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This is a question for all you single women in a shtf....

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by misnomer68
reply to post by AmazonOfArtemis

Hand to hand combat, if you study martial arts, you should know that a 100lb person can take down a 250lb person with the right knowledge and skills. Add to that some weapon training and you'd have no problem fighting one on one. I don't think any of us are Lara Croft dreamers, it's about knowing your mind and body can be a productive powerful tool if trained properly, regardless of your gender.

Yes, that is possible. Although taking a punch from a 100 pound girl does not hurt as much as getting punched by a 250 lb man. I've watched the 100 pound girls at TKD and RGJJ class try to take down the big guys in class, it takes all they've got to budge them, and even then, the sparring opponent is not in a "do or die" situation and is "complying" with the takedown for the sake of the spar. You can preach all day that they are the same, but I know they aren't equal in strength or power. Unless you are taking PED's or HGH you are not going to be fighting like Cris "Cyborg" Santos.

You do have a good point here, and while I really don't like to admit it, being a female, men are generally stronger. I guess in a SHTF scenario, I would have to be craftier, smarter, and quicker. In some cases, that's the only way that I think some of us girls would make it. You gotta be smart on your feet, as the saying goes. (Or I think it goes somethign like that.)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
. I do have a soft heart, but when it comes to protecting my life or those I care about, I think I could be as ruthless as a wild animal.

Thats what a lot of men forget. A female is often the last line of defense between the next generation and oblivion. Violence and ruthlessness is absolutely wired into us. Its just that so is a certain level of risk aversion and willingness to allow men to be the front line of defense. Its all part of natures strategy.

Originally posted by StealthyKat
You know, now that I think about it, a man with a family would be pretty feed and protect his kids. I would help a family though if I was sure there was no threat.

They might be a little desperate, but a man with a family is also proven to be be willing to protect those more helpless than himself. Its one of the reasons women pay more positive attention to men who are with other women, or even why women will sometimes swipe someone elses husband. Instinctively, women know that a man other women have approved and will associate with are safer bets.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:09 PM
I am not single, but wouldn't be surprised to find myself so soon after the SHTF...for one reason or another.

I've assembled the bug out bag, water and 2-week non-perishable food supply, and first aid and survival gear. I am not fanatical about it, just using common sense.

He only makes fun of my emergency preparedness--says all he needs to survive is TV, Diet Coke, and bug spray. Won't even let me show him where everything is located, in case I'm not here when it hits!

Then again, over the years I've survived a total-loss house fire, a total-loss house flood, and Katrina. He's never experienced an emergency of any kind so he still thinks it would never happen to him.

I know I'm not guaranteed tomorrow, but at least I'm willing to give it a fighting try...

Thought provoking question, OP, thank you!

edit on 19-5-2011 by GodChaser because: So I don't seem so bossy!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Woman is the base template for Humanity (Guys why do you think you have nipples? its because you started out as a woman).

So rest assured Women will survive despite the best efforts of Men.

Now if any tough women could use a Gay man to help affirm your self esteem and help you find a good man in the post apocalypse world of tomorrow, just let me know...

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
Woman is the base template for Humanity (Guys why do you think you have nipples? its because you started out as a woman).

So rest assured Women will survive despite the best efforts of Men.

Now if any tough women could use a Gay man to help affirm your self esteem and help you find a good man in the post apocalypse world of tomorrow, just let me know...

Hahah, thanks for the good laugh. No really, I'm not trying to be offensive-that cracked me up. It just shows you've got some good character and a helping of wit.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

You got it sugar....wanna live in my compund? You could be a scout!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Sundowner

It depends on the hand to hand combat technique. In Judo, for instance, which was the one I took, the smaller people had a distinct advantage in getting me off my feet.

In grappling, size and punching power is not the issue. Intelligence and technique matter more.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by Helmkat

You got it sugar....wanna live in my compund? You could be a scout!

No problem there, I've plenty of self defence training from when I was in the service.

So not only will I take out foes with one head shot and break a nose or two, I will also tell you how those combat boots just do wonderful things for your ankles...

(Glad the humor was appreciated
edit on 19-5-2011 by Helmkat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

That is a good point. The only type of combat/agility/martial arts(ish!) skills class that I took was fencing. I did learn some valuable things int hat class, such as being quick on your feet and not leaving yourself open to attack, or at the very least, putting yourself in a defenseable position. I remember the instructor, a funny Russian guy who specifically has said he wanted his students to learn skills they could use in "real life" to help themselves.

I may not find myself with a rapier in the apocalypse, but the other skills still apply, I think.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Back in 03 my wife and I decided to go camping with a group of friends in July(Hot). My wife is a feminine female and was 8 months pregnant at the time. I grew up learning survival and what it takes and I had no problem with doing everything in camp for her because of being that far along in the pregnancy. Once we got out there she "flipped". A total "Stay out of my way while I work" situation. She collected more wood than anyone in the camp she and I put up all the tents. She put everyone in there place and things went smooth. Just because a woman is small or pregnant doesn't mean that in a situation like survival she won't "Flip" and TAKE control of a situation if needed.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:24 PM
in a shtf scenario imagine if everyone worked together? wouldnt everyone be better off?
lik instead of seeing a group or single person by themselves and trying to gain from them to better yourself what if everyone just tryed to gain for everyone? lik just join up and figure out how to make some sort of functioning group or village? find a common enemy and ally

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by misnomer68

It should be noted the only time that 100 lb person will succeed is if the 250lb person is caught off-guard, or has no actual experience or training at all. For those who have never actually fought someone who was equally skilled, but bigger, i can understand how one might think differently. Perhaps through actual martial arts training and sparring, clarification on the subject might ensue. It is common to think of ourselves as someone who simply can take on the world, but that doesnt make it true.

Either way, i think this thread has illuminated the idea that there will be a gender war if SHTF. Beyond that, male or female, most will resort to violence first "just in case." It seems the "strong" women in this thread only look upon men as a means of getting something done, a tool. Those who do not have a purpose, are to be thrown away. So rarely do people dig down to what the source of a problem might be because its easier to put a band-aid over it than it is to actually contemplate our own actions being responsible for such things.

It will not be a gender, or minimizing a gender, that saves things. Because in the end, it is the lack of teamwork and skirting personal responsibility that got us here in the first place. i am for true equality through celebrating our differences. i will live in the same way i do now, and if that results in my death for whatever reason, then so be it. i will still treat people as i do now, because that is the only way anything will ever change. If someone isnt able to do something because of lack of knowledge, then they can learn. If someone isnt able to "contribute" to survival, they might still contribute to "life." i will continue to help people learn how to live their life in the myriad of different ways available.

Ah well, the thread saddens me with all the macho-ism from both genders

That is all ill say on this though.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

It was! **adds you to my my SHTF list*

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Heres a better question, how many people here actually know how to hunt and fish? and i mean actually know where to catch enough good fish to live off, and how to prepare game for eating? These things are far more important than having someone to protect you, if neither of you can provide in a situation where all the grocery stores are completley empty. Seriously though, I could live with little more than a fishing rod, I know a spot to fish where i caught 14 Bass and 10 pound Carp just the other day, I mean that kind of fishing. So if your really concerned about a future in chaos, my 2 cents are, learn to fish from someone who really know how to fish. Find the best fishing spot you can, and youll atlesat have food covered.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by zosimos

In a perfect world...yes. But it's not realistic. Think about it....we are in a "normal" situation now, and people won't work together. Maybe small groups will....but it will probably be that people will be loners, or form "Tribes".

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by kman420
Heres a better question, how many people here actually know how to hunt and fish? and i mean actually know where to catch enough good fish to live off, and how to prepare game for eating? These things are far more important than having someone to protect you, if neither of you can provide in a situation where all the grocery stores are completley empty. Seriously though, I could live with little more than a fishing rod, I know a spot to fish where i caught 14 Bass and 10 pound Carp just the other day, I mean that kind of fishing. So if your really concerned about a future in chaos, my 2 cents are, learn to fish from someone who really know how to fish. Find the best fishing spot you can, and youll atlesat have food covered.

For me personally, I know how to hunt and fish, though I have no experience trapping at all. I've grown up around the outdoors, and went hunting from a young age. I know some poo-poo on hunting, but I think it's an important skill and a highly enjoyable tradition that puts food on the dinner table. As for fishing, well I haven't in a long time, so I'm no pro, but I know how to. Though not every one lives in an area where they can hunt, or where they can eat the fish IF they have a place to fish...

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by kman420

I do....and you're right! I know places to hunt and fish.....all close to where I live. There are many things to consider. A good water source is another.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by zosimos

That is the ideal situation. Just like it is even when the S isnt HTF. But just like in our current situation, there will be people who do band up and cooperate, and act for the good of the whole, and there will be people who try to prey off people.

Befriend the first type of person, and kill the second type, preferably before they even see you. If you want to do well.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by kman420

Everyone is going to be trying to hunt and fish. And depending on how many "everyones" we are talking about, hunting and fishing may peter out pretty quickly. If you really want to maximize your chance of survival, you need to learn how to gather.

Studies of hunter/gatherer tribes show that the hunters only provide about 30% of the total calories consumed by the group. 70% comes from the gatherers.

Knowledge is power. Obviously, you will do well to know both, but you arent going to make it if you dont know what plants you can eat. And the more obscure they are, the better the chance your competition will be overlooking them.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by misnomer68

Yes, that is possible. Although taking a punch from a 100 pound girl does not hurt as much as getting punched by a 250 lb man. I've watched the 100 pound girls at TKD and RGJJ class try to take down the big guys in class, it takes all they've got to budge them, and even then, the sparring opponent is not in a "do or die" situation and is "complying" with the takedown for the sake of the spar. You can preach all day that they are the same, but I know they aren't equal in strength or power. Unless you are taking PED's or HGH you are not going to be fighting like Cris "Cyborg" Santos.

Baloney. A common house cat weighs what, ten pounds? I'll pay perfectly good money to watch that 250 pound brute fight one.

I'd pay twice that to watch him fight one 100 pound woman that really meant it.

In all candor, in a SHTF scenario, I'll view any woman alone in the wilds that I don't already know as bait for Neanderthals, and act accordingly. That means I'll run like hell to get away, rather than sauntering up into the kill zone with a chip on my shoulder.

Where there's bait set, there's a trap around somewhere.

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