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Israel, US Government Orchestrated 911 Osama was the Scapegoat(Fall Man)

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Sorayugiman
OK i might be ignorant but this is my first time posting on a 911 conspiracy thread and ive aways had a hard time believing that it was our government even though i realy do hate the government.

I don't hate the government I just think that the government has a few secrets they aren't willing to share.

SO you could say I don't trust them.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:16 PM
Originally posted by DIDtm
Originally posted by hooper

Regardless of either, the JCS had a hand in writing it. This is portrayed by everything I have ever read and heard. And they are in fact part of the US government.
Even if the CIA was the author of said paper, they too...are still part of the US Government.

Well, I don't think the JCS sat down and wrote the paper. Its actually pretty brief and contains only a few very general outlines of proposed operations, in fact the report is stated as being prepared by the DoD and the JCS representative to the Caribbean Survey Group. Find the the name of that person and I think you probably have your actual author.

I think you mis-spoke/mis-typed regarding the DOD having a pretty wide authority to conduct paper exercises. You probably meant CIA, due to my original statement you were countering.
--in reponse to that...The term I was referring to was 'paramilitary operations'. They were stripped of them along with Dulles (director) and couple of others of their positions after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Yeah, I think JFK was pretty pissed with that SNAFU and didn't want the CIA doing military operations any more. Be that as it may, I don't think any group was excluded from making suggestions, loony as they may be at times.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by hooper

Well, when one spends some time and informs him/herself about world history, politics, culture, religion, economics and demography you get a much better picture of how things actually happen. This would then include knowledge that there are more than a few groups that actually do despise western culture and see the US as the epitome of that expression.

And why should not have an allegiance with Israel?

I can agree with what you said, although I completely disagree with your beliefs in 9.11.

Im not saying we shouldnt have an allegiance with Israel. But it seems (at least to me - along with a few fellow ATSers) that we seem to act like Israels little brother. They point...we go. Not to mention the vast amount of dual citizenship Jewish/Americans that hold appointed positions within our government.
For it is my belief that NO ONE who is a dual citizen should be able to hold any politcal office in the US.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by DIDtm

For it is my belief that NO ONE who is a dual citizen should be able to hold any politcal office in the US.

I've heard this quite often before. Usually directed at persons who have citizenship in the US and Israel. I rarely ever hear this reference directed to someone that has citizenship in the US and say, Canada or Mexico. Also, you realize, of course, that you have no control over the issue? Any nation on Earth can unilaterally declare you a citizen of that country without your input or approval. Soveriegn nations alone decide the qualifications for citizenship. That would also disqualify any immigrant from ever holding political office. Why shouldn't someone born in Mexico not be allowed to hold public office? Noting, of course, it is often difficult if not impossible to give up your citizenship in another country. Also, based on Israel's right of return laws, all US citizens of Jewish ancestry in the US could then be disqualified from holding public office. Its a very messy situation.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by violence=answer

Thank you i appreciate it i too agree Israel is committing a Genocide in Palestine; same the U.S is and did in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan.

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