I am an American and proud of it... My response to this whole thing, seems to differ from that of most....
I wrote an email to a friend of mine as I was watching the news last night. It may not be the best written letter in the world, but it is what I
Have you seen the footage of the crowd outside the Whitehouse chanting USA and singing the star spangled banner and all that? I can't place my finger
on it, but something bothers me about that...
Just yesterday, these same people were talking about the unjust war and unjust occupation... Talking about how our men and women are being killed and
we never even bothered declaring war on the right people...
Now today they are out there, happy and proud that we are over there.... Showing outright patriotism that I have not seen since before 9/11 when so
many didn't seem to realize that the US was not actually loved by the whole world.... That the US, was in fact vulnerable to attack...
It just kind of bothers me.... Some how....I mean yes, we killed him, and that is great and all, as long as we see it for what it is... a revenge
killing that took place nearly 10 years later...
It's just funny that Bush was always talking about how he is going to kill Osama and blah blah... Talking tough and them never doing anything about
Then Obama comes around doing other stuff, and he is like " what? Oh, well.... I guess I could do something about it some time.... Oh there he is....
* bomb*
Something about it is bittersweet for me... It is great. but at the same time... There is the risk that we have opened up a can of worms and that they
will want to retaliate.... I just don't like seeing our people acting like this.... Celebrating the death of a person... I can just see people on the
outside, looking in... Questioning our morality.... hating us more...
I see people saying that it's all over now... People saying that the war on terror is over... No, it's not! We are not going to suddenly pull our
troops out of the middle east because we killed him! Terrorism still exists! Yes, we killed him but I assure you our government will stay there for a
very long time.... And sadly, of course, the ever present risk of retaliation.... But I hope we do not live in fear of that... Let's go about our
daily lives...
There seems to be a bit of... Naivety and perhaps ignorance going on... I am listening to C-Span right now.... All these people calling in saying it's
over now... But I think, it is only just getting started....
Now, did you notice how NATO tried to take out Gaddafi here very recently and ended up taking out his son and grand kids instead? It looks almost like
they were going for a sort of sweep, if you will...
And have you heard about Amadinijad being missing for 8 days? He left on his own in some sort of protest, suggesting that he does not like the fact
that people above him are challenging his power..... It's all crazy...
Oh and to top it all off, Osama was not found in some cave.... He was living in a mansion in Islamabad! Gee... You think he was being sheltered by
And of course the threat level in the US has been raised....
Crazy times ahead.... But hey, just remember, if a bomb is going to get dropped on you, get under a wooden desk... Duck and cover.... Everyone knows
that wooden desks are capable of with standing even a nuclear bomb.
What happened, should be a somber thing... It is not the end of anything... Perhaps the beginning of a new chapter, but nothing is ending, I can
assure you.... I don't like seeing all these people celebrating.... how many people died? 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks... And that was a hurt
like no other.... And then how many died in the middle east due to this "War on terror" ( I always hated that oxymoron)....
It's just a very somber thing.... Yeah, I guess in a way I breathed a small sigh of relief, but you will never see me dancing in the streets,
celebrating, when it comes to anything involving 9/11 or our occupation of the middle east.... I just find it hard to see anything worth smiling
Now, make of it what you will... Call it typical. Call it irregular. Call it intelligent or even stupid.... Call it anything you like, but it is my
reaction and my opinion. So be it.
edit on 2-5-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)