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It's official, GOD was a space alien, and NOT our real creator

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by darkdeliverance
Interesting thread... Too bad you have NO FACTUAL information to prove your thesis... Provde one link at least that detests that we were the spawn of some space monkeys...LOL!!!!! Why then have they FOUND the ark on mount ararat? Why then have they found jesus's cloth he was wrapped in? Why then is the no mentioning of aliens in the bible? Your thread is insulting towards the christian religion as a whole. All these threads about aliens and the end of the world is preparing people for the 2012 catalyst that will introduce the NWO. Please read up about project blue beam, it is real and it is going to happen. HAARP have confirmed what they are capable of by hitting haiti and japan, the koran speaks of a 3rd earthquake which is to hit... We have already had 2, then the staging of the false christ who will decend and fool mankind, when everyone believes they have been left behind after the false rapture has taken place, Matreiya will come forth.... This is a tropic that deserves it's own thread... This is not the place... What I am trying to say is, why would the huge corporates stage such an event if religion is fake? There is too much evidence in the world to say your statements are correct.

I always looked at it like I have just as much proof as anyone else.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Sounds almost like psychology to me!
Heathen! more LOL haha

I cant help it...Ive always been drawn to observe and try to understand people. After going through alot of experiences myself....psychology became a passion. Not stick by the book psychology...but how the brain works and what the mind is capable of. For example...why we dream or hallucinate or can create a experience that seems very real.

I little psychology with a little spiritual mixed in. I believe we are cable of all of these things...for good reasons. I think when people have experiences, like aliens or what ever....I think its their inner being, their unconscious desires and fears...feeding the consciousness. Then I like to challenge such ideas or challenge what they believe to be 'fact'.

But like I said...its been a while since I joined such a topic...but was fun (even though my challenges were ignored) while it lasted.

I think its all real, physical.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Session13
You have an interesting post with many interesting arguments. I would like to question the argument that "The Bible" accurate or even plausible. I am not an Athiest myself now am I a Christian. I feel like many of our ancient stories passed from generation to generation ( like The Bible ) have been distorted and are only remnents of the truth.

No doubt the Essene has been lost, I think I'm bringing it back.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
I would strongly advise the OP to stop reading books for a while. Go camping, connect with nature...look at how life is connected, how life must have life to live...its all one big circle, its beautiful. Appreciate that you are of the phase of being that can observe, be aware, dream, and imagine.

Things are not meant to be 'perfect' like a bliss existence. There is purpose in everything, even disease and death. There are more answers in nature and life itself..then in any book. That is the 'secret'.

I think such still written in my signature.

Supposedly , it was words spoken by Jesus....but dont take my work for that. It matters not who said matters if one can understand it and see it for being a truth.

Actually I did, and spent all of my time realizing more and more how I'm on the wrong planet. I hate to admit this, but it haunts me.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I agree with you. I personally would love to believe in god and everything that comes with god.
But i just can't. I would state my reasons but i don't want too be to offensive in this thread.
I also see science as flawed. But i tend to be able to have "faith" in science since its well...

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Let it out, your not going to offend me. I only hope I can grasp it.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by itsthetooth

Angels are aliens, well at least in the bible anyhow.

But thousands of years ago when people claimed to experience a 'angel' they did not describe it looking like what man describes as aliens today. The described them, with the preconceived 'image' they had in their minds, with a little personal creativity added to it.

This is what Im trying to tell you....aliens is the 'new fad' for the image of 'experiences'. As religions seem to loose foothold...a 'new image' takes hold in mankinds 'eye'.

Good point, keeping in mind its their description, and translated no doubt. Aside from that I have read variations of alien design from usually humanoid like us, to ferry size, down to miniture and giants. Even one race that looks like a featureless smooth white glowing skull with no body. But moves about in the air. We don't know everything, and all we know is what visits us and gets noticed.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:31 AM
Also, humans did NOT evolve from primates.

Humans and primates have a common ancestor.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Well, I've always found the alien hypothesis interesting, and surely more probable than the creationist one, but heck, is it not possible on this site to edit your title??? I feel a bit like I was tricked into clicking on this with the "It's Official" claim! Maybe you could change it to "My Personal Opinion" or something??

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by AceWombat04
A very interesting and thought provoking read. However, I have some questions.

1) The Dead Sea Scrolls containing what are believed to be the oldest surviving Genesis scriptures date to, at most, 150 BC. It is believed by most scholars that they date to around 66 BC. ( See the references, not just the text.) The concept of Eden, a tree of knowledge, and Adam and Eve are all fairly recent mythological innovations. There may be some similarities here and there, but the outright concept that we began with two humans - a male and a female - and "fell" due to eating the fruit of a tree, is a more recent myth than the world's oldest mythologies and cosmologies. How do you account for the many thousands of years of completely differing mythology, religion, and civilization compiled before Genesis ever emerged (proto-indo-European, indo-Iranian, Sumerian, Indian, etc.)? If we're talking about the creation of homo sapiens, would these older mythologies not be a better place to mine for long since watered down origin data?

2) That we only use 10% of our brains is evidently a myth. (See and ) Do you have an alternative hypothesis as to how our latent telepathic abilities may have been suppressed or eliminated?

3) What is your basis for the number of abduction cases (four million)? Can you cite a source for that number, and have you personally examined every one of that number of cases?

Thanks and peace.

I don't remember where I got the 4 mill, I'm comfortable believing it. I have studied reports for all my life, its more than possible. The 10% theory is only a small clue to a much larger picture. I like how the pineal gland is dormant and in my opinion looks like a gland that somehow connects the cerebral cortex with the cerebellum. In my observation it looks like some type of switch or hyper connection device. Its been overlooked because of its size which is sad because Not only missing the DNA switches render it useless but it could be whats bottle necking our brain capacity. No I have looked at about 10,000.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Butterbone
I'm confident this thread has made me dumber than I was before I read it.

thank you???

Why would you say that?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by Dw2881
Wow god was a space alien.

I wonder where he came from?

Probably the same place where we came from and all the other races out there.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by googolplex
Your a fool, the Aliens were in the same boat we are in, really though I should say are in the same boat as us.
And sorry to say you are so stupid, don't you relize with time there will be beings far more advanced than we or any Aliens around right now are.
If you were to see one of these Beings from the future, then you would really belive you were seeing God, but that's not the end, and sorry to say again you don't have a clue as to what is going on.
There is a planned progression taking place in the Universe we are only part of it.

What was the first area of the Universe that first had intelligent life that was able to leave their Planet, Solar system, Galaxy. When did this occur, how many Billioms of Years ago, how many civilizations did this, how many did it around the same time.

What kind of Beings will be running aroiund in the Universe in a Trillion years, this Univese has been here less than 100 Billion years.
Look what the stupid humans have done in the past 200 years, 2000 years, 100,000,000,000 / 200, do the math.
1,000,000,000,000 / 200 the big crunch occurs in 23, 000, 000,000,000
edit on 16-5-2011 by googolplex because: (no reason given)

I don't know, I have never left earth.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
well gotta give you props.
You have took the time to reply to loads of people.

Ya like all day, others here are getting piissy.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by coquine
Well, I've always found the alien hypothesis interesting, and surely more probable than the creationist one, but heck, is it not possible on this site to edit your title??? I feel a bit like I was tricked into clicking on this with the "It's Official" claim! Maybe you could change it to "My Personal Opinion" or something??

Well I'm mixed on it. I'm sold on the direction that seems to be backed up by compounded things. I used a high standard of acceptance when looking at things. I stopped looking because each time I open up a new page of the bible, its just one more thing that proves I'm right. I'm not exaggerating. I got to a point where I just stopped.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:03 AM
To say "What has been done to us is cruelty" is saying that God is cruel. Is it possible we CHOSE to come here? In the beginning it was always supposed to be in 'his image' according to the Bible, (since you used it as a reference I will as well), which when translated to the original Hebrew, comes to mean his logos or likeness. How do you know that we didn't want to be like Him? We were designed perfect to begin with, filled with the Holy Spirit and able to live here well. If we wanted to be like him, then we would want to experience what he has, and what if that means He has experienced pain and suffering too. It was the introduction of something else, another force that interrupted the progress of our race. The fall of Adam and Eve or rather when they lost the holy spirit, was not done by themselves. Also, In Genesis, chapter six, it talks about the introduction of foreign DNA from angels that came down, or ascended down, in original translation, and mated with the human woman, Further changing us, making a violent and hateful breed. Then in one of the lost gospels, it goes into more detail on how they begged God to forgive them, that they made a mistake,they were sent to protect us, if God was cruel, why would he send them to protect us? These are what I believe are fallen angels, the aliens most people speak about in the abductions, in the sumerian, egyptian, greek and other polytheistic religions. They want to be worshiped because they could gain the control of us that way. To mislead us away from the true God. They pretend to be gods because they feel that they have more knowledge than us, and they can manipulate us through that knowledge.

What if it was them that performed the 'memory erasing' that you talk about. You already said you believe they are responsible for demon possession. Since their interruption into our lives, our years of life have gone down as well if you see the timeline of how many years humans used to live. That is when we became the virus to the Earth that you mentioned, which I too have viewed as that. But it is also technology that has done that, this type of knowledge has changed us in not such great ways. You think technology is progress? Our true selves is supposed to be a loving, caring, healthy, race. Since technology, and the introduction of these forces, or influences, we as a race have destroyed the earth and in turn it comes back to destroy ourselves and our connection to spirituality and connectedness to this planet, our connection to God. God wants us to shy away from them, because they lead us into destruction of our true selves. Does that sound like a cruel God? Not to me.

What if the only way to get back to our original place, our home, is through being who God desires us to be? Is it possible that technology could take us to the wrong place? If technology is being influenced by anything other than for good, then it is probably not a good path to take.

What IS worshiping God? Worshiping God is not a bad thing in my opinion. Truly worshiping God is how he desires us to be and how to live life, which is a life of Love, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, discipline, soberness and to shy away from the wrong and evil in this world. A father also disciplines their children when they are not doing the right thing. Is it out of Love or Hate? I think it is out of love. Have you ever seen children, babies that grew up having no discipline whatsoever? What do you think that child would be like when being influenced by the outside world, the influence of this world. If we let ourselves follow the bad of this world, then we head down the wrong path, we shy away from what we are trying to be like, and what our true selves are trying to accomplish while spending time here on Earth. If God made this earth, and the disciplines brought upon us or punishments as you call them; are usually from natural phenomena such as floods, comets, diseases, plagues, then one could say that technically that is how the punishment works, it is a natural cycle that happens on this earth and He is responsible since he made the Earth. Creation and destruction is a natural cycle of this planet according to the biology of the matter. Or one could say that the original culprits to humans doing wrong followed by punishment, are always the ones that mislead us to begin with and influenced us by the dark, why aren't you placing the blame on them?

The Good I have mentioned above, that is God. Jesus was sent here to show us how happy we could be here, it wasn't to punish us and torture us as you put it. It was to save us. The real church, is what is meant to come together and have fellowship with one another in homes, break bread with each other, show your humility to one another. Speak only of love and good things, Pray and read the word of God. The Bible says that we are not to worship in His name in Temples made by mans hands, because he is not there, but when two or more gather,(speaking of fellowship), I Am There. So who is there in these temples aka "churches."? Not the true God IMO.

My bottom line is that God is not the alien you speak of, He is not our enemy, we have another enemy. He is not the one that made us slaves to this world, it is and was something else, sumerian gods are not God, they are fallen angels or demons IMO. And you can't pick and choose what you believe and what you don't believe out of the Holy Bible, either you believe it or not. Try praying for understanding and wisdom of the Holy Spirit before you read the bible, then maybe there will be better discernment and understanding of it. I think you contradict yourself when you use the Bible as a reference of what you believe is proof yet you don't believe in the God that is the whole basis of the book itself? You think God of this universe is not our creator, well he is the creator of our physical form here at least. And if there is anything beyond him then he is still that which is beyond, whether it is a part, its a connection, and many of us can find that connection within ourself by living well, living how we were told how and had a given example of how we should live. Besides, physical death here does not mean its the end of our life, but there is a promise to us that if we put to death our flesh and earthly desires and follow the good, God, then we can have everlasting life spiritually in a more beautiful place then Earth itself. We should work to be good and loving and caring, then we can spiritually grow and learn what we were meant to learn.


posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by darkdeliverance
Interesting thread... Too bad you have NO FACTUAL information to prove your thesis... Provde one link at least that detests that we were the spawn of some space monkeys...LOL!!!!! Why then have they FOUND the ark on mount ararat? Why then have they found jesus's cloth he was wrapped in? Why then is the no mentioning of aliens in the bible? Your thread is insulting towards the christian religion as a whole.

That was exactly my next thought, people always say there is no scientific evidence of anything in the bible. That is not true, the incidences you mentioned above are all scientific analysis studies, so in my opinion science has never proven the bible wrong and has only proved it right. I am saying this to all who think because I believe in God I must live in the stone age and not keep up with science. Not true, I study biology and the more I learn about our Earth, the more I believe in God.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Mate... regarding the 6000 year Bible date... you obviously haven't read about the Irish guy who cooked that up in his head. Look up the seventeenth-century Irish bishop called James Ussher or check out link.

Lots of the Bible is taken from older religions. 7 out of 10 of the commandments come from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The EZ wheel with the Bull, Eagle, Angel and Lion are representing the four fixed signs of the Zodiac. Taurus the bull, Scorpio the eagle/scorpion or grey lizard, Aquarius the water bearer angel with a head full of ideas and wisdom, Leo the Lion.
Once the star sign Cancer was known as the Two Donkeys of delta and gamma or north and south or male and female... one set of the gates of heaven, the other gate was/is in Capricorn.

Keep looking, you'll get there. Check out the earlier religions... eg the Zoroastrians... Once there wasn't a dualistic idea of good and bad. That idea suits the priests/bishops and pope. The Catholic Church invented the evil devil concept.... Satan in the early Jewish religious doctrines was not a bad guy, he was a thinker if anything.
there's a lot of people out there basing their beliefs on a bunch of silly modern made up rubbish.

edit on 16-5-2011 by LexiconV because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
Where did you learn so much on the grays ???? Whats weird is I always assumed they never thought ahead too. Probably because they keep coming back to us. Dumb dumbs.

There are a LOT of grey spirits in human bodies which means their spirits are now in our racial unconscious, so there is gobs of information available about them there.

Plus I've had an ongoing spirit level connection with the group who's ex-spirits tend to reincarnate as the Chinese. Of all the things I've experienced since learning about the racial unconscious and the spirit/psychic realm, this connection is what I am least sure of. But they originally contacted me and since have told me things that make sense, and fit in with what I can see in the racial unconscious.

They are the ones who've given me the names of the aliens since that kind of information doesn't make it thru the whole 'conscious awareness/left brain/unconscious mind/right brain/racial unconscious' trip very well. Plus in between my spirit visits to them, things have been happening that I would never in a million years would think of on my own, so I am going with the belief that this connection is real.

But I'm only connected to this one group. There isn't just one group so that is why there are so many different Asian genotypes. Each group made it's own specialized version but none of these other grey groups are open to me at all.

So, yes, I do have more personal level information on the greys; not just what I've found about them in the racial unconscious. They keep returning (actually they don't usually leave) because they feel guilty about bringing the Jue-sah here. They are doing what they can to help, as small as the effects of that are, unfortunately. They are actually quite afraid of the Jue-sah and their unrelenting ability to be viciously cruel. The greys aren't a mean people at all.. they're actually pretty childlike and naive without many natural defensive capabilities, plus they don't have the fortitude to fight back very well. In fact, as a dragon rider, I knew the greys. They often hired us to fight for them. And they paid in the nicest thickest slabs of pure, fresh grown delicious meat. Considering the dragons had a bad habit of over-hunting the worlds they knew about, we were always more hungry than not, so we loved to work for the greys.

And they do consider us like their 'children' and hence are quite unhappy at how badly we've been treated albeit they'd never in a million years be able to talk to us one on one, being as xenophobic as they are. I think there's been a lot of misinformation about the greys. The Blues and the Jue-sah both use bot-like things which were designed to look somewhat like a grey that do bad stuff for them. That way, when the SHTF, all the humans will think the greys are the enemy and blame and go after them, instead of putting their anger on the Jue-sah and Blues where it rightfully belongs.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
I'm not understanding,,,, is it because jews were chosen first, or it just happened that way, how did you get that and does it have anything to do with jesus being a jew?

The Jue-sah weren't 'chosen' other than our racial unconscious did choose them to help keep us from getting too comfortable and so not be ready to make full enlightenment as we came into this area of space. But their being here in the first place was because they were hired by the greys to come in and manage us when the greys couldn't.

So much of their 'we're the chosen ones' is really self aggrandizement based on their belief (and ancient awareness) that the typical human is little more than artificially intelligent cattle, since they saw us when we were barely sentient.

They know full well that the greys pushed us into sentience way ahead of when we would have achieved it, left to our own devices. That and we can't work with raw energy gives them all they need to feel superior and look down their noses at the rest of us 'gentiles'.

And the whole "jesus" thing is just another version/style of religion they adapted. The 'new' testament was basically written to spin and trap the ex-elven and elder race spirits with it's seeming values of equality and fairness (although Paul makes short work of that!)

Jesus (or someone anyway) probably existed, but they were punished for being a rebel and speaking to their people about forbidden temple secrets in an effort to get them thru the coming hard times under the hand of the Roman empire. The Jue-sah/high-priests were not amused and set them up to be killed.

edit on 16-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: clarity

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by DragonriderGal

Who are the jue-sah and blues you talk about? Can you please elaborate on this?


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