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I found a book from a Masonic Lodge that is in code

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:57 PM
I gave a list of famous Masons. And I didn't leave the bad out from the good. But they are in there to compare and contrast with the accusations that most of the evil men in history were masons. There were some. Yep. Just like in any large organization. But open your eyes and see the landslide of good men that overwhelm the bad ones and you will see the organization for what it is - making good men better.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by mickyboy

In what "deception" has Freemasonry engaged? Or is keeping a few matters of no significance to non-Masons private a "deception" to you? If that's the case, nearly everyone in the world, yourself included, is "deceitful".

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:12 PM
To the OP, I think I picked up your in Indiana. Im an Indiana Mason, I will offer any assistance in providing you with information if you are interested in Masonry.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by aMason
To the OP, I think I picked up your in Indiana. Im an Indiana Mason, I will offer any assistance in providing you with information if you are interested in Masonry.

Thank you brother, you save me some research.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 05:56 AM
I have my ritual book and at the start there is a history of my Lodge but as a final statement there is also the following :


This ritual book is intended for the use of this Lodge only and does not presume to be an instruction book for any other Lodge, especially as Grand Lodge permits and does not approve any.

The greatest care has been exercised not to print anything forbidden, so that if this book should fall into the hands of the uninitiated or outer popular world, nothing material could be learned by those who are not entitled to know.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by fordrew

I LOVE BBQ baby night!

We dont have full BDSM, just the SM. Small lodge.

gotta love it!

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 02:49 AM
Nice info, blue hardcover and the size of a pocket bible. Coded in weird shortened initial alphabet of the words. Never seen one. I'll open my eyes for blue suspicious books in future

If I were the OP I wud never return it to anyone. Are u retarded? Joining a lodge is like joining a gay club, I have heard... If u intend to infiltrate the lodge, at least find some friends first here on ATS, just for an insurance. At least nobody knows your real identity here, except u choose to reveal it at own will...

They do all the abnormal rituals, I heard
I dont know about u OP, but that will be very unpleasant to participate in such perverted group activities for me.

posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by coyote66

You are quite correct. Please refer to my post:


posted on Dec, 12 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by coyote66

So you wouldn't do as the previous book owner wished and return it to its proper owners?

Infiltrate? Why would you want to infiltrate? Plus, just carrying a book won't get you into a Lodge. And befriending anyone here won't be "insurance". Most of the crap put out by non-Masons is usually garbage and will lead one on a one-way ticket out of the Lodge.

Perverted? None of our rituals are perverted.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason
reply to post by coyote66

So you wouldn't do as the previous book owner wished and return it to its proper owners?

Infiltrate? Why would you want to infiltrate? Plus, just carrying a book won't get you into a Lodge. And befriending anyone here won't be "insurance". Most of the crap put out by non-Masons is usually garbage and will lead one on a one-way ticket out of the Lodge.

Perverted? None of our rituals are perverted.

Ah a mason i see, or perhaps just a wana wanabe??

Return to the proper owner? Why? Cant u just print another copy?

Why wouldnt i infiltrate? It is called a secret society. What more interesting thing could u possibly do to a secret soc, other then exposing and infiltrate it?
What, are u trying to say it is not a secret soc? So then am i permited to assume that it is no restriction to expose ALL the content of the coded book of yours...?? It was never a secret soc anyway, am i wrong?

What do they call people like u? Politicaly correct cultural marxists?

Nothing perverted, eh? Of course it was your claim (as a member of a secret society), how could a average person (of a non secret soc member) possibly put any form of trust in your statement? Bring some light first here about your lodge, then we can proceed with putting credibility in your claims. Fair enough, no? Anyone can make claims, including the pope stating: no paedophilae practices in the catholic church or in the jesuit order.

What are u trying to say?

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Is that you in the avatar? That will change my response drastically one way or another.

Girls are not allowed in Freemasonry, so book or no book, you wouldn't be able to "infiltrate." Infiltrating is actually pretty easy otherwise. You just ask, and if you have a clean background and believe in a God, then you are pretty much in. Now, you take several obligations and give your word along the way, so if you plan to infiltrate and then spill the secrets, you'll have to be ok with violating your word of honor multiple times. If you have no qualms with lying, cheating, and going against your word, then we'll be happy to let you go. We don't need those types of people in Masonry.

Now, we don't have any perverted rituals that I've ever been a part of, but if the girl in your avatar would like, I can invent some as part of your infiltration! Just so you get your money's worth. We don't want anyone going away dissatisfied.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 08:59 PM
I see, there exists a reputation race/campign conducted by the suporters of the secret society faction here on ATS
Makes me even more sure of the nature of the propaganda the TPTB is conducting all this time. Pardon OOT, mod.
edit on 14-12-2011 by coyote66 because: canceling the job for mod

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by coyote66

Is that you in the avatar? That will change my response drastically one way or another.

Girls are not allowed in Freemasonry, so book or no book, you wouldn't be able to "infiltrate." Infiltrating is actually pretty easy otherwise. You just ask, and if you have a clean background and believe in a God, then you are pretty much in. Now, you take several obligations and give your word along the way, so if you plan to infiltrate and then spill the secrets, you'll have to be ok with violating your word of honor multiple times. If you have no qualms with lying, cheating, and going against your word, then we'll be happy to let you go. We don't need those types of people in Masonry.

Now, we don't have any perverted rituals that I've ever been a part of, but if the girl in your avatar would like, I can invent some as part of your infiltration! Just so you get your money's worth. We don't want anyone going away dissatisfied.

No the avatar is not me. I'm not a girl either. Do i have to change it in order for people not to hold back on their comments on me? FYI my plan was to stay a anonymous as possible, so i wouldnt ever put a pic of mine anyway...

Of course i also know already, as a matter of fact, what kind of patriaritical, feodal, mysoginist ideals u are holding inside the odd club of yours
(and no i'm no feminist, just egalitarian).

And yes i have no qualms AT ALL to violate the so called "word of honour of the brotherhood of men" (whatever that supposed to mean) in exchange for a greater good. In fact i would go further then just ignoring meaningless words. And related to the "belief in god" i have also heard that one has to conduct an act of insult of their belief, in the form of spitting upon their holy book, in order to advance to the higher degrees in the society. CMIIW
but since u havent through this, i assume it will also be pointless to demand a confirmation of this matter upon u? Is this another mistake on my behalf?

so is it possible for a lower degree mason to know the codes of the higher orders? Especialy inside of a secret society? But why do i have a great doubt u are even a real member of a lodge? And if u even were, i highly doubt that u might have genuine atraction toward women. No offence, regards

edit on 14-12-2011 by coyote66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by coyote66

I like you, you're silly. *Best Daffy Duck Impression*

You obviously have no idea of anything that has to do with Freemasonry. It is funny though. You are claiming surprise that I would have an attraction to women, while a dozen other threads are claiming we would never allow a homosexual.

I could give you my whole history in the Masonic Fraternity, but it still wouldn't be sufficient would it? You would still assume that some silly internet rumor is more accurate than an inside perspective.

I suggest you do exactly as you have indicated. Infiltrate a Lodge, and then when you die of boredom, don't blame Masonry, blame the internet for filling your head full of nonsense.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by coyote66

Just join the lodge. Do the work to get your degrees, and pay your 325 to go to the Scottish Rite weekend. Once you are a 32nd degree mason, you should have had all the opportunities to learn as much about our inner workings as you can. Then if you feel what you know is something that outsiders would benefit from without going through all the work you did to gain it, spill the beans. tell everyone. It's been done before, and we survived. But I would bet the farm that you don't have the jewels for it.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by coyote66
I have heard...

Originally posted by coyote66
I heard

Originally posted by coyote66
i have also heard...

You apparently hear numerous things but know very little. Rumor mongering only propoagates ingorance.

edit on 15-12-2011 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

You apparently hear numerous things but know very little.

I heard that if pigs had wings, we'd all have to carry steel umbrellas. Pretty inconvenient, if you ask me.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Masonic Light

I heard if "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:46 PM
The book that you are referring to is quite common as all Master Masons in Tennessee are issued one for free. We call them the 'blue book', it has all three degrees in it (for the most part; still some of all three degrees must be memorized word-by-mouth) albeit with blanks. You can return it to the lodge if you want, but if it belonged to a family member you should pass it down through your family. I doubt they would issue the book to anyone again if you did return it.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by SelectCola
I doubt they would issue the book to anyone again if you did return it.
No, but they WOULD probably add it to their library.

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