posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Vicky32
I'd say provide links to examples.
The Mods collectively have no sides or agenda, other than upholding the terms and conditions of the site. There are Mods who are skeptics, believers,
etc. in any particular subject, just as different members agree or disagree.
If one side of an issue is committing acts in violation of the terms, then yes, you'll see mod actions, but, in an unruly thread, these are taken
against everyone in violation, regardless of the "side" of the issue they are on.
Personal attacks are personal attacks, for example, whether you agree with me on an issue or not.
Personally, I've probably handed out more Applauses to those who differed from my opinion, but offered compelling info to make me re-evaluate my
stance, than I have to those who agreed with me.