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Mass Hypnosis, what it really is and how it affects everything about who you think you really are.

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
The truth which we all will come to know does not lie in academia or static tests of statistical process, but in an unbiased mind which practices discernment and rational thought through compassion; and then you'll see that pure truth is found in the sublime and through perpetual questioning of everything.

It's out there and it's in pieces scattered from here to there, but it can be found, but first you'll have to "release" your ego then you'll see that nothing is as it seems, it's not this or that, but an infinite diverse collective of "all of it."

Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. Point to point to point. No ending and no beginning, you travel a linear line which moves forward in a circular or spiral path which can contain infinity.

How's that?

i like your post I just would maybe disagree with the perpetual questioning of everything bit. I see it like this, maybe the twin towers were brought down by islamists, maybe it was a false flag operation maybe it was something else, maybe Osama is alive, frozen and defrosted and shot post mortem or maybe something else. We dont know, I certaintly dont know and who ever does know for sure isnt going to say. Instead I accept the fact that I dont know, just like I dont know about a whole lot of things in the world and galaxy and universe, i accept that truth. In otherwords I know the truth.
endless questions, have endless answers its like an endless fog which obscures clarity.
This is the state of mind most peole are in and as i believe this is how TPTB would like it to remain, with the masses staggering blindly and full of confusion from one disaster to another, all the time clammering for someone to lead them into the light.
Whay else are there so many born again christians in the U.S. If these people had some clarity they wouldnt need a majical man who can walk on water and lives in the sky to lead them into some kind of security or peace, either that or they pinned all their HOPE on a black president, why? because surley he couldnt be any worse than the white guys before him and he told us "YES WE CAN"

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: spellings

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Trying to some up your wall of text is hard, you have something valuable to say you just need to market it better =).

When you are asleep and driven by your ego you will be manipulated by your desire to feed it and conform. When you wake up and become conscious of your ego you will no longer be manipulated because you realize you are not your ego and no longer need to feed it. Correct?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
Trying to some up your wall of text is hard, you have something valuable to say you just need to market it better =).

When you are asleep and driven by your ego you will be manipulated by your desire to feed it and conform. When you wake up and become conscious of your ego you will no longer be manipulated because you realize you are not your ego and no longer need to feed it. Correct?

Absolutley right, very well put

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: grammer

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:02 PM
So in short believing your ego is your essence is in my opinion a deep trance state. TPTB know this and have delibratley built the modern world to reinforce this state of mind in the population, through consumerism culture etc.
Once we believe we are different from or better than our neighbour etc, we become isolated from him.
once your mentally isolated it is impossible to form significant groups or any real opposition to TPTB.
How often have you watched for instance, starving children all over the third world on the news and wondered "why is this perpetual situation only paid lip service, when surley all the money spent on killing in wars could solve this issue of poverty"
It goes on because there is no will to stop it, instead we continue buying expensive sneekers etc made in those far eastern swet shops to boost our own egos, knowing the people who make them are kept in poverty to kepps us at our higher standard of living. Why? because we believe we are better than them. Why do we believe this? We have been continually encouraged and cultivated to believe it and accept it almost without question.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by splitlevel

Hey I didn't choose this screen name by accident you know! =) What brought you into consciousness?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Buddha1098
reply to post by splitlevel

Hey I didn't choose this screen name by accident you know! =) What brought you into consciousness?

I was looking for answers for years and years within the slience of myself, without realising that I was practicing zen meditation, with some variations of my own. i just had an over powering belief that my existance was more than just darkness when my eyes are shut and the answer did not lie in a book, because if it did then surley everyone would be enlightened already, so I regected the idea of studying into any religion.
i wont say some of the things i experienced through this practice because it may make me lose credibility and I have no proof of these experiences either, just my words, and on top of that id rather not say for various reasons, but I will warn you than going deep into your own mind can be dangerous for your mental health and nervouse systme and it can also open some powers that human beings should not play with. this practice did not however enlighten me but did show me that the mind is far more powerful than many would like us to believe. i used a special breating tecnique to get into this meditation, one that I developed by trial an error and after i got into a street fight and had my nose broken i could no longer practice this breathing excorsise, maybe just for the best.

sunsequently many years later, possible through the previous meditation practice, i dont know and cant remember but I had slipped into a long term zen state of mind, id walk around doing my daily routine and it was rare for a thought to materialise in my head. I dont know how long this period lasted but all i can say is i was walking down the street one night, not thinking about anything and I looked at an unusual car, like an old classic car, parked on the other side of the street, and just at that moment some kind of euporic explosion went off in my head, like the most amazing feeling Ive ever experienced...frankly it scared the # out of me. i dont know what it was or why it happened but from then on I went back to "normal" and that internal monologue or static i mentioned before returned to my mind. this also didnt enlighten me, just confused and scared the crap out of me...maybe it was a stroke for all i know but nothing bad happened me out of it and i didnt do drugs or anything to cause any thing like that to happen.

then years later what finally clicked me on or enlightened me or woke me up was when a relationship ended with a girl i thought was "the one". you know when you believe someone is an angel and then find out they are a more messed up human being than you can comprehend. this event came with other loses in my life and I stood on a hill thinking about how isolated and alone i was, i remember overlooking a forest, and I realised that everything in this world is not what it seems and that everything we cling onto is going to be taken from us one way or another and that if you pin your happiness to other things, including people and put them on pedistles and basically turn them into your god, then you will put ypourself into a pit of despair, which I did for about 5 seconds, then i laughed at how ridiculous i was being. it took about 5 seconds in the end.

after all this I typed in a notion that came into my head "eat when hungry, sleep when tired" to see what if anything would come up. it came back as a buddhist a koan, a means of clciking people awake.
After that i realised I was a zen buddhist but never knew it, which makes it even more zen and everything that the buddha said fitted with my experience, pretty much.
Sorry but I said it was a long story
Whats yours Buddha?
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: mistake

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:30 PM
I noticed that your OP is riddled with suggestive cues which managed to temporarily put me in a trance, until I stopped reading of course. Hypnotism I think is one of the reason why certain self administered drug use is illegal, because drugs allow you to manipulate your own conscious willingly, consciously, and internally, and the government doesn't want you to know when your conscious is being manipulated unwillingly, unconsciously, and externally.

You spelled hypnotist wrong a few times, btw.
edit on 6-5-2011 by Masinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Masinger

I know I will sound like an ass...but what is an OP? im new

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:34 PM
OP means original post. Awesome thread btw, you hit the nail on the head, and that's not just me speaking in a trance state. ;-0

edit on 6-5-2011 by Masinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Masinger

Ok thanks. Yeah i did highlight some words in there, i guess I was taking the piss a bit, really just trying to highlight my point for those, like yourself, that apparently get it..
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: grammer

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Check this website out:

It's highly relevant to your discussion.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Masinger

For some reason, paranoia i guess, i feel like ill be stepping onto a trap door if i click your link. haha, so for now ill pass

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 04:05 PM
It talks about the different brain states; beta, alpha, theta, and delta, and what can cause those different brain states, such as being fully alert (beta) watching TV (alpha) sitting through a boring lecture (theta, daydreaming), or being fully asleep (delta). I apologize, didn't mean to alarm you.
edit on 6-5-2011 by Masinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Masinger

Thats interesting, and ive heard of these different types of brain waves before. it would be good if you could elaborate on this aspect for the sake of the thread, as its not an area I have a lot of input on. Its funny how some people cant accept that we all go in and out of trace all day long, like you say watching TV etc. I wonder what specific influence theses different brain waves have on our brain and thought patterns, no doubt the one INDUCED under the influence of TV has some special significance, umm thats an interesting direction to explore further..

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Masinger

I took a look at your link after all. yeah, the fact that its stated that watching television induces "a light trance" means that we are absolutley open to suggestion when we watch TV. If we were in a deep trance atleast we would know we were in a deep trance and in a sense be more aware that we were vunerable, but a light trance, we dont realise were even in may be more concerning, considering that you can programme people in any trance state.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by splitlevel

Dear splitlevel,

I am sorry; but, I cannot agree with your hypothesis. We have free will. We don't have to accept what we are told and you cannot hypnotise people against their will. Most people choose to be part of a group and accept that groups goals as their own. The people who bought those houses knew they couldn't afford them, they gambled that the market would continue to go up and they wanted to sell for an easy profit. The people that lied about their income knew they were lying, they were not tricked, that is the excuse they give now.

People go along because they want the cookies of this world and they justify their actions and say they were tricked or forced to do something and it is a lie. If people take responsibility for their own actions then they don't get "tricked". W.C. Fields and many con artist live by the rule that you cannot cheat an honest man. People are not hypnotised or in a trance, they are conned and the con works because they are selfish and greedy, all cons are aimed at the selfish and greedy.

There is no mass hypnosis, it doesn't work that way. Read books on hypnosis and they will all say that. We define our ego and many choose to be accepted so they imitate people they see as successful or having what they want to have, they define themselves this way because of their wants. When it works out for them, they take all the credit and when it doesn't they blame others. If we take responsibility for our actions then the con no longer works.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by splitlevel

Dear splitlevel,

I am sorry; but, I cannot agree with your hypothesis. We have free will. We don't have to accept what we are told and you cannot hypnotise people against their will. Most people choose to be part of a group and accept that groups goals as their own. The people who bought those houses knew they couldn't afford them, they gambled that the market would continue to go up and they wanted to sell for an easy profit. The people that lied about their income knew they were lying, they were not tricked, that is the excuse they give now.
I cannot say everyone involved lied or not, im sure dishonesty was involved of course, but the dishonesty was all driven by ego, thats what i am satating and that the ego is the problem, when we let it grow out of all proportion and believe its the core of what we are instead of seeing it for what it is, an illusion.

People go along because they want the cookies of this world and they justify their actions and say they were tricked or forced to do something and it is a lie. If people take responsibility for their own actions then they don't get "tricked". W.C. Fields and many con artist live by the rule that you cannot cheat an honest man. People are not hypnotised or in a trance, they are conned and the con works because they are selfish and greedy, all cons are aimed at the selfish and greedy.
like i said peoples irrational actions are driven by emotions, these emotions override rational thought, this emotional state of mind is constantly reinforced by our consumerist society

There is no mass hypnosis, it doesn't work that way. Read books on hypnosis and they will all say that. We define our ego and many choose to be accepted so they imitate people they see as successful or having what they want to have, they define themselves this way because of their wants. When it works out for them, they take all the credit and when it doesn't they blame others. If we take responsibility for our actions then the con no longer works.
yes if we are all rationally minded, yes that would be the case but we are not

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by splitlevel

Dear splitlevel,

I think in the end the only possible solution is for us to be reasonable, I think it is the only way we can ever truly be free, we have to be responsible first. We can change the government, the media and whatever else we want; but, if we choose to follow our urges rather than define ourselves by our beliefs then it doesn't matter what we change, we will still go along with the crowd so that we can be part of the crowd and people will always use our selfishness to get us to do what they want. Be well.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by splitlevel

Nice OP but your describing propaganda and the shaping of believes and acceptable beliefs and you could look at Chomsky to understand more. I really wanted to point users to the work of Milton Erickson because although he has been mentioned in passing, his stuff is well worth researching.

Any to anyone who says they cannot be hypnotized I challenge you, nay, demand that you don't think of a brown coloured horse in a field, - its a silly example but I bet you imagined it - everyday we are manipulated in sooo many ways, did you guys see the Iraq death count figures and figures of depleted uranium that was posted?


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

You are totally wrong in your idea that you cannot be hypnotized against your will, because I think maybe you have the wrong understanding of hypnosis. To break down any resistance it would be important to use covert hypnosis so the person would not even know its happening.

Flowers, trees, beach, trance, blue, Spain, love - to understand the terms we have to look inside, when we look inside for a minute its called memory, when we look inside for 20 minutes its called cue the scary music 'hypnosis'

Final world to the OP, hypnosis is dead as a subject now and has been replaced by neuro-science but that is something else.

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