reply to post by OldCorp
I fill in at a hotel there in Martin County and would like to do what I can research or investigating to help. I sent a couple U2U's or else I
accidentally sent them to myself. Inspector Clouseau here!
Saw your youtube channel and a few videos so I can id you btw. interesting stuff but
nothing really worth killing you for.
I mentioned I heard (can't remember where now watched so many videos and heard so many people speak on it) this comet in a worst case scenario was
coming so close as to cause world wide disaster due to gravitational influence or something short of a direct hit.
The reason they were not telling us about this very bad news is because they want to make our last days as blissfully peaceful as possible.
They do not want us to stop paying our bills and to quit our jobs. The entire market, the systems and life as we know it would collapse.
Whether or not it actually happened. Whether or not the rumor scientific evidence or hoax was true.
It doesn't matter. If this came out TRUE OR NOT there would be some type of devastating world wide collapse. I decided I didn't want to know but I
fluctuate between that and wanting to know so badly it hurts. This dissatisfaction with what we know now is what sets us apart from beasts. They think
they know enough and we humans never do.
In another incredible but remarkable reliable source which has been seconded by others, I was made aware nothing would happen cosmically at least
until the end of 2012. Nothing May 11 or November of this year which was a heavy fear since this is around my birthday. lol
At the END of 2012 was when ET en mass would make an appearance to us and DISCLOSURE would take place then. Not much more than that information but if
I put the two bits together.
Enlin or a danger like that approaching, plus ET Disclosure, maybe these two events have something to do with each other?
ET will help deflect the comet?
ET will take some people from Earth before it does damage?
ET completely aside, this might actually be untrue. The comet story and a cleverly half hidden (enough revealed to get us to bite on it) secret that
is designed to be ferreted out so we think we discovered it ourselves and the above scenario goes forward except we are never really in any danger by
an asteroid, comet or will have been a hoax to fool us into accepting whatever our collective governments want us to do.
Even if there is no comet or no ET Disclosure then - it may be designed to start sparking up interest now so our own Powers That Be can herd us up
like cattle and get us to do something we oughtn't.
Hoaxed if it is and hoaxed if it isn't.
We can't win unless none of it is true.