I wanted to share a new post here because I'm not happy these new books are continuing to stray the public away from what really happened by Dulce New
Mexico in 1979-1980.
First, there are thousands of ideas over the unsolved cattle mutilations of the 1970s, but none of them except Linda Howe's research is correct. At
first some of the researchers like Chris O'Brien were picking it up, the idea of Fastwalkers was thought up. The real researchers such as Tom Adams Do
Not share their findings with the public, just the same as Paul Bennewitz, the last thing they wanted was to release their information. Paul even
refused to discuss his experience with Jacques Vallee, he was just completely tired of all the lies and disinformation and thought it was of no use,
that people wouldn't understand anyway after everything.
Yes, I know that human beings have mutilated cattle, but that was a small percent. The world cannot forget that a large percent of the mutes were
completely unexplainable and obviously could not have been done by humans. So these new aged researchers just look at the non-mysterious ones, then
blame the whole set of events on humans.
This case is the same thing almost as Rendlesham, but 10 times better. We know that many of the mutilated cattle were in the US, and we have heard
that UFOs visited the nuclear weapons storage facility in England. Well, since the UFOS were mostly situated in the US, why wouldn't they go to the
nuclear weapons storage facility in the US by the cattle mutes? Well that is the Bennewitz story. The story is specifically the only civilian in
history to establish contact with aliens and the first human to ever discover the (alien or human, it is not yet determined) abductee implant. But,
the new aged researchers don't tell you about those parts of the story - they purposely leave out the most important parts of the story because they
don't believe in the truth or they don't want you to believe in the truth, either one.
It wasn't just Paul who saw UFOs at this weapons storage area, at least 4 individuals had a similar experience to Rendlesham and they claimed that
because of the odd flying attributes the UFOs had to be from space. Now Paul could have got off easy when he met with the higher ups of the base over
this, but he made the mistake of telling them that he has established contact with the UFOs.
Dr. Bennewitz also related he had documented proof that he was in contact with the aliens flying the objects.
Is anyone familiar with the black helicopters? Well it turns out that the biggest factor for the second agency along with the CIA (the NSA) to harass
Paul Bennewitz was strictly because they got involved with the Myrna Hansen abduction case. We can learn a lot from this case, besides the first
proven and documented UFO implant, we can actually learn which group is responsible for the cattle mutilations. If we go back years earlier to the
case of Judy Doraty it is one of the only other cases in which a cattle mutilation was witnessed. She talked about the knives, also the act, but the
most important detail is that the aliens had slits for pupils. People started thinking, maybe Corso was right and aliens have black lenses they put
over their eyes. But people were having experiences with another group of aliens besides the greys - green aliens with slits for pupils. In the
Hansen case it is very specific - the aliens in the pasture who initially abducted them were green and had slits for pupils just as the Doraty case.
In the underground base two more aliens came along - tall greys. Now this may be a surprise to some thinking that the greys were behind the very
strange mutilations. But look at this, we know how cold blooded reptiles are from earth, so if there was an outer space type of being how easy would
it be for them to mutilate cattle? It would surely be in the nature of a reptilian alien to cut up a cow because of that reptilian nature. So the
evidence that brought this conclusion exactly makes sense - the culprits behind the strange cattle mutilations are the reptilians, not the greys.
When the story is looked at from this perspective, all of a sudden we have answers for Everything. When we listen to the stories those researchers
write in books about this case, None of the answers are given and it leaves the reader with more questions than they started with.
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12Sat, 03 May 2014 12:39:10 -0500America/Chicago14America/ChicagoSat, 03 May 2014 12:39:10 -0500 by greyer because: (no reason given)