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Controlling a dream, is it possible? and how?

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Hey Guys,

Started keeping the journal now, still had no luck =C I will soldier on tho.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:41 PM
when you can controll your dreams it s called lucid is when you wake up in the middle of a dream and then anything is possible... a shothe lay term for it is dream walking or lucid dreaming it is in reality a short cut to the astral realm

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by saboiniagreywolf
when you can controll your dreams it s called lucid is when you wake up in the middle of a dream and then anything is possible... a shothe lay term for it is dream walking or lucid dreaming it is in reality a short cut to the astral realm

Sorry f this is a stupid question but whats an astral realm?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 05:16 PM
I am able to astral project and lucid dream very frequently. While I'm not one hundred percent able to do it every time I want to, I would say my success rate is about 2/3 of the time. There is quite a few things you can do to make the chances of you having a lucid dream much higher, and it definitely is possible for ANYONE to do this. It is very real, extremely amazing, and more fascinating then you could ever imagine.

One of the things that seems stupid but actually does work is to tell yourself before going to bed that you WILL become lucid in your dream. Get it into your subconscious and keep reminding yourself that you are going to lucid dream as you drift off to sleep.

Next, which sort of applies more towards astral projection, but I will provide it anyway, is that you will have much more luck in the early morning hours. Basically, you want to get a few hours of sleep, wake up for a minute, THEN try. A lot of the times when people try to astral project at night, they are just too tired and fall into a deep REM sleep so fast they miss the fine line where you balance yourself between awake and sleep. By getting a few hours of sleep before attempting this, you will not only get to your target state much faster - but you will also have the time to recognize the signs and signals that let you know you are ready without overshooting it due to the body falling into a deep sleep too fast.

Dream journals and reality checks of course are another thing many people use to help not only remember their dreams, but to let you know if you are really dreaming. Certain things ONLY happen in dreams and if you can recognize them while dreaming you will automatically become lucid. Its like turning a light bulb from off to on, literally. In an instant you become an active participant in the dream, not just an observer. By doing reality checks throughout the day, you will eventually start doing them in your sleep as well due to it becoming a habit. When this happens, you will realize that you are currently dreaming and be able to enjoy your dream the way everybody should be able to.

I could go on about this topic for days literally, but I think I gave you a pretty good brief overview of some things to try that can help improve your chances of a successful lucid dream or projection - depending on what you are trying. You can also check in my profile for my previous threads and posts, mainly in the lucid dreaming and astral projection threads, and you will find LOADS of information about both of these activities, how to do them, what to look for, and anything else you could ask.

Hopefully this helps with your journey into the dream world. If you have any questions either send me a u2u or ask on here and I will do my best to answer them. Thanks for reading!

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:54 AM
I tried to control my dreams being a teenager... Just before going to sleep I was thinking what I would like to dream about and may times it happened like that. I even had my favorite dreams which I could see for a few times just remembering about them - and it went on like a movie
Sometimes I did realize that I was dreaming and at certain moment could think "no, I don't like things like that" and start some part again changing the scenario. I do not play much with this stuff now, but there were a few times when I suddenly wake up during an interesting dream and was able to dream the rest of the story next night.

I read somewhere that Asian fighters use controlled dreams to practice difficult moves... There were a few advices on how to do it, but I don't remember much now
But for example when practicing some dance move (last time it was my wedding dance) when listening to the music I visualize how I am moving and it helps very much, but that's not a real controlled dream...

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by deadline527

I'd like to add onto your lesson with one I was giving to someone else recently about the power of the human mind and the importance of recognizing the sheer potential of your dreams. I'd like to start by saying something blanket and obvious, but with far more serious undertones that most people ignore.

Everything in your dream world is you.

You are the buildings, the animals, your heroes and your villains. You are the murderer, the rapist, the victim and the savior. Unless you have a foreign influence in your mind, which is pretty rare.. everything you perceive within your dreams is 100% controlled by your own mind. Take a moment to fathom that. If you have childhood trauma and you dream of your abusers or bullies.. you are them, attacking you. If you were a soldier and you have vivid dreams of war, you are on both sides, you are the civilians.. you are even the weapons being used.

It was hard for my friend to fully grasp this until I ask them if they had ever had a dream of their favorite animal. They said sure, many times.. I asked them if they thought they could conceive of what it was like to be that animal, to run around in its skin and live the life it lives.. they didn't think they could with any certainty until I explained what was above.

That said, understand that sometimes controlling your dreams isn't the answer. Dreams are many things and sometimes it's best to just sit back and let your subconscious speak to you unfettered, then meditate on what you just learned in the morning. Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool and when unlocked can help you greatly in your waking life, giving you a place to experiment, problem solve or just unwind and live any fantasy you want... but sometimes, I highly suggest taking a break from lucid dreaming and just listening to what your subconscious has to say.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 10:23 AM
It is a secret art... and it is forbidden to tell.

However, I am lying, and will tell you.

It's really a "practice" you have to maintain consistent practice. Look up "Reece Jones" on Youtube, I achieved lucidity in about 2-3 months under him. He is more into "Astral Projection" now, so you have to search back to get to his lucid dreaming stuff.

Make sure you keep a dream journal, believe it or not, this is a must and will make things a lot easier for you to recognize when you are dreaming. Be it in a notebook or on the PC. Make sure you review them and remember the images if you can. For me, after I write them down, the images are there as I read them with no effort involved.

One trick I learned to remembering dreams is that if you stay still right after you awake, and think about your dreams in full, you will remember them easily. With me, after I awake, every time I take an every step I feel the dream fading from my memory, except for those vivid ones, they always stick for a few hours.

There really is WAY too much to explain as to which technique of lucidity could be right for you, because there is a science and personal factor involved, but research and dabble with different methods you see here on the thread and on the web and choose the one that feels "right"..

The Astral Realm

Some call it the "Astral Realm" I like to call it "wonderland" kidding, I like to call it the "Astral Plane"

While some think lucid dreaming and astral projection is the same, it is not, and anyone who has experienced both, knows they are not the same. The Astral Plane is when your body reaches a certain frequency and can travel into the real world or even other dimensions and such. It depends on how high (or low) your frequency is. Astral projection can be achieved through lucid dreaming, and also through different kinds of meditation, it can also happen in a state of danger or stress. Some say it can be dangerous, but I never had a bad experience from it. My mother has, she thought it was some kind of devil stuff happening lol.
edit on 16-5-2011 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2011 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Thats really intresting advice and info guys. I never really came across have this stuff and its sounds far out but really intresting.
I still have not managed to do it, even with all the reality checks etc but I still feel hopeful. I am keeping a journal too.

Someone earlier in the thread suggested valerian, I have some Herbal Nytol tablets that have valerian and passion flower in, it says to take 2 a night so maybe I will give them ago. Maybe try up the dose a little.

Anyway Ill keep trying and update you all =D, been really busy past cpl of weeks with work so its hard to get time to try lol


posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Mizzijr
It is a secret art... and it is forbidden to tell.

However, I am lying, and will tell you.

It's really a "practice" you have to maintain consistent practice. Look up "Reece Jones" on Youtube, I achieved lucidity in about 2-3 months under him. He is more into "Astral Projection" now, so you have to search back to get to his lucid dreaming stuff.

Make sure you keep a dream journal, believe it or not, this is a must and will make things a lot easier for you to recognize when you are dreaming. Be it in a notebook or on the PC. Make sure you review them and remember the images if you can. For me, after I write them down, the images are there as I read them with no effort involved.

One trick I learned to remembering dreams is that if you stay still right after you awake, and think about your dreams in full, you will remember them easily. With me, after I awake, every time I take an every step I feel the dream fading from my memory, except for those vivid ones, they always stick for a few hours.

There really is WAY too much to explain as to which technique of lucidity could be right for you, because there is a science and personal factor involved, but research and dabble with different methods you see here on the thread and on the web and choose the one that feels "right"..

The Astral Realm

Some call it the "Astral Realm" I like to call it "wonderland" kidding, I like to call it the "Astral Plane"

While some think lucid dreaming and astral projection is the same, it is not, and anyone who has experienced both, knows they are not the same. The Astral Plane is when your body reaches a certain frequency and can travel into the real world or even other dimensions and such. It depends on how high (or low) your frequency is. Astral projection can be achieved through lucid dreaming, and also through different kinds of meditation, it can also happen in a state of danger or stress. Some say it can be dangerous, but I never had a bad experience from it. My mother has, she thought it was some kind of devil stuff happening lol.
edit on 16-5-2011 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-5-2011 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

Just watching this Reece Jones, just watched first part its really good. Gonna give it serious watch and follow it.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by tempest501

There is almost no-one on the planet who can do this at will. Don't be swayed if you fail quite a few times.
All it takes is the first time and BAM ! You are hooked.

I can still remember my first lucid dream 20 years ago just like it was yesterday. It really can change your whole perspective on life.

Here are some little technique hints:

1) During the day look at your watch often. Do this VERY often so it becomes a habit. Habits are replayed in dreams. Why ? This is a perfect way to verify if you are dreaming. If you look at your watch and the numbers or watch face doesn't make any sense you are dreaming. Dreaming is a right-brain function and it will not allow you to read anything like a book or a sign or a watch.

2) Use an affirmation specifically worded before you sleep. This is self explanatory.

3) You can sometimes flow right into a waking dream by relaxing and start creating the dream just as you begin to fall asleep. Even if you drift away you can very easily raise your awareness back. It's also a very good visualization tool.

4) Use the broken sleep method. This is also a very effective technique for Out of Body Travel as well. >> Sleep for 5-6 hours and then get up and move to the couch. Sit up and relax. Start visualizing what you want to dream about and you can much much much more easily keep your level of focus. This is because your body has had the necessary 4hrs of rest and this reason is also why you have to fight for it using the other methods. Use this method in a combination with others for a very powerful technique.

There are many more ...

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by METACOMET

i have been able to control my dreams for as long as i can remember , it is no different than daydreaming .
i can also choose the subject of my dream for the most part .
i can,t tell you how i can do this , i just comes natural like second nature .

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

It's not impossible to read things.

I've read things, including books in lucid dreaming and plain old dreaming.

It is difficult to remember though. Very difficult.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 07:30 AM
I heard that if your really good, you can whisper in the someone's ear while they sleep an' control their dream alittle...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 08:11 AM
Well, my advice is that you subconsciously prepare yourself. You must find a way, to prepare yourself before you go to sleep, and eventually dream.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Mizzijr

This is not exactly accurate. If you are reading something then it has been created by your own consciousness.

For instance, it is much different to go to someones house in a dream and try and read a note left on the table they have written than it is to simply read something in your own subjective dream. One is a real object and one is a dream object.

Try it. Real objects in the dream or astral realms cannot be read. This is because reading is a left brain function due to the logical order and progression of a sentence. There is no left brain logic in these realms. That is why you believe you can fly, or walk through walls, or see a dinosaur and it has no surprising effect on you. You don't say"What the heck is a dinosaur doing in my neighborhood." That is a logical argument that does not happen in the dream.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

Im guessing you do not have much experience in lucid dreaming or astral projection. I mean ACTUAL out of body experience.

In my experience it is actual CLEARER to think out of body. Logic, math, everything is basically unhindered in a way. You are able to think out problems in seconds, have conversations with other "people" while pondering the content, asking new questions, and so forth. In a way it is like you are able to access your whole brain in an instant in stead of being constrained by your physical bodies limits.

And on top of that you are able to do ANYTHING perfectly. For example, I cannot sing anything, but yet while out of body if I sing it comes out absolutely perfect. I can FEEL the way it SHOULD feel while singing correctly, which makes me think out of body experiences can be used to practice and get a grasp on things you otherwise may be having trouble with.

Anyway, your mind is more powerful then ever while out of body. In no way do I believe that you are limited to only right brained material or what not. I actually think you are MORE capable. And yes, this is all based on extensive out of body experience.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by tempest501

This is friggin awesome. So happy i was banned from GLP^^. Hey to all on post I am excited to see I am not the only one who has done this. I only told people very close to me but I have also been able to do this for a long time before my teen years. It started when for some reason i would always run in slow motion when in danger in dreams i got very fed up with it and somehow began to alter them to my advantage crazy and very fun. Wake up and back to reality like where did all my money go??? Lol

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior 11:11
reply to post by Mizzijr

This is not exactly accurate. If you are reading something then it has been created by your own consciousness.

For instance, it is much different to go to someones house in a dream and try and read a note left on the table they have written than it is to simply read something in your own subjective dream. One is a real object and one is a dream object.

Try it. Real objects in the dream or astral realms cannot be read. This is because reading is a left brain function due to the logical order and progression of a sentence. There is no left brain logic in these realms. That is why you believe you can fly, or walk through walls, or see a dinosaur and it has no surprising effect on you. You don't say"What the heck is a dinosaur doing in my neighborhood." That is a logical argument that does not happen in the dream.

That's not the point, you said read anything. It is a possibility. I've done it. Understanding is also a left brain function, but we can have conversations. Your hemisphere theory is flawed when it comes to dreaming, I've also written and drawn things in my dreams. Logic is there, how else are we able to become lucid? If the left brain function is shut down or disabled, we wouldn't be able to realize we're dreaming at all.
edit on 23-5-2011 by Mizzijr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by deadline527

I do have experience in both OBE and lucid dreaming. That is not the point. I have no problems with anything in your post, aside from a little arrogance. This is beside the point. You are talking about things within that realm which is mental and mentally reactive. Things within that are different as I stated before.

I am referring to actual experiments not personal anecdote. A REAL WORLD experiment where you have something written down and sealed in an envelope. Dreamers and AP'rs tasked to read the note in the astral/mental realm are unable to do so. The note is already rendered in the data field in the 'waking world'. In the astral you can read things because they are only rendered at the time you perceive them. Sure you can read, but you are reading non-physical material.

This is not new. The labs at Stanford Research Institute have been studying this since the 70s.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Mizzijr

That is not what I was saying. Perception or physical objects in the non-physical world is a right-brain function only. Perception WITHIN the non-physical is different. In that case you are not really reading anyway because there is nothing truly 'there'. You are simply receiving a non-physical data stream.

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