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Donald Trump's New Question for Obama

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posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by MiTS1965
This is becoming pathetic.

You have a black president.

Live with it.

Darn your one very bright bulb aint ya. To bad you arnt screwed into the socket.
What in the He!! does this mans skin color have to do with it . STOP BAITING. The pres represents the people and we the people are saying the packaging dosnt match the contents.
I dont hear anyone standing on the roof tops yelling the sheriff is near.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by MiTS1965
This is becoming pathetic.

You have a black president.

Live with it.

Racist much?


posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:04 PM
And some people Want to vote for this guy? Now we know why this country is going downhill.

So what's after this new campaign of nonsense?

"I want the president to prove he's black."

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by tnhiker

But of course, it's the trump card of the left (no pun intended). Read the book Rules for Radicals. It pretty much spells out everything the left in this country does. Project, discredit, speak loudly and change the focus of the issue. Calling people racists is one of their chief strategies. People are deathly afraid of being called a racist so they are supposed to back down immediately. It's just a strategy when they know they have no other card to play. Don't play into it. Obama is a useless person, regardless of color. He is a spoiled rotten child in adult's clothing. The left knows it's true so they have to blame it on everything except his incompetence, ignorance and shady past.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Polictical Propoganda has people hissing at one another .. I choose not to fall into that trap .. instead concentrate on the issues of the real truth ????
like how the heck did we get so broke ?????
um lets ask the Trump man that what led up to all this debt that was there before Obama? its a big mess an the media has it going on lol

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by ChicagOpinion

That's very late for anyone to ask for their President's background, although this should be forced upon anyone running for this position.

But will Trump will be revealing his OWN background and private affairs? I doubt it. When you'll see a President coming clean with the American public, there'll be some hope for a better administration, but this is for a fantasy world....

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ChicagOpinion

This was Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama's mentor ,main interest of studies and even taught on the subject..From his actions..he should have been given a PHD on this subject!"Obama and Hillary's Anti-American Revolution"

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by truther357
reply to post by ChicagOpinion

This was Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama's mentor

I noticed you got his name wrong.

If you can't even get his name right, what makes anyone think you can get anything else right?

btw, you forgot to put in "Marx Hitler Stalin" somewhere in there...I am sure it was simply a oversight.

Ya, you have no agenda except for the truth..

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Trump is the worst of us. He is an egomaniac entitled ignorant blowhard and the idea that some people out there right now want this guy to be our country's representative is appalling. I confidently say he doesnt stand a chance of taking the nomination. Conservatives should hope for as much- in Obama's weakened political position he could be ousted- but not by this guy. no way.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by General.Lee

Originally posted by MiTS1965
This is becoming pathetic.

You have a black president.

Live with it.

Racist much?


You seem to have a problem with feeling persecuted due to your race. What advice do you normally give people who feel that way?

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by JackyMenace

Originally posted by questcequecest
im not even american but i hate this trump guy
too bad he will probably be you guys new prez

thats how it goes
bush to obama to trump
you would think thats possible

I sure hope not. We need a middleclass person in office.

Whats this middle class you speak?

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by ChicagOpinion
Maybe we need to get his transcripts and see if they have been altered??

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Todays lesson in elitist symbolism and the jokes they play on the masses:

Pay close attention:
A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its normal rank in trick-taking games

Notice the word trick
Notice the word taking
Notice the word games

I really shouldn't call it occult because it is no longer hidden from me..however many of you still wish to see reality through the eyes of your 5 senses, brain power not spirit where all knowledge resides .
Back to the word (word game) trump and the hidden language thats in plain sight.

The word "trump" derives from "trionfi" or "triumph.
Trionfo was also the name of the original card game for which tarot cards were designed, and in it the tarot cards had the role of what are now called trumps; later card game rules were designed to use one of the ordinary suits as a replacement for the tarots when a tarot pack was not available.

The tarot deck contains a fifth suit known in occult circles as the Major Arcana, which serves as a permanent trump suit in games played with the tarot deck. The suit consists of twenty-two cards, including a Fool which serves as a highest trump or a kind of wild card in tarot games

Pay close attention:
22 cards in the deck + 1 The fool "wich serves as a highest trump or a WILD card (23 total)
22, 23 the numbers many know of and their meanings

So in essence you all are being played as fools and only seeing what they wish you to see. The sad part is you believe whatever story they tell you to be true (illusion, dellusion, magic, sorcery) many other names apply.

There is no mistake or coincidences in this world and does have design. It wasnt coincidence that Kerry and Bush ran against one another in 2004 and were both from the same fraternal order (Skull and Bones 322) in which they hold dear to their hearts above their own individual lives.
There is no mistake Obama sounds like Osama and his middle name is the same as the Iraqi president Hussein.
His first name (Barak) in Arabic means Lightning which is one of many fraternal order symbolic meanings. Query SS in Nazi Germany the 2 lightning bolts

There is no coincidence the Space Shuttle Columbia went down in a ball of fire on Feb 1-3 The Imbolc ritual Festival of Lights. There is no coincidence that an Israeli was on board and the news mentioned about the Shuttle going down around Palestine Tx. There is no coincidence

This is fun for them...not so fun for you
Whats that prank in the lodge? Riding the Goat? Unfortunately it isnt a harmless joke played on the newcomer mason...This is big boy land where death and suffering occur and gobs of money are to be made.

Aprils Fool
GOTCHA !!!!!

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
reply to post by MiTS1965

the criminals aren't carrying legal guns pal
smarten up

taking away the guns
that was amoung mao, stalin, and hitler's very first moves
also Obama isn't black
he is of mixed decent
edit on 28-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Obama is black, thats what he calls himself, so I just call himself what he says he is.
Plus he has the features of a black person[ the hair, and etc]
People forget that black is a dominant gene, while his birth parents are mixed he's more so black than anything.

Look at that afro man.

edit on 29-4-2011 by DuceizBack because: Adding extra info

I'll post another pic of him with a regular hair cut if you want, his hair style is the texture of a black person, he has the characteristics of a black person, deal with it.

edit on 29-4-2011 by DuceizBack because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Miraj

yep its the demented cousin u keep at arms length but use to steal cookies from the jar AUSTRALIA
come on down, we can over throw ppl down here no problem,
we can start again with all our land and oceans
but hurry up
i can see the boats surrounding , i can see ma n pa coming to fix us right and theyre gona chuck me back in the cupboard

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
If it compromises him now (a cokehead)...yes, that is important knowledge due to it potentially screwing up his decisionmaking...otherwise, let him have orgies if he wants...we don't want to know.

Well, Dubya was a cokehead, and is a dry drunk... But I get the impression that despite his having proven to be madder than a cut snake, and having the Imperial ambitions of Hitler, that no birther ever have a problem with Dubya. Like Pinochet, Dubya Bush ought to have gone before the International War Crimes Tribunal...

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