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Egyptian Cleric: Rules for "gentle" wife-beating and 90% of British women desire a "strong man".

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by SonofPeleus

If what you say is true, why do you feel women should continue their long suffering relationships with those men?
We no longer marry as a means to procreate, we no longer marry to secure our survival as weak delicate flowers in a harsh world.
I also find it laughable that people refuse look beyond our recent history, desperate to cling onto their sacred patriarchal society, continuing to damn women as feckless, stupid, delicate or just plain evil. Perhaps we should be thankful to get a backhand or blackeye these days hey? Wasn't too long back we were dunked, burnt or hung for it.
Haters gonna hate, but just remember you and your woman beating kind are only here because many of our lands were born from a strong matriarchal society.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

"Perhaps we should be thankful to get a backhand or blackeye these days hey?"

Yes, if once and for all that eye-opener finally cured the woman of her shameless/unfilial/promiscuous ways.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by SonofPeleus

Then how is it that all the backward countries are the ones who practice the wife beating you describe, while all the progressive cultures with higher standards of living treat women with respect as equals?

Chances are that while you are happy, your wife and children feel that they are in a living hell.

Or the reality of your relationship is that she completely dominates you, when she says frog, you jump, and ask how high on the way up. This has been the most common reality I have seen with guys who talk like you.

Then again, you might be a complete liar.

The best couples I see work together as a team, each depending on the others strengths.

As far as morality goes, you live in a fantasy world if you think men have stronger sexual morals than women.

edit on 26-5-2011 by poet1b because: typo

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by SonofPeleus

Oh dear.

I do not believe that men and women are equal. They are different. Biologically and mentally.

I do believe, strongly, that the feminist movement HAS been detrimental to our society but only in tandem to the rise in materialism. I support women's rights to have a career, leave their husbands - basic human rights. I just wonder and worry, how we as a society have slowly begun to believe that happiness for a woman can onlybe found in material successes.

I do believe there is a correlation between the age of women going to work and our present age of neglected children who grow to be punks on the street corner.

That being said, I must ask, what is moral, or right, or good about physically abusing another person?

Nothing, in my view justifies the beating of a woman, or man, or child, or animal even.

Should my partner, to whom I give all honour and respect, and see as the head our household, to whom I am fully committed, feel it is necessary to beat me, I would leave immediately. I give him the honour and respect, because he gives it to me. He would NEVER dishonour me in such a way.

Amoral? What is moral about beating your partner, the one you love, your charge? There is no honour in that, it is a sign of weakness.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Surely a 'strong man' is someone who DOESN'T beat the crap out of his supposed life long partner and loved one. I dunno about you guys - but my previous partners have always been about 50/50 sharing, love and interests.

Yes, there have been a thousand times were my girlfriend has annoyed me, but the very thought of laying a finger on her is distressing.

A man is stronger by not reacting, by not hurting and by showing your wife / girlfriend unconditional love and respect and honour.

Your wife / g/f should be valued 100%, after all you've made the decision to be with her. The UK doesn't have forced marriages or any of that crap - we're not perfect, but I like to think we're at least somewhat civilized.

Sod the Clerics and their medieval tyranny. Sod them all.

Love should be love without restriction. Relationships should be 50/50 and both should respect and love each other, otherwise we are nothing but animals.

Woe betide anyone who beats their wife in front of me.

Love and respect, not domination.

Peace x

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by poet1b

"Then how is it that all the backward countries are the ones who practice the wife beating you describe, while all the progressive cultures with higher standards of living treat women with respect as equals?"

Backward? Or do you mean countries which refuse to obsequiously submit to the conceit of Amerikan imperialism? Progressive cultures like your own treating women with respect as equals? Madonna; Lady Gaga; Lindsay Lohan; Paris Hilton; Britney Spears; Tila Tequila; etc...These are the role models for your young women these days: promiscuous, bisexual tramps. And your culture sees nothing wrong with this. Your values which once were strong have decayed into worshipping hedonism and materialism.

"Chances are that while you are happy, your wife and children feel that they are in a living hell."

There is no violence in our domestic environment. Strict boundaries and standards ensure my wife and children are happy feeling safe and secure when at home. My children respect authority, do not use drugs and excel at school and sports. My wife is a supportive and nurturing mother. When I look at other families in your 'progressive countries' I see many ignorant, tantrum-throwing spoiled brats raised by parents for whom they have zero respect.

"the reality of your relationship is that she completely dominates you, when she says frog, you jump, and ask how high on the way up. This has been the most common reality I have seen with guys who talk like you."

Women have an innate desire to be dominated by strong, capable men. It does not work the other way around. If you do not understand this, then you do not understand half the people in the world.

"The best couples I see work together as a team, each depending on the others strengths."

I am not talking about homosexuals.

"As far as morality goes, you live in a fantasy world if you think men have stronger sexual morals than women."

??? What does this mean?

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

If I got this straight, then a woman is like a car or electrical device wich usermanual tells to beat her up if she malfunctions.. .. .. .. WTF? .. .. .. and they are serious with that #!

I did know some weird stuff about Islamics, but this might exceed it all! What a real men you are!

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by stumason

Then lay charges. Leave her. Divorce her. Walk away.

What in holy freakin' ....nobody made a LAW that says you need to stay, or that you shouldn't press charges.

Press charges. Immediately.

If you choose not to, when it is your right and your obligation to protect other people from your hell beast then you own the consequences. Not society. I can't FORCE you to not hide that your wife is a hell beast.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by SonofPeleus

Please tell me what country you are in.

I want to know which one I'm going to look the other way on when the bombs fly.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Anyone else wanna 'honour' these Egyptian Clerics in the teeth?


posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by SonofPeleus

yeah right,

First of all, these women, who you think are role models, are international stars, not just celebrities in western culture. The actions of the men who rule over non-western countries, which are the third world countries, are far more brutal, immoral, and far worse role models then these female celebrities, which are viewed as negative role models in Western countries. More importantly, these female celebrities do not run our countries, nor write and enforce our laws, while the immoral rulers of the third world do write your laws and control the state funded violent thugs who make almost everyone's life in third world countries miserable, except for the elites whose excessive wealth is a direct result of their abuse of the average people.

Secondly, the poor behavior of a few female celebrities in Western, first world nations, does not nearly make up for the brutality, poverty, and utter lack of human rights in third world nations.

Sounds like you are just another brutal thug living off the misery of others. Your bigoted attitude towards western culture, and women in general, is just an excuse for you to justify the mistreatment of those you deem to be inferior.

Lastly, it is your backward cultural beliefs that prevents your country from advancing to first world status, from being prosperous, and capable of developing technology and industry.

The sad thing is that the accomplishments of the good people in Western nations creates a great deal of wealth, that falls all too often into the hands of people, who have no desire to respect the rights of others, as you have established here that you don't care about the rights of women. Those who manage to gain wealth in the first world nations then make alliances with the brutal rulers of the third world nations, and use those countries as their play ground. Thus, all too much of our planet is controlled by brutal thugs who think like you do.

All your claims do nothing to counter the reality that the nations who respect women as equals are the nations who are the most prosperous, and develop most of the technology that allows humanity to advance.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by poet1b

"All your claims do nothing to counter the reality that the nations who respect women as equals are the nations who are the most prosperous, and develop most of the technology that allows humanity to advance."

Most prosperous nations? Like USA? Last time I checked, your country was 14 trillion dollars in debt to the rest of the world. Please don't be delusional.

If a woman harmed her children, should she not be punished? When a woman is on a course to break up her family through wrongdoing, publicising her intent to commit adultery , she is shaming her husband, herself, her parentage and her children. Fifty percent of Americans come from broken homes so I understand why you cannot grasp my point. The damage has already been done. When children see how weak the bonds are between mother and father, husband and wife, nothing is sacred anymore. Worse yet, as children are introduced over time to a slew of mother's new boyfriends, what message is being sent? Mother is no better than a common whore? Your values have become bastardised.

You seem to believe slapping an immoral woman is a crime when rather it is the punishment. Household affairs should be run like a courtroom: there must be consequences to wrongdoing. When there is no fear of reprisal, we are free to do whatever we please with impunity. Which is worse: a slap to the face or the total collapse of morality? Don't be so short-sighted. It seems your 'good' people will try to do anything to avoid punishment and accountability for sins. That is the way of the weak and the wicked.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
This issue of wife-beating, like corporal punishment for children and animals, is becoming increasingly unacceptable and emotive in Western countries.
Therefore I must firstly say that I regard any wife-beating as abusive and unacceptable.
However, we do have politically correct multi-multiculturalism in the Western culture, which claims all cultures and customs are equal, and we have no right to judge the legalities of another culture.

Wife beating was common in Christian cultures, and even in high or "decent" middle class society it was considered a private matter, and this was widely accepted and ignored by the churches and law well into the 1980s.
I recall that only a century ago the colonial laws allowed "reasonable" beatings, and beatings with a rod no thicker than the man's thumb.

It has grown to be increasingly unpopular and socially unacceptable.
Of course that doesn't stop real abuse from going on, but abusers can no longer look to religious or legal support, and women are increasingly empowered to stop it.
That means: no Western abuser can honestly say he is beating a woman because his religion and culture tells him to do so.
The male abusers are also increasingly stigmatized and cast out from society.
Christianity increasingly shies away from its sexist verses, and ignores the history of "ducking stools" and other means that once silenced verbose females according to scripture.

However, Islamists openly admit beating a woman is "hononoring her", after the failure of verbal admonishment.
Would the multiculturalists and "tolerant" people say we should allow special laws to allow for such "gentle" beatings?
To be consistent, I guess they should?
It is clearly instructed in streams of Islamic culture:

edit on 26-4-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

I want to go on record that I support wife beatings. As in, beatings delivered by wives. Particularly the wives of these douchebags.

That is all.
edit on 27/5/2011 by TheWalkingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by poet1b

SonofPeleus is a strange person. He's got me agreeing with you. Poet. In a general sense, and not in any sort of committed, "Poet is absolutely right" sort of way, but I think, on general principle, you and I are on the same side here.

Need to scrub with steel wool and lye now.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by SonofPeleus
reply to post by poet1b

"All your claims do nothing to counter the reality that the nations who respect women as equals are the nations who are the most prosperous, and develop most of the technology that allows humanity to advance."

Most prosperous nations? Like USA? Last time I checked, your country was 14 trillion dollars in debt to the rest of the world. Please don't be delusional.

If a woman harmed her children, should she not be punished? When a woman is on a course to break up her family through wrongdoing, publicising her intent to commit adultery , she is shaming her husband, herself, her parentage and her children. Fifty percent of Americans come from broken homes so I understand why you cannot grasp my point. The damage has already been done. When children see how weak the bonds are between mother and father, husband and wife, nothing is sacred anymore. Worse yet, as children are introduced over time to a slew of mother's new boyfriends, what message is being sent? Mother is no better than a common whore? Your values have become bastardised.

You seem to believe slapping an immoral woman is a crime when rather it is the punishment. Household affairs should be run like a courtroom: there must be consequences to wrongdoing. When there is no fear of reprisal, we are free to do whatever we please with impunity. Which is worse: a slap to the face or the total collapse of morality? Don't be so short-sighted. It seems your 'good' people will try to do anything to avoid punishment and accountability for sins. That is the way of the weak and the wicked.

if 50% of the children in america are living in single parent homes, then I am willing to bet around 50% of those children have FATHERS THAT ARE WITHOUT MUCH MORAL STANDING who are sleeping around, and well, at least some of those relationships broke up because daddy was beating mommy and children!! not every relationship breaks apart because moms are sluts!! or don't you just not grasp the idea that men are just as crappy as women are?? " there must be consequences to wrongdoing."...those are your words!! but well, then you try to put women in a position where men will not have to face any consequences for any wrongdoing he might want to commit!! Accept the fact that you men aren't women's gods and well, step out of between her and her god, or well, the Real God, just might decide to remove you himself!!!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar

Originally posted by SonofPeleus
reply to post by poet1b

if 50% of the children in america are living in single parent homes, then I am willing to bet around 50% of those children have FATHERS THAT ARE WITHOUT MUCH MORAL STANDING who are sleeping around, and well, at least some of those relationships broke up because daddy was beating mommy and children!! not every relationship breaks apart because moms are sluts!! or don't you just not grasp the idea that men are just as crappy as women are?? " there must be consequences to wrongdoing."...those are your words!! but well, then you try to put women in a position where men will not have to face any consequences for any wrongdoing he might want to commit!! Accept the fact that you men aren't women's gods and well, step out of between her and her god, or well, the Real God, just might decide to remove you himself!!!

You sound like a sensible woman. Any partner, be it man or woman, must be faithful to the oaths taken in marriage. Selfish men who are disloyal to their families should, too, first be counselled, then admonished, and, as a last resort, beaten. Beaten by the woman, her father and brothers until he sees the error of his ways.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Can you believe this ridiculous stuff seems more reasonable to him than, say, DIVORCING?

Because continuing to own your partner is WAY more important than living a sensible reasonable life.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
No, the idea that expecting a woman to cover her breasts in public places is somehow comparable with wearing a burqa is juvenile and stupid.

Nonsense !

Women are forced to cover their breasts in Western society. How on earth is that any different to women being forced to ''cover up'' in other parts of the world ? Answer ? it's not.

You're a fraud.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:55 AM

edit on 27-5-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

In other parts of the world where it is ok for women to walk around with their breasts exposed let them do it. And if they have laws that state women must not cover their breasts, than so be it.

In the western world, people can not walk around in public naked, and we are starting to realize, they shouldn't be allowed out in public covered from head to toe, or wear religious clothing that is offensive to the general public.

You are the one trying to fool people, you are the one whose fraud is being exposed.

edit on 27-5-2011 by poet1b because: mising a word.

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