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Ron Paul A Distaster For The USA. Hes Always Wrong. Why Is There So Much Love For Him ? Wrong Paul

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posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:26 AM
Paul has some excellent ideas on foreign policy. Such as his treatment of the illegal and immoral Iraq war, the hyped war on terrorism, and his ideas of reducing the deficit by eliminating the vast array of overseas military basis.

On the other hand, unfortunately, he has typical republican antiquated and inhuman ideas on domestic and economic policy. On this I agree with some of the OP analyses . . . such as the statement that Paul’s policies are anachronistic and more suited to the 18th century, rather than a postmodern economic and political system.

Many of Paul’s views also smack of racism and the typical love of the rich and hatred for the poor and middle class that characterizes much of the republican world-view.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Dear Members,
It has been some time since I posted, I generally like to read rather than put in my 2 cents.

I have never been interested in politics or politicians generally because I have always thought of them as being manipulative, fake and plainly just full of it.

I am not American but since listening to Dr Paul I have found reason that one day politics and government may once again have credibility and will lead humanity fairly.

Listening to people talk about Ron Paul is quite intriguing as some will say "There are a lot of things I don’t really agree with about Ron Paul but he is so passionate about liberty and freedom for the people in this country that that is reason enough to vote for him.”

A lot of his views about monetary, foreign policy, smaller government are quite different than most developed western countries and people balk from it without listening to how he came to this point of view.

Some have suggested on the forum that we shouldn't simply agree with people who have different or controversial ideas such as a certain billionaire
. I agree and they should be backed with sound research and reasoning.

Generally politicians like to state emotive slogan type ideas without intellectual backing. I have never listened to Dr Paul (as most would know) give an idea without stating historical facts and/or current theory and reasoning usually to the detriment of the questioner.

In regards to abortion he stated that he was personally pro life because he saw during his internship a doctor deliver 5-6 month old ( I think) while it was crying and moving and place it into a bucket of water. Now this is an "understandable" stance on abortion due to his experience. BUT! He states that his opinion and the government’s opinion should not have anything to with this topic and should be left up to the local level of doctors etc to work out individual cases.

Most of these other topics such as gay marriage, legalization of prostitution and other stuff generally fits under the banner of it not being of the governments business, people shouldn't be bothered with other people’s business if it doesn't impede on their freedoms, and allowing local governments more freedom and less bureaucracy and create greater fairness between regions and states.

Most politicians I hear seem to just be counting votes and fear mongering individuals based on ill percieved morality or some religious ideal rather than give a reason why they have that particular stance

When I hear people talk about Dr Paul negatively it usually ends up a little like “ he is a pinhead when it comes to the FED” or “ he is just a crazy isolationist”. … Is rebuff is to the sounds of “people should stop calling me names and debate the topic with me”.

This should also be a point that should be taken with the OP and other peope who dislike Dr Paul. I was hoping to see a solid argument against Ron Paul’s policies because to me he is a logic machine and a philosopher to all humanity at the moment and I don’t like that I favor him so much

People should be able to debate this topic without being called names; I believe it is one of Ron’s ideals. Debate the issue as certainly Dr Paul has a lot of smoking guns in my opinion.

He has stated that lot of his ideas would never come to pass if he was elected and even if he was able to pass them it would be a transition that if successful would go beyond his years of being president.

I think the position of the OP stating it would bring disaster (if his points are true) is mute because of this. His priorities if elected he said would be to reign in and bring back the military around the world to reduce the strain on the economy and reduce the soaring deficit then to wind back the policies that he believes have reduced the freedoms of his people.

How can you not love this man and if not the man his integrity? I hope his message of liberty and freedom not only to continue to to rouse the people of America but people and governments around the world.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by inforeal

Many of Paul’s views also smack of racism and the typical love of the rich and hatred for the poor and middle class that characterizes much of the republican world-view.

Where does this come from? Seriously, I'd like to know because I keep hearing people say it but I don't know what they are basing it on. I keep hearing old-school "Goldwater" types being compared to him which is pretty unfair. Is there something he has directly said that makes you think this?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by AndrewJay
So far we found 16 people that are paid to post on this site (17 if you include the op).

You can get paid to post on this site? Where do I sign up?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by emaildogs
reply to post by gorgi

How can you say that there won't be enough money to run the government? You stated before that he wants to cut FEMA, IRS, DHS etc... Right there is plenty of money.

You see, as he cuts more out of control departments, the more money he frees up. Not only will we be more efficient we will be more free.

Ask yourself if all the systems we have in place are so good, then why is this country doing so poorly?

Lets cut government funding and over sight of a dozen or more departments. Thats a great idea. Lets let the the terrorists in. You dont mind lead paint being used on kids toys? Who needs energy regulation? I suppose we dont need any form of protection from anything. Super hero Ron Paul will save us.

Cutting out the IRS will get rid of our main source of tax money. Even with a national sales tax which hurts the middle class and the tariffs which will kill trade, we still couldn't fund the government on those with out a high rate.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by MensaGenius
reply to post by gorgi

The hidden problem to our humanity it not being able to see a liar when he or she is in the clear and present. I knew immediately after looking into George Bush's eyes he was a tyrant. Look into Ron Paul's eyes, its that simple.
Vote the guy in that has delivered over 4000+ babies!
Vote the guy in that has sincerity and honor as his mainstay.
Vote the guy in that has challenged that Fed and the money masters of the world.
To say Ron Paul is "Wrong" for America is like shooting your best friend in the trenches of war.
Its sad to see how primitive our society is, when the blind lead humanity to our doom.

I have no problem with him being surgeon general.
America is sad because I dont agree with the doc ? Isnt that sad.
Challenging the Fed is fine, questioning the Fed is fine. Abolishing the Fed is a whole new different story.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by verotik
reply to post by backinblack

Ron Paul for Pres, End the Fed!

Do you also think the FDA is keeping you safe? they might as well get dividends from Monsanto

Keep the Fed.
The FDA needs more over sight and needs to be shaken up a bit. They are doing okay, but they could do better.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by gorgi

So you don't think this country is already destroyed? Progressive policies over the last several decades have already destroyed our country... so lets try constitutional, limited government for a change.

No the country is very strong.
Everything that has been done aside form the parts of the patriot act have been constitutional. We have have had a limited government. Its called the 1700's.

How is the country destroyed ?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Ron Paul has been constantly wrong on most stuff relating to the economy. His ideas of what he wants to do to the country will destroy it.

Yeah, cause the other politicians do such better jobs.
They don't ship out our jobs, they don't give bank bailouts; most of all they don't lie.
What a great assessment.
Damn you ATS for your close minded ignorance in not letting the rich get richer! For shame.

Well at any rate, the epic troll thread did manage to get on the front page and 22 flags + some stars... so despite my sarcasm: Who was really the winner here?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by gorgi

Originally posted by The Old American
The Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Greys, the thunderbird. Now we have gorgi. I really didn't think you existed!

Even if everything else you said made sense, the fact that you defend the Federal Reserve destroys your position and credibility. The troll is strong in this one.


People who do research and know facts. Shocking we do exist.

The federal reserve is vital to the us economy. Ron Pauls idea to demolish it is no t wise. Do you even know what the Fed does? Im really curious.

Well, Mr. Rothschild, challenge accepted!

The Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank) is a privately held company created by Woodrow Wilson (and diverse others) to help control the U.S. economy and its debt , and to fund state banks. It was (illegally) given the authority to print money, which was taken away from Congress. Originally the money it was printing was backed by gold. Gold was a good commodity to use as it had intrinsic value. Prior the printing of paper money (basically an IOU saying "this represents 1 blah worth of gold"), coins were valued by the metal in them. Paper money came into favor because it could be carried on your person much easier than the gold it represented.

That's why the Fed was created. Now to what the Fed does: it artificially props up our economy by printing money not backed by any valuable commodity (or specie) and paying off debt with it, giving the illusion of credit. Printing more money that has no specie backing devalues the dollar, causing inflation. This is what happened to Germany in the early 1920s after WW1 destroyed their economy. They began just printing money to pay the reparations required of them by the Treaty of Versailles. Eventually the German mark was worth 1/4,000,000 of a U.S. dollar.

So, in effect, since the world economy is based on the U.S. dollar, the Fed controls the world's economy. All based on the equivalent of fairy dust.


posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:50 AM
the main gripe with your statement is that the federal reserve keeps this country going?
sir you could not be more wrong

this little video may cure your ignorance
(sorry dont know how to embed)

other than that i wouldnt be suprised if your on the DOD pay roll sitting behind your computer 8 hours a day trying to discredit anyone on the internet who shines light on our flawed system
edit on 7-5-2011 by Respectisearned08 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2011 by Respectisearned08 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by joco1976
reply to post by gorgi

I have to say, this is why I love this website. I want to commend all the people that took this persons comments and called them out for the garbage that it is. It almost sounds like this might be a TPTB infiltrator. Ron Paul stands for everything that they hate!!! Anyone who is for the FEDERAL RESERVE is either one of them, or completely does not understand how our monetary system works. Not how it works on the outside, but how it works behind the scenes. Not what BEN BERCRAPPY tells you how it works, but how it really works. If you do your due dilligence and research, you would know that inflation wasn't even an issue or taught in the halls of the major colleges until the FEDERAL RESERVE and the IRS was formed in the early 1900's. GOLD could be bought at $30 per ounce. Now it's $1500!!! Now we are spoon fed, like another person said earlier KOOL-AIDE that says we should expect 3% a year or so inflation, it's just natural, don't worry about it. What a load of HOOEY!!! Why is inflation natural? Have you ever asked yourself, Why???? There is nothing natural about inflation!!!! Does a rock inflate???? Does Earth inflate????

Yup I am a TPTB infiltrator. We in the secret government agencies have nothing better to do.
I understand why we need a Fed and thats why I am for it. Ben Bernane saved the world.
You dont like the small target inflation rate? Would you prefer deflation?
The economy of 2011 is not the same as 1825. It has become more complex.

All inflation is, is another tax that is comfiscated by the BANKSTERS of this world and they use it to line their pockets. It is the greatest PONZI scheme ever invented by man. Bernie Maddof doesn't have nothing on those guys.

Have you ever done any reasearch at all on how Fractional Reserve Banking works??? Sheep deposits $100,000 into JPMorgan Chase, JPMorgan Chase calls the Federal Reserve and says, Hey I have 100k and would like to borrow 1 million against it? Fed says, Okay good old buddy. Here is 1 million, but it's going to cost you .25%. Wow, give me some!!! JPMorgan Chase loans 1 million out to other Sheeple at 5% for 15 years. Cost of doing business with the FED, $19,077. JPMorgan Chase collects, $426,393 in 15 years on a risk of 100k. Oh, but guess what? JPMorgan Chase is a member of the federal reserve, so their is kind of a conflict of interest. Oh, and since we are a debt based system. They not only can borrow 90% of deposits, but when you take a loan out for 400k, they can borrow 4 million against that!!!! Same way with Credit Card debt!!! Why do you think they love CREDIT CARDS????

Sorry, such a long response. I could go on, and on, and on about all the things that this guy said that doesn't make sense. I can't stand INGNORANCE

Inflation was not invested by ponzi scam artist bankers. Thats just strait up false.
Many banks are required to be part of the Fed and others chose to join. They buy shares, but that doesnt give them any kind of voting rights. Its not a corporation.
The ignorance of banking you just displayed shows that you do not understand modern banking.

edit on 7-5-2011 by gorgi because: spelling, still missed some I'm sure.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by gorgi

All you did was offer opinions. There were absolutely no actual facts in there. Maybe you should have said that Ron Paul is always wrong IN YOUR OPINION...

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by gorgi

I thought smaller government is Part of the Constitution. Arent you American?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by gorgi

We are not going into oblivion. We are the worlds only super power.

Tell that to China.

China, now with 13 operating reactors on the mainland, the country is well into the next phase of its nuclear power program. Some 27 reactors are under construction and many more are likely to be so by the end of 2011...China aims at least to quadruple its nuclear capacity from that operating and under construction by 2020.

China is now building about two power stations every week and plans 500 coal plants over the next ten years.

google building manufacturing plants china and you get 46,300,000 results. Every one is building new plants in China it seems.

American Corporations building plants overseas is one of the reasons the stock market can be in good shape while Main Street goes down the tubes. The two are NOT connected anymore but the illusion works great when you want to fool people. Just like how unemployment statistics are calculated was changed to hide the truth. Shadow Government Statistics

No. 367: April Labor Numbers, Money Supply, Dollar and Precious Metals - May 6th, 2011

• Increasingly Misleading Seasonal-Factors Continued to Pummel Accuracy of Jobs Data • April Household Survey Showed 190,000 Employment Drop • April Unemployment Rates: 9.0% (U.3), 15.9% (U.6), 22.3% (SGS) • Broad Money Supply Gains in April • Underlying Inflation, Dollar and Precious Metals Fundamentals Unchanged...

...One of my early clients was a large manufacturer of commercial airplanes, who had developed an econometric model for predicting revenue passenger miles. The level of revenue passenger miles was their primary sales forecasting tool, and the model was heavily dependent on the GNP (now GDP) as reported by the Department of Commerce. Suddenly, their model stopped working, and they asked me if I could fix it. I realized the GNP numbers were faulty, corrected them for my client (official reporting was similarly revised a couple of years later) and the model worked again, at least for a while, until GNP methodological changes eventually made the underlying data worthless.

That began a lengthy process of exploring the history and nature of economic reporting and in interviewing key people involved in the process from the early days of government reporting through the present. For a number of years I conducted surveys among business economists as to the quality of government statistics (the vast majority thought it was pretty bad), and my results led to front page stories in the New York Times and Investors Business Daily, considerable coverage in the broadcast media and a joint meeting with representatives of all the government's statistical agencies. Despite minor changes to the system, government reporting has deteriorated sharply in the last decade or so.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender

dood are you for real starting a thread like this ?

Has anyone asked how Old the OP is .. ?

My guess he/she hasn't been around long enough to gain any meaningful Life experience

"Sofa King Re Tar Ted" say that 3 times fast

edit on 5/7/2011 by spoonbender because: (no reason given)

How old am I? I was born 2/16/1941 in a log cabin under a double rainbow.

Any Ron Paul questions you want to ask ?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by gorgi

You are by far the most full of crap person on ATS.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by gorgi

Originally posted by spoonbender

dood are you for real starting a thread like this ?

Has anyone asked how Old the OP is .. ?

My guess he/she hasn't been around long enough to gain any meaningful Life experience

"Sofa King Re Tar Ted" say that 3 times fast

edit on 5/7/2011 by spoonbender because: (no reason given)

How old am I? I was born 2/16/1941 in a log cabin under a double rainbow.

Any Ron Paul questions you want to ask ?

I see the problem, now! It's just like when frogs are exposed at birth to toxic waste and they grow an extra leg from their forehead. I don't blame you for thinking the way you do. You're under a handicap by being exposed to FDR's presidency, a known carcinogen.


posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:16 PM
I stopped reading when you said "The federal reserve is an important government body"

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Please PLEASE lose this account as well gorgi! I can see by your almost complete lack of understanding of how our government and monetary systems work that you have freed your mind so much that your brains fell out!

Epic Fail on this Thread!

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