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Opinions needed about demonic forces regarding my son who is only 7.

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Auggie
reply to post by ampar84

I suffered from similar things when I was a boy and on into my teens and early twenties. That was many years ago. I found out through much study over the years that it was indeed demonic.

As previously stated, so did I in the same time frame. And I also had trouble diagnosing it through various doctors. Turned out to be something quite simple.

Originally posted by Auggie
reply to post by ampar84

The Bible clearly teaches that these types of things can be passed on from generation to generation. If your husbands mother was into the occult....that could be the start of it.

Really? I bet I could find more credible evidence in a children's story book...but humor me, show me a quote in the Bible that couldnt be interpreted a million different ways.

Originally posted by Auggie
reply to post by ampar84

Have you tried to find out if his grand parents or possibly great grand parents were involved in the occult? If so, it could have started with them and is being passed down through your husbands blood line. All of us pass on to our offspring what ever our beliefs are and what ever we are involved in, good or bad, whether we realize it or not.

And waste more time? Id be more inclined to look into the families medical history rather than their superstitious we all know, the elderly are very much so.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:25 AM
Jesus is the answer.

Go to Him.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by ampar84

First, I am hoping that you are not telling your son that he might be possessed by a demon or Satan. I'm sure you wouldn't but I had to mention that because the damage that could do to a young child is life long. That alone could ruin his life.

I have read your post and I know that not all migraines can be traced to a specific reason. Sometimes they just don't know why someone is getting terrible migraines. I get them occasionally and yes, they can make me feel like I have to vomit also. Those are really bad migraines. I would just suggest you work with the doctors for a treatment. They have things that might help even when no specific cause is known. I know you've been taking him to the doctors so keep doing that.

Its quite a leap to go from not having a specific reason for migraines to thinking its caused by demons or Satan. And yes, I read what you wrote about your families history. The church --especially born again denominations (I was part of one when I was younger for a couple of years) are fear and guilt based. Now you mentioned your husband got worse after becoming born again...that doesn't surprise me in the least. If he had ever even mentioned those voices to them, they would of thrown the Bible at him. What he really needed was someone who could help. You know, sometimes people think they are hearing voices because they don't understand we all have a running mental chatter going on in the background. They only have heard people go crazy or something if they hear voices and think thats whats happening to them. It takes working with someone who is willing listen, and not condemn to figure it out.

Also, even within religion people do hear voices --they talk about hearing their angel. They also talk about a relative who has died that they still say a few words to when they are quiet and this is normal. Talking with the deceased isn't really so strange..many people do it. Those involved with the "occult" just are more open about it, and they seek to try to learn more about it than others do. That doesn't make it demonic to talk to someone who has died. We do this so many times when we just miss them and are still grieving. Its comforting but its certainly not demonic.

Be wary of churches that just pound fear into you. Remember that God is love. Anything outside of love (fear, guilt, shame, etc.) is NOT God. Look at your son with love not with visions of demons attacking him. He's your son and his soul is protected by his creator.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ampar84

keep pushing the docs! in the interim, a bible by the childs bed and a silver cross to wear, with an age approprite explanation- mum believes god heals, his symbols close may help.

in the uk we have national association of spiritual healers. see if they practice in your area, or if they can recomend someone.

beware of faith healers, or anyone who says your child is possessed!

faith support and experts will crack this.

good luck

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by eccentriclady

Where can I buy one of these silver crosses and what is this association of spiritual healers you are referring too?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by topherman420

I guess sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet

I thought you were replying to my original post

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by ampar84

You need to speak to Rebecca Brown and see if you can track down Steve Dollins out of Arkansas.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Hi my name is Melissa. I read your story and there are some things I want to share with you. You may have already gotten the answers you need and I am not sure how long ago you posted this. I wish you could email me so my post won't get lost in all the responses but hopefully it won't. I think I can help you.

From the time I was young until probably my mid teens, I could feel presences. It use to scare me very bady and luckily I had my dad to talk to since he was sensitive to those kinds of things as well and understood it. I had always been taught about good and evil, angels & demons, dark & light so I understood what I was sensing and feeling. I was taught to rebuke any negativity, since it is actually a dark energy, any time I felt the presence of darkness or evil. I would say (and still do) something like, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus! You will flee from this house and from me, my son & family, & never return again! In the name of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit I do not give you permission to dwell in my son, my house or in me and you are commaned to never return again!" You can say it of course however you want and feel comfortable, but you do need to say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and they must leave! It has always worked. You should tell your son also that when these spirits are around him or try to communicate to them in any way, that he must tell them to go in the name of Jesus. They won't want to stick around any longer if they don't have the power to influence.

Demons and dark energies hate hearing the name god, Jesus and holy spirit and want to flee from it. It does make evil angry when you try to make it leave, when it doesn't want to, but it cannot remain if you fight against it with light. Just like when you turn on a lamp. The dark must leave. It will hope you will be afraid of it's anger and give up so it can stay and destroy your life, but you have the control to cast it out. It says in the bible that an evil spirit can only come into your life if it is given permission. Tell the evil spirits and darkness that it no longer has permisson to affect your child, life and family any longer.

When your husband's mother began practicing in the occult she invited these things into your family and lives and they have been enjoying the damage they have been wreaking ever since with no one bothering them. Now they are attacking your son and you need to cast them out! And you should be blaming Satan for the problems in your life because that is what is causing it. Anything that is negative or painful is Satan. He is the one that brought sorrow, pain, weakness, confussion, saddness, sickness etc, in to this world. God is everything good and perfect and Satan is everthing evil and corrupt. If the spirits and presences affecting your lives are too powerful and nothing you do seems to work, than you should call someone that is experienced in this to cleanse your house. Sometimes they have to come back more than once but if you want them out they will have to go! I hope this helps you and god bless your son, you and your family! I hope everything turns around for you and this is put behind you and everyone can move forward with their lives in a positive and successful way!

Faith & Strength,


posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:06 PM
I'm currently dealing with a "demonic" force. I have plenty of things I could tell you, but it would be much easier to speak with me on Facebook, as it would be helpful to ask questions on your situation. My name is [SNIPPED], and I am the only person in the world with my name, so it won't be difficult to find me. You'd be surprised as to how much I am able to help in this matter.
edit on 4.9.2018 by Kandinsky because: Removed personal details as requested

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ampar84
He's probably experiencing severe anxiety attacks which can produce migraines and even seizures (due to vascular constricting). Get the poor kid some alprazolam and lay-off the satanic/Catholic garbage...that would be enough to scare any child!!

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Ok.. first off.. please don't take my name seriously, I sure don't. I considered making an account on here when the sheer amount of ad hominem slinging and logical fallacy content of another thread on here threatened to make poor Aristotle's head explode in his grave. I didn't. I made it after I read your's and cooled down a bit. This is my first visit to the site and I don't really think anything happens purely by accident.

What your son's father may or may not have experienced is what the circle I run with calls a "walk-in". This may be a particularly powerful spirit that has reasons to want to be in a physical body again briefly, a demonic entity looking for a little joyride and to cause strife along the way.. but ignoring that for now, I'd like to remove the question of whether he's mentally instable or simply sensitive to .. well.. it's hard to explain without really diverting the parameters of what you've set down as accepted, but instead of offering conjecture as to what's wrong and whether you or your husband and son are sane or not, I have something else in mind.

The solution to all of the problems is roughly the same, medication aside. It sounds like without medication your husband was able to lead a fairly normal if turbulant life. Criminals don't have to be insane to be criminals but it helps. It could have been a demon, it could have just been him. Regardless, if he had trained in the focus to block out the voices it wouldn't have mattered what the source of them was, internal or external.

What I'm suggesting isn't specifically training in any mystical arts or religion or mumbo jumbo, simply exercises in focus, building your will up, that sort of thing. Little things like rubbing your fingertips together and focusing intently on the sensation of the friction, using the diversion to block out or quiet down the other tactile sense areas in your body. Listening intently in a crowded restaurant, casually trying to pick out single conversations at various ranges. The focus will help. Neurologically, emotionally, many levels.

I'm not what you would call religious. I'm not a fan of religion but I understand the need for it. I don't deny there could be a YHVH, God, Jehovah or whatever you want to call "him" but I personally find the methods the God employs suspect. I'm not what you'd call a witch or whatever they like to be called these days, they're too.. they like to indulge in ritual, flights of fancy and a boatload of claptrap that's really pointless.

The best thing for your son? Get him out, take him to play in the park. Give him hugs when he looks like he's going through an episode. If you need to, get him to a doctor. Many doctors. I had the migraines when I was young. I went to a neurologist. He couldn't make heads or tails of them. Had never seen anything like them in his career and he was an old man. I took the pills. They helped. 8 months later I didn't need them anymore. Haven't had a migraine since. I've run into things like you describe. I've even been taken for a ride by one. Wasn't a pleasant experience. Lost a lot of my memories and didn't get them back for about a decade.

I'm not willing to say that's what this is. I'm not a psychiatric professional, I'm not even that good of a practitioner of the voodoo that I do not so well... but I'll tell you this. If it is a gift.. or a curse.. either can be controlled with time, patience and effort. Nothing comes cheap. Nothing worthwhile that is. My experience is that you're only limited by the resolve you have and the love that surrounds you. The same is true of dictators and heroes.

Give it time. Be there for them. Look for the obvious and be clever. Don't let a wound fester, don't let the mental muscles get flabby. That's.. really all the advice I have. Good luck. If you need more, let me know... just.. approach this and my advice with an open mind. I'm not saying what you should do ad verbatim but think of it as a general pointer in the path of someone who's followed a similar road. The road might have changed.. it's been a while.. but it's one way out.

Sigh.. Edit..I'm tired, didn't get to your edit about how you weren't married to him. Facts still remain but editing the "husband" to "son's father" out of .. misguided perfectionism?

PS: I'm not discrediting the demon angle, the number of qualified exorcists in the US seems to be going up at an alarming rate and I've heard rumbles of rumors that demons have been a bit antsy lately. I wouldn't blame the current strife in the world on them but I don't doubt they're enjoying it and stirring up what they can. I would hold off on telling your priest about it because honestly it's a long and tedious process to confirm anything and even though you tell him it's going to have to be elevated up the chain as more evidence piles up until .. I believe it takes a Cardinal or a Bishop's authority to even order an evaluation as to whether an exorcism is required. Faith is a good thing but not necessarily an ace in the hole. God helps those who help themselves I hear.. and will is a powerful component of faith, especially when it's being tested.
edit on 1-5-2011 by Pastamancer because: Missed information in the original post, a few typographical errors as well.

Ugh.. I really need sleep, but something important occured to me as I was rounding up my thoughts for the day before going to bed. There's an important distinction between someone sensitive to the influences of the supernatural and a paranoid schizophrenic. One "hears voices" and the other is "aware of an influencing presence". To someone unaware of the difference this probably sounds like semantics, but think of it this way.. not all thoughts are audible. There are quiet thoughts in your mind that need no words to describe them.. sometimes they're imagery or textures or smells half remembered. But a voice.. that's something that's concrete, especially a voice you don't want to hear.

The trick is to ask the question "Did you hear the voice or think it?" if it was heard audibly, then determine if another person in the room heard it, if there was a witness. If not.. quite possibly some kind of psychological or neurological thing. Auditory hallucination is quite serious and the number of things that can cause it are not always solved by the pills that make everything happy again. The other problem is a bit harder to nail down.. if it's a thought that you can identify that didn't come from you, this can be serious in more ways that one. It could be something .. well.. I hate to refer to the man as I think he's a quack.. but freudian, a conflict between the Id and the SuperEgo or something. I don't know his work well, I never took it seriously, but basically a civil war of identity brought on by anxiety and a turbulent environment. It could be an imposition of a spirit.. the rule of the spirit world is largely the same warning you see on the back of a semi.. "If you can't see me, I can't see you."

Things have to be on the same relative frequency to interact, basically. Sound doesn't disturb light, light doesn't disturb matter.. well.. not easily in any case.. and generally, spirits don't get to muck around with living beings aside from brief interactions that are easily explained off. But there's a place that they can interact if you're open to them.. and that's in the mind. A sure way to figure this out is to ask if he hears it in his dreams. That's a good place to strike as any if you're targetting a young sensitive. It's also something he'd remember pretty well and I haven't heard of many paranoid schizophrenics claiming to be told to do things in their dreams. It's usually while they're wide awake.

From what I know about paranoid schizophrenics, their disease is centered around the society they live in.. for example in tribal societies, they fear the supernatural. It's the boogeyman of the area.. the chupacabra is out to get them, the van that's been sitting on their street for a couple of hours must be watching them.. The disease is pretty easy to pick out because it's an irrational fear.. and I accent that word over the other. Fear, not irrational. All people are irrational to a degree, sometimes to good effect. But the fear is what's the sign. It's hard to diagnose it in a youth. They don't have much to be afraid of yet. They don't have their phobias and personal baggage neatly stacked up so they can make the most scary monster that they can to torment themselves.

If your son knows his fear.. can name his assailant.. God help you if he gives you an actual name.. I'd seek some heavy hitting help if he does...Priest might not be a bad idea. But if he can truly describe what this thing is that he sees, hears.. if it's in his head.. I'm sorry, but it sounds like something spiritual. Something pretty dangerous. I'm rambling, tired and danger to kids gets me a little worked up.. maybe I'm not thinking completely clearly and maybe in the morning I'll look back at this rambling, much too long post and think I need to go back with a heavy dose of edit or a completely new reply after a cup of coffee..'s something to think about. And I hope you're still around reading replies.
edit on 1-5-2011 by Pastamancer because: I really need to get some sleep, but something occured to me.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:42 AM
I love it how it is written that she had taken her son to hospitals and they have had no idea what was wrong, yet people are still writing to her that she should take her to the hospital before assuming paranormal.

Hello people read the entirety of what is written before asking people to do something.

It is already written that she has taken her son to the hospital.


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by ShadowZion
I love it how it is written that she had taken her son to hospitals and they have had no idea what was wrong, yet people are still writing to her that she should take her to the hospital before assuming paranormal.

Hello people read the entirety of what is written before asking people to do something.

It is already written that she has taken her son to the hospital.


Errr ever heard of second opinions? And just because they didn't find anything wrong with him the first time that automatically means he's a victim of demonic forces? Give me a break.

And you might want to scroll back and search for this one post where the poster said he had similar symptoms as her son and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong until he went to an Optometrist.

Time for you and all these Jesus freaks to open YOUR eyes.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:47 AM
I've read the thread...and seen many interesting and possibly helpful posts. It seems that, in all my reading, no-one suggested that you should actively worship God. Lemax mentioned worship music on page 18... which is good advice and close to my point.

There's two ways to do spiritual warfare, the direct, and the indirect methods. I prefer the indirect, by focusing on God and His Goodness, and thanking Him for that. Focusing on satan, looking to dialog, draw pictures, find out the name... is all negative: usually garbage and unecessary. I would not recommend a direct approach as a first step. It's better to focus your energies on the Holy One of Israel instead. Let God fight your battles.

For what it's worth, I don't think that your son is possessed. To me, it sounds like he is oppressed, and has a possible (possible) medical condition. Worship of God is the easiest way to combat the forces. Some of the posts I've read state that demons don't like light.. .or electricity even. The Most Holy Light, the Light of the World can change the atmosphere of your house in a pretty short time with worship. A couple of verses:

3And thou art holy, thou that dwellest amid the praises of Israel.


23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

God is not an egotistical maniac looking for followers to worship. He does love worship, and is most deserved of. On the other hand, satan does not ask for attention, but demands. Big problem.

I guarantee that this works, with one caveat. If your walk with the Lord is as close as I think it is, as you worship, the home's atmosphere will change. If it doesn't, then you just need to "get closer" to God, as the other posts mentioned, by accepting Jesus as your personal savior.

As a true worshipper of God, worship should be a lifestyle, not just done at critical moments. If it is done as a lifestyle, than it will be that much more powerful at the critical times as well.

Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit...

Good worship and info link:
Kim Clement video

Be well. I hope for the best for you and your son.

God Bless.

edit on 1/5/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/5/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/5/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:15 AM
If you believe in Christ, it will help you and your son in the long run. Your son is displaying traits your husband had? You need to get a priest and have your son exercised. I say that due to the single fact that your husbands left him right? Where id it go? Knowing you and being strong in your faith, he took on your son because he was easier to get to than yourself. Just MHO

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by inven104u2

To you.. and the previous poster.. no offense intended, I have respect for the devout and those wholly dedicated to their art whether they be a master sculpter or a man of the cloth. Something is inherent in the strength of creation, will and honed discipline. Were it a demon I would wholly agree with you that seeking the aid of YHWH would be the appropriate and in this situation given her existing faith and allegiance to her God, the most wise steps to take. I should point out to you that at no point does YHWH claim he is the only god. He simply prefers to take a draconian and safe approach. If you're worshipping him and him alone, then you have no ties to other dieties which can make things sticky.. the domain of your soul.

Some of us know the risks, we play fast and loose with the rules and we know that the God of Abraham isn't the only game in town, neither is Satan. If you analyze the scripture, and I have.. you see that the only promises given in the service of Jesus is that he is the way to the Father and everlasting life. Not a bad benefit plan. Please, I accept your faith with an open heart and mind. I know your god exists, I've called on him in the past.. I've felt the powerful presence in certain churches and cathedrals. Not all of them. It's one I rather like and am comfortable with. I suppose one could say I have less problem with God than with his followers..

You should look up the history of a roman emporer called Constantine the First. It would be a good read for anyone truly interested in the plight of the early church and its sudden and .. while violent.. gloriously upheld by the common man in the spirit of equality and freedom. Those of all faiths in the area for the most part unified to free those who were not all that different to them from oppression. Your faith is admirable. I don't discredit your scripture or your savior or your God. I understand why you believe what you do and I'm not saying all roads, all religions lead to the same place.

What I am saying is.. please.. for the sake of the child, don't assume this is simply a matter that can be resolved by faith. Countless scores of sick and even spiritually tortured children and even grown adults have died in the dedication to faith healing. If it does turn out to be a demon.. which honestly I'm not sure of, there needs to be more information.. then yes. Faith. Hope.. Love. The greatest of these is Love. But please don't assume that's what it is. He could simply be sick. This isn't an issue that will be resolved with one piece of advice or one moment of insight.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:30 AM
Ok before you go off your knockers (I mean in a kind way) firstly try not to think of your child as posessed. It will only in my opinion make you think an evil entity is invading him which trust me almost 100% of the time is not the case and can make good parents act bad.

Please despite your background and religion (Im Christian myself) do not assume he is under Satanic influence just because of Migranes and etc. He is only 7 Years old and yes it would be frustrating for you but I assure you its not Satanic influences that are distrupting him, but more likely something mundane like an intolerance to food (im not saying it is, however gluten intolerance can cause dizzyness, vomitting and diarrea.)

I myself am celiac (coliac) or whichever way you want to spell it, and if I eat Gluten I feel dizzy, and get indegestion and feel sick etc.

Of course get your friends/family to pray for him, and if you can your Church too... But an exorcism just seems way too outrages.
edit on 1-5-2011 by Aoxoa because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2011 by Aoxoa because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Dumbblonde
reply to post by ampar84
He's probably experiencing severe anxiety attacks which can produce migraines and even seizures (due to vascular constricting). Get the poor kid some alprazolam and lay-off the satanic/Catholic garbage...that would be enough to scare any child!!

I agree about the anxiety attacks, when my daughter has them she gets some nasty migraines.

There are a couple of things I have not seen mentioned in this thread, and to be honest after about the 16th page I stopped reading the replies.

1) P.A.N.D.A.S (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections)
This happened to my daughter, she is AH/HD, ODD, OCD and recently diagnosed Bi-polar ( the voices she hears are from her Bi-polar disorder) took her Dr.s almost 5 months to figure out what was going on and they had to do a blood test because all her throat swabs came back negative for strep, it was in her blood work. If your son's father is schizophrenic there is a big possibility your son is too so this is a viable option.

2) Lead Poisoning,
My 9 year old step -son's lead levels were over 10 the normal lead levels are supposed to be something like .2, we have no clue how his levels got that high as he's only been with us just shy of 2 years, before that he was with his abusive mother. Normally our physc does not do lead levels in Canada but for some reason she did one on him and we are glad she did. F.Y.I our physc practices in both the U.S.A and Canada.

Please don't rule these out as they are not normal tests done in routine check ups, please ask for them to be done it can't hurt to rule these out. Please read the links I provided with the list of symptoms. Good luck with your son but I really think it's something medical not some thing spiritual and it can be sorted out.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Clearskies
You need to fast and pray for him. Are there any known sins in your life, like adultery, etc? because that would impede your prayers. Don't eat any foods, just drink water and pray for a day, up to three days and ask God to show you what is wrong and pray for his/your families' protection. Also, if there are any witchcraft paraphernalia in the house, ouija boards, satanic movies, get them out. Fast and pray and watch God work it out.
edit on 27-4-2011 by Clearskies because: spelling

... u hit the mark...don't take it easy until u hav done it all
edit on 1-5-2011 by atsmem1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by ampar84

At first, they thought it might be autism related. None of the therapies worked. My biological son has Asperger's Syndrome, and he couldn't be more different in personality and behavior from my step son. For example, it's really hard for my son to lie (it's a symptom of the Aspergers) and my stepson, when he lies, believes his own lies.

On a side note, my son has severe headaches as well.

Actually his diagnosis came in as a psychotic with paranoid schizophrenic tendencies. When he tried to join the military, they retested him. He got into trouble for bringing cigarettes to school and he proceeded to tell a judge that he was going to murder his mother in her sleep, chop her up and burn her remains in a sinkhole on his grandfather's farm.

I really appreciate your advice. He's in a treatment facility now and seemingly doing better.

If you need a friend, I'm here for you. I grew up in the Holiness version of Christianity. The devil was around every corner. I've had some haunting experiences of my own. God bless you.

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