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Police goes brutal on a guy, crowd gets angry and beat the hell out of cops

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posted on May, 28 2011 @ 06:17 PM
great post!!!! I loved it. Im a military police myself and this # is just plain wrong. Abusing your authority is wrong.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by QuickWick
great post!!!! I loved it. Im a military police myself and this # is just plain wrong. Abusing your authority is wrong.

Thank you for posting that...and I feel there are many police who do not condone excessive violence by their fellow officers.

For those of you who insist this thread is only for cop bashing..please..reconsider that thought.

I have seen a lot of cops do a great job like I said earlier in a few posts, and they do it with dignity,and wisdom.

I'm grateful for the work they do protecting and serving us,and it can't be an easy job.

That being said,there are those who abuse their powers ,and totally disregard the laws of how they should do their job. If that wasn't the case ,there wouldn't be those who have been charged and convicted for how they handle situations, as well as victims being awarded large settlements.

Even cops know there are some very NASTY and CORRUPT cops out there, and would be the first to admit that.

Serpico is just one example of this..but he had the courage to expose them for what they were...and he still suffers from retaliation to this day, from my understanding of what I've read.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by 9an9a

Just a correction to the correction: this wasn't in Portugal, it was a Benfica pre-season game in Switzerland.

PS: I don't think there are private security companies acting in public events as soccer games in Portugal, as far as I understand it (and I'm not a lawyer), they do not have any more rights than the other citizens, so they cannot arrest anyone (and the Constitution gives us the right to resist to any attack when it isn't possible to ask for the intervention of the authorities).

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:09 PM
If only this could happen on the streets of America. I've seen too many youtube videos of police brutalising people with no consequences. If the people finally rose up to protect one another, we wouldn't have these problems.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 10:10 PM
as has been noted several time, these arent cps. they are private security. And this is not a 'current event'. the video is at least a few years old. Also, not in the US.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Yes, you are right.
It happened in 2008, during a private soccer game between Benfica and Etoile Carouge, and they were not cops.
The name of the company is "Protectas" and this is link to a Portuguese sports newspaper where everything is explained.
(Use google translate)

edit on 29-5-2011 by 9an9a because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2011 by 9an9a because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by 9an9a

It was in 2004, as it says in that Portuguese article.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:34 AM
Meh, av seen worse at a Celtic and Rangers old firm match.

Really though I think the police were in the right, they did have to remove him from the pitch and from the angle of the camera it’s impossible to see exactly where the guy is being hit and why, looked to me like he was resisting. Most football fans in my view are just like the football stars they blindly worship as fake gods anyway, Scumbags or as we call them NEDS. He shouldn’t have been on the pitch in the first place running the flow of the game for all his fellow delinquents so he got what was coming to him.

ATS is quickly turning into the Mecca for the anti-police it seems like every day there is a new video of “police brutality” yet deep down you all know that when TSHTF you go running to the police. If your kid goes missing, you run to the police, if your wife is murdered you go running to the police, if your assaulted, your home broken into, your identity stolen and so on you go running to the police because most of you (myself included) will need the police at some point in your life. We should support the police and not the criminals, this guy was breaching the peace as such he was a criminal and he should be treated as such. Yet on ATS we complain about how heavy handed the police get in the pursuit to maintain law and order. What do you want no police?

The dawn on posting these videos on the internet I think makes the police less effective with the fear of being the latest YouTube sensation what police officer in his right mind is going to draw his baton at a dangerous perp. Taking another football incident for example, Neil Lennon the current Celtic manager was assaulted by a football hooligan during a match, quite interesting to watch how the police reacted. They were very hands off, why, because they don’t want to be seen as being violent or taking sides in the sectarianism that the NEDs have plagued our society with then have the video of the match posed on YouTube from hundreds of different articles with the title “ Police take the side of Celtic and violently assault Rangers (or hearts) fan”. The same thing must now happen during riots, no police officer wants to be the guy who is videoed hitting the aggressive protester over the head or even worse shooting the suspected knife holder with a taser then face a external investigation into his or her conduct and have to spend 6 months behind a desk and go to court and justify his actions. This culture of videoing the aggressive side of police work at its most extreme and out of contest then posting it on the internet is very quickly making out police services impotent.

It’s just became fashionable on ATS to flame the police, perhaps if I backtrack a little bit and tell you all that I think they were possibly a bit heavily handed I might just get a few stars. Because that is what it’s really all about now on ATS, you’re all now one of the “sheep” because this produces those stars and flags and that means you get some attention.

I say they should have brought in a riot squad, waters cannons, rubber bullets, dogs, the lot and arrested all of those fans who chose to challenge the authority of the police.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by 9an9a
Just a correction to the thread title.
They are not cops, but a private security company.
This happened at a soccer game in Portugal, and security guys deserve that

LOL not even cops, but I bet in everyone’s mind it’s still ok to blame the police for this.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Not a deserved ass kicking, for sure.. If you follow the video carefully you can see the jerk with the baton got away without so much as a ruffeled shirt. He was the trouble maker in this instance. Lucku guy!!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

They were the "authority' at hand. and as such should have behaved much better. And the worst part is the poor guy who got knocked out (cop) wasn't the one with the baton. He got away scott free. Go figure?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:09 AM
yes people are starting to stand up for what they beleive is right. got what they deserved bullies.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by RnJoe

Probably because the rest knew what they were going to get if they struck out at him.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:11 PM
I don’t know what makes them dumb, but it really works.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Well honestly I could make the point that at most security companies worldwide they recruit heavily from ex-police and military, they are first choice stands to reason that the mentality of "Cop" and "Rent A Cop" are not that different. Lol, I believe the crowd did overreact in continuing to kick the guard after he was down, but what can I say everybody wanted a turn I guess? And somebody should have grabbed that sniveling coward that left his *more than likely friend* and at the very least colleague to get his face stomped in while he ran to safety. A bit excessive on both ends but still in the words of the great George Carlin, "I'm an American I pay to see this kind of violence it's entertaining to see horrible things happen in other countries, that's what they're there for." Lol.....And also in reply to one poster, saying they wished they would see this kind of response in the U.S. to police brutality, you will eventually and let me tell you I become enraged at injustice from police, if I ever see the police do something like that to someone I know or love I will probably be on the news having been shot by backup after kicking the everliving crap out of the one doing the brutality.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:48 PM
that was F**king Brilliant...

I wish people would stand up to corrupt cops like this more often.

they deserved every single second of punishment they got...

Hell im gona watch it again!!

Love it

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
reply to post by Vitchilo

Two wrongs do not make a right

yes they shouldn't have been hitting that guy like that in anyway. There were plenty of them where they could restrain him. I don't think he was going anywhere.

However when they did attempt to get away and were mobbed that is where I do not agree.

Actions have consequences.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Two wrongs don't make a right, but certainly the second wrong often makes you feel much better and makes the original wronger face consequences. I don't support violence, but I must say I smirked when those "cops" figured out what was happening, it's like a bully finally having to go against someone bigger than him. I used to have a serious hatred for cops/security/riotpolice, now I just try to ignore them, but when it comes to them getting retribution for their unneeded use of force, well I'm not going to complain about that. I personally applaud the head kicking, as that is an abusive cop/gang member favorite, I just wish they had gotten the one with the baton. If you don't want to be arrested, don't run onto a sports field, if you don't want to have your head kicked in for "police" brutality, then figure out how 4 guys can easily control 1 small guy without excessive force...quite simple.

Also, I wanted to add that this is certainly not a police bashing thread, it's a thread bashing overusing your power. Here is the classic cop shoving someone off a bike video to show who we are really concerned about. There are innumerable policemen who deal with real criminals and who will merely take your illegal substance if you give it to them when they ask first, we have no problem with these real peace officers, only the control freaks and the TSA molesters.
edit on 29-5-2011 by SincerelySarcastic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Retikx

If you are referring to me, no - nobody should be beating on anybody, I did not say that.

I did say that I wouldn't be a cop for 100k or more a year with the scary mean brutal monsters out there.

I do not condone police brutality.

But when you pay your ticket to see a sports game, concert or play you are paying to watch a performance and not participate................there are barriers and law and order must be maintained. Once anyone breaks through a barrier he/she is beginning to incite "mob mentality" and that is endangering everyone.

Yes one security cop got carried away.........some cops get carried away. And yes for the tenth time, that was wrong.

Any copy or security officer that gets carried away should be prosecuted and locked up like anyone else.

Again, nobody should be beating around on anyone else.........we are in agreement about that.

A group of security / police should have dragged the guy off the court and put him in the paddy wagon.

Now in watching COPS and other shows that now have cameras, cops don't have it easy.

Now, what are your views on executions and war?????

Both are state / country sanctioned murder. Pure and simple murder.


I totally agree the security officer (wasn't a policeman) over reacted and should be charged with assult.

However, everyone bashing cops in general must stop. If TSHTF which everyone on ATS likes to talk about so much were to happen and all our law enforcement officers were to disappear you would be at the mercy of hordes of marauding bandits, raping your daughters, stealing your possessions, taking over your homes etc.

Read Lights Out by David Crawford aka: Half Past Fast................better hope the cops stick around, no our laws, our justice system and many of the individuals within are flawed, but law and order beats chaos and anarchy anyday.

The key importance here is anyone, whether in law enforcement or civilian that is caught beating up or bullying another person yes should be thrown in jail.

But, many times, if you watch these cop shows, they are simply doing their job and many people are real obnoxious........spit on them, kick them, punch them, they put up with a lot of frap.

You spit or punch me and I'm a little old lady, but I'de smack you or punch you back.

edit on 29-5-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by 9an9a

Just a correction to the correction: this wasn't in Portugal, it was a Benfica pre-season game in Switzerland.

PS: I don't think there are private security companies acting in public events as soccer games in Portugal, as far as I understand it (and I'm not a lawyer), they do not have any more rights than the other citizens, so they cannot arrest anyone (and the Constitution gives us the right to resist to any attack when it isn't possible to ask for the intervention of the authorities).

So what is the purpose of security guards then if they can't legally arrest someone till the cops show up? It makes no sense and I think your confused.

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