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It's time for the young to take over !

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:54 AM
I am in hell...I must have been a very bad person.

So, ops wants to replace state sponsored religion with state sponsored spirituality.


I am going to start my own island will be dedicated to scientific persuits, artistic expression, and community work.

and nobody is invited without an extensive interview process and 10 years of probation!!! No religion, no pushing of magic or other such stuff for policy decisions, none of that....

This Gen-X'er is X'ing out of society..let the hippys and yuppys deal with these indigo and crystal kids and perhaps kill each other out...lets face it, chances are none of them can even figure out how to turn on a computer...dead weight and daft weight.

In all honesty though, I do think that some new blood is needed to be in, not a freaking tween, but perhaps a mandatory retirement age for state representitives..really, a rep should be the median age of whatever district they represent ideally..

And ops...seriously...your arguing for a 20 something to be in charge? you need to be more realistic...for now, the 70 somethings are still in charge...we would be doing good if the 40 somethings were running the show at this point..but don't hold your breath.

Alas, we all were in our late teens/early 20s at one point, and yep, we all thought we were special and knew better than the rest.
my generation got hammered from the generation before me (the hippys), they got hammered from the nuclear family unit, whom in turn blamed the generation before them on why things sucked.
its a time honored youthful tradition to be grumpy at the generations before them, but of course, the pattern is years pass, and they do the same crap over and over...been like this since society first formed, and trust me, when you turn into your 30s and 40s, your going to have know nothing know it all's demanding they could do a much better job than you.

Just smile at the nieve ambition...ahh how nice things are before the weight of the world crushes you into dust

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:14 AM
I don't think its anything to do with age its going to take a certain type of people to change things for the better there is no point changing things for the sake of changing things we need to think and not be overcome with emotion too many things go wrong because of selfishness. People over react all the time because their pride was hurt or someone else doesn't believe what they believe. I think its about having self control and stopping to think about things regardless of what someone's age is. There's no point in revolution without a better alternative.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:14 AM
Op nice idea, but in your thinking you only have half the problem, in the same way that having older people in power now is only half the problem.

In truth, you need a fair representation of all age groups, religious groups, race etc etc - something which cuts through the differences and makes decisions that benefits the whole, or at least whole are in agreement with

Plus I think your age needs increasing... being 31 counts me out, yet my educational and life experience far exceeds that of a 21 yr old. SO - all about balance. If my granddad were still here to help determine the direction we were heading, then the world would be in great hands, his wisdom far exceeds any of that shown by most religious/spiritual groups.

The other issue is, most youngsters have given up with politics, or are too easily swayed by the hype without really looking under the veil of illusion, years of being stuck with that illusion disconnects the older voters. Mark my words, if nothing has changed over the next few years with the way the world rotates - then in 20 yrs time, you youngsters will be exactly like the rest of us over 30 yr olds

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:26 AM
so i have to ask.... this is before or after they learn to pull up their pants and stop drinking in the park?
Age has nothing to do with intellect and wisdom.. its how you play the game, the real problem is the love of money.. and disrespect for fellow humans and the planet..

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Realms
Yeah...let me know how that works out for ya?

It is proven that the children of today and tomorrow have no pride in themselves, and expect a handout at every curve. I used to work in the educational field, ( a university to be exact ) and you wont believe some of the most naive comments and thought processes that come from the college students of today....our country is doomed with that type of ignorance. Not to mention a wasted education.

Well i hate to tell you but our country is doomed anyway!!....Look at the older ones who have brought the USA to where we are now,so how can you say the young could be any worse?

OP i kinda agree with you......I have felt for sometime that we need to NOT elect career politicians... We need uncontaminated younger people that are connected to a higher source, spiritual not religious imo.I believe someday it will happen. Out with the old in with the new....Good thread!!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Originally posted by Realms
Yeah...let me know how that works out for ya?

It is proven that the children of today and tomorrow have no pride in themselves, and expect a handout at every curve. I used to work in the educational field, ( a university to be exact ) and you wont believe some of the most naive comments and thought processes that come from the college students of today....our country is doomed with that type of ignorance. Not to mention a wasted education.

blah blah blah I've head it before...

Our brains are configured in a different way because we have grown up with technology. Technology has accelerated us to the next level of reality.

Already its a well-known phenomenon:

These are the people who will save us!

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah (say that with the right rhythm and you'll be enlightened!)

Your username says it all!

Party hearty until reality smacks you hard on your left cheek and temple.

When I was "young" (whatever that means) I thought I knew it all, just like you. You'll soon find out that the more you learn the more you'll realize how little you know.

Wallow in your delusions while you can. It certainly feels good to believe you're invincible and have all the answers, and that despite what you think, do, and say, nothing will come back to bite you.

The technology you had no hand in creating, but which merely accelerates communication, feeds, props up, and strengthens your false self and ego. Think about it.
edit on 5/13/2011 by dubiousone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:01 AM
hi , i would just like to say that we learn from our mistakes and hpe fully with the internet we can educate and comunicate good knowledge and make a bright future for ourselves,

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:13 AM
Hey OP, you should check out Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

(You'd love it.)

Before you fulfill world domination... spell check, there is technology for that.

So much for "Indigo" brainwaves.

Sorry to be crass, but you asked for it.

Does it occur to you that then the youth would essentially be TPTB, and thus the scorn of the world and therefore the primary target of the next bloody coup?

Besides... the 35 year old dynamic would just take it from you once you did all the work. There will be interest accrued.

Today's youth can't seem to run a single McD's franchise efficiently, which are designed to be idiot friendly. So how does that pan out for a Fortune 500 company?

How about we compromise? Lets say today's youth take over on the condition that some form of community service is compulsory to being handed the keys to the kingdom... like say 2 years mandatory military service for all able bodied citizens between the ages of 18-21? That's not asking much... is it?

When you get to the negotiating table you might want to bring something more than "indigo".

Are you willing to call Generation X's bluff on which has a greater sense of entitlement?

Thanks for the laugh kid.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by realitytango

So how did we do this before the internet? It seems to me that in those days, people were more passionate and more got accomplished. Now we have 15 Million + with WoW accounts...... The world needs to re-connect with reality. Turn off your electronics and look around...

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by Partygirl

I do not think so, tell me how that work's out for you.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:25 AM
I read the first two pages which were quit disgusting so many people talking bad about one another.

First off why would you attack "old people"? They hold information that you will need to suceed, unless your plan is to hit the reset button.

second you need all people from every where to be in charge, bring the people of the earth together. The only people that think they need to be in charge are special people and why are you special why do you need to be in charge?

Third once you reach the age you can run for office I expect you already have goals and a platform and are preparing to run, so would you be able to post what your plan is?

Fourth this is to the older people I realize how you can see this as an attack, which it is, but it is also opertunity to enlightent young minds do not just banish them or think we are all lady gaga's monsters.

Fifth the op is talking about 1% of the population so its almost guaranteed people with the op's type of thinking will never be in power. Why you ask its because the "old people" decides who takes over.

and since this thread is about age mine as well throw it out there 20.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:27 AM

This thread goes to my theory that they've found yet another way to divide us.

And the good little shills are falling in line with it. I'm yawning.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:29 AM
Hehe...Sorry, but Gen X owns everyone right now. Gen Y is a failure. And the Baby Boomers may have screwed us all over, but they're still smarter.

Most of Gen X are already in their 30s and 40s...don't mix up Gen X with Gen Y please.

I'm biased too

edit on 13-5-2011 by laiguana because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:34 AM
I'm fine with whoever ends up in charge.

So long as I can still make unsubstantiated claims and charge people for hearing them.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:51 AM
I also believe it takes a new bread of people to run the world in a different manner then it has been run up untill today. I am 58, and when I look back, I have seen the following generations getting dumber by the day. First, I had this theory which said, during the great war, most of the stupid ones got killed off and most of the sharp minded ones survived. So I thought, what I see might be the natural growing back of the stupid ones. And maybe this is a part of what wars are for, to whipe out the mentally deficiant riff raff. On the other hand I see a deliberately dumbing down of the generations that follow mine. I see flouride in the water, poison in the food, the numbers of "necessary" vaccinations rising, I see chemicals being brought out in the sky, I see how the educational system does everything to get kids off of independent thinking, so I believe, the generations that followed mine are increasingly stupid, but maybe its not their fault...But when it comes to letting them steer the world, I think, most of them cant steer a bike. So, once some out of their ranks get into power, we might as well wave the planet goodbye...-
edit on 13-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:58 AM
OP, Dearest Heart, I appreciate your youthful exhuberance and goodwill wishes to fix problems, come up with solutions. But stick around here with some of us older folks who remember when riding bikes at sunset was more fun than playing Grand Theft Auto video games. You might learn a thing or two from us old folks who still remember the days when there were no red light traffic cams on every corner or surveillance cams in every parking lot.
1984 appears to be here, and a few of us old kids know it. Study with us the patterns of the NWO and together maybe we can all make a difference.

One must realize that a good deal of what's really going on is from manipulation by the Powers That Be. Revisionist history, Progressive income tax, inflation(hidden tax from the govt printing money insatiably), values clarification in the public education(designed to break down the natural transmission of parental values from parent to child and yes it's deliberate) and so many other things, the deliberate breakdown of the fabric of morality and cultural values, the introduction of ugly art. These things were deliberate on many levels. So take the hand of your elders and respect their wisdom and learn from their mistakes.
edit on 13-5-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
OP, Dearest Heart, I appreciate your youthful exhuberance and goodwill wishes to fix problems, come up with solutions. But stick around here with some of us older folks who remember when riding bikes at sunset was more fun than playing Grand Theft Auto video games. You might learn a thing or two from us old folks who still remember the days when there were no red light traffic cams on every corner or surveillance cams in every parking lot.
1984 appears to be here, and a few of us old kids know it. Study with us the patterns of the NWO and together maybe we can all make a difference.

Yea. Good idea!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:04 AM

maybe after you kids grow up a little more and start understanding that there are SOME LAWS that really should be respected!!!!

wonder what any of these kids in that video would do if a mob just arrived at their house, walked in and started walking out with stuff?? wonder if they'd want the police to come and enforce the laws then???

but, alas, maybe you are right, because well, I don't think my generation ever thought of doing such a thing as this when they were young!!! oh ya, we didn't have all that technology to abuse, did we.....
edit on 13-5-2011 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:05 AM
LOL at the young taking over, please spare the teenage angst shall we?

I understand for a generation stand point, but ask yourself

Are things so much different then ancient Rome?


These children have no respect for thy elders. They actually think driving a car at age 5 nascar will change something. In my opinion 30-40 year olds are from the best gen. These kids today bite off the 80's and the 90's because they lack originality in the art form. This is an instance of weakness to me, today kids are dumber then # thanks to gentrification and eugenics. Not blaming them, my gen dropped the ball. But it is going to take a long time. The blame game is how this undermines the populace... It depends on the individual not the brand you fools!
edit on 13-5-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:08 AM
Justin Bieber's running mate in 2012


The white house will be torn down and replaced by a sand box and jungle gym
edit on 13-5-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

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