reply to post by yic17
In your OP you asked for personal examples. I only briefed the replies so far and for the most part I am seeing that everyone is more or less giving
you their view of the initial inquiry in the title of your OP. Not that I am discounting or otherwise criticizing any of these replies in the
slightest. None the less, I would like to give you two
personal experiences as to why I feel there is most definitely two separate functions
occurring, or as you have stated in the title, "two separate entities".
First, keep the phrase "Mind over Matter" in your "mind" as this holds prevalence to what I am going to share.
The first example seemingly only happens to me, because I have informed people in the past of this peculiar occurrence and I have been met with "no
that hasn't really ever happened to me that I am aware of" so this may in fact be just me and the way my "mind" and "brain" work against each
Periodically, in the mornings as my alarm is going off (mind you I am sooo not a morning person), I, or what I feel is my "brain" immediately creates
a dream scenario where by the alarm sound somehow way shape or form is incorporated into the dream and is passed off as a nonchalant and meaningless
sound in the dream.
For example, the alarm (which is on my cellphone and set to the traditional ringing alarm clock sound) is interpreted by my "mind" as something
usually insignificant in nature and is otherwise disregarded by my "mind' as to the level of importance that it should represent. I feel that my
"brain" is the culprit in that for all intents and purposes it just isn't ready to stop sleeping and to convince my rational "mind" of this, it
creates the aforementioned.
So this is the first example of why I feel they're separate. My "mind" knows full well that if I don't get up I'll be late for work, which could get
me fired, which would prevent me from paying my bills, eating, and otherwise maintaining my quality of life. Why would my "brain" create a scenario
like that just because it feels that my body requires more rest? Because, they are in fact two separate entities working simultaneously imo and
sometimes against one another.
The second example, is addiction. I am addicted to nicotine and smoke cigarettes at the frequency of maybe a pack every day and a half. My "mind"
knows that they are unhealthy, that they could potentially cause me all kinds of medical issues, that they stink and are unpleasant in virtually every
aspect. However, my "brain" has built a chemical dependence to them.
If you've ever tried to quit smoking you can most likely attest to this fight between the "mind" and the "brain". Therein lies the relationship to
"Mind over Matter". When in actuality, and more so in line with addictions, it should be "Mind over Brain" as the same aspect is prevalent in the
previous example in that the "brain' goes out of it's way to convince the "mind". The hard part for most people is forcing their "mind" to virtually
outsmart the "brain" and if one can prevail the "brain" will usually reluctantly submit, but can still, even years later, try the same tricks to get
what it wants.
So per your request in the OP this is my two personal experiences of why I firmly believe that we as humans operate on two separate levels. This is
commonly referred to as Conscious and Sub-Conscious if my knowledge serves me correct. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share my
experiences and I hope that I may have at least somewhat gave you food for thought on the two actually being "two separate entities'.
S&F for your thread!
edit on 4/24/2011 by UberL33t because: