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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
I would also like to add that I really like this group posting here now.

No 3 of us can completely agree on anything and no 2 of us think the same but everyone here is articulate, intelligent, and capable of deep thought. Not to mention no matter how much we disagree everyone is still civilized and not reacting like angry children who just got their Weaties peed in.

This is how human consciousness gets expanded. Not by agreement, but by being able to release your fears of being wrong and learning from your disagreement with humility and strength.

Deep intelligent timewalker thought here.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Banana Phone!

All good until the last few words, forget that part.


edit on 25-5-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Yes, in our finite forms we definitely feel wounded -- hence the many ways we try to heal that wound. But in our true form, there is no wound.

Cauterization one day.

And there again is the question of Predetermination and Free Will. I think both states exist simultaneously, it's not an "either or" situation. Most of us lead predetermined lives. We are like automatons or "sleepwalkers" as Gurdjieff would have put it.

But a human being can rise to a level where he has absolute freedom. When the Ultimate Realization dawns on us, we realized we are the One who created the script, the One who created all of the scripts.

I think some of the situations are predetermined, what you do with these situations is up to you. Random chaos brings new growth. I have had this thought before, If you were the Grand Architect, how much fun would it be to know the outcome already. I think spontaneity would be more exciting, maybe a theater without a predetermined plot. Somewhat.

Adandonment issues are common even among people who were not adopted. I'm not making light of your personal situation of being adopted -- I'm sure that reverberates in your life in ways I've never thought about. But loneliness & feelings of isolation/alienation are common. And has nothing to do with how many people are in your life. I'm sure some here have felt intense isolation even in the midst of a large family & many friends. One of the reasons I have an issue with Frater's insistence that we surround ourselves with people. I love being alone most of the time.

Agreed, we are no total socialized creatures. Those that do need it ALL the time might have more issues than they let themselves to believe. I am a loner. I like being with people too very much, but I gotta have me time.
I have moved coast to coast by myself, made amazing friends in the process. Would not change a thing.

Definitely we are starseed. Our emotional nature is "of the stars" -- astral. I have remembered other worlds since I was very young -- not just human incarnations on this planet. My experiences validate (to me) Edgar Cayce's "planetary sojourns."

I think most people really feel this way. Haven't read Cacey's "planetary sojourns."
edit on 25-5-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Actually, the Holy Guardian Angel = God. Are you a Chaos Magician?

Says who?

And, no.

But I would not recommend working with Goetic entities, as an example. And I have posted elsewhere that seances & channeling are dangerous. A medium is not likely to attract a highly evolved spirit -- more likely scuzzy lower astral entities close to the Earth plane.

Thanks for putting it bluntly. That is part of what I have been trying to get across.

I have the same feelings about most of the "New Agers." The basic info in "The Secret" is NOT wrong, but it's over-simplified, incomplete and thereby misleading.

And therefore dangerous and in my opinion. Just look at the people promulgating it. I had to laugh last night. My Girl was watching Jersylicious and one of the girls was running around with her 'manifestation' board and talking about the secret. It's big in Jersey.

Gotta love the direct questions.

This is interesting, Frater. So you believe we are literally living in a Prison Planet?

Yes. And on 'lockdown'.

This may not be our Ultimate Home, but it's our home while we are in these meatsacks. Our environment is often a mirror.

Everyone on this thread seems to vacillate on this. Either it is or it isn't. I am going whole hog with 'it isn't'. I sometimes fail to see how these analogies to mirrors are useful considering our present circumstances. Folks have been going on for years about this mirror thing and I have yet to find it useful. But I am learning too.

Are you saying none of it is our fault?

I dunno. I struggle with this one. I think in the end it may appear to us that it was our intention rather than our fault. Again, I dunno, really. Just spouting off at the face really.

AuranVector: You really seem to take this Eighth Sphere stuff literally. What caught my interest is how much EMOTION is evidenced in your responses to TheOneEyedProphet's post.

Did you mean this for me? I am totally sold out on the Eighth Sphere. I am also totally sold out on not cherry picking the bits I like and rejecting the parts I find uncomfortable. I seem to see that a lot. In fact it has been systemic amongst all 'Occult' groups I have ever interacted with. It confuses me. It must have something to do with us Americans picking the stuff off our plates that we like and shuffling around or discarding entirely the food we find distasteful.

You seem, Frater, someone who started on the path of Kabbalistic Magick then became disgusted or frightened by it. Am I wrong?

I was hoping someone would ask me about the Kabbalah. Geez, took long enough.

How does anyone start off on the path to 'Magick' without being bombarded with Kabbalah? So yes, I went home and studied the stupid Kabbalah for several years; memorizing all of my correspondences like a good little initiate. The whole time part of me was wondering what the hell I was doing it for.

Anyhow, I was not frightened by it and not really disgusted by it in itself.

It is just that it is bullsh!$. Really, really useless for anything. There a better ways to build a card catalog of correspondences in you head. Can anyone please tell me why the Kabbalah is useful. Why you are content to work with a broken map of creation as the basis for your Theurgy? To me it is the equivalent of emptying out a bag of trash and playing in it.

Also, are you Jewish? I'm not and I have no affinity whatsoever for the Hebrew Kabbalah.

That is why I really focus on Alchemy and because of the influence of my most recent teacher; Simple Nature. Which modern Biology makes not so simple.

Anyway, it is busy work meant to keep you pre-occupied with nothing. I suppose it is just my opinion but I hope it may be a refreshing one.

What really clinches it for me? Is that not in the Oprah thread? If it isn't I will try to sum it up for you. May take me a while to get back to you though.

Have a good day folks.

edit on 25-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

So much to reply to! You were very busy last night here.

First off I have seen Dr. Strangelove several times. Believe it or not the first time was in high school history class. I wonder if they still do that sort of thing or if too many parents would complain? Either way it definitely ranks near the top of great movies.

Yes and No. I knew you'd appreciate a definitive answer.

This is really the only correct answer to the questions posed. You get an A+!

I don't look at Karma like most people do and also don't look at predestination. To me it is a moot point which I would liken to a person debating the merits of breathing. Free will may or may not be an illusion. It can't matter. I'm not saying it doesn't matter, I'm saying it can't just like how it can't matter as to if breathing is good or not.

By living, by even existing, we are a part of a construct some call God, some call the Universe, some call it the Goddess, and some call it Steve the Monkey. It's only different names for the same thing. Clever names and faces for what is essentially everything. Where is this going?

To hop on over to the point (hopefully without missing too much) If we are a part of everything (which without doubt we are: All after this can be expanded on but will not as I am not going to write a book nobody will read) then we need to take the leap to see that everything is in some way inter connected. If we take the leap and see all is interconnected we just need to make two more jumps: If it is interconnected every piece in one way effects every other. Here is the biggest jump, if you take you have no choice but to agree: Time is a construct used to perceive our experience in a linear manner. This means that all things happened and time is the window in which it is being experienced. Just like a book that was written.

So it isn't that your destiny can't be changed or transcended as much as it is that you have already changed or transcended as much as you ever would you just don't know it yet. (Please be reminded I could and have go on about this for hours upon hours and am trying to not take too much time.)

Finally on the Holy Guardian angel...

I just want to say that if it is God / Universe in a form man can approach it is no different from anything else because as have established to my mind this concept is everything. And being Everything all things in all dimensions in all places are simply parts that can be approached by whatever is viewing / experiencing it.

Maybe the Guardian is more like a neural node connected directly to what would be similar to the Universe's nervous system where a more direct communication can take place? I'd buy that one.

Either way I'm fresh outta time for now (Stupid time)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by timewalker


edit on 25-5-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

Is this because the smartest species on earth has decided the third smartest is too stupid to use basic reason?

I'll bet for the most part they were right...

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:49 PM
This thread has really brought alot of insight, and very valuable insight at that. But I would like to add that while the human race does not live in the dark ages, there are still people who could use your guys help to find info.

Take me for example, I have been in combat with a psychic vamp since Jan. 2011 and had to learn as much as I can on the subject. And I have questions and possible solutions.

My questions are these: I notice while watching the 2011 billboard awards most of the hit stars wore crucifixes. From my research crosses and rosary supposedly stop vamps from manipulating energy. Iron grounds vamp energy and supposedly silver. Strew rice is a good defence as well.

Do es anyone else have any solutions?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by thewholetruth
This thread has really brought alot of insight, and very valuable insight at that. But I would like to add that while the human race does not live in the dark ages, there are still people who could use your guys help to find info.

Take me for example, I have been in combat with a psychic vamp since Jan. 2011 and had to learn as much as I can on the subject. And I have questions and possible solutions.

My questions are these: I notice while watching the 2011 billboard awards most of the hit stars wore crucifixes. From my research crosses and rosary supposedly stop vamps from manipulating energy. Iron grounds vamp energy and supposedly silver. Strew rice is a good defence as well.

Do es anyone else have any solutions?

I'm sure you'll get tons of BS advice and probably a bit of ridicule. I'll try for neither, but what I will tell you is that pretty much whatever you believe will work will work as it is the force of your will that will be an effective deterrent.

As above so Below... handle this no differently than you would handle a school yard bully and stop being a victim.

You are not in combat, you're being picked on and letting it happen. If you were in combat they would move along just like any bully.

And all the stars are wearing crosses because they are either Christian or trying to identify with a mostly Christian country to increase sales. Sometimes a Cigar is just a cigar.

(Occasionally it is a spaceship from Betelgeuse sent to destroy life on Mars so watch out for that too)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Jinglelord

Lil wayne and Trey songs are not christians. Yet these two very worldy artist wear crosses.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Jumping jehosephat, I'm gone 48 hours and miss out on all sorts of stuff. Multi-reply mode engage!

All I´m saying that the same "stuff" can take any shape, form, or alignment we desire, some"inorganics" are just conscious fields of energy, just like your "guardian angel", just like us!
Of course "out there" and "in here" the predator will chase the prey every time it gets an opportunity to get an "input" of energy, freebies are a delicacy, as there is no effort wasted, nor energy to increase ones power, one must always be prepared, and be capable of changing our fixations from prey to predators.

They do it, why shouldn't we?

Long answer short? Because it's a suck-ass cycle, and we now have other options at our disposal. Here at the center we can change what is above, change what is below. Predator-prey relationships now have a chance to shift into other dynamics.

You, sir, have at your disposal and as your birth-right a mind-bogglingly massive amount of "power". Two catches, and those significantly less unpleasant than the usual clauses: you can't keep the power, and you can't command it. Asking is key.

I'm afraid I'm even more extreme than Frater210 on this point: I view all predator-prey relationships as short-sighted cannibalism. It's strip-mining for coal in your backyard when you have photo-voltaic panels ready to be utilized.

Example: Tantra. As far as I can tell this consists of directing rest energy into kinetic energy, and then using an exchange process to amplify the current. Likewise with Sunday's super-sigil operation. We are directing and amplifying ambient energy, no sacrifice or hunting required.

The reason I bring this up is because I think there may be some of us that think that a varietal smorgasbord equals freedom. It doesn't it is an illusion. And sometimes a dangerous one.

Your Mind (not your brain) is a decision making machine. You actually get a dopamine payoff for making decisions when confronted with choice. See how that can be dangerous? More is not better. Loss is Power. Embrace the paradox.

No fear, sir, I am not neglecting Ashby's Law. In fact, quite the opposite. It's just that my system requires a metric ass-ton of variables to avoid starvation. Consider how many sources were required in order to develop the Eighth Sphere theory.

I think they just made things up that sounded good to fill any holes. Even the bad stuff we think nobody would just make up. They made it up to add credence to their beliefs.

I'm not saying it is ALL made up, I am saying that they perceived and saw much and what they didn't fully comprehend they simply theorized on and made junk up.

Which is why bringing one's discernment to bear upon nearly any chunk of text can yield worthwhile information. One only runs the risk of violating Ashby's Law (or any other Law, for that matter) if one swallows the dungheaps whole hoping to poo diamonds.

I also don't care for the continual repetition that we are the top, we are the main show.

We are in the middle, and we write the script.

This is strange as a wedding gift but they may be a strange couple. This is a disturbing image of a blindfolded armless, legless "human torso" freak forced to eke out a living as an "Oracle." Is that stick in her mouth used to point to the "Wheel of Fortune?" Where did you find this image?

I, er, I painted it. And yeah, they're pretty odd. And, yup, your interpretation of the implied narrative is spot-on. I would add that it speaks to my view of predestination. A blind slave devoid of volition, using her baton to spin a wheel with all the signifiers long since effaced. It's meant to disturb. Also, the figure was painted with phosphorescent paint, and she glows in the dark.

I see the connections and I am not saying this about this in particular, but I have wondered if some of these things that we are noticing from our collective past, if we are not just making them fit into this. I think it has even happened with me a couple of times. Most do not seem that way, your paintings fit like a glove in this. Just a thought.

I am inclined to think we are not "seeing" anything that isn't there.

. I am a loner. I like being with people too very much, but I gotta have me time.

My take on Frater's sensible injunction to avoid isolation, is that being physically alone is a non-issue. It's only when you fail to perceive your connections to others (maybe everyone) that you run the risk of a shark attack.

This is interesting, Frater. So you believe we are literally living in a Prison Planet?

Yes. And on 'lockdown'.

You don't have to work on Maggie's Farm, guys. As above, so below is only an intractable injunction if you fail to realize that any system can be altered from the center outward.

Which is where we lucky goldfish are positioned.

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: puttering.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Jinglelord

Originally posted by timewalker


edit on 25-5-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

Is this because the smartest species on earth has decided the third smartest is too stupid to use basic reason?

I'll bet for the most part they were right...

Well they got to pay for Deep Thought somehow, and they know we have an affinity for pizza and games.

Those two would bring any arguing warriors to their senses.

This is where we might have to have a get together. It only makes sense.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

I am inclined to think we are not "seeing" anything that isn't there.

Good answer. I think only a minute amount of it. The rest is too much to dismiss. Again that was not directed at you. Those you definitely "saw" you just didn't know it, as with a lot of other things that we have all shared here. There will be more I am sure.

My take on Frater's sensible injunction to avoid isolation, is that being physically alone is a non-issue. It's only when you fail to perceive your connections to others (maybe everyone) that you run the risk of a shark attack.

I might spend a lot of time alone, but I have never felt disconnected from anyone or everyone, maybe once and I was reminded real quick, but it was no shark.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Jinglelord

Holy Christ, JingleLord; you eat your Wheaties or what?

I'm sure you'll get tons of BS advice and probably a bit of ridicule. I'll try for neither, but what I will tell you is that pretty much whatever you believe will work will work as it is the force of your will that will be an effective deterrent.

As above so Below... handle this no differently than you would handle a school yard bully and stop being a victim. You are not in combat, you're being picked on and letting it happen. If you were in combat they would move along just like any bully.

And all the stars are wearing crosses because they are either Christian or trying to identify with a mostly Christian country to increase sales.

Sometimes a Cigar is just a cigar. (Occasionally it is a spaceship from Betelgeuse sent to destroy life on Mars so watch out for that too)

Set em' straight brother. The Vampire Snack will be safe here with us now.

Seriously, 'TheWholeTruth', ignore them and watch their head implode. Please get it on video so you can share with you Brothers and Sisters.

edit on 25-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by thewholetruth

Timewalker described the mechanic of energy vampirism on one of these threads, I'll paraphrase him.

The vampire extends a tentacle, it latches it's suckers to your tender belly and begins to suck emotional energy. If you imagine that there is a bright marigold-colored sphere rotating to your right where your navel is, that's what's being punctured and sucked dry like a juice box.

Above that yellow sphere is a green sphere, the quality of the light it emits is sun shining through young leaves. Picture funnelling that light down to the tentacle. It's not going to like that. It's going to retract in a big hurry, because that **** is not tasty to their sort. They thought they had a juice box, they'll find they were sticking their tongue into an outlet. Wrong kind of "juice".

Ignoring them will also prolly be pretty effective.
edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: bloop.

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: floop

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: thing-a -ma-bob.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
reply to post by thewholetruth

Ignoring them will also prolly be pretty effective.
edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: bloop.

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: floop

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: thing-a -ma-bob.

It is and its fun too!

The other fool proof thing involves a sacred ritual that will pretty much cleanse your soul and make it impervious to assault from any outside influence... but one must be at a higher level and really be better than the average joe to figure it out. I can't really say what it is because it is so dangerous and if you do it wrong you could sprain an ankle.


posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by Jinglelord

Holy Christ, JingleLord; you eat your Wheaties or what?

edit on 25-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

Naw I woke up with a sore back and refuse to take pain medication. Which usually puts me in a nicer mood as I work towards centering and getting rid of the injury. It is all force of will.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous
Actually someone else said that, I cant remember who now, I think it was FITO, and told me about the saran wrap.

My vamp friend must have got the wrong "juice" though. She almost passed out.

I saw her again after he said that, no saran wrap. Same reaction.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by timewalker

Yeah, I was conflating two sources.


You said "tentacle", though, right?

(I guess one of us had to.)
edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: ugh, emoticon swarm.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous
They said that too.

I just take care of business..experiment a little.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:37 PM

I don't know if any of you have actually been electrocuted pretty intensely, if not, it is a rush for sure (disclaimer ~ I do not recommend trying this at home, I am a professional

I have worked with electronics for years and years and have been hit more than my fair share, probably upwards of a hundred times. When it happens, I jolt and retract my hands quickly as could be imagined, but it is exciting. Crazy, but I like it and I almost want to do it again every time. I literally got thrown across a room one time from it. It was tempting. Believe me when I say I have a great respect for it, and do FEAR it. I digress, Just wanted to share that with you all.


Here we go again.

I was visiting my folks for a couple of days. Just before I returned home this afternoon, my step-dad (different one, hulluva good guy) showed me his final project for one of his classes (he's in for an electrical engineering BS).

Well, I'll be damned, if it wasn't a 3x2 circuit board with an optical sensor, a wee bitty processor, a few eency resistors, a 9-v battery and an led readout.

He had a little booklet of cellophane slides in hundred of shades, each of which came with it's own RGB frequency chart. This tiny device could read the frequencies, translate them into voltages for the led, get processed through a spiffy algorithmic formula, and give you the three figure RGB profile for that specific shade.

Which he then plugged into MSPaint. Which yielded a shade corresponding to the cello slide.

Which blew my fecking mind!

edit on 25-5-2011 by mistermonculous because: floop!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:39 PM
Psychic, Energy Vampires

Okay since we are on the subject and it sounds like there is indeed some interest I would like to share some valuable information with ya'll that a Voodoo practitioner from N'Orleans was kind enough to share with me.

"I don't matter none jus laugh it off" "Don't worry on it"

What in the world does that mean? Energy, especially psychic energy comes from within and from outside and the amount of energy you have is directly related to your attitude. This sounds corny as hell but when you feel yourself being "sapped" just smile and laugh. It can be fake at first, it doesn't matter, the rest of you will get the hint and follow suit.

The energy vampyre will get what they want, who cares? You will have plenty of extra, and regular people will like to be around you because you're emanating positive energy. Frankly I don't even notice energy vampires. There are lots of people who nobody else will hang out with that I can be around.

Guess what? These people have value too. And in my experience a positive attitude is contagious. Next thing you know these poor sucking souls will start to be more positive and get more friends and everyone wins.

The saran wrap trick is fine if you're lost and barely clinging onto what you have. But try smiling next time. It is much nicer.

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