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Police goes brutal on a guy, crowd gets angry and beat the hell out of cops

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Thats the most ignorant thing I have ever seen and that is saying something for ATS. Go ahead supporting your violent criminals and hating the ones that protect you. I cant believe you can support the mobbing of a police officer. I would love to see you face to face with a real criminal and see who you then call for - thats right, your enemy - the police.

Such a view is not only shallow, but pathetic aswell. Why do you hate the police? I smell past convictions perhaps?

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Personally I don't understand what the guy running across the field did that required such a heavy handed intervention. So once he got across the field with his sign, then what?

He wasn't going to shoot anybody, or harm anyone, so why the big, heavy handed response from security? He was nothing more than a minor nuisance. Control! Probably that is all it was about. Not worthy of the expense in my opinion, let alone the consequences.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by philosearcher
I'm no cop, though I wanted to be (and still kind of do) but honestly, "brutality" is a typical way for anyone (not just cops) to help get someone to comply to your requests. If a moron is being uncooperative, there will probably be brutality. I'm not saying cops have the right to do whatever the heck they want but whenever something is out of hand they will try a lot of things to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. I do not see how beating up a few cops is going to help ANYTHING. It's just going to make the cops out there a bit more on-edge and cautious for their own safety thus MORE brutality.

This works both ways. As you can see the fans, seeing 5 morons beating another moron decided to resolve the situation as quickly as possible, using the same tried & proven techniques that cops use...

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3
I can't believe this thread is over 20 pages long, on a video that's over FOUR YEARS OLD! The OP posted it as if it was something new. Yawn. What next, is he going to post video of the WTC getting attacked?
edit on 26-5-2011 by navy_vet_stg3 because: (no reason given)

I can't believe we still talk about ww2.

I mean, it's been like way over FOUR YEARS OLD!!!!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Just to clarify...they are NOT cops...they are private security agents!
I am Portuguese and i remeber this case very well.
So please stop to say they are cops, because they are not!
ArMap as informed that already some pages ago, but it looks that nobody wants to deal with that fact!
ArMap was right, and i stated the same because i remember very well what have happened in that game.
And it was big news on the TV for a week!

,,,They are NOT cops...!!

edit on 27/5/11 by Umbra Sideralis because: Typos

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by MJZoo

Originally posted by hyperion.martin
Like they say, every hurricane begins with a single raindrop. Notice how the crowd of like 80 is still less violent than the few cops...

No, I don't notice that at all. I didn't see the cops kicking anyone's face in.

No, they used batons instead....

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Romekje

Originally posted by MJZoo

Originally posted by hyperion.martin
Like they say, every hurricane begins with a single raindrop. Notice how the crowd of like 80 is still less violent than the few cops...

No, I don't notice that at all. I didn't see the cops kicking anyone's face in.

No, they used batons instead....

How about this, I'll let you give me a couple shorts jabs with the back of a baton if I can have a few friends help me stomp on your head while you're on the ground? Deal?

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:29 AM
So today in the UK at a police enquirey concerning the student riots last year, were a cripple was pulled from his wheel chair and hit with a baton. They found the police conduct justified. So there you have it. Its ok for the police to attack cripples and batter them with a baton.
Peace keepers attacking citizens is ok in the UK. What a crock. The sooner we have a revolution the better. We should drag all those lying theiving scum bag MPS out of office and hang the twats from the lamp posts.
edit on 27-5-2011 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Pryde87
reply to post by Vitchilo

Thats the most ignorant thing I have ever seen and that is saying something for ATS. Go ahead supporting your violent criminals and hating the ones that protect you. I cant believe you can support the mobbing of a police officer. I would love to see you face to face with a real criminal and see who you then call for - thats right, your enemy - the police.

Such a view is not only shallow, but pathetic aswell. Why do you hate the police? I smell past convictions perhaps?

WOW..what judgement..!!!

Most people have said they are against police brutality..not police..and trust me ..there are a lot of instances of overly aggressive police. ..and thats just the ones that have been on tape.

What about the past convictions of police???

You dare assume that because someone disagrees with the outrageous violence used by police officers..that they are past convicts??

That to me is truly pathetic.... and extremely judgemental.

May someone you love dearly be treated with overly aggresive I may watch you praise them for their dutiful efforts.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Pryde87

Are you implying that this man who ran across the field with a sign..was a violent criminal??

The first violent criminal I saw in that video was wearing a uniform....and he so outraged those around with his improper conduct..that he induced more of the same.

yep..a real hero

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Is that the cop on the ground getting his head kicked in?

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Harro

Yes he is indeed, but it's nowhere near enough.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:02 PM
If that's true, then that's absolutely disgusting.

Post the video again with just that footage and ask yourself "is this right?".

To me it's a very, very easy answer.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

That shows exactly what cops are, cowards. They're all tough together on one guy but when they finally get victimized they run for the hills. If and when TSHTF cops will be the first to hide.

I'm just venting.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by MJZoo

Originally posted by Romekje

Originally posted by MJZoo

Originally posted by hyperion.martin
Like they say, every hurricane begins with a single raindrop. Notice how the crowd of like 80 is still less violent than the few cops...

No, I don't notice that at all. I didn't see the cops kicking anyone's face in.

No, they used batons instead....

How about this, I'll let you give me a couple shorts jabs with the back of a baton if I can have a few friends help me stomp on your head while you're on the ground? Deal?

Were the "short jabs" needed ? no....and they hurt.....yes they hurt.

So stop IGNORING the fact that the baton was not needed in the first place.

If 5 grown men can not take down 1 man half their size without weapons then they are cowards and 5 year old little sissy girls ( no offense ladies I wanted to call them P*****s. )

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

I didn't say they were needed. But I'll gladly let you jab me in the ribs or even the face with the butt of a baton if I can stomp your head in or soccer kick your face while you're on the ground. Anyone care to take me up on my offer? We can even video tape it and post it on ATS!!!!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by godfather420

First of all, my relatives or friends wouldn't have been stupid enough to run out into a national soccer game, where security and emotions run high, and interrupt the process.

Also, who says those were shots to the head? When you don't comply and not make your arms available for detention purposes, often nerve strikes or scapula (shoulder blade) strikes are necessary to facilitate compliance.

I never said the cops were right. When multiple enforcers are subduing a single subject, this kind of force was NOT necessary.

My beef was and will always be with the animals. The ones who cry the cops should have their heads smashed in in retaliation. The same people that cheered when they learned OBL was shot through the head. Cheer for the elimination of threat? No, it was the cheering on of the death of another human being. That is why we ALL are truly destined to self destruct.

I could go on, but mostly for a site that "denies ignorance", there is FAR too much ignorance and tunnel vision, happening. It's goddamn blinding.


posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011

If no one had run out there..that guy would still have gotten more shots to the head..Its obvious that the first few out there were people who CARED about this dude, and the rest of the crowd followed,because they were outraged as well.

All I can say to you Demoncreeper,is let me know how you feel..if one of your family members is under unnessecary police/security brutaliy such as this,and you are fearing that the remainder of their life might be lived with serious brain injuries??

Would you be dissapointed in the ones who intervened? would you chastise them? Would you wag your finger in there face,and tell them they should be ashamed of themselves??

I APPLAUD these men who first ran down there, and I tell you...I would LOVE to have people like that watching my back. They are friggin heroes in my eyes.

edit on 26-5-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

First of all, my relatives or friends wouldn't have been stupid enough to run out into a national soccer game, where security and emotions run high, and interrupt the process.

Also, who says those were shots to the head? When you don't comply and not make your arms available for detention purposes, often nerve strikes or scapula (shoulder blade) strikes are necessary to facilitate compliance.

I never said the cops were right. When multiple enforcers are subduing a single subject, this kind of force was NOT necessary.

My beef was and will always be with the animals. The ones who cry the cops should have their heads smashed in in retaliation. The same people that cheered when they learned OBL was shot through the head. Cheer for the elimination of threat? No, it was the cheering on of the death of another human being. That is why we ALL are truly destined to self destruct.

I could go on, but mostly for a site that "denies ignorance", there is FAR too much ignorance and tunnel vision, happening. It's goddamn blinding.


posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Harro
Is that the cop on the ground getting his head kicked in?

Why was that security officer getting his head kicked in..why???????

It would NOT have happened had his partner not instigated the whole mess with his atrocious behavior.

I can't believe you would twist this around to blame the people who's emotions were riled up because of security's brutal actions, which lead to the results of someone intervening,and a lot of angry people.

get a grip!!!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

First of all I had already stated that some of the people did go to want to condemn me for sticking up for a guy who obviously was no serious threat,getting clubbed to the head.

I did not say your family would be running on a field now did I?

But are you so sure someone you love will not find themselves in a position someday,that they did not instigate,but because of circumstances ,and authority believing them to be some kind of threat,won't endure harsh and unjust punishment? can't..and if you want to make the mob seem like the bad guys here..have at it.

I for one would love to have the first few guys that ran out there, as family members of mine, and I'd be damn proud to tell others that they were family.

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