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Now that they got Osama, will they go after the remaining 911 perps?

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
I sat next to a Bush on a plane once. He seemed like an evil man.

Was he cackling and showing you pictures of his secret lair?

Also I assumed that the secret rulers of the world probably flew private. Which would make you... ONE OF THEM!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Um, seems you are the other half of your partner not shown in the picture.

If you don't know how this discussion relates, Bush family role, along with a clear line of business associates going back to Hitler, through the CIA, up to 9-11 and beyond, then clearly you haven't been reading the thread, just throwing out cheap shots.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Most of the people in the world think the U.S. is screwed up because of the actions of U.S. led International Corporations in their countries, in others words, a cabal of U.S. businessmen.

And you are here spreading disinformation about 9-11 and U.S. history, and you are not from the U.S.. Hmm, whose interests are you here to represent. What is your trick of the shade?

You really have no problem with the oil industry? All the activities and manipulations in the Middle East? Efforts to spread Islam throughout Europe? Manipulation of the dollar as the worlds currency?

What are these problems you have with the U.S.?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Um, seems you are the other half of your partner not shown in the picture.

If you don't know how this discussion relates, Bush family role, along with a clear line of business associates going back to Hitler, through the CIA, up to 9-11 and beyond, then clearly you haven't been reading the thread, just throwing out cheap shots.

All right, consider me obtuse. Science dictates there is no such thing as a "Hitler" gene that is hereditary from grandfather to son, and history dictates that Hitler died before the WTC was built so he certainly wouldn't have left behind any orders to destroy it, now would anyone have wasted their time destroying it to placate Hitler's dead memory. I have to believe therefore this whole Hitler fetish is coming entirely from you personally.

Please explain how the above statement is wrong.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Did you figure that out all on your own?

Keep working on it, one of these days you will find a clue.

No, Hitler did not run the CIA. Did that clear things up for you?

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Most of the people in the world think the U.S. is screwed up because of the actions of U.S. led International Corporations in their countries, in others words, a cabal of U.S. businessmen.

And you are here spreading disinformation about 9-11 and U.S. history, and you are not from the U.S.. Hmm, whose interests are you here to represent. What is your trick of the shade?

You really have no problem with the oil industry? All the activities and manipulations in the Middle East? Efforts to spread Islam throughout Europe? Manipulation of the dollar as the worlds currency?

What are these problems you have with the U.S.?

Of course I have a problem with teh way the US acts. But I'm just aware that it isn't all being cotrolled by a secret little group that if you work hard enough you can overthrow. Instead you need a root-and-branch reassessment of the way America conducts its economy and society.

My problem with conspiracy theories like this is that they make the issue seem easier to solve. In that sense they're a reassurance to those who believe them.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

But I'm just aware that it isn't all being cotrolled by a secret little group that if you work hard enough you can overthrow.

I am not claiming that it is ALL being controlled by A secret group. As my opening statement for the thread points out, there are different groups vying for power. Some groups come and some groups go.

Instead you need a root-and-branch reassessment of the way America conducts its economy and society.

And why would that be? While the U.S. has its problems, and groups manage to manipulate their way into power and send us off course for periods, over all, the U.S. has been a continuous force for good, for humanity, and the rights of the people, especially compared with other super powers such as Russia or China.

You also seem to fail to consider that ICs act in their own interest, not in the interest the nation in which they were founded, and that those with the most money control those ICs. Then you might want to look at where the greatest concentrations of wealth are located, and start to consider the influences those extremely wealthy families have over the actions of ICs.

There is nothings simple at all about this. It seems to me that you want to make it seem simple, or too complicated, for anyone to make any changes. Either way you push a disinfo campaign.

I can only wonder which nation you think would do a better job of world leadership.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Did you figure that out all on your own?

Keep working on it, one of these days you will find a clue.

No, Hitler did not run the CIA. Did that clear things up for you?

Oh, I already have a clue. You know you don't have even a microbe of proof to back up these absurd conspiracy stories so you have to resort to these innuendo dropping games. This "Bush knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew Hitler" bit is childish garbage even to your fellow conspiracy mongors, and what's more, you're a few years late to the party. You do know Obama is president now, not Bush, right?

So tell me, who does Barak Obama know who who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew Hitler?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Yeah, Bush knew someone, like his granddad, and most of his business associates. These aren't just casual associates like you want to pretend.

There is a difference between casual associates, and direct relationships. These associations are way beyond belonging to the same country club. Especially when you see the same group of people working together over decades.

You refuse to see it, because it blows your whole world view.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Yeah, Bush knew someone, like his granddad, and most of his business associates. These aren't just casual associates like you want to pretend.

There is a difference between casual associates, and direct relationships. These associations are way beyond belonging to the same country club. Especially when you see the same group of people working together over decades.

You refuse to see it, because it blows your whole world view.

Yeah, fine, whatever. How about answering the question- who does Barak Obama know who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew Hitler? Bush isn't president anymore, Obama is, so your whole "Bush supported Hitler" bit is as out of date as blonde jokes. The fashionable conspiracy on the runways of Paris and Milan now isn't "Bush knew", but "Obama knows".

You do know Barak Obama is president now, right? I can post links if you need proof.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Wow Dave, try reading the opening post next time.

Obama is not associated with the Bush family, and the whole group that they belong to. Obama got pushed into office because the PTB felt they could out maneuver him, and turn him into a one tern president, and put one of their own back into the white house.

Petraeus is the game changer. The pentagon hasn't ever been happy with the CIA, which all evidence show went rogue when Dulles took over in 1953.

Allen Dulles, the son of a Presbyterian minister, and the brother of John Foster Dulles, was born in Washington in 1893. His grandfather was John Watson Foster, Secretary of State under President Benjamin Harrison. His uncle, Robert Lansing, was Secretary of State in the Cabinet of President Woodrow Wilson.

After attending Princeton University he joined the diplomatic service and served in Vienna, Berne, Paris, Berlin and Instanbul. In 1922 he was appointed as chief of Division of Near Eastern Affairs.

During the Second World War Dulles served in Europe with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) under William Donovan. The organization that was given the responsible for espionage and for helping the resistance movement in Europe. Dulles was stationed in Switzerland and was able to use his base in this neutral country to obtain important information on Nazi Germany and the Gestapo.

As soon as the Second World War ended President Harry S. Truman ordered the OSS to be closed down. However, it provided a model for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established in September 1947. Dulles joined the CIA and became director of the organization in 1953.

Under his leadership the CIA had success in assisting right wing coups in Guatemala and Iran. His attempts to oust against Fidel Castro ended in failure and was forced to resign after the Bay of Pigs disaster.

Dulles published The Craft of Intelligence (1963). After the death of John F. Kennedy Dulles served on the Warren Commission that investigated the assassination. Allen Dulles died of cancer in 1969.

This is the same Dulles from this link.

Allen Welsh Dulles was born to privilege and a tradition of public service. He was the grandson of one secretary of state and the nephew of another. But by the time he graduated from Princeton in 1914, the robber baron era of American history was coming to an an end, ushered out by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act -- which had been used in 1911 to break up Standard Oil -- and by the institution of the progressive income tax in 1913. The ruling elite was starting to view government less as their own private preserve and more as an unwanted intrusion on their ability to conduct business as usual. That shift of loyalties in itself may account for many of the paradoxical aspects of Dulles's career.

Dulles entered the diplomatic service after college and served as a State Department delegate to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which brought a formal end to World War I. The Versailles Treaty which came out of this conference included a provision making it illegal to sell arms to Germany. This displeased the powerful DuPont family, and they put pressure on the delegates to allow them to opt out. It was Allen Dulles who finally gave them the assurances they wanted that their transactions with Germany would be "winked at."

Dulles remained a diplomat through the early 1920's, spending part of that time in Berlin. However, he left government service in 1926 for the greener pastures of private business, becoming a Wall Street lawyer with the same firm as his older brother, John Foster Dulles.


It was into this heady atmosphere of high-level investments and financial manipulation that Allen Dulles entered when he joined the firm of Sullivan and Cromwell in 1926. He would become the lawyer for the Thyssens' Rotterdam bank and would also represent other German firms, including I.G. Farben.

This ties together the same group of associates from aiding the rise of Hitler, to the assassination of JFK, and probably his brother, to 9-11. The historical evidence is all there for anyone who cares to learn it.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Wow Dave, try reading the opening post next time.

Obama is not associated with the Bush family, and the whole group that they belong to. Obama got pushed into office because the PTB felt they could out maneuver him, and turn him into a one tern president, and put one of their own back into the white house.

What do you mean he's not associated with the Bush family? If you're so desperate to find evidence of this imagined 9/11 conspiracy that you're even willing to trace links to people all the way back to 1893 then you should certainly be able to find links showing Obama is associated with the Bush family. I'm thinking it's because Obama just finished snuffing Osama Bin Laden, who you conspiracy people say is either a CIA employee under Bush or a complete figment of the Bush administration's imagination. It seems to me there has to be some secret cooperation between the two to keep the conspiracy going, behind the scenes.

Dude, when it gets to the point where I need to explain your own conspiracy theory to you, I think it's time that you consider finding another hobby.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

When I smell smoke, I will look for the fire, but all the evidence points to Obama being put into place because he didn't have any real chance of ever taking the reigns of power.

If you had the tiniest of clues, you would know that the Bush family and their associates also have a long association with Bin Laden family going back at least a generation or more. Chances are that Osama wasn't taken out, but moved, to keep him hidden.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Now that they got Osama, will they go after the remaining 911 perps?

Official reply:
Heck yes and it is about time that our brave and honest and loyal bureaucracy was out vindicating the suffering of 9.11 by killing Osama bin Laden.

Unofficial reply:
You're kidding, right? You must be one of those guys that Obama talked about creating with multiple identities to go out on the web and infiltrate all of us low-down dirty conspiracy theorists, lol!

Door prize:
The much-coveted Johnny Clandestine Double Secret Decoder Ring

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Here is the deal, neocons (Bush and company, Rove, Cheney, all of them) never planned on turning over the reigns of power to Obama. They set Obama up to take the office to keep Hillary out. The plan is prevent any possible recovery or success, and get him defeated in 2012. Are you with me so far?

Petraeus is the monkey wrench in their game plan. Petraeus succeeded in Iraq against neocon wishes, and he is succeeding in Afghanistan. The Pentagon is fed up with the CIA, they have never been all that friendly. More than a few guys wearing stars came out and publicly stated their unhappiness with the GW admin and the CIA. They see the neocons as not being loyal to the U.S..

Putting Petraeus in charge of the CIA is a move they probably didn't see coming, or feared. Now they are in lock down mode. Osama, whether he was taken out or moved, is too close to the center of things, so he had to be eliminated.

It is sad how many people like you are so completely programmed to repeat talking points put out by your right wing talk show hosts. You need some kind of anti-spyware, anti-viral, registry cleaners, with some military grade bleaching software for your brain.

While I am sure you have plenty of those decoder rings, and consider them to be a valuable prize, you have completely ignored my original post, and jumped head first with the cereal box reply. Keep the decoder ring.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Looks like my prediction was right, although they didn't kill Strauss-Kahn, Director of the IMF, who was active in reforming how the IMF does business, they got him removed from office. Apparently he was making considerable changes in how current IMF rules allow ICs to basically rob third world countries blind, and stick them with the debts.

With this guys kind of money, and current age, it is hard to believe that he lost complete control over a thirty something maid. Maybe she looks like JLo, but probably not.

A week later, we are still waiting for DNA evidence, which they should have by now. Now the police are searching the room for any possible additional DNA evidence, which means they didn't get any from the maid.

Here is an interesting story that points out some important facts that didn't get put out in mainstream reports.

Sources say that neither Strauss-Kahn nor the 32-year-old victim had scratches or bruises. DNA samples have been sent to the lab and results could take three to seven days to come back.

Investigators say there are no video cameras on the floor where Strauss-Kahn's $3,000-a-night suite was located, but that the woman appeared disheveled and upset when she told co-workers about the encounter.

Contrary to earlier reports, sources say Strauss-Kahn did not leave his cell phone at the hotel. The banking big-wig carries two and had misplaced one when he went to the airport.

He did call the hotel to see if he left it there, which tipped cops off to the fact that he was about to board a flight. Investigators are seeking warrants for his phone records, sources said.

If we has trying to flee the country, why would he call the hotel looking for a missing cell phone, giving the information where he could be found. Doesn't sound at all like a guilty man fleeing the country.

If this woman was so upset, why weren't there any signs of scratches or bruises. Didn't she claim he dragged her down the hall? I find it hard to believe that the 62 year old aristocrat was so physically dominating and intimidating, that she couldn't fight back. Maybe she is a tiny thing, but wouldn't he be afraid of getting bit? The story makes no sense.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:21 PM
How comforting to live in a world of such certainties. It must be wonderful.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

I don't know, why don't you tell us? You are the one who seems certain nothing is going on beneath the veneer of the mainstream media reports.

You are the one so certain that the official 9-11 story is the truth.

All I am doing is trying to put pieces of the puzzle together, from looking at current events.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

I don't know, why don't you tell us? You are the one who seems certain nothing is going on beneath the veneer of the mainstream media reports.

That's crazy. Read what I wrote above - you can't possibly make that assumption from what I said.

You are the one so certain that the official 9-11 story is the truth.

I'm not actually. Indeed I don't really think there is an "official story" per se. Rather there is a conflicting series of narratives from various authorities.

When these contradict each other I tend to think it's because the sources in question are trying to absolve themselves from blame for not having prevented 9/11 or at least having systems in place that might have stopped the terrorists. From top to bottom, everybody dropped the ball, and the real scandal is that they want to cover that up.

This isn't fun, or interesting, or comforting. And it would require effort to make some kind of alteration to the processes involved. On a larger scale America ought to be looking at the way it conducts its foreign and economic affairs, but that's going to take even more leg work. 9/11 Truth is an excuse - one of them - not to do that.

All I am doing is trying to put pieces of the puzzle together, from looking at current events.

It looks to me as though you're adding two and two and getting three hundred and forty seven.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
Well? All they need do is go over to Bush Jr.s house and arrest him, then roll on over to Cheney's and pick him up too. That would be the 2 key perps involved in 9/11.

Spoken like a true Alex Jones acolyte. You'll forgive me when I say the rest of the non damned fool conspiracy web site following world require more proof of their involvement than just abject paranoia.

A truly amazing statement for you to make, having been on ATS for years, with all the archived threads that are at your disposal. Ignorance really is bliss.

No, I've never heard or read a word Alex Jones has spoken or written.

Your post stood out like a sore thumb for me because, for reasons unknown, I was unable to 'star' the post you replied to when I read it earlier.

Keep living the dream, comrade.

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