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Fair or Not? No driver's license for dropouts!

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posted on May, 17 2011 @ 05:41 AM
I nearly dropped out earlier this year, due to health issues. If they hadn't improved I wouldn't of had any choice, and would've had to accept being denied a license, probably holding me back a lot until I managed to make up graduation status.

Anyone know the time frame for this? I'd want to get licensed before this passes just in case.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 05:56 AM
Here in Alabama they had this law ever since I was a teenager. I dropped out myself when all I had was a permit. I even had my dad call the state and tell them I dropped out. The problem I had with this was that with my gf pregnant, I was trying to do the right thing. I went into the Navy at 17 and only then was I able to get my drivers licence. I see both sides of the coin on this one. There hasn't been any outbreak of grand theft auto but I don't think it changed the drop out rate either.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by xxsomexpersonxx

Doesn't matter if you have your licence or not. If this law goes into effect, they will suspend your licence once the school reports you have dropped out.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 05:59 AM
no car license for dropouts, hmm wouldn't that make them bums, criminals, outcasts?

not fair

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by AnteBellum

In the event of a family hardship, they should still get a GED. There is no excuse for lack of education.

The majority of those who bail out are freakin lazy.

No school? Fine. Your not mature enough to handle that responsibility.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:56 AM
It's not like school is the only solution life has to offer, with a lot of money you don't need education to be "successful" .

Education is a right not an obligation.

Anyway, most of you should know by now, you don't need to be smart to pass school, you just need to stfu and repeat exactly what they taught you. The less you think about what they make you learn, the best grades you will have.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by notonsamepage
no car license for dropouts, hmm wouldn't that make them bums, criminals, outcasts?

not fair

They already are short of dire circumstances.

Not fair? thats the mantra of the young and foolish.

The odds of someone being of any use to society without some sort of education is very limited.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 07:08 AM
This shouldn't even be legal. It's a basic violation of rights. Plenty of dropouts con continue on into a successful life. Me for example, I guess I wouldn't be going to college right now trying to make something of my life if I wasn't allowed to drive. I did not benefit at all from high school, there was no reason for me to be there. I'll say that again, I did not benefit AT ALL. I did not learn one useful thing in high school that would help me in any point of my life.

This is stupid. They're only hurting people.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Fox Molder
My oldest is 14 and he drives a 50cc scooter and had to pass a written exam as well as a road test. And as a parent I made damn sure that his grades were deserving of the privilege he sought in a drivers license.

What's the top speed that he can do on a 50cc scooter, as opposed to the top speed that he can achieve on a normal, unmotorised bike ?

Top speed for the 50CC is just about 45 mph and if he can pedal his bike that fast, I'm putting a generator on it and linking it to my GREEN house...LOL.

The point of the scooter is not the speed it can achieve but more about sharing the road with cars and trucks and him being way smaller than any other vehicle out there. Most people can not even see a scooter when changing lanes because that little thing fits in a blind spot very well. I thought him to drive like he was invisible, Drive like no one can see you and expect the unexpected. Never assume that the people in cars and truck know that you are there. Plus, he has to obey all the same laws and any other motor vehicle. It's much harder to drive a scooter on the road than it is a car, you should try it and see how respected you are on the streets.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

The Driving Privilege - Driving is a Privilege, Not a Right THE RESPONSIBILITY FACTOR A lot of responsibility comes with a drivers license . You have to drive safely, obey the traffic laws, and respect the rights of other drivers. Not only should you concentrate on your own driving, you should also be well aware of the other vehicles around you. Driving safely also includes how and where you park your car. Passengers in your car put their safety in your hands and expect you to drive safe as well.
driver's ed

driving is not a right

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by wardk28
Doesn't matter if you have your licence or not. If this law goes into effect, they will suspend your licence once the school reports you have dropped out.

I would've imagined it would've been a rule that didn't effect previous license holders. Many people already have their lives setup without a GED or diploma, and wouldn't want the hassle of trying to get either to be able to drive again. Makes more sense to only apply to people who haven't gotten into those kinds of situations yet, people not yet licensed.

Haven't read the actual legislation myself though.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by loneranger26
reply to post by dalan.

Assuming that you own the car your driving %100. If your making payments then you technically do not own that vehicle, that vehicle is property of whoever has the lien on the title.


That is very perceptive of you, and that is the very reason as to why the majority of automobile"owners" only receive a "Certificate of Title."

The actual title of the car is initially held by whomever gave you your loan, and it eventually makes its way to the BMV.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by mugger
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

The Driving Privilege - Driving is a Privilege, Not a Right THE RESPONSIBILITY FACTOR A lot of responsibility comes with a drivers license . You have to drive safely, obey the traffic laws, and respect the rights of other drivers. Not only should you concentrate on your own driving, you should also be well aware of the other vehicles around you. Driving safely also includes how and where you park your car. Passengers in your car put their safety in your hands and expect you to drive safe as well.
driver's ed

driving is not a right

Driving is a right. If the automobile in question is my property I don't need to ask the state permission to operate it.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Perhaps I wouldn't find this so stupid if education was actually about education and not about brainwashing and indoctrination.

This seems to be just another way that the system is trying to force their agenda on the masses.

"Submit to institutionalized programming or else!"
Screw you.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy

Originally posted by 46ACE

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
I thought it was our god given right to travel freely.....this clearly stops this, which means they are trying to get rid of even more rights.

Driving....traveling, is not a privilege its a right!

"Travel"(by foot!) all you want there is no "right to drive".Where would that idea even come from?)
edit on 16-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

Where did your idea come that you didnt have the right to "drive" as you put it?? You do know what driving is right?? Very very few of us actually drive, the majority of us travel in automobiles.

This is the problem, our whole language has been made to fool us. Driving is a what you do when your in commerce

Wait; Don;'tell me "admiralty law and fringed flags???
"driving" is what I do when I choose to leave the motorcycles in the garage and use 4wheeled transportation.

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
. Traveling is what you do to get to places. They are very different. I dont make money when i get in my car, therefor im not driving.
what self-delusional wordplay insanity is this?

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy

Who wrote the was a flesh and blood human being like you and i. These ideas have been passed down generations. The people that wrote these rules are no longer alive. Why should these people control future generations of people??

No one asked to be born and everyone is equal....we were all born to this planet. If i want to travel i shouldnt have someone tell me i need to take a test to be eligible.

There is "no right" to a lot of things in this modern world but ultimately we are as free as we allow our slave masters let us be.

And dont say your not a slave....we all are....we just dont get physically beaten by our owners. You pay tax, you dont want to pay it but if you dont you will go to prison. To pay tax you have to work or buy things, thats why work is such a big thing in the modern world. "Its unhealthy to be out of work" "your a layabout" etc etc.
These are things people have been conditioned to think.

If we were all free there would be no borders, you would not have to work to pay for things you dont want or like, you could do what you wanted when you wanted.

We have all been caught up in a massive scam, our parents, and there parents sold us into slavery without even knowing it

edit on 17-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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