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It's official, GOD was a space alien, and NOT our real creator

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

wow.. what a lot i've just read..

known for ages that 'god' is just a job description, just like 'human' is a state of mind.. ezikiel (?) definatly encountered an alien and jesus ascended in a beam of light.. you've also covered subjects that i've had de-bunked by other members and yeah.. known for ages..

if we were originally from this planet, would we spend so much time messing it up?.. if we can tarmac over it we do, if we can chop it down we do, if we can completely *uck it up....... we do. so nope.. we ain't from these neck of the woods.

still going with my experiment gone wrong theory

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by NorthStargal52
reply to post by itsthetooth

I already know how I'm suppose to be ,, It came from my ancestors here are some of our beliefs..

We named our children after living things like White Raven ,,Or Sitting Bull , Or Spotted Eagle ,,and we had our own language and hunted an gathered ... our Anisihinabe people called to Gechi Manidu the superior one for guidance and direction.

Our people learned that such things were in fours given to us by Gechi Manido like .. the four directions: N,W,E.S,,,our four senses: eyes mouth, ears, nose our four earthly presence: earth, air, wind ,water, that there is the circle of life and what phases one should know when growing up as a child.

We had our medicine wheel , we had our clan system when we took from Mother earth we gave thanks by giving prayer and Asima, We had councils and one day the Jesuits came and the Christians came they took our language away Chopped off all our hair, stripped us our clothes... they took our ancestral land away. They told us to never speak our language they sent many of us to mission schools .. Now you tell me to be like Jesus.

My answer to you is you be like Jesus and let me be who I am.. I know one thing that Christians often say or claim.. if you sin no matter how bad ..just except Jesus and he will wipe all your sins away .. this to me makes no sense..

So no matter what you do in SIN’s killing , child molestation, Stealing Christians will always be forgiven in the name of Jesus,,,Considered to be the best of the rest superior to all other religions because of Jesus. We called you the black robes the people with a forked tongue…. Your Bible is your creation story .. Everyone has their own beliefs or none at all .. Faith is something that one chooses whether it be Jesus or something else .. Glad to see you have your faith .. And I am glad I have mine even after all that’s happened
Oh I forgot to add that we believe in the whole Picture of Earth and Beyound Earth .. like our Universe and other such things .. So I have to ask this people who's religionstarts at 6,000 or years ago and your child comes home and has a science project about the Dino's what do you do???? how do you handle this if your religion does not support this ?? but yet there are angels up in heaven ...
edit on 19-5-2011 by NorthStargal52 because: inserted left part of paragraph

Dont feel bad about not understanding the whole Jesus thing, and in fact I was lost too.
In a weird bizarre twisted way, Jesus was my personal savior and put me on the correct pat, at least in discovery.
I'm not christian, well sort of, its complex, but Jesus was the missing link to why we never figured out everything I'm explaining.

Jesus had normal DNA.
Our DNA is altered, and there is proof, and it is scary as hell, and proves beyond a doubt that god was not our creator, and also murders Christianity.
This is all scary on an epic level.
So to explain more about Jesus.
Aliens abduct people, they have abducting on the brain for sure. It's like their golden goose.
We were placed here and punished by god for not obeying him and being good little slaves.
Our punishment was the loss of several powers. This is mentioned many times, in many ways in the bible as well.
So yes, we are all suppose to have other powers. Don't even look at the idea of these powers as being special, your looking at it backwards. These are in essence other senses and abilitys that seem to be normal by comparison to study's of alien life.
It's like saying god took away touch, or smell.
You can somewhat relate at least with the idea of that based on that fact that you are familiar with them.
When he took away our powers, and erased our memory, that created a situation where we may not have fully understood something was missing.

It's the only thing that really makes me wonder about the bible.
Were the people in those days just that stupid because of what god did to them, or have we simply been missing their interpretation all along. Probably a little of both.
It doesn't help that it was written so long ago either.

Just to give you and example of how easy we can miss things, go back an read my comments a few replies ago about testing my GF mother (avid avid non alien believer, I mean she thinks all 4 million people that claim reports of them are all hallucinating).

I was sure that all this time, the words spirit and ghost were being misunderstood in the bible. Spirit seems to be the keyword used to explain someone entering your mind with telepathy, an alien power.
It's in fact not alien, our ability to call out is disabled. God really knew what he was doing inverting our DNA.

It reminds me of what the phone company does when you don't pay your bill. They disable your ability to call out, and you can only get calls in. That way people can bug you or bill collectors can hit you up for money. It's just mean. It's yet another clue. God may not have had the ability to talk to us with a voice. From what I can tell, telepathy is universal. Accounts of people making contact from life that visits us, never talks about a language barrier. Telepathy is universal. I wonder if the real creator did this on purpose expecting life to meet up with each other from different planets. It's interesting at best. I'm however not shocked because the creator does have a pattern, and does repeat many things about his creations with variations. Our ability to talk with our mouths was an adaptation. We had no choice.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Maybe its time to stop the preaching and just accept that we have no F clue of what we are talking about.

Yes we have books about so called religion, thats okey.. but people interpret those books to endless bs and endless debates of who and what and where and why and stfu

We dont know !@#$ deal with it, because of dumb people the smart people makes money..

People also get born into this false bs and they think this is all we have lol! no wonder people can't figure it out that our leaders are corrupt and evil, because karma will haunt them

Everything are so divine and pure, no one suffer everything is just perfect. /sarcasm
If we have a nice life and we do no harm we have a place "up" there waiting for us "perfect" people. FAIL !

What about the poor people around our freaking fragile earth? who cares right? just because we can't do !@#$ about it we don't need to do any thing about it?, FAIL !


And YES i think some freaking alien invented us, only freaking thing that makes sense.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth
reply to post by itsthetooth

great thread S&F.

There are some great observances here and many beliefs I believe are probably true and have for a long time, it just makes sense.

There are a few points though that are debatable, such as placement for intended cruelty, couldn't it just as well be for safety, or necessity?

Could it also be that due to acclimatisation difficulties and / or incompatibility issues on another planet that has caused humans to sway from their original (alien / other planet) behavior which has caused difficulty in general evolution and which has to be addressed / corrected?

Could it be some sort of Earth prison for cleansing of original planet/s, hence the heaven / hell hypotheses?

There are so many possibilities.

Excellent questions.
Yes I thought of all those, and more.
The evidence we are left with led to the one and only possibility being the best answer. We were to be slaves.
Oddly enough, we served god. And gold, as odd as that sounds. We were miners for gold. This is truly a big picture, but not for me.
Probably some points to satisfy your question, if I hit them all.
God setting us up here with altered DNA, food, and the BS story that we have sinned, were painting an all to easy picture. Control, its all about control. He wanted us to live, no doubt. Hey he could have just killed us but chose not to. Not because hes a loving god, because he had a purpose in mind for us. Unfortunately our health was not a big consideration. We will forever suffer and struggle on the wrong planet.

I think from a common sense point of view, if there is other life out there, take a guess and ask yourself what would the most common reason be. It's obvious to give them some sort of gain. Survival of the fittest. It's a fact that we do this to both other animals and other country's as well. It's in the very nature of any life to do what ever it has to do, in order to survive and get ahead.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by itsthetooth

Originally posted by thecrazydude11
I must say sir that i am impressed with this thread but i have three questions. Question number 1: Where did you get all this info., what's your source? Question number 2: What is your opinion on prophetic dreams? ( the reason why i am asking u this is because my mother gets dream's that warn her about wat's about to happen in her life, she has also dreams about disasters that actually happens days later) i have one more thing to discuss but ill let answer my 2 questions.

I did most of my own research on the bible, oddly enough thats where most of this comes from as hard as that is to believe. I had a friend help on on the fact that he was versed on over 6 different versions of the bible, and he too was in love with the paranormal.

I had been in the paranormal for over 3 decades, hated the bible, could care less about it, hate religion. Now I love it all, well, with my understanding anyhow. Who would have ever had guessed they cross paths. I can also see why this was hard to figure out. Most that believe in the bible don't believe in aliens. Most that believe in aliens don't believe in the bible. How lucky both my friend and I were open to both.

I did all the work on my findings, but specific things were backed up with findings on the internet. As scary as this sounds I took it one step at a time and never accepted anything as proof or plausible unless there were mass things to back it up. It truly is a large picture and as I put it together piece by piece I started to fear my worse nightmare. I still didn't want to believe it, even though I knew it was certainly true and the only thing that would prove it was DNA. I found Lloys Pye's DNA video as the last element to prove it with hardcore fact and it proved some other things that were as far as I'm concerned more to worry about.

Gee.. since aliens wrote the dang thing, what a surprise that 'their paths cross'. Sadly it's taken this long for anyone to notice the obvious.

And it seems you are entirely possessed with the idea that all of this MUST BE SCARY and horrible and god is evil, instead of just seeing it as that is what happened. Get over it. It isn't scary, it isn't horrible, and great things are coming out of it for humanity. Stop fear-mongering, please.
edit on 19-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

Well I only do that because I realize where it leaves us. We are probably suppose to live 300 years. Thats not going to happen. On our home planet we would be healthy based on the fact our needs are there.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Well, itsthetooth (what in heck does that nick mean, anyway??), it appears you've decided to stop responding to me. So I wish you well, and good luck trying to prove anything spiritual, especially using the bible as a reference source. In traditional research, you can't use a source that uses itself as proof of something. For some reason, all the Christan types put that obvious common sense aside, and insist that you have to believe the bible because it says you should. And then base all sorts of yahoo ideas on it because.. well it says so in the bible, and THAT proves it. Yah. So anyway, like I said, good luck with all that.
edit on 19-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

Well what it comes down to is they say, no I was taught this, and I say no, you were taught wrong and let me show you how I know that. They believe in magic and mystical things, and I don't. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just a desperate way people were trying to understand.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by guitarplayer

Originally posted by itsthetooth

Originally posted by ellieN
reply to post by itsthetooth

Tell me what you think of this verse in the Bible that has plagued me.
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever:
The next verses shows how God dealt with their disobedience by expulsion from Eden.
To me verse 22 is very puzzling! He is conversing with others about the IQ of the humans and worried they will obtain the knowledge of living forever.
edit on 18-5-2011 by ellieN because: added a word

Good share, that is weird. A test perhaps, by claiming you will live forever but is it against gods desires. And if so its instant proof he knows he can't control us, so he will have to alter us to make us easier to control. Wanna see what he did? Check out Lloyd Pye's video on DNA. The changes are evident.

If I may interject here in Gen when it speaks of us or make in our image the word used is Elohiym is used to denote God the name Elohiym is the purl gender meaning more than one which theologically is speaking of the Trinity. If you read in Revelations where it speaks of Jesus who was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world meaning that Christ has always been just like the Father and the Holy Ghost.

As far as the fear of Adam and Eve becoming like God living forever it is generally believed that Adam and Eve were pure spirit beings prior to the fall. The source of this belief is that in the New Testament it says that one must worship God in spirit and truth since God is a Spirit.

A good source of a alternative view on things is to read some of Chuck Misslers writing on the subject.

Nice, I just read your post here and it fits 100% and makes sense with my views on this.
Adam and Eve were pure when they were abducted, then god screwed them up. Christ being LIKE the father simply means he had powers, well and so did god. This is where peeps never would see whats going on and also proves my basis of continuity of creation. God and Jesus had powers but does not prove they were even the same race. It an assumption we all made based on the fact that we simply didn't have powers, and believed we were whole. We are not whole people our DNA proves this. God is only a spirit because he never showed his face but would hide behind telepathy and radio devices. Telepathy appears to have a limited range, so radio was used for longer distances. Its also why god lost control of us. You can mind link an entire planet, so he had people going astray. A flaw in his plan.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by guitarplayer

Originally posted by itsthetooth

Originally posted by ellieN
reply to post by itsthetooth

Tell me what you think of this verse in the Bible that has plagued me.
And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever:
The next verses shows how God dealt with their disobedience by expulsion from Eden.
To me verse 22 is very puzzling! He is conversing with others about the IQ of the humans and worried they will obtain the knowledge of living forever.
edit on 18-5-2011 by ellieN because: added a word

Good share, that is weird. A test perhaps, by claiming you will live forever but is it against gods desires. And if so its instant proof he knows he can't control us, so he will have to alter us to make us easier to control. Wanna see what he did? Check out Lloyd Pye's video on DNA. The changes are evident.

If I may interject here in Gen when it speaks of us or make in our image the word used is Elohiym is used to denote God the name Elohiym is the purl gender meaning more than one which theologically is speaking of the Trinity. If you read in Revelations where it speaks of Jesus who was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world meaning that Christ has always been just like the Father and the Holy Ghost.

As far as the fear of Adam and Eve becoming like God living forever it is generally believed that Adam and Eve were pure spirit beings prior to the fall. The source of this belief is that in the New Testament it says that one must worship God in spirit and truth since God is a Spirit.

A good source of a alternative view on things is to read some of Chuck Misslers writing on the subject.

BTW making us in his image has also been taken out of context. What happened is god, and his help as mentioned in the bible, got an image of how they wanted to disable our powers, and did just that.
It's clear that either he was trying to pull the wool over their eyes or we missunderstood he must be the creator.
Either way, if you were primitive, and someone was about to explain to you they were about to do this process to you, you also might assume they must be the creator. I give total respect to this in how it can happen.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by believer74
reply to post by itsthetooth

wow.. what a lot i've just read..

known for ages that 'god' is just a job description, just like 'human' is a state of mind.. ezikiel (?) definatly encountered an alien and jesus ascended in a beam of light.. you've also covered subjects that i've had de-bunked by other members and yeah.. known for ages..

if we were originally from this planet, would we spend so much time messing it up?.. if we can tarmac over it we do, if we can chop it down we do, if we can completely *uck it up....... we do. so nope.. we ain't from these neck of the woods.

still going with my experiment gone wrong theory

I wont rule that out. I see some hints of experimentation.
When god asks where are you. Which seems to have been better written if he had said do you know where you are, seems as though he was testing the ability to erase his memory.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by notonsamepage
Maybe its time to stop the preaching and just accept that we have no F clue of what we are talking about.

Yes we have books about so called religion, thats okey.. but people interpret those books to endless bs and endless debates of who and what and where and why and stfu

We dont know !@#$ deal with it, because of dumb people the smart people makes money..

People also get born into this false bs and they think this is all we have lol! no wonder people can't figure it out that our leaders are corrupt and evil, because karma will haunt them

Everything are so divine and pure, no one suffer everything is just perfect. /sarcasm
If we have a nice life and we do no harm we have a place "up" there waiting for us "perfect" people. FAIL !

What about the poor people around our freaking fragile earth? who cares right? just because we can't do !@#$ about it we don't need to do any thing about it?, FAIL !


And YES i think some freaking alien invented us, only freaking thing that makes sense.

Well that is the old path, but for me anyhow, this whole thing makes complete sense.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Im kind confused of the whole power thing cuz ive heard that if you would serve god he'd grant you all your desires and on top of that, god would select different types of people that serve him and grant them special power like psychic power, (my mom) intelligence and whole other type of powers. if god is an alien theory true then, it looks like hes basically building an army of are kind so when the "final battle" happens in the tribulation he'd be able to wipe out the human wont obey him, but to me it sound a little bit more than that, there is something else. there are millions of eveil men and women on this planet though and to tell you the truth it sounds to me that god is only keeping valueable (his servants) and he's throwing away the trash (non- believers).

edit on 19-5-2011 by thecrazydude11 because: misspellings

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

there is no way angel can be aliens bcuz one thing and one thing only why would aliens have wings if they have space ships, that type evolution with aliens just doesnt flow right with me, it's like an apendix to them or something. so you would think they would get rid of it, cuz they have no use for them or am i wrong?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM
:IMO Jesus is the son of GOD ..ok and THE supernatural being who had the intelligence is from a entity unknown to all.

Whether he she it had a cosmic universe of their own or it had several planets with other entity’s be it angels aliens ET's this is all not known .. All I know is that this Higher intelligence is or could be the sole reason we are here on earth .. the DNA wouldn’t even matter .. we already know that from our science DATA the earths age and that it was over time built to sustain us humans starting out with micro organisms ants bugs and such and this SNB Super Natural Being

Just like we have the food pyramid to guide us nutritionally this seems to be the way our early formation has went first micro organisms then bugs then fish or however it went then eventually Dino's then over time again mammals birds and trees rocks dirt which over time gave us plant food and over time again this finally lead to bringing into existence early forms of man .... how did he get here well I don’t believe it was Adam and Eve that’s for sure so the very definition of the word alien is something that is not from here to begin with so therefore this SNB must of dumped DNA in a warm incubator and WA La we have a man an a woman

edit on 19-5-2011 by NorthStargal52 because: seperated paragrahs

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by NorthStargal52

Soooooooo you belive in evolution mmmmhhhmm, you believe that we evolved from mammals that were the size of little rats, and eventually monkeys right? well i think that unlikely cuz how did human beings become so intelligent? how did we suceed to develop such a complex brain, luck, fate, mmmhh think not, you would think that monkeys would be almost as smart as us dont you think they'd be able to talk are language, adapt like us, learn are habbits. Sure monkeys are pretty smart i mean dont get me wrong they are intelligent enough to express emotions and learn sign laguage but....... im not sure but are'nt dolphins actually smarter then monkeys lol, fact of the matter dolphins are smarter then maybe all of the animals on the planet and their not even in are family tree, sure their mammals but it's not the same. In conclusion, evolution clearly states: we are a close family of the primates and yet they could'nt keep up with us, doomed to live a simple, wild life. thats wat the evolution theory clearly states, so do you really concur with this theory?

edit on 19-5-2011 by thecrazydude11 because: Misspelling (again lol)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Another question, how are aliens that abduct humans, related or connected to god???????

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by thecrazydude11
reply to post by NorthStargal52

Soooooooo you belive in evolution mmmmhhhmm, you believe that we evolved from mammals that were the size of little rats, and eventually monkeys right? well i think that unlikely cuz how did human beings become so intelligent? how did we suceed to develop such a complex brain, luck, fate, mmmhh think not, you would think that monkeys would be almost as smart as us dont you think they'd be able to talk are language, adapt like us, learn are habbits. Sure monkeys are pretty smart i mean dont get me wrong they are intelligent enough to express emotions and learn sign laguage but....... im not sure but are'nt dolphins actually smarter then monkeys lol, fact of the matter dolphins are smarter then maybe all of the animals on the planet and their not even in are family tree, sure their mammals but it's not the same. In conclusion, evolution clearly states: we are a close family of the primates and yet they could'nt keep up with us, doomed to live a simple, wild life. thats wat the evolution theory clearly states, so do you really concur with this theory?

edit on 19-5-2011 by thecrazydude11 because: Misspelling (again lol)

Here’s my explanation to your reply …sorry I didn’t go into detail !!!
”this finally lead to bringing into existence early forms of man .... how did he get here well I don’t believe it was Adam and Eve that’s for sure so the very definition of the word alien is something that is not from here to begin with so therefore this SNB must of dumped DNA in a warm incubator and WA La we have a man an a woman “
I said :
“This finally lead to bringing into existence early forms of man” ..

Explanation :
My meaning to this is earth is now ready for this SNB to bring into existence of human like creatures where do you hear me stating that we came from a monkey or a mammal ..if this is what I meant to say I would of came out and said I believe in evolution DAH??

I said:
“So the very definition of the word alien is something that is not from here to begin with so therefore this SNB must of dumped DNA in a warm incubator and WA La we have a man an a woman “

Explanation :
And what I meant here was with a bit of sarcasm… Saying that this SNB or higher intelligent being came down with DNA from where it was brought it down to earth and.. mass reproduced humans for all I know LOL so yes I’m part Alien but by now I’m more Native American and French with traces of Mediterranean blood,,

Seriously are you kidding me .. I am not a believer of evolution or creation ..
I believe a higher being made up the DNA in it’s lab and then flew it down via Spaceship/UFO to earth

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by thecrazydude11
Soooooooo you belive in evolution mmmmhhhmm, you believe that we evolved from mammals that were the size of little rats, and eventually monkeys right? well i think that unlikely cuz how did human beings become so intelligent? how did we suceed to develop such a complex brain, luck, fate, mmmhh think not, you would think that monkeys would be almost as smart as us dont you think they'd be able to talk are language, adapt like us, learn are habbits. Sure monkeys are pretty smart i mean dont get me wrong they are intelligent enough to express emotions and learn sign laguage but....... im not sure but are'nt dolphins actually smarter then monkeys lol, fact of the matter dolphins are smarter then maybe all of the animals on the planet and their not even in are family tree, sure their mammals but it's not the same. In conclusion, evolution clearly states: we are a close family of the primates and yet they could'nt keep up with us, doomed to live a simple, wild life. thats wat the evolution theory clearly states, so do you really concur with this theory?

edit on 19-5-2011 by thecrazydude11 because: Misspelling (again lol)

After reading your post, I find it ironic that you equate language skills with intelligence and evolutionary fitness.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by NorthStargal52

To me it sounded like you were talking about evolution idk i think i may have misunderstood thats my bad

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:42 PM
hopefully we will get the truth.
edit on 19-5-2011 by notonsamepage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by iterationzero

what i meant by that is the capability to learn

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