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What is happening at 37.75N latitude?

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by CeeRZ

So the earth is twisting, expanding at its weakest spot or ??

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:42 AM
This is kind of interesting as well.

Google Maps

Copy/paste these coordinates in.

N 39 51.5 W 104 40.5


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by litterbaux
reply to post by CeeRZ

So the earth is twisting, expanding at its weakest spot or ??

tis a HUGE correlation if true.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:46 AM
This one just hit in the Norwegian sea at 72.5 (almost double the 37 degree mark)

Earthquake Details

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.

Magnitude 5.4

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 08:08:16 UTC
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 08:08:16 AM at epicenter

Location 72.595°N, 3.552°E
Depth 11.1 km (6.9 miles)

1058 km (657 miles) NNW (348°) from Trondheim, Norway
1386 km (861 miles) NE (37°) from REYKJAVIK, Iceland

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 14.5 km (9.0 miles); depth +/- 3.8 km (2.4 miles)
Parameters NST=379, Nph=380, Dmin=719.1 km, Rmss=0.82 sec, Gp= 61°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=6

Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)

Event ID usc0005iwi

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by litterbaux
This is kind of interesting as well.

Google Maps

Copy/paste these coordinates in.

N 39 51.5 W 104 40.5



May be they are doing funky experiment in their DUMBS???


Are there volcanoes in Yosemite Valley CA ( National Park)
37.75°N 119.59°W (Elev. 4759 ft).

edit on 24-8-2011 by afp928 because: add more info

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Properties of the number 37


According to R. Allendy, it is "the individual evolution in the cosmic organization".

According to Fathers of the Church, thirty seven is a symbol of the Christ. It is the symbol of the alive word of God. To this number is thus allotted a certain dignity.

According to the antique science of Chaldeans, the number 37 symbolizes the Force, the Capacity and the Power.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:47 AM
I honestly don't know what to make of this, but it's fascinating. I just wanted to post in here to keep my place - and my eye - on any further happenings along the 37th Parallel.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Jomina

Actually, yes, you very much still do. Over the last few days, the main cluster of "after shocks" in Japan, are majority at 37n, another cluster in Afghanistan happens at...37n, a small one in Greece, 37n, spain, 37n, colorado 37n, and of course the D.C.

We are not unaware that at any given time, there are a number of EQs happening all over the world...anyone who even just has a glimpse at a map of EQs, is aware of this. So, when someone comes on here, and gives some info like this..its not that they are unaware of the frequency, its that yes..they have actually found or saw something significant. I went to the maps and right away I could see it. I by no means think that my eyes beat all, but, you can clearly isolated event in Spain, at 37, Greece at 37, cluster isolated in afghanistan, big cluster centering on the 37 in Japan, Colorado is isolated from its surrounding area on 37 and D.C. isolated at 37n.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:41 AM
A 4.2 quake in central California just hit by Mammoth Lakes.


I am seriously starting to worry after discovering that the town of New Madrid is at 36.6 N.

This is one time there does seem to be a pattern of quakes occurring on the 37th- all over.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:45 AM
I Live in Southeast Texas i have already warned my family to be ready months ago lol now this is going on. When FEMA is around or does a drill it means be prepared cause they are planning something... Kinda how they were doing drills on 9/11 im so sure.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
Properties of the number 37


According to R. Allendy, it is "the individual evolution in the cosmic organization".

According to Fathers of the Church, thirty seven is a symbol of the Christ. It is the symbol of the alive word of God. To this number is thus allotted a certain dignity.

According to the antique science of Chaldeans, the number 37 symbolizes the Force, the Capacity and the Power.

I don't mean to "yell" but..... WOW! Ok...hmmm.....this is on one hand really really ...I mean REALLY COOL....and on the other hand I am taken back to reality. The reality is I am a mommy.....and I love my babies and want to protect them from harm.

I told them this morning I was going to remain alert and if they hear of an EQ by us (Tennessee) I would be there at their school to pick them up asap.

I really hope New Madrid stays quiet as I think if it cracks....we will see a lot of damage and casualties.

I found this web site (really creepy) that links the numbers to the new madrid....

Here is what the blog was created in Aug. 09!! Not that I believe what the blogger has to say but while we are on the subject of numbers.... Well....check this out.
Twilight Zone stuff right here.

God Particle links Mayan Calendar to New Madrid Mathematics is a language. It is used as a form of communication by the Illuminati and not-of- this-world life forms to communicate. The code cannot be completely deciphered but portions of it can be brought to light. This particular article finds a connection the so-called God Particle , the Mayan Calendar and Numerology which join together for future cataclysmic results in the New Madrid Fault Line in Missouri. This code be pointing at a major Earthquake, unknown in the continental United States during the Mayan End Times date of 2012. It will be man-made, or better said - Illuminati Manufactured. Fasten Your Seatbelts: 1. There is an alleged link between the number 82944 and the Higgs-Boson God Particle. . 2. If you multiply all of the digits of 82944 you have 8 x 2 x 9 x 4 x 4. The result of this multiplication is 2304. insert the formula and hit search for answer. 3. The Number 2304 : "The 36 x 64 combination produces the 2304 maya alautun number / fractal. and "...the maya long count, based on the numbers/fractals 360... 23040000000, might be relational to the Platonic Year at their face value". . Many of these numbers appear to be linked to other civilizations and cultures from the past. Scroll down 50% . 4. The line of 36.64 latitude North runs right through the New Madrid Fault Line in the State of Missouri. In fact , the massive 1812 ReelFoot Earthquake , that made the land look live waves of water in the sea, was at EXACTLY 36.64 Latitude N. Scroll to bottom and see diagram. or google New Madrid 36.64 latitude - for more articles. Further, The Planet Pluto , lord of the underworld and death , is 2304 km in diameter. . Pluto is considered a "bringer of upheavals" . The NASA "New Horizons" Probe will reach close proximity to Pluto in 2012. Could this be a New Horizon for New Madrid? CONCLUSION: The Department of Homeland Security knows this is coming. They will use the cataclysm to install a facist State in the USA - an openly fascist State - unlike the hidden one we now have. See: . In fact , Illuminati technology will likely create the event much like they created SARS, Avian and Swine Flu , AIDS , the WMD in Iraq and 9/11 frauds and murderous hoaxes. They have been experimenting with Earthquake technology on the San Andreas Fault line for years. and . Also - The USA has waged an Earthquake attack on China just recently. . The numbers are there. Do the math. 2012 = 36.64.

edit on 24-8-2011 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by ANOMALY502

You can do that for any place on Earth...

The problem with things like this is that people only see what they want to see. If we look at the USGS map with the earthquakes for the last seven days we can see that some areas have more activity than others, but that's nothing new.


Also, using data for such a short period is not a good way of making statistics, some times there are more events in an area, some times in other areas.

It's almost the same as pointing that tropical storms happen mostly on the tropics.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

If we were to witness a "pole shift" what would it "look" like I wonder. I am not saying that it is happening...just wondering.

Would we see it sudden or would we see it happen gradually?

In the US we are not Earthquake aware....storms...yes....but not EQ's. I have never experienced one so therefore I want to learn as much as I can about them.

With the obvious 37 link here in the US it is an observation we may need to consider as we watch more EQ's unfold so we may assess the situation if we continue to see 37.

I love all the opinions on this site....thank God we all have a place to come and talk "shop".


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:54 AM
The Long Valley Caldera Supervolcano in California has shown activity every day for quite some time now and is also on the 37th parallel. I live somewhat close to the New Madrid fault line - glad I have earthquake insurance!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 10:36 AM
ok y'all, for those who might be interested, (not that it's complete, it's USGS material) but i copied info for quakes occurring on or very near the 37th parallel (N & S) over the last 7 days ...
wow, i had no idea there was this much activity

MAP 4.2 2011/08/24 11:59:51 37.545 -118.872 9.8 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 2.5 2011/08/24 10:39:52 37.340 -104.548 4.7 COLORADO
MAP 3.0 2011/08/24 07:15:58 37.092 -104.874 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.6 2011/08/24 06:36:54 37.748 -122.137 9.1 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA
MAP 2.9 2011/08/24 05:07:52 37.185 -104.702 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.4 2011/08/24 04:45:27 37.925 -77.994 4.9 VIRGINIA
MAP 2.6 2011/08/24 02:40:40 37.111 -104.633 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 4.2 2011/08/24 00:04:37 37.912 -77.951 7.9 VIRGINIA
MAP 4.6 2011/08/23 23:32:54 37.124 142.435 20.1 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.8 2011/08/23 22:40:40 35.535 -97.294 1.0 OKLAHOMA
MAP 2.8 2011/08/23 18:46:50 37.931 -77.935 0.1 VIRGINIA
MAP 5.8 2011/08/23 17:51:05 37.936 -77.933 6.0 VIRGINIA
MAP 4.8 2011/08/23 14:28:56 36.475 71.236 75.0 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP 3.9 2011/08/23 14:11:13 37.032 -104.690 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 2.6 2011/08/23 12:03:56 37.055 -104.761 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.2 2011/08/23 09:37:58 37.099 -104.711 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 2.5 2011/08/23 09:32:22 37.248 -104.705 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.8 2011/08/23 07:17:59 37.099 -104.610 4.8 COLORADO
MAP 3.0 2011/08/23 07:16:13 39.273 -118.108 10.3 NEVADA
MAP 3.2 2011/08/23 07:01:35 37.109 -104.550 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.5 2011/08/23 06:56:59 37.110 -104.722 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 5.3 2011/08/23 05:46:19 37.070 -104.700 4.0 COLORADO
MAP 3.0 2011/08/23 02:48:52 37.056 -104.726 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 4.6 2011/08/22 23:30:20 37.050 -104.774 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 2.5 2011/08/22 22:38:38 35.510 -97.349 9.4 OKLAHOMA CITY URBAN AREA, OKLAHOMA
MAP 4.8 2011/08/22 16:25:22 38.552 69.587 25.4 TAJIKISTAN
MAP 4.4 2011/08/22 15:26:11 37.421 141.434 45.0 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.9 2011/08/22 13:52:35 37.094 -104.709 5.0 COLORADO
MAP 4.6 2011/08/22 12:17:10 36.345 141.578 45.2 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2011/08/22 12:11:28 36.070 141.742 32.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.9 2011/08/22 11:23:39 36.108 141.698 34.5 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.7 2011/08/22 08:36:22 36.019 140.100 71.3 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.9 2011/08/22 03:11:34 38.288 -118.201 9.6 NEVADA
MAP 2.6 2011/08/22 03:01:37 39.483 -119.143 4.4 NEVADA
MAP 4.5 2011/08/21 21:39:58 36.845 140.388 54.2 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 3.2 2011/08/21 21:21:02 36.438 -121.014 7.5 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.3 2011/08/21 06:14:19 37.665 23.215 122.2 SOUTHERN GREECE
MAP 3.2 2011/08/21 02:22:48 36.369 -117.838 2.3 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.0 2011/08/20 22:58:42 38.695 141.818 52.2 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2011/08/20 19:37:23 38.629 141.835 35.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.9 2011/08/20 14:12:02 36.267 141.865 4.9 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.7 2011/08/20 07:30:34 -36.862 -73.440 14.1 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 4.9 2011/08/20 02:00:23 37.973 21.728 8.5 SOUTHERN GREECE
MAP 4.9 2011/08/19 23:49:13 36.639 69.846 10.0 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP 6.3 2011/08/19 05:36:33 37.673 141.716 43.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2011/08/19 00:42:22 37.866 144.419 20.9 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.9 2011/08/18 20:46:20 36.894 -121.624 5.2 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.6 2011/08/18 16:45:19 37.557 145.142 15.7 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.7 2011/08/18 10:34:31 36.033 142.131 32.5 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 2.9 2011/08/18 06:09:07 38.724 -118.998 10.7 NEVADA
MAP 5.2 2011/08/17 23:52:03 36.358 69.403 31.8 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP 2.6 2011/08/17 21:09:34 38.435 -118.732 1.3 NEVADA
MAP 3.9 2011/08/17 21:04:39 38.445 -118.726 3.6 NEVADA
MAP 2.7 2011/08/17 20:32:37 36.033 -117.769 2.8 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 2.7 2011/08/17 19:57:20 36.587 -121.182 4.1 CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 2.5 2011/08/17 17:11:34 32.123 -115.240 15.9 BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO
MAP 4.6 2011/08/17 16:32:40 36.206 140.039 89.3 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Oh Really. Can you do that for any place on Earth?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Not sure if it was mentioned or not, I beleive the colorado and virginia earthquakes were ALSO on the same lattitude.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by ANOMALY502

You can do that for any place on Earth...

The problem with things like this is that people only see what they want to see. If we look at the USGS map with the earthquakes for the last seven days we can see that some areas have more activity than others, but that's nothing new.


Also, using data for such a short period is not a good way of making statistics, some times there are more events in an area, some times in other areas.

It's almost the same as pointing that tropical storms happen mostly on the tropics.

although the two recent quakes in Colo and Virginia being on the 37th and both being rare for the area but STILL on the 37th parallel is very interesting...

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Honor93

One of the problems with things like that is the sample we use.

On that USGS list (it might have been updated since you compiled that list) showing the earthquakes on the last 7 days has 57 (25% of that list) earthquakes on the 37º (-/+ 2º), both North and South. For the same period it shows 51 (23%) earthquakes on the 17º (-/+ 2º), North and South.

But if we use only values up to August 21st (inclusive), we get 21 earthquakes (15%) around 37º (-/+ 2ª) latitude and 38 (28%) around the 17º latitude.

To get more reliable numbers we would need a bigger list, and a list with all earthquakes, the USGS list shows more earthquakes in the US and adjacent areas (magnitude 2.5 or greater) than those from the rest of the World (magnitude 4.5 or greater).

If we arrange the numbers by magnitude, we get something like this:
[font=Courier New]
Magnitude   Lat. 37º   Lat. 17º
>=2.5 =3.0 =4.0 =5.0 =6.0 =7.0

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

This a big enough list for you?

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