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UK Goverment Ban Knives ???

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posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:03 AM
Needing to carry arms to defend yourself? Wow, what a paranoid world you live in.

No-one should be allowed to carry arms, as for this "the government wants us to be defenceless" rofl.

Not allowing public to own guns in the UK is awesome. We have hardly any gun crimes here, if guns were introduced as something anyone can have, are you saying gun crimes would not increase?

What I mean is, being allowed to carry weapons makes you think you need too.

As far as I am concerned banning the carrying of any knives is fine with me. Then you can feel safer knowing if you get into an argument with some drunk guy at a pub, its unlikely you will get stabbed. Carring a knife does not stop you from getting stabbed, if anything pulling out a knife in your defence is increasing the chance of getting stabbed.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:07 AM
in new york city they have laws against knives. you can't buy or carry butterfly knives or lockable switchblades. can't say i ever felt a need to carry one myself.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:20 AM
No matter what it is gun knife or cannon. These thing are tools. When I was a child I was taught to to use the gun and knife as tools. The life taking aspect of these items was taught to me by the Gov. There is trend these days to blame the item used in crime . There is no personal responablity for your actions any more. The future mom and dads can turn this slow rot around that has a hold on our way of life . Mine has failed to teach our children the mear basic of life. If you look deep into any problem of our soc. . You will find that personal responablity or lack there of will be part of the reason for the crime. If you feel for the other person . Your reason for your actions will have to be strong. And not taken so lightly. Banning everything is not the way to handle this.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Isle of Man mate, no speed limits and the goverment isnt really stupid, the bad thing is it follows most of the UK's laws, but it can choose to block them out.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:17 PM
Isle of Man?.. I can see you on a clear day! (from Lancashire).

Wow I never realised the speed limit thing. I though that was only during TT's but I guess that explains it's all year round popularity with bikers!

I don't think any sweeping knife legislation is going to get through anyway. It would have to allow knifes as tools, or in the home, and all the other sharp objects that could be used. It would just come down to something similar to current legislation.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:35 PM
No its all year around, my dad usually drives at 100mph when driving between towns. Anyway, Knifes are tool, can be used as weapons. I recon that the UK goverment are stupid and should be replaced with sombody who has a decent view and a thought pattern on things. Another thing I think should be in place is Legalised Drugs, I would cut down on crime phenominally, especially gun crime, and leave more officers to solve other crime problems... Switzerland legalised drugs and have had 0% drug related crime, and other crime levels have dropped down to almost nothing.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:57 PM
What is your problem Squid?

If you are a manx resident you probably won't have this new law in your jurisdiction so what are you so upset about?

I agree with previous comments that in the UK the last thing we 'need' is more guns in our society - or any additional weapons in general - we actually need less weaponry in our society.

Personally I support government moves to restrict knives in the hands of youths.

(and I think the 'what no knives in the kitchen' comment is lame in the wrong a comment as it is weak.)

I live in N. Ireland and one of the most significant sources of firearms for the terrorist groups was from uninvolved idiots who believed they needed them for their own personal protection (as well as from the Police and Army - some 'involved' people were issued with guns for personal protection but they are another story altogether).

From what I can see of the USA, OK the culture is very different and large numbers of Americans (but by no means all) seem wedded to the gun but mass gun ownership simply means vast gun accident statistics, domestic violence and ruined lives thanks to the added - yet avoidable - complication of firearms and dumb petty stuff that wouldn't have gotten beyond a shout or a waved fist in the UK leading to gross maiming or even death. Armed road rage? No thanks.

In the 'balance' of things I'm happy our Gov banned guns and I would be very happy to see foolish people with their own little 'home arsenal' locked up for the danger they pose to the rest of us - if only because they are a small but significant source of illegal weapons in this country.

(Tell me; if you were burgled and your guns taken, how would you feel if some children were killed with your stolen guns? Deny all responsibility or understand that you helped the situation arise? Hmmmm?)

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:58 PM
So what do you cut your steak with?

Seriously though, I usually carry a Swiss Army knife, as it's a handy tool, and often it has proven quite useful. Sometimes people just take an idea too far....

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:00 PM
There are a lot of areas in Scotland with big problems with the 'knife culture' among the young, especially in Glasgow. I've seen the results of quite a few stabbings and slashings; it's not pretty. I've been threatened with one myself. They�re not carrying them for fun, and they're not kitchen or pen knifes.

As far as I'm aware, it's already illegal to carry a concealed weapon of any sort. I'm not sure on what the penalty is though. The police occasionally do 'spotlight' searches, random searches on people in an area. The amount of knifes recovered from just random searches is pretty shocking, though I think it's went down in the last few years.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:03 PM
My problem? the fact that MOST LAWS ON MY ISLAND ARE THE SAME AS THE UK LAWS perhaps?!? and the UK goverment still annoys me upon how STUPID and IRRATIONAL they are...

oh and the big about the stolen guns?
Not my fault at all, its the PERSON that kills the children not the fact that they are my guns.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:06 PM
Before my feet went out on me, I could sometimes be found carrying a knife of some sort once in awhile.
I'm a herbalist, and well, they are useful once in awhile....

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:11 PM
Yes, I will admit that knifes can be dangerous, IN THE WRONG HANDS. For most of us they are just usefully tools, but there are people out there who use them for the wrong ends.

I would also like to add, up north of england, I cant remember where it is, but a police officer was shot with an air rifle out of the window, when I watched this on the news the reporter said "this just goes to show how dangerous these things are" they arnt dangerous... they are dangerous IN THE WRONG HANDS

As is almost everything, dont ever forget it, its rarley the item thats dangerous, its the type of person using the item.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by The_Squid
My problem? the fact that MOST LAWS ON MY ISLAND ARE THE SAME AS THE UK LAWS perhaps?!?

- OK then agitate for your parliament to have greater independance.

Strange though because as I understand it your Parliament doesn't have to accept any Westminster law if they really don't want it.

and the UK goverment still annoys me upon how STUPID and IRRATIONAL they are...

- Oh, Boo hoo hoo, I'd say they were being responsive to the public mood, kind of thing that's meant to happen in a democracy, you know?

oh and the big about the stolen guns?
Not my fault at all, its the PERSON that kills the children not the fact that they are my guns.

- What a surprise. Not even the tinniest acceptance that you would have helped (by your illegal possession) the tragedy arise.

Tell me do you just leave them lying about too or do you accept any responsibility there - even though as you say if it isn't actually you working them at the time it's nothing to do with you...?

Wise up.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:22 PM
Excuse me, but I am a LEGAL gun owner, and I have a Gun Cabinate with a lock on it (as is legally required) to keep them safe, so if sombody DID steal them, its not my fault at all.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:32 PM
Guns and knives are not weopons. They are tools. And just like the pencil anyone can turn them into deadly tools. People are the weapons, weapons of violence. A gun cant hurt anyone without someone pulling the trigger a knife cant hurt someone without the appropriate kinectic energy.

I heard the UK government is banning martial arts, is this true?

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by The_Squid
Excuse me, but I am a LEGAL gun owner,

- Ha! I wondered if you were going to pull that one. But we were talking about illegal knives and guns were we not? You talked about the proposed new law and the gun ban didn't you?

and I have a Gun Cabinate with a lock on it (as is legally required) to keep them safe, so if sombody DID steal them, its not my fault at all.

- so perhaps you accept that some responsibility does extend beyond whether or how you personally pull a trigger or not then, huh?

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:49 PM
No, I was saying how the goverment firstly banned assult rifles because ONE person went on a rampage with one that had a straight pull, then the same happened with pistols, now knifes... and im saying its bloody rediculous.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by The_Squid
No, I was saying how the goverment firstly banned assult rifles because ONE person went on a rampage with one that had a straight pull, then the same happened with pistols, now knifes... and im saying its bloody rediculous.

- You seem a tad confused.

You started this whole thread about a new proposed UK gov restriction (ban?) of some sort relating to knives and are now on about assault weapons being banned!? Are you now talking about a different country? When were assault weapons 'legal' in the UK?

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:11 PM
Yes assult weapons WERE legal in the UK as long as they were a straight pull, and the point I was trying to make (which most SEEM to have got appart from you and maybe a few others) is that just ONE thing bad happens and the UK Goverment make whatever was involved illegal.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by The_Squid
Yes assult weapons WERE legal in the UK

No they weren't

Inform me of which part of the UK allowed these weapons to be legal??

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