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EHEC plague in Germany, more and more infected fighting for their lives!

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:31 AM
Remeber this from Wikileaks:

The cable reveals the words of Craig Stapleton, the US ambassador to France, who was pushing the commercial interests of the biotech industry by attempting to force GMOs into France. In his own words (below), he expresses his frustration with the idea that France might pass environmental laws that would hamper the expansion of GMOs: "Europe is moving backwards not forwards on this issue with France playing a leading role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission... Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voice."

ATS Monsanto wikileaks

So the Bio-war has started..

Scare people of Bio-foods and chase them into the arms of Bayer and Monsanto...

edit on 29-5-2011 by EartOccupant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by sussy
2 concerns
Spanish people not infected
Does radiation produce the same symptoms?
Japan can't sell their cucumbers, farmers offload to other dealers?
edit on 29-5-2011 by sussy because: (no reason given)

Yep...the thing about Spanish people not being infected (the origin of the imported infected produce), is the thing that has been bothering me also.

Interesting thought about the Japanese produce being rerouted possibly. Could that happen, do you think?

And I wonder what happened to the original poster of this thread. He hasn't been in this thread for awhile. I hope he is ok.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by idunno12

I'm not sure about the Japanese farmers, just thinking aloud. But radiation sickness is bothering me about this outbreak. I would like the op to come back and put my mind at rest.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:56 PM
I'm in Belgium, in the middle of the countries that had outbreaks: Germany, France, Netherlands. So far no infected persons have been reported in my country....
It's been high temps in this part of Europe, the time of year people start eating cold and raw veggies, but with all the fearmongering going on in the local press the veggies are staying on their shelves in the stores. A lot of people aren't buying them.

The vegetables and fruits are perfectly safe when you wash them, peal them and heat them when possible. Same as most comon form of E Coli: wash, peal and heat. Doing it this way, I'm still eating.... hum... "healthy"

I'm also a bit puzzled as why no one in Spain got sick.... and this makes me wonder if the source is really Spanish.

In the mean time Germany is calling people to donate more blood because they fear a shortage in the near future. The number of infected is rising fast. Last news was 10 death, and hundreds infected and besides that there are thousends of "suspicious cases" (last paragraph was translated from Belgian national news)

and then we hear from the micro biologists that this bacteria has been around for the last 30 years, all around the world and that we have micro epidemics of this all the time, only now it's a big outbreak.... but nothing unusual, so they say.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:46 PM

E.coli-infected cucumber scare spreads beyond Germany Farmer destroys lettuce in Ronneburg near Hanover The outbreak has prompted farmers to destroy other vegetables too Authorities in the Czech Republic and Austria have taken some Spanish-grown cucumbers off store shelves over fears they are contaminated with E.coli.

The move came after illness in Germany caused by infected cucumbers led to at least 10 deaths.

The cucumbers, believed to have been imported from Spain and contaminated with E.coli, left people ill with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS).

Hundreds of people are said to have fallen sick.

Officials in the Czech Republic said affected cucumbers may also have been exported to Hungary and Luxembourg.

Austria's Agency for Health and Food Safety said some tomatoes and aubergines had also been included in the ban.

Meanwhile a European Union spokesman said two greenhouses in Spain identified as sources had ceased their activities.

They were now being investigated to see whether the contamination occurred there or elsewhere.
did I add that ok? if not excute me please.
they say Spain is to blame.
are they trying to discredit Spain?
this seems to be getting bigger all the time?
how can SO many get the bug?
do you eat your Veg raw?
you clean then boil them.
that kill's the bug!
HUS cases have also been reported in Sweden,
Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK,
and linked to German travel.
HUH! Travel! Human to Human?
What the h$%& is this?
its spreding all over the world?
sounds funny to me.
edit on 29-5-2011 by buddha because: some one else did it

1000 infected?
and it seems to come from 3 or more places in spain?
this says results on tuesday or wensday.
we will all be dead by then!

edit on 29-5-2011 by buddha because: why not?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:33 AM
1200 officially infected by this morning,
news sources are now saying that it isn't clear where the bacteria is coming from, it's not sure that the infected veggies came from Spain at all.

I actually told my kid this morning, before going to school, to NOT eat fruit or veggies that she didn't take from home. better to be safe then sorry... I'm only buying my veggies from local farmers now, straight from the fields, so to speak, if possible (good thing we have many farmers around here...)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 01:13 AM
I remember a few years back that butchers were mixing spoiled
meat with good meat and selling it like that! It was a big thing in the
German media, Though food inspectors caught most of it before it
hit the markets last time maybe it happened again and got through
this time?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 02:42 AM
Hi everybody,

thanks for your concerns
I'm doing fine, I just had a busy weekend.

Yes, as someone pointed out before there are 10 deceased people by now and hundreds/ about 1 thousand of infected ones. The region I'm monitoring with my team just has a few suspected cases, by this morning I had one report on my table with positive EHEC. What I'm concenred about right now are a LOT of medical helicopters and ambulant coaches are arriving and leaving leading me to the conclusion they are either flying in patients or specimen I think! Stored blood is getting rare..

edit on 30/5/11 by Dalbeck because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Dalbeck

Hey Dalbeck,
You said in an earlier post that you are affiliated with the authorities, do you work in the medical field? Just wondering how you know so much about all this....

news around here seems to hint at a great concern for blood shortage,
but why blood? Are they giving blood transfers to the hospitalized infected people?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:07 AM
I live in south west Germany. Wife was sick this weekend but has gotten better. (Just a bug, but hey. . it was scary). She did make me clean out all the veggies in the fridge and wash it down, just to be on the safe side.

Scary, but if you clean and wash all food productions then there shouldn't be too much to worry about.

Thoughts and prayers to all infected.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by GypsK
reply to post by Dalbeck

Hey Dalbeck,
You said in an earlier post that you are affiliated with the authorities, do you work in the medical field? Just wondering how you know so much about all this....

news around here seems to hint at a great concern for blood shortage,
but why blood? Are they giving blood transfers to the hospitalized infected people?
I, also, would like to know if there is truly a blood shortage over there, and if so is it related to this situation, and if so then what is blood needed for the ill.

I just need to say this to get it off my chest because it is really bothering me...

Something about this whole thing feels "off" to me. But I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what it is.

I don't know how to describe how this feels to me, other than...every time I read this thread and the posts and the information from the sources, it feels "made up". Like...I keep expecting to come here and find this thread in the Hoax bin. Or...I keep expecting to go to RSOE and find that the information and links, which I've been reading, were never really there and I imagined the whole thing.

Something just isn't sitting right but I don't know what...

I know that sounds ridiculous...but...there it

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by GypsK
reply to post by Dalbeck

Hey Dalbeck,
You said in an earlier post that you are affiliated with the authorities, do you work in the medical field? Just wondering how you know so much about all this....

news around here seems to hint at a great concern for blood shortage,
but why blood? Are they giving blood transfers to the hospitalized infected people?

Hi GypsK,

yes I'm working in the medical/ public health field in a huge medical complex and the current situation is directly my area of responsibility.

As for the blood just read some posts above, I tried to explain it a little bit. Basically it's beacuse of the kidney failure occuring when infected and not being treated in time.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by idunno12

Originally posted by GypsK
reply to post by Dalbeck

Hey Dalbeck,
You said in an earlier post that you are affiliated with the authorities, do you work in the medical field? Just wondering how you know so much about all this....

news around here seems to hint at a great concern for blood shortage,
but why blood? Are they giving blood transfers to the hospitalized infected people?
I, also, would like to know if there is truly a blood shortage over there, and if so is it related to this situation, and if so then what is blood needed for the ill.

I just need to say this to get it off my chest because it is really bothering me...

Something about this whole thing feels "off" to me. But I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what it is.

I don't know how to describe how this feels to me, other than...every time I read this thread and the posts and the information from the sources, it feels "made up". Like...I keep expecting to come here and find this thread in the Hoax bin. Or...I keep expecting to go to RSOE and find that the information and links, which I've been reading, were never really there and I imagined the whole thing.

Something just isn't sitting right but I don't know what...

I know that sounds ridiculous...but...there it

You can say it's really a state of emergency in German clinics right now. EHEC infection causes anemia and "bloody" diarrhea (don't know what it's called in English). Therefore stored blood is necessary and the amount is really limited at the moment.

As for the "something just doesn't seem right" I may post something later on the r.a.t.s. forum.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Dalbeck
As for the "something just doesn't seem right" I may post something later on the r.a.t.s. forum.

pls do share if you know something more,

11 deaths in Germany now....
my countrie has forbidden import of spanish veggies two hours ago

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:55 AM
whoa, haven's seen or heard this yet. thanks for sharing.
wasn;t there something going around in the Ukraine a year ago, that was hardly reported by msm?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:24 AM
A few have pointed out that it is strange that others aren't getting sick from spanish veggies....

It is thought that the contamination happened during transport (from Spain to Germany).

Here in France, most of our fruits and vegetables at this time of year come from Spain, and the three cases we have are people who just returned from a trip to Germany.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by coquine

Thats why people start thinking about Biological Terror, who knows?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:20 AM
UPDATE 31st May:

14 dead people; 1400 infected, 1/3 infected with HU syndrom (the "heavy" form of the illness).

There are speculations about the origin. Bacteria were found INSIDE some cucumbers.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Bringing this topic back to the top with an update, as I truly feel that this is a situation to keep an eye on.

Number of infected is now at over 1300. An increase of over 1100 cases in just 1 week.

Situation Update No. 20
On 31.05.2011 at 03:37 GMT+2

On Monday, officials from the federal and state governments met in Berlin to discuss the quickly deepening crisis brought on by the E. coli outbreak. Daniel BahrBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Bahr says EHEC will continue to spread.

Health Minister Daniel Bahr said there were indications that the source of the infection is still active. "The result is that we are unfortunately going to be dealing with a rise in the number of cases," Bahr said in a press conference after the crisis meeting.

Dalbeck, when you come online today will you let us you have any idea what the incubation period is for this thing? From initial infection to first sign of the symptoms...

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Dalbeck

Oh I just realized that you posted here while I was creating my post. Thanks for the update.

...and I also forgot to post the source of my previous entry:

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