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This is a question for all you single women in a shtf....

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

You're right. It is serious. You know what I think about? Antibiotics. Without them, a single cut could kill you potentially. I think I would try to hit some drug stores and stockpile some. But I guess that would only be temporary, as they would run out. Well...I have to go to Walmart (I'll hate it without my old friend Walmart *sigh*) Catch yall later!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Lol dude is trying to get some "end of the world" sex.

Only slightly more appropriate than sex by fear mongering

Super Classy.

Hey ladies, want to come into my underground doomsday bunker and have a big strong man take care of you?

Bow Chicka Wahh wahh...please ignore the radiation.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Mega plan find the global D.U.M.B.s entrances
if not still occupied-meds -food -weapons -transportation -gear. Just like the video games or movies.. SMH
edit on 5/19/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by saltdog

Someone asked you to IM them? *looks around* Not my reason for posting. I never got the impression this was an apocolyptic dating game

Someone said that I would be IM'ing the girls once they respond to the tread, I only IM those that IM me first, I am wanting nothing..I seek...nothing from your ladies, I know theory is one thing and surviving is can think all you want, I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else....I only need to prove to myself....
I am sure that we are all super studs in our our own

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:48 PM
I had been giving some thought to the possibility of opening my compound to women and children.After reading these posts it seems that I should not worry about it further. The women that have responded seem capable enough to fend for themselves,and their children. At any rate,groups will always allow new comers that have needed skills that will benefit the group.

Good thread by the way. It allows people to think a little bit about a possible reality. Star and Flag.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Ah, they'll be just fine by themselves. You have heard them, "I don't need a man", "Behind every man is a better woman", you have seen all of the women on TV kicking men's @sses all over Hollywood (that will be tested when SHTF, I am sure). All this woman power crap is going to be rude awakening when the depression hits. Men have been taught by women that they don't need us anymore, they get mad at us just for helping them out and say things like "I don't need your help, I can do it myself" (defensively, most of the time), the government has taught women that they rule the world now and have pampered them with "economic gifts" for quite awhile now, the expense of a man's livelihood, of course. Media cows like Oprah and Ellen and Lady GaGa, pretty much feminists in general have taught women to refrain from depending on men and in fact, to just have nothing to do with them on a relationship level. They are told, men will bring them down and that they can be more successful without them. They are assured that if they stick together (as women), THEY can rule the world and usurp it from the hands of men. Well, it will soon be time to pay the devil. Just like the rational of trading liberty for security which Americans have so willingly done in recent makes just as much sense that women traded security (the male protector) for pecuniary liberty......liberty from those who would protect them. Now the world is full of men who no longer want to help women who are unappreciative, and who no longer want their help anyway. Conditioning is a funny thing, Once people are conditioned to live a certain is hard to revert them back. Women, when the SHTF (as the OP colloquially put it) are on your own to fight all of the men in this world who would harm you. Don't expect the men you have conditioned, to respect your "woman power" as we men have seen all of your movies and have heard all of your hardcore values that Oprah has installed into you, and we know that you will be able to protect yourself from a world of broken, angry, out of control men who will remember who was pampered by the government in courts, and in jobs, and in general. Likewise, we men will remember who got screwed and who it was that denied participation in the conspiracy of the overwhelming evidence of conspiracy against men by the pairing of feminists and the government. I personally am not going to do anything to any woman......but I will not help you either. You had better be as good as you have always said you were when SHTF. I will walk on by.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:04 PM
As much as I'd like to say that women would be on equal footing with men, I just think of the horrors of places like the Congo right now. They are living through just as bad as any SHTF scenario we could imagine. It's the worst place to be a woman right now.

Maybe, on a global level, with men trying to survive alongside of women, things would be different. I hope they are. I can tell you one thing: I'm not going to turn down help nor refuse helping anybody of either gender when the time comes.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by blamethegreys

Well,I could stop plunking those pesky hairs that have
been growing on my upper lip.I already wear bulky clothes
because I am a queen size mama.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I find the direction this thread has gone amusing.
The fact of the matter is, unless each of us takes the SHTF scenario seriously, we are all doomed.
Lone wolf survival is a sure path to death for all but a very, VERY few. Male and female alike.

Each gender has it's unique strengths and weaknesses. While it is true that each can perform most all tasks, ie: Women can hunt and chop wood, men can cook and heal, each gender is naturally better at doing some things than the other.
We will need to rely on those we group up with, together, to utilize each of our strengths and overcome our natural weaknesses. An all male group/all female group is fiction and will not thrive for long. We need each other and we are emotionally healthier with each other.

The OP has taken some flak about his motives for starting this thread. I feel he has brought up a very important point, one which, based on many of the fanciful responses, proves that women AND men need to get a bit more serious and thoughtful of what their roles would be if/when the S does HTF.

I honestly feel that the world will indeed be a far more dangerous place for women. Particularly women that have not done anything to prepare themselves for hard and lawless times.
I also honestly believe that there are far more good people than bad, and that groups will eventually form cooperative alliances and/or combine with each other in the interest of protection and survival.

What we all should be doing right now, other than stocking up on food, water, weapons, etc... is learning the things we will need to know for long term survival. In a long term situation, everything we are stocking up on will eventually be gone. Food, water, ammo, medicines. What will you do then? With proper knowledge, you can know what you will do in that eventuality.

Right now, we all should be attempting to learn these things. in doing so, we make ourselves a most valuable member of a group by having as many skill sets to offer to the group we find ourselves with.

A few things that will be helpful to learn are:
Hygiene and Sanitation
Barter and trade
Self defense
Weapon making and repair
Alternate energy sources
Blackpowder making
Animal husbandry
and there are many, many more things to learn. No one can know everything, but those that do have these skills will be invaluable to others.

edit on 19-5-2011 by Elostone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Funnily enough, here are a LOT of men out there who would probably be more useless in a SHTF scenario than some women....

I work with two men, one in his forties and one in his fifties, who both still live with their parents and wouldn't know one end of an axe from another.... In fact one still has his crusts cut off his sandwiches for him by his mum - honestly!

Now, I do worry about these guys in a SHTF scenario....

I'm lucky my man is a 'real' man, I have no worries :-)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by saltdog

i have a man...but i guarantee that if shtf woman would automatically go into Momma Bear they have children or not!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by paradisepurple
Funnily enough, here are a LOT of men out there who would probably be more useless in a SHTF scenario than some women....

I work with two men, one in his forties and one in his fifties, who both still live with their parents and wouldn't know one end of an axe from another.... In fact one still has his crusts cut off his sandwiches for him by his mum - honestly!

Now, I do worry about these guys in a SHTF scenario....

I'm lucky my man is a 'real' man, I have no worries :-)

i bet those guys are single and thats exactly why...lmao!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by saltdog

I didn't think that at all......I thought you meant someone asdked you to IM them. I think it's a good thread and a valid question. I gave you a S&F!
Don't let them get to you.....haters gonna hate you know.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

How did you guess? LOL!

One is still a virgin and the other goes on holiday twice a year to places where, how can I say, paying for sex isn't frowned upon....

Even if I was single, I'd probably survive 6 months longer than them.... I do try and educate them though :-)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Or loot a Walmart....seriously....they have all that..but no vehicles (unless you count riding lawnmowers or a bike) . I think I would hit Walmart, then a car dealership and get a spankin new 4 wheel truck, then a pawn shop where I can get lots o guns and ammo (and tools)....Now.....before anyone says I shouldn't promote thievery, I would ONLY steal from stores if it were the apocolypse.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:41 PM
Lol, Women in this thread living in a dream world about reality.

Truth is..........many of you would become sex slaves of some sort or lower class value. Reality sucks doesn't it? Now I bet as you just read that your female emotions (because your predictable) just got heated. Your mind is telling you right now "OMG, I'd never" or "Envious is a jerk". Women by nature don't like cold-truths and they act as a group or hive-mind telling each other false truths.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Ahabstar

There will likely be no questions, conversation or second chances. In all likelihood she will kill you in a split second if she has a shot.

You arent entirely wrong. I will give a moment to consider the person and whether or not I feel threatened, but in general younger males, especially packs of young men traveling together, are the people I am most likely to kill first and ask questions about later.

Even in "civilized" times, males between the ages of perhaps 15 and 25 are the ones you need to be most wary off, and in a SHTF situation, Im not taking chances.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:47 PM
I have been in relationships too many times. It's been 6 months since I have had a gf, longest stretch ever, but I have never felt better, I attract crazy women, hot, but crazy, like stalking crazy.

I have found through my experiences, that women are way more resourceful than alot of us give them credit for. I used to go on 5 day camps with buddies, then some with my gf's, and some of my ex's whinned less than my buddies did just after day 3.

I thought you were trying to find an ATS chick to have ATS cybersex with until I started reading the thread, sorry.

I guess it just depends on the person. I like reading what women type on here in this frame of thought, so I'll just keep my mouth shut now that I have added my 2 worthless cents, and read.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Or loot a Walmart....seriously....they have all that..but no vehicles (unless you count riding lawnmowers or a bike) . I think I would hit Walmart, then a car dealership and get a spankin new 4 wheel truck, then a pawn shop where I can get lots o guns and ammo (and tools)....Now.....before anyone says I shouldn't promote thievery, I would ONLY steal from stores if it were the apocolypse.

So why aren't you gathering those things now, ahead of the apocalypse?
If this truly is your plan, I promise you, you wont make it out of Walmart's parking lot alive, if you even get THAT far.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

Let me explain. I LOVE men, and I'm not some greedy unappreciative b****. We are talking about a chaotic "save your own a**" situation. As much as I love to be pampered and protected (I do).....most of the time it's not reality. This is a hypothetical topic. When I am in a relationship, I appreciate and love everything he does for me. I don't care about money or any of that BS. The things I have been saying is what I WOULD DO if I were on my own and HAD to be tough and take care of myself.....not how I am now. I don't think I'm superwoman by any means, but I will do my best to survive.

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