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Uncovering The True Story Of Paul F. Bennewitz

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 12:46 PM
Dr. Paul Bennewitz has been discussed here before but I have some new information and it was suggested to create a new thread. Paul's life dramatically changed after he informed the government of New Mexico that he had proof of an underground alien base near the town of Dulce by the 4 corners. I once listened to an interview that I cannot find now, that Bill Moore said he and Richard Doty forced Paul into the hospital 3 times. After the 1989 Bill Moore speech Paul's son Jeff was interviewed on the phone with the magazine California UFO. Jeff "refuted" that his father had ever been hospitalized for mental difficulties. Directly building to this information, Wendelle Stevens wrote this as a forward for a book of his published in 2006.

Paul Bennewitz was arrested on rather ridiculous charges, referred for psychiate treatment, unnecessarily, but to intimidate him, was found perfectly sane then released...He was later rearrested again and referred for treatment again, until they could make a case that they began to treat him for aberrations, and finally with electric shock treatments so as to derange his memory so that he could no longer recall what he had seen.

I would like to point out another note Jeff Bennewitz said about his father. This aligns that in 1980 when Paul was notifying the government he already had two years of physical surveillance data of the base (as mentioned in Project Beta).

I remember when I was a child he used to pull out scrapbooks and photos filled with UFOs, but my father has been quite with his research. He's not the type to take out banner headlines.

Jim Bennett in a letter to Jacques Vallee in 1992 wrote,

He took many pictures of the construction going on, and according to Paul, he also took pictures of circular craft on the ground at this site which, as late as 1973 according to him, had large hanger doors much the same as Lazar's second hand explanation about the doors at S-4. The most revealing photos and their negatives disappeared in about 1975 when various 'fringe UFO experts' visited Paul. Also, his house was burglarized and ransacked more than once. In later years Moore, Shandera, and Torme made a meaningless tour of Dulce when they went on to Albuquerque [the real reason for their travels] to see if there was any more evidence of serious consequence still in Paul's possession that they could grab, and sure enough, he was missing some photos when they left his house.

Paul confirmed in his own handwriting on the transcripts of the Jim Mccampbell interview, that he was once in the possesion of photos dating in 1962 viewing the Archuletta Mesa near Dulce New Mexico depicting saucers, the base, trucks, and a dirt road.

When we get a hold of information like this it lifts the veil of disinformation. We can start to see how things are said because someone wants us to hear them. All over the internet it says the cattle mutilation phenomena began in the fall of 1973 in Minnesota and Kansas, the truth is that is started in 1972 near Dulce New Mexico and from '76 - '79 Dulce was the hardest hit place in the US. Back to the interview with California UFO, Lt. Colonel Ernest Edwards was involved in the meetings with Paul at Kirkland AFB, though he declined to have a phone discussion he did verify the UFO incidents at the base were real. Then I thought it was very interesting that John Lear was kind enough to share with us in 2006 a photo that is like an artifact, as it shows Colonel Edwards escorting Paul to see a US ship that looks like a UFO. Clearly this picture says more than words as we can see Paul was deeper in this than anyone imagined.

Originally posted by johnlear

On the back of the photo below written and signed by Paul Bennewitz:

U.S. Black Ship Delta-Front View. Maj.-now Col. Edwards escort foreground. Taken with Super 8 movie-copied from previewer with Canon. Propulsion whorls visible. Blue. Picture taken in Coyote Canyon-Manzano-Kirtland Base. (signed) Paul D. Bennewitz:

Closeup of Black Ship:

Dr. Bennewitz was the first to bring a lot of concepts in the Dulce base area. The Dulce wars were first mentioned by Paul in 1980 briefly when he was aware the US base closed down, he then elaborated in 1984 giving details that 66 of our people were killed and 44 got away after the aliens turned on us over an arguement. He admitted this was computer input from his alien source and did not know if it was true. Paul was the first to conclude that aliens had vats of human body parts from the regression of Myrna Hansen who was taken to the Dulce base after witnessing a cattle mutilation. In regard to cattle mutilation Paul states that the aliens using the reproductive organs and DNA to create humaniod hybrids ('84). He said he has seen pictures of them on his video screen, some are animal like, some are near human and others are more alien like. Here are some final quotes from Paul himself, toward the end we can even see he confirms legend of a tall green-yellow cast of alien, what is most likely considered the reptilians from Dulce.

I have taken apart their frequency spectrum and have seperated the apparent thought form transmissions - video from their view screens - their synchronizing pulses - their beam control and detection methods etc. I can receive small video images from them - their ships and their bases. I also was able to set up communications directly with them by computer. I have located their bases - measured scientifically the extent of their underground bases - phototgraphed them, their ships, their bases, their ground transporters etc. So - only a very small part, all very true - very provable - I am not unique - guess I was somehow presented with the opportunity and was able to take advantage of it. Anyone can get the same data, if they desire and make the effort.

Throw out the psychics, ESP, magic, witch craft, bermuda triangle, big foot, and all of those other belief systems, relate only to fact - the other will divert you and waste your time. Realize you are not dealing with superior beings per se, you are dealing with "life forms." They have their strengths as we do and they have their weaknesses. They may do some things in a different way but they have ego, resentments, social structure failures, moral weaknesses, logic faults, and emotions - particularly anger, joy - empathy? Sometimes I wonder but hopefully it is there somewhere. They do not respect, apparently ones privacy - both mind and body and feel they can sit in judgement in many instances - but the logic distortion really denies or tends to deny that. They have "Ships of Light" but are lacking in many other ways.
So - the following statements, are, all true.
1.) They do exist and have underground bases in New Mexico - I imagine there are bases elsewhere however all that is related pertains to only this state.
2.) They did make an agreement with the US faction very early for obtaining the present locations and various technology trades, presently in progress.
3.) The US has people at their bases. The US has advanced ships at these bases.
4.) They would have you think they are gods - they are not. Some are reasonably good, some are very bad - some display an unmigitated ignorance, others are opposite - there is a good and a bad force as in all legends and fairy tales although unfortunately in this case it is neither legend or fairy tale, they exist.
5.) They range from very small humanoids to grey-brownish large cranium, large eyes about 4 to 4.5" tall, to taller near dead white or yellowish appearing individuals 6 feet or more tall. Some are more of a greenish-yellow cast, eyes moved back, with large pupils - slit mouth - small nose - and in most cases no hair of any kind.
6.) They generally communicate by thought even ship to ship - with apparent nerve modifying implants - not ESP in the most strict sense.

You are skeptical? If it were not happening in first person I wouldn't believe it either.

edit on 24-4-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by greyer

Well i have never heard nor seen any other reasonable explanation for the cattle mutilations which I know happens as i was living In Redding CA when it happened near our home when i was young.
Interesting information Thank you

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:29 PM
I am partly through reading more about Dulce . I feel more crazy than scared going through it. I do not expect 100% to be accurate, but overall more truth than fiction. It just makes too much dame sense to be fiction, the way Delta Force is when looking into the Monarch Project all adds up. The way society is all adds up, not to mention the UFO sightings, suppressed and released technology, mutilations and the New World Order agenda all gradually unfolding towards a dictators hand.

This information has been out for a while, yet society is still walking around with its blindfolds on. The shadow government is getting stronger and stronger yet people are happy to be irradiated or raped by the TSA. Just WTF is going on
Is humanity dumb enough or just already been programmed enough to sit back and let this happen. The situation is out of control, more secrets are not going to fix it. The wall must come down if humanity is to have any chance in confronting it. Otherwise we are just all waiting to be stabbed in the back.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by greyer
Bennewitz's 'Project Beta' report is available to download as a pdf right here.

An important article was written by Brad Sparks for the 2007 MUFON Symposium.. In it he details how Bob Pratt secretly taped Bill Moore's admissions that he'd been instrumental in knowingly assisting in Bennewitz's mounting paranoia. With Richard Doty, he'd been feeding him disinfo and BS that encouraged his belief in the underground alien world of body parts in vats.

Moore also described how Bennewitz was to be publicly discredited45:

“... Bennewitz was expected to wave it [the one-page Aquarius Teletype] to the press and others as proof of what he was saying about an alien invasion, at which point the document would be denounced as a counterfeit and Bennewitz would be further discredited.”

“I was personally aware of the intelligence community’s concerted efforts to systematically confuse, discourage and discredit Paul by providing him with a large body of disinformation on the subject of UFOs, the malevolent aliens who allegedly pilot them, the technology they employ and the underground bases they supposedly possess and occupy.

“The entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens allegedly having implanted hundreds of thousands, even millions, of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves, came about as a result of this process. I know, because I was in a position to observe much of this process as it unfolded, and I was providing regular reports on its effectiveness to some of the very people [in AFOSI] who were ‘doing it’ to Paul. And I can tell you that it was effective, because I watched Paul become systematically more paranoid and more emotionally unstable as he tried to assimilate what was happening to him.... Not long afterward I heard he had been hospitalized and was under psychiatric care.....

On Dark Matters Radio, Don Ecker interviewed Bill Moore (mp3 right click save as). Moore depicts himself as a partially helpless participant in the whole affair in the same way Rich Doty has since. Moore goes on to suggest that two major figures in ufology were also involved. He hasn't ever brought evidence for the claim; one of the people he accused was J Allen Hynek. Personally, I don't believe him, but that's my opinion.

Greg Bishop has written the main reference book on the subject Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth. In his research and interviews with all those involved (apart from Bennewitz), it appears that Bennewitz had been mistaking a program to 'hack' Russian spy satellites as marauding aliens.

The resulting 'dark side of ufology' is largely an outcome of the AFOSI program of disinfo practised on Bennewitz. It was like a test-bed that ultimately links in to abductions, mutes and alien bases. MJ-12 and all the hellish side to UFO theories came to maturity through this.

Greg Bishop interviewed Bill Moore again in 2005 for his show Radio Misterioso. The interview is still hiding away in the recesses of the internet. One working link is right here; you need to enter a captcha, but the site is safe and the file is clean. Listening to Don Ecker's and Greg Bishop's interviews is interesting stuff...

Moore presents himself differently to each man. In Greg's interview I believe that Moore is actually leaking disinfo long after he claims to have lost contact with the AFOSI (or Aviary) guys. I won't say any more than that until someone offers a second opinion.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I'm currently reading Project Beta, so while I'm still catching up on this topic I just wanted to say thanks to greyer for the thread and thanks to Kandinsky for the links.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by greyer
Bennewitz's 'Project Beta' report is available to download as a pdf right here.

An important article was written by Brad Sparks for the 2007 MUFON Symposium.. In it he details how Bob Pratt secretly taped Bill Moore's admissions that he'd been instrumental in knowingly assisting in Bennewitz's mounting paranoia. With Richard Doty, he'd been feeding him disinfo and BS that encouraged his belief in the underground alien world of body parts in vats.

Moore also described how Bennewitz was to be publicly discredited45:

“... Bennewitz was expected to wave it [the one-page Aquarius Teletype] to the press and others as proof of what he was saying about an alien invasion, at which point the document would be denounced as a counterfeit and Bennewitz would be further discredited.”

“I was personally aware of the intelligence community’s concerted efforts to systematically confuse, discourage and discredit Paul by providing him with a large body of disinformation on the subject of UFOs, the malevolent aliens who allegedly pilot them, the technology they employ and the underground bases they supposedly possess and occupy.

“The entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens allegedly having implanted hundreds of thousands, even millions, of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves, came about as a result of this process. I know, because I was in a position to observe much of this process as it unfolded, and I was providing regular reports on its effectiveness to some of the very people [in AFOSI] who were ‘doing it’ to Paul. And I can tell you that it was effective, because I watched Paul become systematically more paranoid and more emotionally unstable as he tried to assimilate what was happening to him.... Not long afterward I heard he had been hospitalized and was under psychiatric care.....

On Dark Matters Radio, Don Ecker interviewed Bill Moore (mp3 right click save as). Moore depicts himself as a partially helpless participant in the whole affair in the same way Rich Doty has since. Moore goes on to suggest that two major figures in ufology were also involved. He hasn't ever brought evidence for the claim; one of the people he accused was J Allen Hynek. Personally, I don't believe him, but that's my opinion.

Greg Bishop has written the main reference book on the subject Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth. In his research and interviews with all those involved (apart from Bennewitz), it appears that Bennewitz had been mistaking a program to 'hack' Russian spy satellites as marauding aliens.

The resulting 'dark side of ufology' is largely an outcome of the AFOSI program of disinfo practised on Bennewitz. It was like a test-bed that ultimately links in to abductions, mutes and alien bases. MJ-12 and all the hellish side to UFO theories came to maturity through this.

Greg Bishop interviewed Bill Moore again in 2005 for his show Radio Misterioso. The interview is still hiding away in the recesses of the internet. One working link is right here; you need to enter a captcha, but the site is safe and the file is clean. Listening to Don Ecker's and Greg Bishop's interviews is interesting stuff...

Moore presents himself differently to each man. In Greg's interview I believe that Moore is actually leaking disinfo long after he claims to have lost contact with the AFOSI (or Aviary) guys. I won't say any more than that until someone offers a second opinion.

Thanks for the Project Beta report which I didn't mention. That report states Paul was secretly observing the Archuletta Mesa in the Fall of 1978 for his own investigations. I realize that Moore says they fed the disinformation but he is either lying or he didn't understand the situation because it was in 1980 before Paul met Moore when he learned about the vats (Paul met Moore in the fall of '80, the vats were learned about in the early summer). It seems obvious to me that Moore was placed on a team with Doty to discredit Paul for the respect of national security.
edit on 24-4-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2011 by greyer because: format

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I am not familiar with Bill Moore, but listened to the links. At the start saying how he was working with counter intelligence then later saying he has not put out any disinfo is a bit
Overall Bill came across as a skeptic that acknowledges something is going on. From his reports it appears that he does do his diligence with what he does present, but only goes so far leaving the story unfinished. It does sound like he has got quite a few pieces of the puzzle, but has failed to put any of them together. He does remind me of a few posters here on ATS who hold the government line, accepts what is general knowledge but will preserve the mystery with feasible doubt and selective memory. It does come across that the burden of proof he is looking for is a little to high to be realistic about getting to the bottom of things. As for him releasing disinfo, he knows the game and I would not put it past him if there where a few brownie points in it.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

Overall Bill came across as a skeptic that acknowledges something is going on. From his reports it appears that he does do his diligence with what he does present, but only goes so far leaving the story unfinished. It does sound like he has got quite a few pieces of the puzzle, but has failed to put any of them together.

Hiya Kev, Bill Moore is a rational, educated man with a pretty good BS detector. That's how he comes across in any interviews and how people described him. They'd throw words like 'arrogant' around too and maybe he was? We all are sometimes. I imagine he's like any of us and gets on with people who can look him in the eye and be honest. In the course of the interviews, he drops in one or two details that *should* fall below his skepticism and they don't. Specifically, he's been clear that Bennewitz was fed BS, but then goes on to sprinkle a couple of details that are designed to leave people wondering.

At one point he adds to the idea that Myrna Hansen's abduction actually happpened and she was taken to Dulce. Later on, he wonders out loud about another researcher possibly being shown his doom via alien technology in the form of the yellow orb or a headset. He tosses this out there as a serious question when it seems as unlikely as EBEs enjoying icecream and Eastern music (another made-up element of the Doty/Moore/Aviarywhatever team).

reply to post by greyer

I realize that Moore says they fed the disinformation but he is either lying or he didn't understand the situation because it was in 1980 before Paul met Moore when he learned about the vats (Paul met Moore in the fall of '80, the vats were learned about in the early summer). It seems obvious to me that Moore was placed on a team with Doty to discredit Paul for the respect of national security.

None of this will be resolved because, although we're chit-chatting online, the origins of it all are based in National Security and the activities of people who are trained and paid to protect those interests. At the time, according to Bishop's book, it was the Starfire technology at risk of Bennewitz's antics. This technology could apparently use laser to interfere (hack) with USSR spy-sats and either access their data-stream or alter their courses. High stakes! Moreso as the Cold War was in an arm's race at this time. It wasn't the early 60-style of 'nuclear war around the corner,' but there were growing piles of nukes.

In terms of the body parts in vats; it was possibly an overlapping disinfo campaign. I say 'overlapping,' because it's difficult to see how cattle mutes tied in to the Starfire Optical Range. Rather, the apparent mutes scenario was connected to some other secret program. Doty was in there early again trying to pass on the Aquarius document to Moulton-Howe so it's likely there was defence significance on some level.

As for Myrna Hansen's account? Well it depends on where you stand on the never-ending 'alien abduction' debates. She saw two UFOs whilst driving. Her subsequent hypnosis by Dr Leo Sprinkle uncovered the vats and body parts stuff. The guy who introduced her to Sprinkle was Bennewitz (via APRO). The guy who introduced Hansen to Bennewitz was Gabe Valdez. Wherever you stand on the mutes, Valdez is central. The Sandia connection goes through Valdez and the apparent detection of cattle marked with glow-in-the-dark residue began with him and a Dr Howard Burgess. Fast forward to 04/05 and Bill Moore's states that there is/was an underground area, as Hansen described, and how could she possibly know?

To me, this is called going in circles and the limit to what we can learn.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:36 AM
How neat to see some clued up peeps giving us some meaty reading and meatier links.
Love it and its long overdue! Well except for the Mayan calendar thread....
Thanks to Greyer and Kandinsky for their input so far. More to come I hope.

edit on 25-4-2011 by annella because: spelt greyer

edit on 25-4-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by greyer
Greyer, Thank you for coming out of the Box. There are so many stories that people did not believe before.
Also some that have never even been presented to the public. The greatest thing Shakespear ever said is that "We are all but players on a stage." Of all of the statements ever made that is the total Truth. The only thing to even prove Shakespear even exsitied is a deed to property in the British Museum. To go back and look at a case like Paul F. Bennewitz; is so great of you to do. In doing that it vendicates what they were trying to tell mankind. Our United States Government would very much like the public to believe that UFOs just landed on the White House lawn yesterday. Great thread and keep digging. F&S *****

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by greyer
If anyone has any doubts about the UFO's "Greger" knows the truth. Everyone the World over, have embraced the ETs, but America, the strongest military complex in the world. TPTB in the US think if they can convience the Christian people of America that that UFOs are demons, then they can fire on them, with Nukes. Star War Weapons, the Unitied States [citizens will back it up] . My friend next door and I got along great until I tried to tell him there were good Aliens. The Bad ones have been here forever, and there goal now is to take all of us Humans out. They have Cloneing, they do not even have to give a damn about us anymore, we are now a waste product.

Adolph Hitler, is still alive today, he is the Anitechrist, or whatever you want to call him. How is he still alive:? Because every young person that got and abortion, the fetus is taken out alive. These doctors are paid a fortune. Then the Pineal Gland [look this up] is at once extracted while the fetus is still a live. If it is dead it is discarded. Look this up on the Internet. I found in 1997, instuctions for abortionist how to extract the pineal gland from a fetuse. They then Implant it into the brains of people [Illuminati] I am 64 years old, I have fought hard to defeat this reptialian faction that has ruled over us. People of the Worland can not wait for the people in the US to wake up to what is going on. I have lived in this country all my life but for a few years. Everyone should be able to see, that the average American could give a damn what goes on around this planet, unless it directly effects them. They will step into a box car with shackles and thank the person that puts the Shakles on for protecting them.

GREYER!! Thank you my friend, just ignor the naysayers. This is a war.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 09:28 PM
Interesting topic
Here's another photo by Bennewitz, supposedly of an ET ship entering the Dulce base.

posted on Apr, 26 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by kwakakev

Overall Bill came across as a skeptic that acknowledges something is going on. From his reports it appears that he does do his diligence with what he does present, but only goes so far leaving the story unfinished. It does sound like he has got quite a few pieces of the puzzle, but has failed to put any of them together.

Hiya Kev, Bill Moore is a rational, educated man with a pretty good BS detector. That's how he comes across in any interviews and how people described him. They'd throw words like 'arrogant' around too and maybe he was? We all are sometimes. I imagine he's like any of us and gets on with people who can look him in the eye and be honest. In the course of the interviews, he drops in one or two details that *should* fall below his skepticism and they don't. Specifically, he's been clear that Bennewitz was fed BS, but then goes on to sprinkle a couple of details that are designed to leave people wondering.

At one point he adds to the idea that Myrna Hansen's abduction actually happpened and she was taken to Dulce. Later on, he wonders out loud about another researcher possibly being shown his doom via alien technology in the form of the yellow orb or a headset. He tosses this out there as a serious question when it seems as unlikely as EBEs enjoying icecream and Eastern music (another made-up element of the Doty/Moore/Aviarywhatever team).

reply to post by greyer

I realize that Moore says they fed the disinformation but he is either lying or he didn't understand the situation because it was in 1980 before Paul met Moore when he learned about the vats (Paul met Moore in the fall of '80, the vats were learned about in the early summer). It seems obvious to me that Moore was placed on a team with Doty to discredit Paul for the respect of national security.

None of this will be resolved because, although we're chit-chatting online, the origins of it all are based in National Security and the activities of people who are trained and paid to protect those interests. At the time, according to Bishop's book, it was the Starfire technology at risk of Bennewitz's antics. This technology could apparently use laser to interfere (hack) with USSR spy-sats and either access their data-stream or alter their courses. High stakes! Moreso as the Cold War was in an arm's race at this time. It wasn't the early 60-style of 'nuclear war around the corner,' but there were growing piles of nukes.

In terms of the body parts in vats; it was possibly an overlapping disinfo campaign. I say 'overlapping,' because it's difficult to see how cattle mutes tied in to the Starfire Optical Range. Rather, the apparent mutes scenario was connected to some other secret program. Doty was in there early again trying to pass on the Aquarius document to Moulton-Howe so it's likely there was defence significance on some level.

As for Myrna Hansen's account? Well it depends on where you stand on the never-ending 'alien abduction' debates. She saw two UFOs whilst driving. Her subsequent hypnosis by Dr Leo Sprinkle uncovered the vats and body parts stuff. The guy who introduced her to Sprinkle was Bennewitz (via APRO). The guy who introduced Hansen to Bennewitz was Gabe Valdez. Wherever you stand on the mutes, Valdez is central. The Sandia connection goes through Valdez and the apparent detection of cattle marked with glow-in-the-dark residue began with him and a Dr Howard Burgess. Fast forward to 04/05 and Bill Moore's states that there is/was an underground area, as Hansen described, and how could she possibly know?

To me, this is called going in circles and the limit to what we can learn.

Hello Kandinsky, if we can get a hold of new information there is no limit to what we can learn, I am just asking to open up the books. Alien abductions researched by Leo Sprinkle are very debatable given examples like Mryna Hansen, and the Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas, Mona Stafford case which had no flaws, also Judy Doraty. Good thing to bring up Gabe Valdez. I find it strange that he like William Cooper is in later years denying alien existence at Dulce. Stranger that in the 70s and 80s we can probably find him saying otherwise when Gabe Valdez said that there was and 80% chance that everything Paul Bennewitz said is correct. We have to remember that in the late 80s Gabe moved to Albuquerque, probably to avoid all the craziness. Here is a quote from again California UFO in 1989, Gabe found his first mutilated cattle in 1972.

The passage was choked with thick, tangled underbrush, yet Valdez valiantly tried to coax the truck up and on. He wanted to point out at least one bit of what Bennewitz had called evidence. "I've seen it," Valdez said, "A burned tree branch where Paul said a nuclear craft crashed up there."
Valdez now calls the Lear-Bennewitz info an 80-20 proposition: "There's 80% accuracy in that there's been a lot of military activity sighted around Archuletta Mesa," he explained. "I've seen big, dark green Chinook helicopters flying around there all the time. I don't have any proof that the military is involved in the UFO phenomena but I can see it's true that the military have been here. What they're doing I don't know.
He doesn't completely write off the rumors: "Like I told you. The information has not only come from Bennewitz, but from other people, too, who I don't think have a connection with Bennewitz. I know four or five other people, different cases, who have been hypnotized and came up with the same information as Bennewitz."
"What I saw could fly right up against the walls of the canyon," he said. "Pilots know if you do that there's a good likelihood of crashing. If the craft came from another planet, I don't know. But if we have that technology with our aircraft, we don't have to worry about our national security.

Here is a picture of an ealry cattle mutialtion, much like something Gabe would find in the 70s. Notice how it is much different than the government mocked animal mutilations.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by greyer

Hello Kandinsky, if we can get a hold of new information there is no limit to what we can learn, I am just asking to open up the books. Alien abductions researched by Leo Sprinkle are very debatable given examples like Mryna Hansen, and the Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas, Mona Stafford case which had no flaws, also Judy Doraty.

Hiya G, the Stanford case is interesting and pretty dark. What happened to them may never be known. Prior to their hypnotic regressions by Sprinkle, they were shown images of 'aliens' which seems like bad practice. I feel sympathy for the women, because they apparently experienced something that scared them and then got exploited by the UFO industry. Within days they were having lie-detector tests, regressions and interviews whilst the National Enquirer paid for publishing rights. Doraty's case was similar and her consequences amounted to the same with Sprinkle, once more, on the scene.

Good thing to bring up Gabe Valdez. I find it strange that he like William Cooper is in later years denying alien existence at Dulce. Stranger that in the 70s and 80s we can probably find him saying otherwise when Gabe Valdez said that there was and 80% chance that everything Paul Bennewitz said is correct. We have to remember that in the late 80s Gabe moved to Albuquerque, probably to avoid all the craziness. Here is a quote from again California UFO in 1989, Gabe found his first mutilated cattle in 1972.

In Gabe Valdez' case, he was caught up in the mystery of cattle mutilations and a lot of forces were in play. State Senators were showing interest and expecting things to be done. Schmidt was stirring things up and asking questions in Congress (iirc) as well as the military. State Press, UFO researchers, 70s Cold War paranoia and everything else...a lot for a guy to be dealing with.

Given the evidence of mutes he was seeing and the manner of their deaths (no blood, tracks etc), obvious explanations were in short supply. He was aware of the UFO explanation, alien abductions and knew researchers. It's little wonder that, at the time, he saw alien activity as being likely. Although he was seemingly a steady man, he was surrounded by some hysterical and paranoid people and this will have effects. The agents of disinfo were hard at work in all this too and we can see how effective they could be.

Whatever the truth is behind that period of time, it's got to be pretty dark and unlikely to see the light of day in the lifetimes of anyone involved.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by coolottie
reply to post by greyer
Greyer, Thank you for coming out of the Box. There are so many stories that people did not believe before.
Also some that have never even been presented to the public. The greatest thing Shakespear ever said is that "We are all but players on a stage." Of all of the statements ever made that is the total Truth. The only thing to even prove Shakespear even exsitied is a deed to property in the British Museum. To go back and look at a case like Paul F. Bennewitz; is so great of you to do. In doing that it vendicates what they were trying to tell mankind. Our United States Government would very much like the public to believe that UFOs just landed on the White House lawn yesterday. Great thread and keep digging. F&S *****

Well put Coolottie, thanks

There is evidence that says humans committed all cattle mutilations, though seemingly impossible to me. Drugs have been found in the cattle's blood. This is limited to one area in Arkansas, typically the area with black helicopters being reported, back in Colorado 3 years earlier police officers were reporting glowing orange UFOS going down to the fields and all kinds of crazy scenarios. They said one large white UFO would sit in the sky for about an hour, and other smaller UFOs would come out of it. Linda Howe has a video of this activity in Strange Harvest 2. There has been reports in Dulce of tranquilizers too, Gabe Valdez was very skeptical because of this in the early years. I am not sure what to make with the reports.

At 5.00 a.m. on the following day, Valdez set off for the Gomez ranch. On arriving, Valdez was confronted by a scene of carnage. The cow was just as Gomez had described: three years old, laying on its right-side, and with vital body-parts having been removed with the utmost precision. That was not all. There were also strange landing-marks. Valdez recorded the details in a two-page report:

“Investigations revealed that a suspected aircraft of some type had landed twice, leaving three pod marks positioned in a triangular shape. The diameter of each pod was 14 inches. Emanating from the two landings were smaller triangular shaped tripods 28 inches and 4 inches in diameter. Investigation at the scene showed that these small tripods had followed the cow for approximately 600 feet. Tracks of the cow showed where she had struggled and fallen. The small tripod tracks were all around the cow. Other evidence showed that grass around the tripods, as they followed the cow, had been scorched. Also a yellow oily substance was located in two places under the small tripods. This substance was submitted to the State Police Lab. The Lab was unable to detect the content of the substance.”

Three days later, Valdez contacted Dr. Howard Burgess, a retired scientist from Sandia Laboratories, and asked him to conduct a radiation-test at the scene. The results were astounding. All around the tripod-marks and in the immediate tracks, the radiation-count was twice that of normal. Valdez came up with an intriguing hypothesis for this: “It is the opinion of this writer that radiation findings are deliberately being left at the scene to confuse investigators.”

Valdez noted in his report that this incident was typical of those he had investigated over the course of a sixteen-month period. “They all carry the same pattern,” he asserted. Perhaps most pertinent, Valdez had been able to determine that, in a number of cases, the animals in question had high doses of atropine in their blood-systems.

“This substance is a tranquilizing drug,” reported Valdez.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by greyer

Hello Kandinsky, if we can get a hold of new information there is no limit to what we can learn, I am just asking to open up the books. Alien abductions researched by Leo Sprinkle are very debatable given examples like Mryna Hansen, and the Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas, Mona Stafford case which had no flaws, also Judy Doraty.

Hiya G, the Stanford case is interesting and pretty dark. What happened to them may never be known. Prior to their hypnotic regressions by Sprinkle, they were shown images of 'aliens' which seems like bad practice. I feel sympathy for the women, because they apparently experienced something that scared them and then got exploited by the UFO industry. Within days they were having lie-detector tests, regressions and interviews whilst the National Enquirer paid for publishing rights. Doraty's case was similar and her consequences amounted to the same with Sprinkle, once more, on the scene.

The Stanford case did not get exploited, it took like 6 months for the regression to fan out, there was a lack of funds to even get Leo there and the women didn't want interviews at first while UFO researchers were respecting that. Doraty also did not get that much time with Leo, she screamed out around 2002 that Leo and Linda Howe treated her like trash, they were just there for the media one day, Judy tried to contact them and they didn't respond which hurt her feelings. Please check your information.

One key thing is don't listen to Greg Bishop in my opinion, why would he jump on the bandwagon when Anthony Sanchez releases Dulce information in 2011 and it is discussed here that there are flaws with the information. There real is information that can be released and he avoided that, I would like to bring it to this thread.
edit on 28-4-2011 by greyer because: reference

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by greyer
In my opinion, the investigation of the Stanford case wasn't good. Dr Sprinkle was a very educated professional yet showing people images prior to regression can only be suggestive. The media were involved and National Enquirer helped to pay costs. At the time there was a large prize up for grabs for the most compelling UFO account via National Enquirer. That isn't said to suggest the women were seeking that money, but pointing out an historical fact of the period and one reason why the Enquirer was there.

Regarding Bishop; why ignore him? In the 'field of ufology' whenever Dulce/Bennewitz/Doty etc are mentioned, any researcher you can name would refer to his book. It provides a reasonable explanation for why Bennewitz was treated as he was. There must have been a hundred better approaches to dealing with him, but that's how it apparently panned out. There's much more to it than we can know and it's probably pretty dark stuff...

The Sanchez' Dulce book was badly sourced and Sanchez expressed regret that his source had provided fake paperwork. In a Norio Hayakawa interview last year, the contents of the story from 'Colonel X' were ridiculous and clearly fictional. He'd woven a bad story of Sumerian tablets, Nibiru and alien bases.

It's my view that whatever was going on in the 70s and 80s was dark and involved national security. In twenty years of repeated investigations and FOIA searches, nothing more has been discovered to explain what the hell was happening. Mysterious!

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by greyer
In my opinion, the investigation of the Stanford case wasn't good. Dr Sprinkle was a very educated professional yet showing people images prior to regression can only be suggestive. The media were involved and National Enquirer helped to pay costs. At the time there was a large prize up for grabs for the most compelling UFO account via National Enquirer. That isn't said to suggest the women were seeking that money, but pointing out an historical fact of the period and one reason why the Enquirer was there.

Regarding Bishop; why ignore him? In the 'field of ufology' whenever Dulce/Bennewitz/Doty etc are mentioned, any researcher you can name would refer to his book. It provides a reasonable explanation for why Bennewitz was treated as he was. There must have been a hundred better approaches to dealing with him, but that's how it apparently panned out. There's much more to it than we can know and it's probably pretty dark stuff...

The Sanchez' Dulce book was badly sourced and Sanchez expressed regret that his source had provided fake paperwork. In a Norio Hayakawa interview last year, the contents of the story from 'Colonel X' were ridiculous and clearly fictional. He'd woven a bad story of Sumerian tablets, Nibiru and alien bases.

It's my view that whatever was going on in the 70s and 80s was dark and involved national security. In twenty years of repeated investigations and FOIA searches, nothing more has been discovered to explain what the hell was happening. Mysterious!

Hey Kandinsky, wow thanks for the info on Sanchez, that's a let down. I just saw on youtube that he was behind the "frantic area 51 caller" in '97.

I think the main reason why I would ignore Bishop is because he neglects to do what I am doing in this thread - listening to Dr. Paul Bennewitz. Greg has great detailed research from an Air Force perspective starting in late 1980, but forgets to acknowledge what Paul was really doing. Remember the leading mainstream reseachers discredit Paul, because they may not understand the true story, half of them may be disinformation informants, and the others are too skeptical to grasp that humans have made contact with aliens. As I mentioned Wendelle Stevens left us with the truthful words that Paul was wrongly arrested more than once and subjected to shock therapy and brainwashing, Moore admitted it was 3 times. Paul could have stumbled on the base in the early 60s, he would have been 35 years old at the time of his claimed Dulce base picture and most likely a pilot already. He may have seen in the paper during 1950 that more than 500 UFOs were sighted in a town close to Dulce, all in the sky at one time making 90 degree angles, and began his UFO interest at 23. During the 70s he had photos and the researchers/agents stole them. Starting in '78 he made full electronic survelliance of the base. Just after the Dulce wars in November of 1979 Paul constructed the hex decimal code in computer format. Paul said he constructed some new equipment and became "online" around February of 1980, this is when I believe Paul first made video feed connection with Dulce. Bill Hamilton had a friend who knew Paul named Walter Baumgartner, Walter published a magazine of limited circulation called Energy Unlimited. Bill states in the Sept. 10, 1990 issue of UFO Universe

I had first heard of Paul Bennewitz in 1980 when my friend Walter called me from Albuquerque and told me he had been working with Paul on electronic instruments. Walter said Paul had not only photographed UFOs, but had established a communication link with their underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz gave a briefing in Albuquerque detailing how he had seen the aliens on a video screen.

It was most likely this lecture between March and April of 1980 which made people in New Mexico aware that a man has made contact with a supposed alien base. This is how Myrna Hansen knew how to contact Paul on May 5th, 1980, as she went down to visit him with her mother only 2 days after the abduction. Paul worked with Myrna for 3 months. By October and November of 1980 Paul had compiled Project Beta and wrote letters to Kirkland Air Force, USAF Intelligence, Senator Harrison Schmitt, and President Reagan. This is the type of reaction that one would have if something like this occured.

As Paul was a scientist, he did things like cross correlation and matching by triangulation to official NASA CIR high resolution films in his survelliance of Dulce during the late 70s. I would like to leave with this quote from Howard Blum’s 1990 article, The Aviary, and one from Jim Mccampbell who interview Paul extensively.

Bennewitz, an accomplished physicist, a prodigious inventor, a man of science with a wizard’s mind.

Paul strikes me as being an extremely conservative, extremely knowledgeable and reliable scientist, who was intimately familiar with sophisticated laboratory equipment. He is thoroughly scientific and reliable.

edit on 30-4-2011 by greyer because: dates

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:42 AM
I have come across some new information in uncovering the amazing story of Paul Bennewitz.

Researcher Jim Mc Campbell made a recorded interview of Paul on July 13th, 1984, and made a summary of notes of the interview on Septemeber 11, 1984, then Paul Bennewitz reviewed the document and made corrective notes on it September 10th, 1985.

Paul Bennewitz was investigating not only the cattle mutilations with rancher Edmund Gomez, but UFOs with the rancher Edmund Gomez in Dulce around 1976. The people who are familiar with the Dulce story will know this is an amazing discovery, because in this thread I have not been able to figure out when Paul became interested in the Archuletta Mesa, but that Paul had "traced pictures" of the Dulce base back to 1948 and 1962.

So when Edmund had his cattle mutilated in Dulce (these happened to be the instances of bloodless animals) Paul became interested and came up there. Edmund and Paul went to explore the Mesa and the same day they saw a surveillance vehicle which looked like a satellite. Paul then setup a monitoring station in the area and observed that there were UFOs all over the area as claimed by the Jicarilla Apache Indians living there. This is a major link that pieces together the reality of what Paul told the government in 1980 - that he had been involved in major surveillance of the Archuletta Mesa by 1978.

edit on 29-5-2011 by greyer because: pic

edit on 29-5-2011 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by greyer
I hadn't read McCampbell's interview with Bennewitz before and found it informative. It raises more questions and has softened my certainty that he was played by AFOSI and other agencies.

Several parts of the interview draw attention to how much PB imagined and who was telling him what. For example, in none of his claims does he describe meeting these aliens. If this is so, from where does he get his information? He recounts having a lot of missing time and being injected with something that allowed for his apparent abductions...

We discussed weapons used by aliens and whether or not they are used to paralyze people. Yes, they consist of a cube about 2" on a side -- called a lens hung around the neck that emits a beam. Another on the ship produces a blue light that he has seen. It comes from a device about 4' high and 14" long with grid black lines on it. The color produced is very light blue which is like ionized oxygen.

How could he know this?

There is a shape to these things which he indicated is like a baby bottle nipple upside down, not the cap part, but just the nipple itself. (A note from Bennewitz: This shape is not the implants which are just round disks. ([On the top part of the skull]) The nipple things are worn externally as pick offs by the alien.)

Again, how could he know this?

If he was told this, we need to know who told him. Could it be Doty and Moore?

I've uploaded the cleanest version of the McCampbell interview as a pdf at this link here. There are others out there that have added information by the posters; the Branton one in particular is leading.

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