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Ron Paul A Distaster For The USA. Hes Always Wrong. Why Is There So Much Love For Him ? Wrong Paul

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by gorgi
Ron Paul says he wants a smaller government. I suppose he doesnt realize what his actions will do to the country. He says he wants to get rid of many government agencies including the DOE, DHS, IRS, FEMA, DHHS, and the federal reserve.. What is he thinking? These are horrible ideas. The DOE oversees the US energy, inspections, research ect. The DHS keeps us safe. FEMA responds to disasters. The federal reserve is a very important body of the government.

I like the way you can think of a concrete purpose for every agency you listed EXECPT the Fed. Yes, they are "a very important body of the government." For themselves and their buddies.

The federal reserve is what keeps the US government going. We need a strong independent federal reserve.

[Assumes psychiatrist's pose] So, long have you felt this way?

Studies have shown that the more independent that are the lower the inflation rate is.

Ah yes "Studies have shown." Studies paid for by who? Commissioned by who? Link?
"Studies have shown" is right up there with such illustrious phrases as with "it is said by some," "it is not necessarily impossible to imagine that..." and "It's a safe time of the month for me, honest."
And don't forget, the inflation rate is perhaps the most doctored, tortured, and mangled stat there is. It is redefined on practically a montly basis by -- guess who, wait for it -- THE FED.

In the middle of the Weimar hyperinflation, the Fed would probably publish a report saying things were hunky-dory inflation-wise compared to the Seige of Antioch in 1099, when starving citizens traded everthing they owned for scraps of donkey-meat.

He keeps calling the Fed wrong or that Bernanke doesnt know what hes doing but thats just plain wrong.


He also wants to bring back the gold standard but thats another failure too.

My portfolio says otherwise.
Guess what -- the gold standard is coming back whether you, I Ron Paul, or Ben Bernanke want it to or not. Oh, perhaps not officially, but as more and more fiat currency is printed, people will run to gold, as well as silver, oil, crops, and other tangible things.
Waitaminute, why am I using the future tense here? This isn't 2003 anymore. It's been well under way for quite some time now
Oh, and another thing Mr. Bernanke, Asia is not listening to your bluster anymore. Catch today's beautiful little silver snapback after last week's bloodletting? Led strongly by the Asian markets. The Fed and TBTB threw everything but the kitchen sink at silver last week; this week the Asian markets shrugged and went back to buying on the dips. Good times, good times.

He voted against the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Does he want another Enron scandal ?

Sarbanes-Oxley was dismantled at the behest of your beloved Mr. Bernanke's illustrious predecessor, Ayn Rand alcolyte Allen Greenspasm. The Fed doesn't give a **** about scandal.

I could go on but why bother? The OP has already been eviscerated by many here. And even if it is all a troll (more than likely), its still been fun to work up a righteous froth.

edit on 5/9/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

....Also how much money spent on wars of foreign aggression such as vietnam, korean peninsula, star wars BS, iraq, libya, yugoslavia, somalia, afghanistan? How much money goes to homeland security and TSA? IS ANY OF THIS NECESSARY.....

On that we most certainly AGREE.

The only ones who profit from war are the bankers and their corporate cronies!

War is a lose-lose for both countries involved in most cases unless there is a massive acquisition of land and resources involved.

By the way I am NOT in favor of the Mega trans-national corporations. They should have been broken up years ago.

FACTS show small firms, under 500 employees, are much more productive.
See my post at

As far as what account paid for what in the Federal government, That is just a shell game Accountants play to dazzle the rubes.

If we as a country can do four things, then we can afford some social programs for those in need:

1. GET rid of the FED.

2. ENFORCE our Anti Trust laws. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing a privately owned foreign corporation like JBS Swift to have a near monopoly.

3. Get us OUT of foreign Trade Agreements designed to rape other countries and get us out of foreign wars designed to put money into the pockets of the bankers and their cronies.

4. MAKE Congress READ the blasted bills they are passing!!!!

Unfortunately I do not ever see that happening. If this country is actually still in existence as an actual SOVEREIGN Constitutional Republic in 50 years I would be very very surprised.

Our government is too busy handing our sovereignty over to others.
In 2007 G W bush signed an agreement to "Harmonize Laws" with the European Union.

The Recently passed Food Modernization Act specifically addresses the need to be in agreement with the World Trade Organization and other Treaties.

Lets face it the Trans-nationals want to get rid of National borders and National laws because they are a pain in the rump for importers. You do not need any "mysterious" Elite or Illuminati to explain the drive toward a one world government, all you need to look at is what is "best" for the Trans-nationals.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder

Studies have shown that the more independent that are the lower the inflation rate is.

Ah yes "Studies have shown." Studies paid for by who? Commissioned by who? Link?
"Studies have shown" is right up there with such illustrious phrases as with "it is said by some," "it is not necessarily impossible to imagine that..." and "It's a safe time of the month for me, honest."
And don't forget, the inflation rate is perhaps the most doctored, tortured, and mangled stat there is. It is redefined on practically a montly basis by -- guess who, wait for it -- THE FED.

In the middle of the Weimar hyperinflation, the Fed would probably publish a report saying things were hunky-dory inflation-wise compared to the Seige of Antioch in 1099, when starving citizens traded everthing they owned for scraps of donkey-meat.

Look it up. Countries with more a independent federal reserve have a lower inflation rate.If you dont believe me do your own research on that and let me know what you find. You will be surprised to find that i am right.

Our inflation rate is low. If you look at it we do not have hyper inflation. We have a healthy inflation rate. Dr. Paul has no education in economics, so do not take his advice on it. If you get sick then ask him.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

4. MAKE Congress READ the blasted bills they are passing!!!!

I agree. They should read what they are passing and think about the implications of their actions. They dont and thats what has got us in this country.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by gorgi
Look it up. Countries with more a independent federal reserve have a lower inflation rate.If you dont believe me do your own research on that and let me know what you find. You will be surprised to find that i am right.

Our inflation rate is low. If you look at it we do not have hyper inflation. We have a healthy inflation rate. Dr. Paul has no education in economics, so do not take his advice on it. If you get sick then ask him.

You are correct, we are not in hyperinflation, I did not claim that, nor would anyone sane.
However, the potential for hyperinflation is very real.


Look at that. Just look at it.

Now, the bankers will tell you with a straight face that all that credit is meaningless because its just exisiting on some rarified plane where the large institutions trade among each other on a whole other level and it will never bleed down into real price inflation on the everyday level. They'll point to low pressure on wages from globalization, falling asset prices like real estate and and a moribund stock market, the eviceration of pensions and long-term savings, and so on. They'll say it'll all balance out.

This is worse than wrong. It's obscene. It's like looking at a heroin junkie nodding out on the sidewalk and saying "Don't worry, it's cool because he also smokes crack so when he needs to wake up and do stuff, he can really boogie."

The fact of the matter is the credit IS leaking into the system, fast, and its hitting everyday people in the gut. The deflationary pressures are also hitting them, but in a different way, on different types of transactions. See how that works?

FACT: global cash-to-debt ratio = 1:40. Mmmm-hmmm. That'll end well.

You are a good troll, but I think I'm done feeding you for today. Thanks for playing...

edit on 5/9/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by gorgi

Originally posted by allprowolfy

Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by lostviking

hey noob, ever since qe1 on march 2009, stock markets have soared. the s&p has doubled. qe was a huge success.

Hey, was that before or after the government revisions.
1) the U.S. is at a 15 TRILLION debt ceiling -14 of that is in less than 10years of the Fed, and the same banksters regulating our treasury. So what's with the name calling with your blantant disregard of facts

As for the op's sure cited troll thread with 30 flags, it has become clear even to a toddler that if America keeps the course, a 3rd world country will prevail.


edit on 8-5-2011 by allprowolfy because: (no reason given)

Congress is responsible or making the budget and setting taxes. Thats what the Fed does. If you want the debt smaller, have congress raise taxes.

Or, following extremely simple economic principles that seem to fail you, cut spending. What about that is so hard for you to understand? You harp that Dr. Paul doesn't have an understanding of economics, yet you espouse raising taxes is the only way to decrease debt? You are a true Progressive.


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:00 PM
Everyone seems to say "Down with Elites" but I still don't understand how Paul's policies would do that. If anything, it seems like it would give them even more free reign to soak up more of the wealth in this country.

Sorry, but I don't get it. Less taxes on the rich, less taxes on corporations. Am I correct?

I like Paul's enthusiasm and apparent sincerity (and some of his ideals) but I just don't agree with some of his policies at all.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:59 PM
raising taxes...hello!
you take thirty percent of the blood out of a sick man every pump
you get flatlined in no time

when countries have had non based debt systens
such as the venitian silver certificate and the british Talley stick
they have gone hundreds of years with out bust and had vibrant expansive economies
witht the resultant leaps in mans evry facet

the debt system has sucked the crap out of every civilization it has touched one hundred percent of the time

Paul knows this
but then unlike his detractors
Paul took the time to look

Say, there is ONLY one reason a person would be promoting further enslaving and destroying America by promoting the evil debt based system that is strangling the American peep...
which Ron Paul opposes...

and that would be a person who wants to destroy and enslave the American Peep
edit on 9-5-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:02 PM
Man....... If I had five extra minutes, Id like to drag ya outside and horse whip you lol! Seriously though, Ron Paul is a great man who is genuinely honest, your correct that he does not always have the best answer as to how fix the problems he sees but the fact is he doesn't spin anything and at least unlike 99% of other government officials recognizes the problems.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by origamiandurbanism

Sorry, but I don't get it.

If you do not under stand then you need to look into the federal reserve:

An Easy Read:
Another easy read (short)

This is long but surprisingly readable:
A Primer on Money by COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Congressman Wright Patman (D) chair)

History of the Fed:
SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE. The London Connection. By. Eustace Mullins
Mullins worked for the Library of Congress.


I wish to thank my former fellow members of the staff of the Library of Congress whose very kind assistance, cooperation and suggestions made the early versions of this book possible. I also wish to thank the staffs of the Newberry Library, Chicago, the New York City Public Library, the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia, and the McCormick Library of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, for their invaluable assistance in the completion of thirty years of further research for this definitive work on the Federal Reserve System....

And if you get through that and are hooked and want a solution
Mises on Money. by Gary North

Mises's theory of the trade cycle was the foundation of F. A. Hayek's work on monetary theory in the 1930's, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1974, the year after Mises's death F.A. Hayek (1899–1992) was a founding board member of the Mises Institute.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by gorgi

Originally posted by allprowolfy

Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by lostviking

hey noob, ever since qe1 on march 2009, stock markets have soared. the s&p has doubled. qe was a huge success.

Hey, was that before or after the government revisions.
1) the U.S. is at a 15 TRILLION debt ceiling -14 of that is in less than 10years of the Fed, and the same banksters regulating our treasury. So what's with the name calling with your blantant disregard of facts

As for the op's sure cited troll thread with 30 flags, it has become clear even to a toddler that if America keeps the course, a 3rd world country will prevail.


edit on 8-5-2011 by allprowolfy because: (no reason given)

Congress is responsible or making the budget and setting taxes. Thats what the Fed does. If you want the debt smaller, have congress raise taxes.

Or, following extremely simple economic principles that seem to fail you, cut spending. What about that is so hard for you to understand? You harp that Dr. Paul doesn't have an understanding of economics, yet you espouse raising taxes is the only way to decrease debt? You are a true Progressive.


Yeah raise taxes. We have one of the lowest tax rates in the modern world. Us and Japan, and t hasnt been working out do to our low tax rates. We need our government agencies. Instead of abolishing them, raise taxes.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:16 PM
Thanks for the links, crimvelvet. I'll check those out, although I've read up on the Fed Reserve before.

The "I don't get it" isn't in reference to Paul's stance on the Federal Reserve, though.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by gorgi

Your first link is an opinion piece and the second link is misleading as Presidents Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr(not sure about Obama) all had executive orders and executive commissions about the North American Union.

Heck even your arguments about the fed are a LIE! Since the Fed's inception the US currency has lost the vast majority of it's value, and runaway inflation caused by governments using the printing presses for political reasons only happens in countries with a fiat(worthless) currency system.

With a gold or silver(or other valuable resource) backed currency, it holds it's value better and stays stable.

So your top links are faulty and you have been caught in a lie, and you expect us to continue to believe you?
Also Ron Paul's economic policies would help to build lasting stability and prosperity. The current economic debt model requires constant inflation(creating more wealth) to ease human suffering. When reducing the cost of living(reducing the amount of wealth needed to survive) would help to pull far more people out of poverty.
edit on 9-5-2011 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by korathin

Good post as usual Korathin.
I think Dr. Paul would make a fine President.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by The Old American

you dont cut spending in a recovery noob. you increase spending. in times of economic boom, that is when you cut spending. go to school pal.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

lol, i had to check my calendar as i had thought it was april fools. ron paul wound be a complete fail to the system and america in general. simple as that.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:27 AM
RON PAUL RON PAUL. he is my hero. i dont care he has been wrong on the economy for the past three years. RON PAUL. he is my hero. it does not matter he has no degree in economics. RON PAUL. the man stands for the people. RON PAUL.

lol as trump said at cpac: "ron paul is a joke"

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:28 AM
gorgi i am tired of your informative posts. just stop posting facts and agree with me. plz.

lol jk, its been three years and ron paul has been wrong on the economy and markets. why do ppl still listen to a person who has been wrong for such a long time. ? isint that the definition of insanity.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by korathin
reply to post by gorgi

Your first link is an opinion piece and the second link is misleading as Presidents Bush Sr, Clinton and Bush Jr(not sure about Obama) all had executive orders and executive commissions about the North American Union.

Heck even your arguments about the fed are a LIE! Since the Fed's inception the US currency has lost the vast majority of it's value, and runaway inflation caused by governments using the printing presses for political reasons only happens in countries with a fiat(worthless) currency system.

With a gold or silver(or other valuable resource) backed currency, it holds it's value better and stays stable.

So your top links are faulty and you have been caught in a lie, and you expect us to continue to believe you?
Also Ron Paul's economic policies would help to build lasting stability and prosperity. The current economic debt model requires constant inflation(creating more wealth) to ease human suffering. When reducing the cost of living(reducing the amount of wealth needed to survive) would help to pull far more people out of poverty.
edit on 9-5-2011 by korathin because: (no reason given)

Backing the dollar with gold or silver would be disastrous. There would be a liquidity problem associated with it. There would be volatility it its price, The money supply would be limited by gold production. Since most gold is already mined, we would have serious problems. Also spending would decrease and that would cause many jobs to be lost and GDP to shrink.This sounds like a great idea.
The dollar is backed by the faith of the US government, which last time I checked is the worlds only super power.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Foodman
gorgi i am tired of your informative posts. just stop posting facts and agree with me. plz.

lol jk, its been three years and ron paul has been wrong on the economy and markets. why do ppl still listen to a person who has been wrong for such a long time. ? isint that the definition of insanity.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results~ Einstein

Ron Paul has been wrong so many times that it is insane to think that he will ever be right. He has been wrong on everything related to the economy.

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