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Mass Hypnosis, what it really is and how it affects everything about who you think you really are.

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:27 AM
Lets start by understanding what mass hypnosis is. Its not the same as stage hypnosis, where peolpe cluck like chickens nor is it some far fetched manchurian candidate type senario, where someone gets brainwashed and practically turned into a robotic zombie, however this may well be possible. These two well known images of hypnosis are pushed into the pop culture and either laughed at as entertainment or riddiculed as being ridiculous.
Also many times I have heard people in the field of hypnosis repeatedly claim that hypnosis is not dangerous and that you cant use it to make people do anything they wouldnt already want to do. Well i can tell you that that is a LIE.
I can also tell you that right now you are in a trance state.
It should suprise you to know that, but it more than likley will make you LOL, but let me explain further.
Even some of the worlds leading hypmotistis eg Richard bandler, the inventor of NLP, have suggested this idea.
First to understand what this permanant trance state is, you need to understand what a trance is.
A trance is something as simple as sitting and staring out the window, when your bored of listening to the teacher etc and your mind drifts off and you get that long distanse stare into nothingness. That trance state happens naturally all the time to tople, and you wont be aware of just how many times during the day you actually fall into this state, but next time it happens you will remember this thread.
Now a hypmotist can put you into a similar day dream state as I mentioned, but what happens then is the hypmotist deepens the trance further and further by instructing you to sleep and go deeper and deeper to sleep etc. then once your in a deep trance state the hypnotist gives the sbject instructions...atleast thats one method of hypnosis used in thearaphy sessions.
So how does mass hypnosis affect us? We are not in a trance are we? Yes we are.
from the first day of birth we are conditioned by a set of rules, religion etc, we deveop an ego/personality in response to this external stimuli. now the purpose of the ego is to help us live amongst other people in "society", to interact and work and play etc.
now what the personalty actaully is is a figment of each of our imaginations, something we brought into existance in response to external stimuli and peer pressures.
Much of who we think we are is based on our tastes in music, art political and religious ideologies etc.
for most people these days, the more things they can define themselves as different to everyone else, the better.
This ego explosion is promoted massivley by TV and the advertising of a thousand different lifestyles and a billion different branded products and gadgets.
the material society that infact has not made human beings any more fulfilled or happier, infact in the west where we have a mountain of consumerism, people have more mental illnesses than the third world, we also have an endless variety of them to describe ourselfs as different, by as another set of lifestlye options to choose from, anorexic or or bi polar, or ADHD, if you feel crazy the choice is yours to dip in and be any crazy you wanna be, we have every kind of crazy at rock bottom prices.
So what Im saying is the drive to be different and an "individual" is actually a drive into a deeper and deeper trance state, no wonder so many people wind up crazy.
TPTB have every interest in keeping us in this overblown ego state, because it is a trance state and in a trance state its very easy to manipulate the masses.
especially when they dont realise that they are in a trance.
now the reason this is important to understand is because its real. I can prove this by looking at the recent economic crash, especially the housing crash.
people took on impossibly large mortgages, which if they were using their rational mind they would not have done, banks loaned impossibly large mortgages to waitresses etc when logically they also knew that this was a ridiculous idea. However the millions of people who took part in this merry dance were not thinking logically, they were under mass hypnosis.
you see the human mind has to parts, logical thinking and emotional thinking. We all would like to think we make important decisions on logic but infact most of our most important desicions are made on emotion AKA ego.
for example the housing crash, countless relationships that dont work, unsatisfying careers etc, etc, etc and supporting military invasions based on no evidence but an emotional response to 9/11.
Your being manipulated at every turn and you didnt even realise it. but now you have a chance to WAKE UP FOR REAL.
Now we have the ego mania being promoted at full tilt by likley the C.I.A. where we have once rational people falling over themselves to post photographs and personal info all over FACEBOOK and similar sites, where we can even see with our rational minds the security and privacy implications but our emotional heads keeps lapping it up even when it makes no secret that there is facial recognition on every photograph etc, etc, etc.
There is an expression "did we sleepwalk into Big Brother", notice the word sleepwalk.
We need to go the other direction before it gets any worse and realise that we are all human beings and we all have more in common with eachother than the imaginary things that seperate us. if we as people can realise this fact we all will be better off and the small power eliter that has been using us as slaves and pitting us against eachother as a divide and concoure technique, well that elite would dry up and dissapear once it no longer could suck the life blood out of the people of this world.
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: spelling mistakes

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

So do not believe you are your ego, your not, so next time you react to something with an emotional response, think rationally first.
Remember for good or for bad, it was emotion that got Obama elected, the emotion he played up to by deepening the hypnotic state with verbal hypnosis and other tricks.
America is to dominated by ego and emotion and lacks rational discussion and thought and this suits TPTB as it keeps everyone very easly controlled. REMEMBER THIS.
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:44 AM
Well, it's an interesting theory you have, but I'm not sure I agree with you. What you call Trance state and the reasoning for it, just doesn't fit for me. I've been to many people, professional and non traditional hypnotherapists and have never been able to be hypnotized.
Hmmm maybe there is a correlation between that and being a conspiracy theorist?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:45 AM
Too long, too superficial. And, by the way, it is hypnotist not hypmotist.
A brilliant political theorist/writer named Hannah Arendt, in a book called For Love of the World, published in 1961, discussed how the German people all aided and abetted Hitler's rise to power. She was a jew and survivor of the holocaust. What is happening now is quite similar to then re: controlling the mass mind. I highly suggest her book for the more discerning reader.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Controlled by emotions, manipulated by the media, constantly looking for a sense of uniqueness.
Yeah, it's all true. But hypnosis? Well, of course it might work on some people, I have nothing atm to prove against.

I don't remember having "trance" since I was about 12-13, my mind is always working, I just can't get it to stop even when I sleep.

I've always heard you have to let yourself be hypnotize or be in an empty state of mind. Of course maybe media can do this.
I do feel shivers sometimes from certain commercials from the sound. I turn the sound off and I don't look at it.
Of course, I could be crazy

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:16 AM
When you consider the BILLIONS that have been spent studying humans and our
psychology, from Madison Avenue to the CIA, to not think we are constantly being
manipulated is just plain ignorance. (Or perhaps you could say it's working)They
know what makes us tick, how to set us off. How to manipulate us into making
choices that benefit them. How to get us to sell our souls to them and kill our brothers
for them. They can get us to believe the some poor Afghani dudes in a cave are a threat to us
and our way of life. So we gotta kill them. And they have certainly figured out
how to get us to buy their sh*t products that we don't need. People are miserable and
unhappy so they buy their toxic, psychotropic drugs and antidepressants and that just keeps
them stupid and dumbed down....and still miserable.

Think black ops. Think BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars. This is no accident. And it's not
a trance. It's a F*CKING COMA!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by splitlevel


I hope you don't mind but I followed you here from your past post in the thread " right/left divide." I see you made your 20.

I found there, in your remarks, a well founded set of observations on our human condition which expanded well, the OPs original points. It is not surprising those thoughts blossomed into your first thread. It was good reading though hard. May I explain why?

First, as someone mentioned, it was too long. I think maybe not too long, but at one point the post started to have redundancy . Like you were pushing to hard to make your point.

Secondly you seemed to be getting tired as you moved along toward the second half. Punctuation and capitalization began slipping and run ons appeared.

Now I'm new to this thing myself but one thng I've noticed is that when reading a lot of print off a screen, it is just to easy to get lost in big paragraphs. I was going to mention this to you in that other reply, but here will do.
Find places to break them up for easier eye recognition. This will also help to organize thoughts more coherently.

This makes me wonder about sound-byte culture. How we are being conditioned and raised by tv and such to think and relate in short, shallow bursts? In any event, this correlation will take more thought. Maybe writing in sound-bytes has something to do with this overall fog which you call mass hypnosis and I call the vail of illusion.

Anyway, your considered thoughts will be greatly appreciated here in these forums (and greatly derided) and I hope you accept my observations kindly.



posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by starwisdom

Yeah you got me with the spelling mistakes...I was in a rush when I wrote it but there really is no excuse for poor grammer.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

I appreciate your words, thanks.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

Talk about hitting the nail on the head. COMA. Now that's succinct.

Back in the 20's I guess it was, new automation and mass production techniques began producing products at a faster pace and in such abundance that supply quickly outstripped demand. Citizens didn't need the things that were being produced. They didn't need them so they didn't want them.

Well this just had to change. People had to change. Witness the birth of the advertising industry. Early findings in psychology had pointed out the relationship between needs and wants. Find a way to make someone want something and they will not only want it, they will NEED it.

Enter guys like Edward Bernays and the manufactures had found their arrow into the heart of the human psyche.

Citizen becomes Consumer. Flip it upside down, there's the hypnosis, the coma, the veil of illusion.
edit on 6-5-2011 by TerryMcGuire because: Typo

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:57 AM
Ok. im goint to try to clarify what I mean a bit further, for the posters who have disputed what Im calling hypnosis.
In Zen buddhism to be awakened or to be enlightened is the same thing Im talking about. Well you wouldnt need to be awakened if you were already awake.
Remember that there are different forms of hypnosis and different levels of trance state. to the pster who insists he is alert all the time, I dispute this as its proven to be impossible anyway, we all, everyone of us, goes into micro trances every day, sometimes for a few seconds and sometimes a few minutes or longer.
For instance you may get lost in listening to a piece music or when someone is talking to you and you lose interest in what they are saying you "SWICH OFF". These are trance states and everyone of us goes in and out of them everyday.
A classic example is driving a car, your in a trance. Your brain couldnt stay alert every second you drive as to be alert to every tiny possiblity that may occur whilst driving is too much for our brains to compute and its mostly a well worn routine for most people who drive, so your mind goes into auto pilot mode, unless a deer jumps infront of you and startles you into being AWAKE, for instance.
So lets clarify what trance states are and how we all go in and out of trance, just to prove noone is immune.
Now what im saying goes far beyond these mini trances, we have a bigger trance state, one that stays with us all the time, and its so ingrained that virtually everybody is in this state of trance all the time, and will not comprehend that this is infact real. Thats why I had to point out the mini trances we all go into and that cant be denied.
Now I compared this to zen before becuase in Zen practice the idea is to illiminate all thoughts from your mind through meditation. The reason for this is because Zen states that to be enlightened you need to have a complletly empty and clear mind, basically so that your mind can revert to its "ORIGINAL STATE".
Of course many people practice Zen for years and never reach enlightenment, this is for two reasons.
One reason for this is beacause enlightenment is very misunderstood and thought to be some kind of supernatural exprerience and another reason is because many people take up zen practice as a lifestlyle choice, and it inevitably becomes yet another hobby/practice or set of doctrines that people use to continue what we believe is our individuality.
for instance many people state that the have "WOKEN UP" whenever they discuss their dissalusionment with polotics or with what may or may not be huge conspiracies, but this state of mind is not infact AWAKENED. Its just another lifestyle choice, driven by emotion, so in a sence its still a trance state because it still follows doctrines and beliefs and people who have beliefes will argue and fight to defend them etc, etc, etc, which as I said earlier suits TPTB very much so.
However people who are on the path of questioning the world are on one of the paths to real enlightement, so even though its emotionally driven some people who travel this direction will WAKE UP for real, however most likley wont.

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: spelling mistakes

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: spelling mistakes

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by starwisdom

By the way...I take from your tone that you probably have very many ideas that make you very different from me, and everyone else. But your not in a trance state. of course not.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by orbitbaby

Just wanted to say I like your avatar. I also like you coma comment, it had alot of passion and emotion to it but I liked it anyway haha.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by User8911

If you read my other posts on this topic about Zen practice, you might understand that when you say you are always thinking all the time, well this is exactly the trance state I am talking about.
Its called an "INTERNAL MONOLOGUE", we all have it, or most all of us. The endless chatter in the backgrounds of our mind, it goes on constantly. just try and close your eyes and stop thinking for a minute. I bet you cant go past a second before some pointless thought pops into your head.
And the more complicate our lives are, or world seems to be, the more choices, beliefs and attitudes we have about it and everything in it. So I would bet that people who live in simpler societies, for instance pesant farmers, I would guess they have a lot less internal chatter, well thay have a lot less to have to think constantly about, dont they, and therfore are more likley to achieve enlightlenment than us in the western world.
Perhaps thats why the bible states that "THE MEEK WILL INHERIT THE EARTH"...perhaps not, who knows, not me.
But as long as people have this constant internal noise, they wont be able to really think straight. this is the state TPTB want us to be in. Hopefully this thread will help some people see things from a different paradime as thats why im writing it.
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: spelling mistakes

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:15 PM
[Disclaimer; this is NoblesseOblige speaking on mindseye21's account because we're sharing his computer at the moment]

I second TerryMcGuire. Spend less time reading about those communication arts and more time practicing them. It'll allow us to delve deeper into the world you do want to show us.

I feel you've mixed a bit of Eckhart Tolle with some bandler/erickson and tried to come up with a formula, but couldn't collect your thoughts to make it as tangible in words as it is in feeling. Does that make sense?

The fact is, there are many disciplines that go into mass conditioning. I'm 3 years into my studies and I haven't even breached the surface. It's laughable. And man, it's an exhilarating area to spend time in.

That said, I see a lot of newcomers to the arts try to raise the points you are about the mass-conditioning and TPTB. And still, I've yet to meet a respected expert in any related field that reflects the dim outlook and harsh judgements the newcomers espouse.

Listen up guys. By using hypnotic trance you can NEVER make someone go against their moral code.

However, as Zimbardo demonstrated in the Stanford Prison Experiment, cognitive dissonance brought on by environmental influence can lead individuals to reframe their moral code to accommodate past actions. Once that is done, then hypnotic trance can be used to emphasize the compromised area of their moral code when taking future action.

Your second post about Zen is irrelevant in the eyes of Hypnosis. Empirically, hypnosis has not recognized any state relating to Nirvana or Satori. Such states are fascinating sources of inspiration for change work... but that's all. What hypnosis does focus on, however, is cultivating healthy belief systems based on the subjects core drives so that they can flow from moment to moment in a relaxed manner. Realistically a serial killer could attain this. Does that mean he's 'awake?'

Don't you find it ironic you're pointing fingers at who's 'awakened' and who's not while saying everyone else who does that are mistaken?

Pretty sure that's a trap most spiritual teachers have advised us to avoid. Hence why Buddha never says what enlightenment is, only what it isn't.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by mindseye21
[Disclaimer; this is NoblesseOblige speaking on mindseye21's account because we're sharing his computer at the moment]

I second TerryMcGuire. Spend less time reading about those communication arts and more time practicing them. It'll allow us to delve deeper into the world you do want to show us.

The truth is I read very little, as I believe that every thing your read is influencial and eventually swamps your mind with other peoples ideas .

I feel you've mixed a bit of Eckhart Tolle with some bandler/erickson and tried to come up with a formula, but couldn't collect your thoughts to make it as tangible in words as it is in feeling. Does that make sense?

I have heard of Eckhart Tolle but never read anything by him. As far as Bandler/erickson goes I have looked at their ideas to some extent.

The fact is, there are many disciplines that go into mass conditioning. I'm 3 years into my studies and I haven't even breached the surface. It's laughable. And man, it's an exhilarating area to spend time in.
Why spend 3 years of practice when one can become enlightened in 3 seconds? like I siad your down the route of a lifestyle choice and seem very happy with where your at ego wize, but id imagine thats going in the opposite direction to enlightenment.

That said, I see a lot of newcomers to the arts try to raise the points you are about the mass-conditioning and TPTB. And still, I've yet to meet a respected expert in any related field that reflects the dim outlook and harsh judgements the newcomers espouse.

Listen up guys. By using hypnotic trance you can NEVER make someone go against their moral code.
I see you use the word HOWEVER in your next paragraph? You could also site the milgramme experiment, Stockhold syndrome, the rize of Hitler, consumerism sociey etc,etc

However, as Zimbardo demonstrated in the Stanford Prison Experiment, cognitive dissonance brought on by environmental influence can lead individuals to reframe their moral code to accommodate past actions. Once that is done, then hypnotic trance can be used to emphasize the compromised area of their moral code when taking future action.

Your second post about Zen is irrelevant in the eyes of Hypnosis. Empirically, hypnosis has not recognized any state relating to Nirvana or Satori. Such states are fascinating sources of inspiration for change work... but that's all. What hypnosis does focus on, however, is cultivating healthy belief systems based on the subjects core drives so that they can flow from moment to moment in a relaxed manner. Realistically a serial killer could attain this. Does that mean he's 'awake?'
Well according to what Ive been told, serial killers are phsycopaths and have a problem with their brains, where they cannot comprehend empathy, this isnt something you can teach to someone who lacks the part of the brain needed to comprehend it..

Don't you find it ironic you're pointing fingers at who's 'awakened' and who's not while saying everyone else who does that are mistaken?
You lost me on that one, I dont really remember pointing fingers.

Pretty sure that's a trap most spiritual teachers have advised us to avoid. Hence why Buddha never says what enlightenment is, only what it isn't.

Buddha also said dont believe anything I say.
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: grammer

edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: grammer

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by mindseye21

By the way. i like your avatar.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by splitlevel
Lets start by understanding what mass hypnosis is. Its not the same as stage hypnosis, where peolpe cluck like chickens

You were right there, almost hit the nail on the head... and then you completely missed it.

Do you really think that a stage hypnotist can simply say "Ok, you're a ballerina", and then his subject does an intricate ballerina dance? How about if he does again, but this time with a completely different person, he says "Ok, you're a ballerina"... but guess what... they do the exact same ballerina dance as the last guy. That sounds like mass mind control to me (multiple people doing complex dance moves under control from some remote source), does it not to you? A "clinical" hypnotist can't accomplish this stage hypnosis stuff at all, but it's still real stuff though...

Now is easier to see?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:03 PM
I can relate to the OP's assessment of this dangerous trend.

If you doubt this, realize Media do have effects.

Just walk onto any university campus and note the number of students walking on the sidewalks to class with their heads down, looking at a cell phone, and texting or performing some other function. They resemble a Zombie and will almost run-over you if you stand in their path. I can reasonably bet, that is a "trance-like" state. They are thrown-into a sort of withdrawal symptom and depression when they are not allowed access or allow to perform this function. The amounts of replacement of interpersonal relationships with technology is increasing and when people cease to relate as subjects, they in-turn relate through technology as objects, which lowers the value of a human being in a dimension that most do not realize or know exists.

The technology is a useful tool, but when it crosses the line and starts to replace personal communication and interaction from a subjective level to an objective one, we all know the example of this being used, like women on magazines depicted as perfect supermodels and the trend continues downward. Objects tend to not have rights or dignity but are used as part of a larger agenda. Yes, used in the wrong way, media is very destructive and this is called propaganda, which strives to replace TRUTH, and can destroy societies and possibly the entire world. Perhaps a CME which blasts us back to the stone age might be a good thing for our own good?

I hope that mankind would know better and not tempt fate like this, but the power of a fiat currency produces greed which is the root of all evil. Don't be surprised if something like this happens, if we are to survive as a species, we will start using specific tools for specific purposes and not being so unwise and being so blind to follow other blind people into a ditch.

I suggest you all take what I have written here seriously, the credentials which I have earned in the subject allow a professional evaluation on this topic and if you doubt this, please be aware, I have earned an Assoc. Applied Science in Computer Information Systems and also a Bachelor of Science in Digital Film and Mass Communication, so take this to heart, the techniques in this thread are being used in many ways, which you may or may not see; and only those trained in the field will be able to recognize and discern them.

Turn off the FarmTown and FaceBook, the petty tasks which drive people to sit for hours, is not real and do not matter one bit, to humanity and this is where things get focused toward an individual ego which wants and seeks self gratification not to work for the good of society as a whole. It's time to wake-up.
edit on 6-5-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by MegaCurious

Originally posted by splitlevel
Lets start by understanding what mass hypnosis is. Its not the same as stage hypnosis, where peolpe cluck like chickens

You were right there, almost hit the nail on the head... and then you completely missed it.

Do you really think that a stage hypnotist can simply say "Ok, you're a ballerina", and then his subject does an intricate ballerina dance? How about if he does again, but this time with a completely different person, he says "Ok, you're a ballerina"... but guess what... they do the exact same ballerina dance as the last guy. That sounds like mass mind control to me (multiple people doing complex dance moves under control from some remote source), does it not to you? A "clinical" hypnotist can't accomplish this stage hypnosis stuff at all, but it's still real stuff though...

Now is easier to see?

Thanks for your thoughts. However what actually goes on in stage hypnosis is this-
The hypnotist SELECTS SUGGESTABLE PEOPLE from the audience
He knows these people are easily open to suggestion because
A. They volenteered to come down and make an arse of themselves infront of an audience, knowing full well what a hypnosis show involves.
B. Because even out of the people who volenteer to make fools of themselves, the hypnotist further narrows down the most suggestable candidates by giving these volenteers suggestability tests to see how they react to commands ie THE LEMON TEST. look it up on youtube.
mind you the recent chants of USA USA bring to mind people clucking like chickens, if you see what I mean
edit on 6-5-2011 by splitlevel because: grammer

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:24 PM
The truth which we all will come to know does not lie in academia or static tests of statistical process, but in an unbiased mind which practices discernment and rational thought through compassion; and then you'll see that pure truth is found in the sublime and through perpetual questioning of everything.

It's out there and it's in pieces scattered from here to there, but it can be found, but first you'll have to "release" your ego then you'll see that nothing is as it seems, it's not this or that, but an infinite diverse collective of "all of it."

Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. Point to point to point. No ending and no beginning, you travel a linear line which moves forward in a circular or spiral path which can contain infinity.

How's that?

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