reply to post by ampar84
Ok.. first off.. please don't take my name seriously, I sure don't. I considered making an account on here when the sheer amount of ad hominem
slinging and logical fallacy content of another thread on here threatened to make poor Aristotle's head explode in his grave. I didn't. I made it
after I read your's and cooled down a bit. This is my first visit to the site and I don't really think anything happens purely by accident.
What your son's father may or may not have experienced is what the circle I run with calls a "walk-in". This may be a particularly powerful spirit
that has reasons to want to be in a physical body again briefly, a demonic entity looking for a little joyride and to cause strife along the way.. but
ignoring that for now, I'd like to remove the question of whether he's mentally instable or simply sensitive to .. well.. it's hard to explain without
really diverting the parameters of what you've set down as accepted, but instead of offering conjecture as to what's wrong and whether you or your
husband and son are sane or not, I have something else in mind.
The solution to all of the problems is roughly the same, medication aside. It sounds like without medication your husband was able to lead a fairly
normal if turbulant life. Criminals don't have to be insane to be criminals but it helps. It could have been a demon, it could have just been him.
Regardless, if he had trained in the focus to block out the voices it wouldn't have mattered what the source of them was, internal or external.
What I'm suggesting isn't specifically training in any mystical arts or religion or mumbo jumbo, simply exercises in focus, building your will up,
that sort of thing. Little things like rubbing your fingertips together and focusing intently on the sensation of the friction, using the diversion to
block out or quiet down the other tactile sense areas in your body. Listening intently in a crowded restaurant, casually trying to pick out single
conversations at various ranges. The focus will help. Neurologically, emotionally, many levels.
I'm not what you would call religious. I'm not a fan of religion but I understand the need for it. I don't deny there could be a YHVH, God, Jehovah or
whatever you want to call "him" but I personally find the methods the God employs suspect. I'm not what you'd call a witch or whatever they like to be
called these days, they're too.. they like to indulge in ritual, flights of fancy and a boatload of claptrap that's really pointless.
The best thing for your son? Get him out, take him to play in the park. Give him hugs when he looks like he's going through an episode. If you need
to, get him to a doctor. Many doctors. I had the migraines when I was young. I went to a neurologist. He couldn't make heads or tails of them. Had
never seen anything like them in his career and he was an old man. I took the pills. They helped. 8 months later I didn't need them anymore. Haven't
had a migraine since. I've run into things like you describe. I've even been taken for a ride by one. Wasn't a pleasant experience. Lost a lot of my
memories and didn't get them back for about a decade.
I'm not willing to say that's what this is. I'm not a psychiatric professional, I'm not even that good of a practitioner of the voodoo that I do not
so well... but I'll tell you this. If it is a gift.. or a curse.. either can be controlled with time, patience and effort. Nothing comes cheap.
Nothing worthwhile that is. My experience is that you're only limited by the resolve you have and the love that surrounds you. The same is true of
dictators and heroes.
Give it time. Be there for them. Look for the obvious and be clever. Don't let a wound fester, don't let the mental muscles get flabby. That's..
really all the advice I have. Good luck. If you need more, let me know... just.. approach this and my advice with an open mind. I'm not saying what
you should do ad verbatim but think of it as a general pointer in the path of someone who's followed a similar road. The road might have changed..
it's been a while.. but it's one way out.
Sigh.. Edit..I'm tired, didn't get to your edit about how you weren't married to him. Facts still remain but editing the "husband" to "son's father"
out of .. misguided perfectionism?
PS: I'm not discrediting the demon angle, the number of qualified exorcists in the US seems to be going up at an alarming rate and I've heard rumbles
of rumors that demons have been a bit antsy lately. I wouldn't blame the current strife in the world on them but I don't doubt they're enjoying it and
stirring up what they can. I would hold off on telling your priest about it because honestly it's a long and tedious process to confirm anything and
even though you tell him it's going to have to be elevated up the chain as more evidence piles up until .. I believe it takes a Cardinal or a Bishop's
authority to even order an evaluation as to whether an exorcism is required. Faith is a good thing but not necessarily an ace in the hole. God helps
those who help themselves I hear.. and will is a powerful component of faith, especially when it's being tested.
edit on 1-5-2011 by
Pastamancer because: Missed information in the original post, a few typographical errors as well.
Ugh.. I really need sleep, but something important occured to me as I was rounding up my thoughts for the day before going to bed. There's an
important distinction between someone sensitive to the influences of the supernatural and a paranoid schizophrenic. One "hears voices" and the other
is "aware of an influencing presence". To someone unaware of the difference this probably sounds like semantics, but think of it this way.. not all
thoughts are audible. There are quiet thoughts in your mind that need no words to describe them.. sometimes they're imagery or textures or smells half
remembered. But a voice.. that's something that's concrete, especially a voice you don't want to hear.
The trick is to ask the question "Did you hear the voice or think it?" if it was heard audibly, then determine if another person in the room heard it,
if there was a witness. If not.. quite possibly some kind of psychological or neurological thing. Auditory hallucination is quite serious and the
number of things that can cause it are not always solved by the pills that make everything happy again. The other problem is a bit harder to nail
down.. if it's a thought that you can identify that didn't come from you, this can be serious in more ways that one. It could be something .. well.. I
hate to refer to the man as I think he's a quack.. but freudian, a conflict between the Id and the SuperEgo or something. I don't know his work well,
I never took it seriously, but basically a civil war of identity brought on by anxiety and a turbulent environment. It could be an imposition of a
spirit.. the rule of the spirit world is largely the same warning you see on the back of a semi.. "If you can't see me, I can't see you."
Things have to be on the same relative frequency to interact, basically. Sound doesn't disturb light, light doesn't disturb matter.. well.. not easily
in any case.. and generally, spirits don't get to muck around with living beings aside from brief interactions that are easily explained off. But
there's a place that they can interact if you're open to them.. and that's in the mind. A sure way to figure this out is to ask if he hears it in his
dreams. That's a good place to strike as any if you're targetting a young sensitive. It's also something he'd remember pretty well and I haven't heard
of many paranoid schizophrenics claiming to be told to do things in their dreams. It's usually while they're wide awake.
From what I know about paranoid schizophrenics, their disease is centered around the society they live in.. for example in tribal societies, they fear
the supernatural. It's the boogeyman of the area.. the chupacabra is out to get them, the van that's been sitting on their street for a couple of
hours must be watching them.. The disease is pretty easy to pick out because it's an irrational fear.. and I accent that word over the other. Fear,
not irrational. All people are irrational to a degree, sometimes to good effect. But the fear is what's the sign. It's hard to diagnose it in a youth.
They don't have much to be afraid of yet. They don't have their phobias and personal baggage neatly stacked up so they can make the most scary monster
that they can to torment themselves.
If your son knows his fear.. can name his assailant.. God help you if he gives you an actual name.. I'd seek some heavy hitting help if he
does...Priest might not be a bad idea. But if he can truly describe what this thing is that he sees, hears.. if it's in his head.. I'm sorry, but it
sounds like something spiritual. Something pretty dangerous. I'm rambling, tired and danger to kids gets me a little worked up.. maybe I'm not
thinking completely clearly and maybe in the morning I'll look back at this rambling, much too long post and think I need to go back with a heavy dose
of edit or a completely new reply after a cup of coffee..'s something to think about. And I hope you're still around reading
edit on 1-5-2011 by Pastamancer because: I really need to get some sleep, but something occured to me.