reply to post by Illusionsaregrander
I would go you one further. The plethora of conspiracy theories about any and all things may have been seeded purposely to protect the mother of all
conspiracies - the JFK Assassination. In the nearly fifty year continuing campaign to keep the truth behind JFK's assassination from becoming known
in its entirety, disinformation has become their strongest tool. The CIA was only too happy to have a conspiracy theory about aliens at area 51
circulating because it distracted people from the real reasons for area 51 - It was a CIA air base for, among others things, "black ops".
The history of the Kennedy Assassination is one of fall back stories. The original story was to be that Oswald shot Kennedy because he was a
communist and admired Castro and planned to flee to Cuba after the killing. When President Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover got wind that there was
evidence that Oswald was being impersonated at the Russian and Cuban embassies thus exposing a conspiracy to set up Oswald as a patsy they not only
didn't want this to come out, Johnson was also afraid of the false trail back to Castro because it could conceivably lead to a demand for US military
retaliation against Cuba, possibly leading to a nuclear third world war, so they fell back to the "single deranged gunman" position and instructed
the Dallas police and District Attorney that "you've got your man" (meaning Oswald) and told them to stop investigating anything and anybody else.
Johnson then controlled the cover up through J. Edgar Hoover's FBI (the only investigative tool of the Warren Commission) and his appointing of the
members of the Warren Commission. They dutifully reported out the "lone deranged gunman" result that was requested.
When the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) re-opened the case in 1976, it was initially headed by Richard Sprague as chief counsel and
who was subsequently painted as being "too aggressive and too uncooperative" (he refused to make deals with the CIA). He also asked for six and a
half million dollars for the investigation and was told he would only get half of that. Character assassination came next and he was quickly removed
and replaced by George Robert Blakey who oversaw the Committee's work and made a deal with the CIA that limited what documents the committee could
see and prevented them from subpoenaing CIA personnel to testify. Sprague steered the committee to the third fall back position "yes there was
evidence of a conspiracy" - "the mob did it". This was easy to do because they certainly were involved -- but they did not organize it, nor did
they cover it up. That fell to the CIA, FBI, and the J. Edgar Hoover - Lyndon Johnson partnership, with some help from key Secret Service personal.
In 1992 the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) was tasked with retrieving and preserving all US government documents in any way related to the
JFK assassination. The ARRB in 1998 released huge amounts of government documents and re-interviewed some of the key autopsy and Parkland Hospital
witnesses resulting in many new leads and perspectives on the assassination. From the perspective of the military-industrial-secret police-mafia
complex, the JFK conspiracy was unraveling too much, so the only tactic left was to bury all of this new information and new theories in a muddy sea
of disinformation. The job became one of putting out rumors for conspiracy prone persons to jump on, of all kinds, seeding the paranoia, so that
conspiracy becomes automatically associated with words like "Kook", "crazy", "tin-hats", etc. It’s easy because there are so many people out
there already that are willing to believe the worst (ironically, partially because of the JFK assassination), so this seeding just feeds their natural
tendencies. So they (the powers that be) have been successful in sowing the seeds of paranoia and distrust of any and all things government. Within
that huge haystack of "conspiracies about any and everything" they continue to hide the needle that is "the truth, behind the scenes, about the
coup d'etat that killed Kennedy ".
Separating the wheat from the chaff begins to become a nearly impossible task, except for the most dedicated, persevering, and perceptive who have the
time and are willing to read all accounts and weigh and balance everything, rather than selectively cherry picking evidence and ignoring all contrary
evidence. It might be time for another major movie that lays it all out on the line. A film that would also include the dirty secret that cancer
causing viruses were released in millions of doses of polio vaccines in the 1950s and are suspected as being the cause of the huge increase over the
last 50 years in soft cell cancer incidences. The agents of the government not only covered this up they conducted research aimed at creating a
virulent cancer causing bioweapon initially designed to be used on Castro and subsequently used to finish off Jake Ruby before he could testify at a
new trial that was ordered in a jurisdiction outside of Texas. (Ruby had requested to be taken to Washington where he would be safe to tell the truth
but was refused by WC members Earl Warren and Gerald Ford). Ruby died within 28 days of his brand new lung cancer being detected. He claimed he had
been injected with fast acting cancer cells.
Much of this information is documented in "Dr. Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam (pub 2007), and substantiated in "Me and Lee - How I Came to
Know and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald" by Judyth Vary Baker (pub 2010). Additional well documented clues to pieces of the puzzle include: "JFK and the
Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters" by James W. Douglass (pub 2008); "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) by Douglas P.
Horne (pub 2010); and "JFK - The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination" by Phillip F. Nelson (pub 2010). All of these books are available in paperback