posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Loose Change is a joke of a production, that after so many cuts, it still is wrong. So no thats a bad one to show him. Dr. Griffin is a theologian,
so he has about as much experience in engineering, chemistry, physics, and controlled demolitions as a preschooler. Sept Clues is nothing more than a
purposeful disinfo act by the truthers. AE9/11T is a motley crew of folks that have some distant relation to some of the mentioned above disciplines.
Jesse Ventura took one too many chairs to the head when he was a pro-wrestler, so I wouldnt try to use him as a credible source on anything.
yeah I too was once a "truther". I watched Loose Change and was shocked and surprised. I believed it. Then after further review, I was shocked as
just how I got fooled....................................... by the producers of Loose Change. I also believed in AE9/11T................... till I
actually read and researched their arguments and comments, and was appalled. How can people of such intelligence, be so stupid and make such stupid
observations? This was all before the debunking sites cropped up, when the 9/11 truth sites ran rampant and free. Once the debunking sites came on,
they pretty much confirmed what I long suspected: Those pushing the truther version of events are nothing more than slick snake oil salesmen. I was
shocked at how they twisted the evidence, accounts, fabricated events, took things way out of context, and even blatantly LIED to my face on many
things. The innuendos, the winks and nudges. All of it. Made me shocked at how easily I was suckered in. I have not seen anything from them that
would convince me otherwise, since I already saw through their smoke and mirrors. The actual version of events, (or incorrectly called "Official
Story") has far less holes in it, far less contradictions, and far less insanity than anything the truthers brought forward.
If your professor is smart, and has a good head on his neck, he too will see through the truther propaganda. Sorry buddy, its gonna be a long uphill
battle for ya, and the slope is soaped up.