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What if America falls?

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:02 PM
I think you have to adjust your perception. The US cannot fall like the preverbal rock. I will be a long and painful decline of American standards. The cusp of the problem is the number of jobs available. There are too many people without work and the Marxist government now in power has no answer. The reality of cutting debt in meaningful terms with this administration is also a lost cause. It runs counter to the social idealism that they preach.
The history books of the US will show that American society started to crumble when the baby boomers kids became fat, spoiled and greedy. Also, the unions and government officials at all levels were deeply corrupted by easy tax money. Also, the liberal agenda preached by the Colleges and media conglomerates also ran contrary to middle american values which also weaken the society as a whole. With two epensive wars and a deep desire to weaken the military, the cutting of stealth fighters was the first step and gays in the military was the second step to weakening our resolve and pride.
Again, jobs are the key to revitalize the US, but the greedy corporations shipped them all to
China and look at the mess we have got now. It wouldn''t be long before we will have to ask for permission to send cruise missiles into Afganistan or anywhere else.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by civilchallenger

Oh my goodness, eat more bran!

You seem to just want to be picky and play semantics but, that's okay, I am not particularly easily offended.
You don't know if I am a farmer or a construction worker or not, and, given the construct of the conversation it is a perfectly workable way to hash out the details to use the "royal" we when referencing America and activities that take place there.

As far as isolationsim.
Oh, there are reasonable ways in which the U.S. could isolate and rebuild. If you haven't seen a study lately it could be because globalism has held sway for a very long time now and in the ivory towers of the world where such studies are funded, undertaken, and published globalist views are even more popular. Or perhaps you expected Gates' Gavi organization to take up that banner. They were far too busy with roof top dinners in Switzerland and on the ground analysis in Uganda... all the while fretting over the carbon emissions of their frequent flying. And if you did get a study, what then? "Lies, lies, and damn statistics". Studies aren't that impressive to me. I have seen my share of the inner workings of how some of these things get put together. Popular thought gets published. Nothing ground breaking to see. Move along.

China hasn't fought a major war in a while.
They trade but other than that they expect the rest of the world to stay out of their face.
Have you checked the growth rate on their GDP lately? I could do more than toast marshmellows on that fire.

So, as to the Federal Reserve. Agreed. If such diverse points of view as those held by you and I can disagree on everything else but both see the Fed as so problematic, why are we still stuck with it?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:38 PM
IMO America is the second coming of Rome and will fall. It is just a very big nation, so the effects will take some time to be felt. Too bad, this nation was once great.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:54 PM
America is already falling and all being televised. Most people don't realize that what they're watching is their country taking away all their personal freedoms but it's not too late to change this.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:14 PM
If? You when when surely!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by eagledriver
. It wouldn''t be long before we will have to ask for permission to send cruise missiles into Afganistan or anywhere else.

That would be a huge step forward towards a more peaceful world. I look forward to that day.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Opspeculate
reply to post by wcitizen

The US is not the debtor... the US is the Red Shield consultants who are everyone's debtors.

The US lends what from where....?

If you mean money then...... you mean the US is lending money they borrowed from the Federal Reserve who answers to the Red Shield money.

The US is up to its eyeballs in debt, and Japan isn't. This is reflected in the strength/weakness of the respective currencies, is what I was saying.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I never realised that I had stated China would take America's place...oh I never did.

I am trying to impart the fact that 'America Falling' will probably mean very little to the average American (in the long run). It may hurt pride, but that is about it.

I personally am of the belief that America not being #1 could be a very good thing.
More time to focus on internal issues with less pressure to act on external ones.
Drastic decrease in militray budget, if American's so choose (you could easily increase your military prowess while decreasing international pressence, with no change in budget).
No reserve dollar would allow the US to use their dollar more effectively to American ends.

And maybe, the world will be better off learning a little self reliance.

Just some thoughts, but it would be naive (and this is what I am really trying to get across) to think that 'America Falling' will mean the end of the USA. It is simply a beginning of a new era. An era that America would be able to choose her place in.

Sometimes people get too caught up in the ending, and forget about all the new possibilities that will arise from a new beginning.
edit on 9-5-2011 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by watcher3339

Yes you are 100% correct. It is our desire to be a global economy that has created the mess we're in. The US is in a unique position to be able to be almost 100% isolationist and still survive. Not only that, it would be the other nations of the world that would suffer if we did that.

We need to start creating consequences for the cheap labor that other countries provide. Implement high import tariffs on anything coming from over countries with poor labor practices. Watch how quickly our hom eindustry would boom again. Yes, prices for goods would go up, but so would wages, job availability GDP etc..

Then get rid of the corporate tax, implement true anti trust practices and implement a flat tax for EVERY employed citizen and this nation could rebound greater than ever before.


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Not gonna happen.

Plain and Simple.

As much as we talk about the gloom and doom of our nation here on ATS.

From an Economic perspective....

The United States of America is STILL one of the leading export economies of the World.
And IS Currently ranking at Number 4.

As long as the Chinese are buying Buicks and the Russians are buying Cisco servers....and the rest of the world continue buying their Microsoft Windows....we'll be A OK.

Here it is direct from the CIA ....

1 European Union
$ 1,952,000,000,000

2007 Data

2 China
$ 1,506,000,000,000

2010 est. Data

3 Germany
$ 1,337,000,000,000

2010 est. Data

4 United States
$ 1,270,000,000,000

2010 est. Data

5 Japan
$ 765,200,000,000

2010 est. Data

6 France
$ 508,700,000,000

2010 est. Data

7 Korea, South
$ 466,300,000,000

2010 est. Data

8 Italy
$ 458,400,000,000

2010 est. Data

9 Netherlands
$ 451,300,000,000

2010 est. Data

10 Canada
$ 406,800,000,000

2010 est. Data

The entire list is provided courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:01 PM
I still have faith in the American people! Historically when we have had our backs against the wall, we have prevailed against enormous odds. More and more people in this country are "awakening" and are starting to learn the real truth. They recently took a MSM poll on 911, and 75% of the people now believe they are being lied to about the official story! Are we in decline? To some extent yes, but it's not as bad as some make it out to be. There are people on this site that I do not agree with at times, but if we were "really" threatened by outside forces, I would be right next to them when TSHF to protect our country! We have our differences to be sure, but we are still all Americans and love our country. This is what worries the architects of the NWO! The resolve of the people is still there, I can feel it everytime I get on this site. Resistance is NOT futile as they would have you to believe! Do not sell yourselves short! They want you to believe it's useless to confront them and their plans! When Americans band together, anything is possible, and I believe that with all my heart and soul. History will prove me to be correct on this claim! Sure, it is 2011, and not 1945, but that same spirit is still here, it just needs to be awakened fully!! We are still a great nation!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:06 PM
America will never fall. We're a god blessed nation, the killing of Osama Bin Laden by our angelic ministers of death Seal Team Six proves it. We're the only civilization on this planet willing to fight evil wherever it appears. We're impartial in our death dealings, whether evil decides to appear in China, Russia or any number of rogue nations you can bet your ass our boys will be there ready to fight and annihilate evil, no matter the cost. So what if our war against terror costs over 1 trillion? We can take that and more! We could triple that amount of money spent and still be fine! THIS IS AMERICA BABY! Don't mess with us or our allies.
edit on 9-5-2011 by JohnnyWarbucks because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyWarbucks
America will never fall. We're a god blessed nation, the killing of Osama Bin Laden by our angelic ministers of death Seal Team Six proves it. We're the only civilization on this planet willing to fight evil wherever it appears. We're impartial in our death dealings, whether evil decides to appear in China, Russia or any number of rogue nations you can bet your ass our boys will be there ready to fight and annihilate evil, no matter the cost. So what if our war against terror costs over 1 trillion? We can take that and more! We could triple that amount of money spent and still be fine! THIS IS AMERICA BABY! Don't mess with us or our allies.
edit on 9-5-2011 by JohnnyWarbucks because: (no reason given)

This is a joke, right?

(2nd line)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:24 PM
First of all, bankrupcy is highly unlikely. Especially in todays world. Usually when a country finds themselves heading in a direction where the government can no longer support a failing economy the first thing they will do is meet with other nations to form trade agreements to increase trade. For example, Country A, might meet with Country B and ask Country B to lift customs fees/tariffs to increase imports of Country A's goods.
If this fails, they will then seek loans from other countries. Usually this will be their allies since in peace agreements they usually, not only include military peace but also include economic peace which means the other country will bail them out.
If that fails then they will seek assistance from other countries and for something that their country has to offer in return. For example, Country B agress to assist Country A with financial assistance if Country A allows Country B to use a military base(s) in Country A's jurisdiction. It also means that Country B would have a HUGE influence over Country A's political position and 'world view.'
1) The stock market will crash and credit will seize (not a bad thing, its all a sham anyways)
2) All financial institutions will fail ( not a bad thing if your in debt)
3) All government funded programs will end (such as medicaid, defense, police, education, infrastruture support like roads, utilities etc) (won't happen)
4) Business will close and jobs will be lost ( good time to be a farmer)
5) There will be mass rioting ,kicking in martial law (bad)
6) Everyone will start killing each other for food (won't happen)
7) The rich will buy the country and turn a democracy into a dictatorship (won't happen)
8) no more taxes or bills to pay ( for a while at least)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by peck420

Yeah I know you never mentioned China, but the consensus seems to be China will be the next power. However I believe India is approaching blue water navel capability faster than China. And they have a huge population too, but they have way more very poor people.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by AmerikanDekline
reply to post by Realms

"Good point. Many around the world dont understand that ever since the introduction of the US dollar as the reserve currency, which in turn tied the markets into a " global " market, if we fall, then all others will follow suit."

Well spoken my friend. Iv'e just been seeing a lot of people on here praising the idea of America falling, but fear they don't fully understand the things to come if that does indeed happen. Like you stated we are all tied together in a global market and if we fall I can promise we won't be alone. Be careful what you wish for just might get it...

Yes, there are a bunch of anti American people who rummage through this forum looking for ways to criticize America and Americans.
ok I edited this to give the guy a break.
edit on 9-5-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
reply to post by peck420

Yeah I know you never mentioned China, but the consensus seems to be China will be the next power. However I believe India is approaching blue water navel capability faster than China. And they have a huge population too, but they have way more very poor people.

This is engineered of course by the WNO. TPTB are slapping America on its wrist for being so darn consumerist(read productive) with all sorts of horrid regulations and bureacratic nonsense designed exactly to ruin the private sector, while overlooking China's usage of resources(China refused the Kyoto Treaty) and the Clintons made China "Most Favored Nation" and gave them our technology deliberately to ruin us and give China the edge.
Now they are enraging the muslims so they will join Russia and China and the UN and I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of Blue Helmets come in to take control.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ExCommando

All empires eventually come to an end. In fact if you look at the Roman empire, the British empire to name a few you will see that we almost mimick the exact way the acted in the world. The US is walking down the same old worn path that empires always do, because it's easier. When we got to the fork in the road in our development, unlike the Frost poem of the road not taken, where he goes down the unused road we went down the worn one of empire. It was expedient to do that because it didn't require sacrifice of the people in power. Now when we come to the end of that worn path of empire, what will we see. I can tell you what we will see old men and women strewn about talkin about glories of the past while walking down that path, because they won't have a future. The future was down the other path, and down the empire way is only stories and shadows.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

to be fair, i didn't see any america bashing from the op. i get into trouble when i post on thoes types of threads.

that's why i posted my opinions here.

he was asking a valid question but i knew the bashers would show up eventually but i am surprised how basiclly civil this thread is.

most of us agree that it would not be a good thing if america "fell"

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by fooks
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

to be fair, i didn't see any america bashing from the op. i get into trouble when i post on thoes types of threads.

that's why i posted my opinions here.

he was asking a valid question but i knew the bashers would show up eventually but i am surprised how basiclly civil this thread is.

most of us agree that it would not be a good thing if america "fell"

No you didn't because it was on his first thread. I don't know where it is now. But at least he's changed his tactic to what he hopes happens.

edit on 9-5-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

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