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You Can NOT Stop ME!

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp
In 1987, Peter Neil, the Assistant District Attorney of Martin County Florida, thought he could hide evidence which proved that he had knowingly sent an innocent teenage boy (Todd Patrick Neely) to prison for attempted rape and attempted murder. To his everlasting shame, and the loss of his career, he thought he could stop me from uncovering the truth: he failed in epic fashion, Neely was freed from prison, and I was nominated for the Associated Press Award for Best Investigative Reporting.

Since I've been investigating this Comet Elenin/Nibiru story, I have run into roadblock after roadblock; physicists who refuse to return my phone calls - including ATS's own NASA spokesman Jim Oberg (WHY WON'T YOU RETURN MY U2U'S JIM? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING? ARE YOU AFRAID OF LI'L OL' ME?) - others who obfuscate the truth and attempt to misdirect me, and two attacks on my computer network that caused the loss of data and a crippled computer. I have a good firewall and good AV software; I have NEVER had a virus in my system until I started looking into this story, and in the past two weeks I've been infected twice.

Someone is trying to stop me from getting to the bottom of this and I have news for them: IF YOU WANT TO STOP ME FROM PUBLISHING THIS STORY YOU HAD BETTER FRIGGIN' KILL ME!

I have given up trying to get the truth from these so-called scientists, because they are definitely hiding something. So I'm going to publish what I DO have, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it short of silencing me permanently.

I won't be around much for the rest of the week ATS because I want to get the inaugural broadcast of The Truth Is Viral up by Friday night and I have a lot of work to do. I just wanted to make this public so that if I do "disappear," have a "car accident," or a "heart attack" in the next few days, then this will be on the record.

/end rant

Well if you are concerned then why talk about it before posting?

It's kinda like warning the powers that be... Hey! I have got this cool information I am going to release but I am not going to tell you until later. Kinda defeats your purpose.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Can't Elenin just be a comet coming through the system? Does it have to be a something "grand" and "out of this world"?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by wdkirk

no it does not that is what we are trying to get to is it or is it not somthing to be concerned about

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Gotta love McDonald's Wi-Fi!

I just checked my U2U inbox, and lo and behold there was a reply from our friend Mr. Oberg. He specifically denied me permission to post what he wrote so I can't do that. I can however tell you that insults and threats are not his strong suit.

I can also post my reply to him:

Relating facts is hardly defamation Mr. Oberg, and I fail to see how acknowledging the fact that you are a "respected government spokesman" (in the eyes of some) is in any way disrespectful or a slight on your character. I asked for the interview as politely as I could, with absolutely no preconceived notions about you or the subject matter. All I wanted from you is for you to relate whatever science is available that supports the position that there is nothing in the Solar System that will have a negative impact on the planet; it is only after the way that you ignored me that I have responded in this manner. You have nobody but yourself to blame.

However, now I do consider you an individual whose character is questionable, and it only reaffirms my belief that you are no scientist at all, but rather a government shill interested only in spouting lies on it's behalf - a position apparently held by many here on ATS. A REAL scientist would be interested in the truth, and not in perpetuating government secrecy at the expense of it that will COST LIVES.

If there is something coming, it is my opinion that people need to be warned about it so that they can make preparations to protect themselves, or make preparations to meet their Maker. Either way, you are doing mankind a great disservice by keeping the truth under lock and key.

I also think that you are a very rude individual. You could have replied to my U2U with a simple, "Thanks but no thanks," and I wouldn't have had to call you out in the manner in which I did. I will not post your U2U to me, but I will post my response to you. I will also honor your request to leave you alone, in that I will not send you any more U2U's, or emails, nor will I attempt to contact you in any way; however please don't expect me not to talk about it in my report or on the forums as your refusal to cooperate is factual and relevant to the subject matter.

You shouldn't have ignored me Jim. That was a big mistake.


So that's where we stand on the Oberg situation. He stated that I was a "self-styled" journalist, implying that I'm not worthy of being taken seriously or of his time. Since newcovenant lives in the city where I began my career, I would invite him to go to the morgue of the local paper where he can see the articles I wrote which earned me the nomination for Best Investigative Reporting. He can independently verify my credentials if anybody doubts them.

Well, I've already wasted more time on the Oberg saga than is merited for the moment. I'm just about done with lunch and it's time to get back to work. PROTIP: The new "Frozen Lemonade" at Mickey D's is horrendous. Don't bother.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Whyhi

I have given up trying to get the truth from these so-called scientists, because they are definitely hiding something.

Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is part of the conspiracy, this is more reasonable than them having a valid objection to your belief.

Uh... Disagreeing without making contact? No. No contact is no contact. It is not disagreement. Seriously.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Wait.... what is this story suppposed to be about???

This is one of those incidents where the 'PEOPLE IN POWER' are really being ridiculous. Let the truth come out BROTHER!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Since newcovenant lives in the city where I began my career, I would invite him to go to the morgue of the local paper where he can see the articles I wrote which earned me the nomination for Best Investigative Reporting. He can independently verify my credentials if anybody doubts them.

Will do. Wish I could say I remember the Neely case although that name sounds familiar. Let me take care of a few things myself and get back to you all on this as soon as I can.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Whoa.... yeah, I think you blew your chances of interviewing that guy by simply not being patient. By listening to one side of the conversation, it seems he told you to piss off because of all the posts you made about him ignoring you. And anyone of sound mind would have done just that.

The question I keep having in my mind while going through this thread is..... Did you ever think that maybe the reason no one is bothering to talk to you about this is because it's a non-issue? I've seen many theories regarding Elenin, but nothing conclusive that shows it's nothing more that a normal celestial event, with no direct impact to life here on earth. Looking at the U2U's and posts, I can't even clearly tell if your goal is to add to the conspiracy or debunk it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp
As far as the telescope goes, I'll let that be a surprise for now. All I'm going to say on that subject is that when you see what was presented to me your jaw will hit the floor just like mine did. I could not believe it, and I DO have it on video.

edit on 5/4/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

I'm having issues with this. Why dont you just look for yourself. Why do you have to use something that was "presented" to you (as in, from an outside source). I have stated before that as soon as I am able to track Elenin with my own scope, thats exactly what I'm going to do! I will also post my own pictures of Elenin here on ATS, if I am able.

A question I would like answered:

If Elenin is a massive body then why is it only effecting Earth? Isn't it passing by the asteroid belt right now? Wouldn't we be seeing a lot of rocks out there being displaced? You need to provide evidence that Elenin is effecting other bodies in the solar system.

The alignment theory doesn't hold water, in my opinion. Again, IF Elenin is a massive body we should be seeing DRAMATIC effects. Not just earthquakes when it aligns with Earth and the sun. It just doesn't make sense.

I'm not trying to discredit you, I just want concrete evidence and the ONLY evidence I have seen (over and over and over again) is the JPL simulation where you see these alignments. It's just not enough for me. The lack of planetary displacement its a lot more telling, in my honest opinion.

Again, not trying to be a jerk. I'm watching this issue with great interest and look forward to whatever evidence you have to offer!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
reply to post by OldCorp

Whoa.... yeah, I think you blew your chances of interviewing that guy by simply not being patient. By listening to one side of the conversation, it seems he told you to piss off because of all the posts you made about him ignoring you. And anyone of sound mind would have done just that.

The question I keep having in my mind while going through this thread is..... Did you ever think that maybe the reason no one is bothering to talk to you about this is because it's a non-issue? I've seen many theories regarding Elenin, but nothing conclusive that shows it's nothing more that a normal celestial event, with no direct impact to life here on earth. Looking at the U2U's and posts, I can't even clearly tell if your goal is to add to the conspiracy or debunk it.

Oh, I can tell You, if a scientist can prove someone wrong, They tend to be thrilled to do so. No, if there's nothing to hide, most scientists will gladly grab the limelight. It is only when things are hidden that They tend to shy away from it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

That sounds like a fallacy based on a stereotype. Like saying all Mexicans are lazy, all Gingers have no soul, and Asians are all good at math.

edit on 5-5-2011 by Lighterside because: spelling fale

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
reply to post by Amaterasu

That sounds like a fallacy based on a sterotype. Like saying all Mexicans are lazy, all Gingers have no soul, and Asians are all good at math.

No... It's Human nature. It is not stereotyping to say that most people, if They can prove someOne wrong, would be thrilled to do so. Especially if They are sought out for Their views. It is also Human nature to keep silent when the information is considered too disruptive.

Geez. Sorry pointing out scientists are Human (as a rule) seems to be stereotyping to You.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Just to be clear. It's not that it "Seems" to be stereotyping to be in the sense that I do not understand what a stereo type is. It "Seems" to be stereotyping to me because it is. Please don't assume I read between the lines or find hidden meaning in your message as an attempt to troll you.

I'm simply pointing out why your statement did not carry any weight. For all we know, they could all be avoiding the conversation because they believe it's nonsense. If we are to make assumptions of their behavior, couldn't we just as easily assume that any scientists will shy away from talking about things that can hurt their credibility?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Lighterside

of topic your avatar is to funny

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Only 24 hours to wait now !!! Looking forward to tomorrow nite, big fat one of hazz and hopefully some answers... Cheers oldcorp ....

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by wdkirk
Can't Elenin just be a comet coming through the system? Does it have to be a something "grand" and "out of this world"?

Heck no... if it was just a comet... then there would not be all this hype about this one being Nibiru (like Comet Neat was in 2003) But when it swings around the sun and heads back out to deep space, and we are still here, I am going to ask questions

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by ProjectBlue
I will also post my own pictures of Elenin here on ATS, if I am able.

Yup you can... in your media folder.

If Elenin is a massive body then why is it only effecting Earth?

People commonly mistake appearance size with mass. Comet Neat 2001 was 'twice the size of Jupiter' and Comet Holmes/17P was bigger than the sun at one point...
But that was just glowing gasses... no mass able to effect planets

Comet Neat 2001(2003)
Video Proof That Nibiru Has Come and Gone

Seems every new comet that comes along is Nibiru

Problem is that Sitchin (R.I.P) says it won't be back till 2900 AD, and he should know because he is the one who told us about it in the first place

“Nibiru settled into a clockwise orbit (equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun). Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise orbit, equal to 3,600 orbits of Earth around the Sun until 10, 900 B.C.E., when Nibiru arrived earlier, due to increasing drift from Solaris of Uranus. Uranus' gravity sped Nibiru's orbit. As a result of this
close encounter between Nibiru and Uranus, one of Nibiru's moons, Miranda, was captured by and became a moon of Uranus as Nibiru and Uranus pulled at each other. From 10,000B.C.E. on, Nibiru's revolution sped to 3.450 Earth years; which makes Nibiru's next return 2900A.D. rather than 2012 as predicated on the earlier 3600- year orbit”

Sitchin, Z., 2007, The End of Days, pages 315 - 317

2900 AD not 2012

In Sitchin's own words... that is 892 years away...

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Dang that's a long wait !
Great piece of info you've found there and hope that keeps the Nibiru crowd guessing for a while. I'm hoping but not that hopefull

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Lighterside
reply to post by Amaterasu

Just to be clear. It's not that it "Seems" to be stereotyping to be in the sense that I do not understand what a stereo type is. It "Seems" to be stereotyping to me because it is. Please don't assume I read between the lines or find hidden meaning in your message as an attempt to troll you.

I guess if stereotyping all Humans is stereotyping...

I'm simply pointing out why your statement did not carry any weight. For all we know, they could all be avoiding the conversation because they believe it's nonsense. If we are to make assumptions of their behavior, couldn't we just as easily assume that any scientists will shy away from talking about things that can hurt their credibility?

I would expect one or two maybe to just not respond, but if a "decorated" journalist came asking about something, most of us (scientists included) would jump on the opportunity to quash a "silly" story. The fact that there has been some number contacted, none of whom want to deal with the issue - suggests that something is hidden. High probability.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Lighterside

Not necessasily. Maybe that guy was forced to close his mouth. The size of such a revelation can unleash worldwide chaos in 24 hours.

I wish the OP can find another way to complete his task, regardless the concecuences.

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