifies and pisses off liberals, therefore she's ok in my book. I'd love to see her win just to watch the meltdown on the left.

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