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Osama Buried at Sea...within 24 hours. Really?

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:02 AM
And this as well:

BREAKING: Compound Where OBL Was Killed Is On Fire
by CanadianDream420
started on 5/2/2011 @ 01:20 AM

No body, no crime scene, no nothin'. Game, set, match.

- PS

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
This is such a farce.

she is one who SOAKS up MSM propaganda like biscuits and gravy. If the MSM reports it, she believes it. So I called her on the phone and asked if she heard about his burial at sea. She told me she just read about it and her response was that this is utter crap.

So that is good. If even the MSM soakers are not buying this, that is a good sign.

It just shows how the MSM and the Government in general think about people. Fortunately your mother is much smarter than some of the masses out there.

They think the people are that stupid to buy such a story with several lose ends. Many of them i'm sure believed it and still do as they celebrated and cheered last night around several cities in US.

Amazing times we live in.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:15 AM
I am sure he will turn up soon, sh*t usually floats. Unless they had some custom made concrete shoes for him ready in advance.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by hp1229

Many of them i'm sure believed it and still do as they celebrated and cheered last night around several cities in US.

I'm hoping after hearing about the sea dump that some of them come around. At least, that is what slapped me into reality and made even my MSM-believing mother question things.

Last night everything was so fresh that it doesn't necessarily surprise me to hear people were celebrating in the streets. I was a bit happy about it, too.

But then this 'news' breaks this morning. So I hope even those who were rejoicing last night on TV are asking 'WTF!?' this morning after hearing this load of crap.

I just can't believe this is the official story. I am actually a bit stunned to the point I cannot concentrate on other things, that is how weak this account is.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by onehuman

They were concerned that no country would take the remains. They also fail to mention the shrine that his garve site would be come. No way. Then could you imagine If someone removed the body. Heck it would start another wacko religion. And Islamic religion requires a speedy burial. Think about how many people would have to paid off . An entire crew of a Super Carrier which is certainly where seal team 6 came from.. No way, I voted for the other guy when Obama was running. And I will vote for anybody that's running against him. With that being said you have to give the man credit when it is due. They wanted to send in two B2 Bombers and drop 24 2,000lb JDM's. However he nixed it. And din't make the same mistake President Clinton did. They double taped him in the head. Obama made all the right calls on this one.

I too was sceptical about the burial at sea, But once you take into account the practice of islam and a lot of common sense. It was the right call. I'm sure they have all kinds of evidence. Pic's, Hair, DNA and god only knows what else.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:19 AM
OBL was buried at sea ?
Of the three killed alongside him,
The Easter bunny was flown back to Wonderland for burial
the tooth fairy and the mad hatter were cremated in the helicopter at the scene !

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by onehuman

It's really sad that most people are dumb enough to buy this crap. This is a fcuking insult to my intelligence and I am taking it personally. What next a$$holes....????????????!!!!!!!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I think he was "dumped" into the sea rather than buried so there would not be a burial site for his followers to go to and mourn him, a martyr's site so to speak. To me it makes a statement to his followers, a very disrespectful one at that and most likely planned this way. They tossed him into the sea like a bag of trash. I suppose his family/children will be upset about this.

Of course if it all went down this way....

edit on 2-5-2011 by queenofsheba because: spelling

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I can't wait to see what Jesse Ventura has to say about all this. I bet he'll tear someone a new @22.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by colbyforce

As I said when I read the burial at sea I was thinking WTF? But really what should we have done with the body? Put his head on a spit in the white house lawn. Everyone is screaming conspiracy. Use Logic. you have to take into account that the clown ended up becoming Islams version of the Pope.

What should they have done? Knowing no country would have taken the body?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by queenofsheba
I think he was "dumped" into the sea rather than buried so there would not be a burial site for his followers to go to and mourn him, a martyr's site so to speak. To me it makes a statement to his followers, a very disrespectful one at that and most likely planned this way. They tossed him into the sea like a bag of trash. I suppose his family/children will be upset about this.

Of course if it all went down this way....

edit on 2-5-2011 by queenofsheba because: spelling

Well if this is all indeed true then I say we offer up special cruises to all his followers and give them an anchor to hold on to as they go down to davy jones locker and pay tribute to their leader.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by queenofsheba

I think he was "dumped" into the sea rather than buried so there would not be a burial site for his followers to go to and mourn him, a martyr's site so to speak.

i wonder why they would dump the body...???

that only = more future conspiracy theories...

footage of "gunfight" ie they all wear cameras now...


+ targeted assassination is

+ no trial, no charges, etc etc...

9/11 is a set-up IMO...

now the last "evidence" is gone (???)


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:31 AM
I am sorry I feel really disappointed and angry that the dead body was not displayed for the American People.

When I think of how we moved away from Virginia next to DC in 2002 because of the stress put on our family from constant high security, anthrax attacks, and then sniper shootings. It makes me mad. We have endured security check points of body scans, pat downs, and open your suitcases with the dirty underwear on top, giving up jam and mint sause at security, having to view army men with machine guns at the Baltimore airport security checkpoint, our countries children being scared from pat downs, being radiated from body scans and shamed, all of our tax dollars going to war, our country suffering since 2007 from economic meltdown, our friends, neighbors and co workers shipped off to war. What about the people who's families were destroyed from death from the attacks or from being in the war? The workers who cleaned up the New York mess and got cancers and died?

I feel We The People who paid for the whole event deserved more of as solid answer and viewing. Shame on the people who didn't consider our feelings! Shame, shame, shame on them!
edit on 2-5-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:33 AM
I watched the President's remarks last night after I saw a banner saying Osama Bin Laden was dead. Needless to say, I was a bit intrigued. After hearing the President's remarks, I was left with more doubt and skepticism. It seemed to good to be true? I let it slide, because I was hoping more information would be available come morning. However, scanning over the information, finding out about Osama Bin Laden's buriel at sea raised my skepticism into the stratosphere.

All we have been given is a bill of goods about this operation and death of the most wanted man on the planet by the President. What, no proof? I remember other instances when high value targets like the Hussein brothers getting killed in a raid, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi meeting his fate by 500 pound bomb, and the capture of Saddam Hussein was followed-up with autopsy photos, in depth presentations about the operations, and in some cases video. There is nothing of that sort here, and one would figure the death or capture of Bin Laden, a man shrouded in mystery would be backed up with as much corroborative evidence as possible? There is nothing of that sort here, nothing! Trust but verify! Show me the proof!

So far, we would have better luck believing a snake oil salesmen. That is my humble opinion. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but a healthy dose of skepticism would be in order regarding this event or any that comes about. The world is coming apart at the seems, and this would be a great diversionary measure to take peoples' minds off of Libya, the struggling economy, massive deficit spending, nuclear crisis in Japan, unrest in the Middle East, and soaring gas prices. If this operation was indeed carried out as outlined by the President and the US government, please provide more information.

+3 more 
posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Please do not accept the following rationalizations for this sea dump:

1). Islamic sea burial. Why on earth would we give a crap about a proper Islamic burial (which this wasn't anyways)? We haven't done that to any other to my knowledge. Their dead bodies are paraded through the media and buried. No way was this for a proper respects of his religion.

2). They didn't want to create a shrine. There have been cases where the final resting place was unknown and the followers still continued. You don't need a body to start a movement. They can also have an unknown burial location only the government knows about for later recall. WHY dump the body into an unrecoverable place like the ocean?

3). An attempt to prevent riots and terrorist attacks. Like not having a body will REALLY stop that. Didn't Osama's disciples just pledge last week or so that if harm came to him, that they would retaliate. Does our government REALLY think dumping his body in the ocean is going to prevent terrorist revenge? Heck no.

Please, friends. Do not believe their reasons for doing such a thing. It is an insult on our intelligence. Do not be as stupid as they are assuming you will be.


4). They were concerned no country would take the remains. Um... then put him in a government morgue storage until you can find someone. OR... since he allegedly led attacks against the US, keep him in a military base or lab. Is this really even an issue? Besides, they supposedly disposed of the body before even making the announcement of his death before even an attempt to find a final resting place. This is the most ludicrous excuse of all, IMO. Not knowing where to put the body? Oh please. No way.

Guys, don't buy any of this. They can't even keep their stories straight as to why they did this, nevertheless do any of the explanations make sense, either individually or collectively. Please do not believe this.
edit on 5/2/2011 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:34 AM
According to what I read, is that it's supposedly in respect to the Muslim faith. Wether this is true or false I cannot comment on, other than I find it very convenient for them to do this. It's far too easy to just say that "yeah sure... it's him, we check... dna or such... you know, csi."

I dont buy it...

Some guy tried to debunk the Bhutto interview from 2007, a month before she was murdered, but I think she stepped in a hornets nest and was murdered because of that. So in other words, Bin Laden was dead already back in 2001.
Omar Sheikh needed his ghost to stick around because of its charisma towards their cause, and the coalition needed him to be alive because of the huge revenue that's tied into the war on terror. (heck... maybe Omar is even tied in with the cia just as Osama was)

10 years is a long time to keep a ghost alive and both sides knew that, so next step was to be taken:
Kill the ghost, make people believe that the most extreme cells of al qaeda now is in a mood of revenge, and carry out a new false flag / staged attack in Europe or the US, so that the war machine can keep running.

Since Osama was already dead, they needed a pansy and this is who they'll be tossing in the sea one of the coming days. The only proof we'll ever have that they really killed Osama Bin Laden is word of mouth, constructed evidence and some paid off residence in neighborhood where they "killed" that guy.

The masses will buy this... already have, and the icing on the cake will be the (televised?) burial of this body at sea where noone can get near it.

The deception will go on, and none of us will rise to oppose it.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by JerryB08

What should they have done? Knowing no country would have taken the body?


what is wrong with an unmarked grave???


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

Agree completely with you Ashley.

I just can't believe this is the official story. I am actually a bit stunned to the point I cannot concentrate on other things, that is how weak this account is.

And i've been feeling like that for the better part of a *decade*.

Now you and hopefully, many, many more people will know that feeling..won't like it..and will get something done about it.

It's like they're laughing their heads off at us isn't it?
I can imagine Barry going.."But...but...they're *never* going to go for that!..Not in a million years, i'll be hounded out of office, and lynched!"

The scumbag 'consultant' telling him what to say: "Wanna bet? What are they gonna do about it? Nothing, that's what."

I'm both pleased and sad that you feel the way you do now...if you know what i mean.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:35 AM
They buried Osama at sea because they didnt want a shrine a place for people to visit his grave.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by boncho

you should clarify about the conflicting reports
some say it was a week ago some say yesterday

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