posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:54 PM
Hey Tomfromoz,
I just wanted to say that I know what you're going through to some extent. In my case, it happened the day after my Senior prom - I left the night
before with a friend, and with the full moon shining in the back window, her favorite song playing on the radio, I guess we both fell into the typical
romantic spirit. Anyway, when she said she only kissed me because her ex was in the back seat with us, that pretty much shattered my heart (still
don't think she ever knew how deep a wound she left throbbing there).
Anyway, at first, I went through a phase where I felt that there was no-one else for me; and that there was a chance we still might be a pair. All
that belief did was increase the heartache, because we both argued over it (lesson learned, never date dating in HS seriously, as most people can't
make up their minds).
I also tried to pretend it never happened - I stopped listening to that song she liked, mentally tried to erase my memory of being kissed that night.
Unfortunately, just the act of doing that started to leech into the relationships I had with other people - I felt like I'd never love another person
again, and I was starting to be viewed as a "sad, depressed, or emotional" guy.
I struggled with all of this for two years, until I realized that it's better to accept that it happened. Like others have said, acknowledge that you
were with this person, and managed to bring two lives into this world. Don't dwell on how you both broke away, but remember the fun you both used to
have. I know you don't believe it now, but it's not the end of the world - they say for every missed opportunity, 15 more will take it's place. It
won't be an overnight change, either: I struggled for two years, and finally got back into speaking to this person..Don't make the mistake I did,
and try to cover up the truth - embrace it, and the healing will come.
PS: Sorry for the long-ish read - personal stories always get to me.