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Where's the Birth Certificate?-Jerome Corsi

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posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Pseudonaut
What kills me about this entire debate, is that the birthers act as if it turns out that Obama *was* born in Kenya, and then brought to Hawaii weeks later, then therefore he is automatically some kind of sleeper cell, muslim, manchurian candidate who's ready to tear the country apart from the inside. As if someone who was not born on American soil cannot be a "true" American, and cannot love their country.

Who cares where he was born? Who even remembers where they were born -- no one. The natural born citizen clause in the constitution was actually debated at the time of the documents writing -- some founding father's didn't want it to be included. If it was debatable then, it's absurd now -- we live in a world where such a rule is nonsensical. It should be taken out of the constitution anyway, and the lack of traction of this birther story proves it: Barely anyone in the country *cares* where he was born.

But then there's the liar issue "But he would have lied! He'd have been lying all this time!" they'll say. Yes, that's true. Like every other politician and president before him.

Big whoop.

I just don't see the issue.

well all i can say is

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Caji316

Originally posted by meathed
Why didn't you americans ask Obama for a birth certificate before he started to rape pillage and plunder the world under the guise of freedom and a president???
Why did it take an arrogant prick like Trump to help you ask for a birth certificate????
You americans are stupid.
Next time ask for an ID before elections.

And they call me meathed.

Because most of the white people that voted for Barry still have a complex about them having wronged the black man over history....Me, nor you, have done the black man any harm..If he has been harmed, at any time, 99% of the time he will have done it to himself..So, white people, get over this complex and lets get this nation back to where it belongs....This is not a racist statement, it is a TRUTH......

Everyone does love a Bazza.( i think its just a catchy name)

Your Not a racist, nore am i, nore am i that white...... but.......
I have never wronged a blackman in my life, I have hurt plenty of them on the rugby league field.
I have many many mates in oz that are Aboriginal and moari's from NZ. I have punched on with them all, Our skin colour doesn't matter to us over here in Oz, we dont care about colour, if your a stupid little spade......... well......... we call you a stupid bloody spade, we don't care what coloured handle the bloody spade has, its still a stupid , crappy, bloody spade.
Im a "whitey"( but i get a great tan in summer) even though my grand parents are Hungarian, Scottish and Transylvania, I have a German uncle and Italian aunty and a couple of Australian born uncles. But when people want to point the finger of shame colour matters not.
I think humanity in general needs to stop feeling guilty about the crimes that happened generations ago.
We cant be blamed for the past, we didn't do anything wrong, but we can still get blamed for it. I will carry blame for the future if we stuff that up, but i wont and cannot be blamed for the past.
So when it come's to choosing a leader to lead you all, well......... pick the guy with a birth certificate and the right political polices......., dont choose them by colour......., make your choice is for the best candidate.
Only a racist would choose a president on skin colour alone. But it is a racist little world.
It seem's that it's only the racists that yell out racism.

America, vote with your head and not your eyes.

Take care Caji316.

edit on 21-4-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-4-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by TomServo
i recall the administration releasing a birth certificate, which was quickly proven to be fraudulent. Within a few weeks, the administration produced a 2nd Different! birth certificate, which is to this day is widely accepted as being legitimate.

Care to show a source for that claim?

Does anyone else recall this sequence of events?

No, not at all.

Why do 'birthers' not use this as a supporting arguement?

Because you just made it up!

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 04:34 AM
Great thread - so happy to see that people are not afraid to ask questions in pursuit of the truth. Hopefully, this new book will shed new light where it is so desperately needed. In helping towards that goal, thought I would share this -

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by dereks

Hopefully, this will clear it up for you -

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 04:47 AM
To highlight some of the information coming out in this new book, might take a look at -

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by UcDat

So this is it either Obama produces a real birth certificate or he's toast imo

you guys think he's legit still or the evil commie plant many say he is?

Mr Robert Gibbs has apperantly put mr Obamas birth certificate on the internet
Well I guess they dont use the same internet as I do, coz I havent found it just yet...
How you like your toasts? LOL

edit on 21-4-2011 by stavis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:52 AM
Yes yes I shall tell you all the dark secrets of Obama. I shall put the very words on paper. You can go then buy one copy for yourself...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:29 AM
Indeed Obama may not be born in this country. If we remove him, from office, do we get a Prez Biden? Is anyone ready for this incompetent to take the office? Fact is, no one I can think of in the Dem or Rep party is worthy of our trust with the possible exception of Rep Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:49 AM
Who cares?

This is a major distraction. The Republicans focus on Obama's eligibility and the Democrats roll their eyes. FOX quotes birthers and MSNBC rolls its eyes.

At the end of the day, nothing is progressing for either "group's" issues when all we focus on are things we cannot fully prove to another's liking.

A certificate of live birth is not enough...ok. Well, even without that I could tell you he was born at some point. If he is not who he says he is, who are the kids? Who is Michelle? Are they actors? Are Sasha and Maliyah CIA agents as well? Or, are they Manchurian girlscouts???

The Defense budget is still 7 times that of the nearest competing nation, by the way. Afghanistan is still totally illogical and incredibly immoral, by the way. Iraq, too.

So, what does it matter whether or not he has a birth certificate? It certainly doesn't change status quo either way.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by dereks

I recall a fradulent Kenyan birth certificate...something about a whacky Russian lady...and a Madrasa in Indonesia...and more recently a bankrupt billionaire with cameos in cheesy 90s movies and a Czech Ex-wife...sounds like a good movie plot.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk
reply to post by UcDat

Originally posted by Newbomb Turk
DOH!! Someone got BURNED! Buwhahaha now there's "a" source for ya! Howz about them apples lol

Edit: Sorry I know that...that might have been somewhat, childish of me but I just have this sick sense of perverted humor side of me that just LOVES whenever someone lashed out with the 'Oh yea?!? Well how about a source to back your claim up there buddy!!!" and then they get spanked by the OP who comes back with a source....or five!

You don’t have to be sorry for your emotional reaction, ‘emotions’ and ‘feelings’ are, after all, the engine behind the birther movement, so we’re used to that. You know what you should be sorry for, though? That you didn’t read the post you are praising.

When Stormdancer777 initially made his post it consisted entirely of these 3 lines—

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
They actually had a congressional hearing to prove McCain's eligibility, due to being hounded by

This post was in response to mine asking rangersdad to back up with sources his account of events, namely that Obama accused McCain of not being a US citizen, and that McCain released his long form birth certificate.

Stormdancer777 in his response, didn’t address any of my requests to rangersdad, and added that “[t]hey actually had a congressional hearing to prove McCain's eligibility.”

I, then, replied saying there was no hearing but a non-binding resolution in the Senate, introduced by a Democrat (Clair McCaskill) and, incidentally, co-sponsored by Obama, and other Democrats, and that this non-binding resolution was enough to put into question at least one of rangersdad’s claims.

Stormdancer777 then edited his post and included all those links you are now praising.

I challenge you, however, to, in those links and post you are praising, find any statements that:
(1) Indicate there were Congressional hearings on McCain’s eligibility (Stormdancer777’s claim);
(2) Obama claimed McCain wasn’t a citizen and
(3) McCain released his long form birth certificate (rangersdad’s claims).

I anxiously await your response.

And speaking of “them apples,” I prefer coconuts. And I hear there’s plenty of them in Hawaii. You know, the place where Obama was born.

Originally posted by UcDat
I wish I could take credit for that but it was Stormdancer777 sad part is the Obama nation just ignored it like any facts that dont fit their picture of their emperor. Scary part is I cant tell if the last ones paid or just so brainwashed they cant see straight.
When the birthers don’t even read the posts their own are making, it should be obvious to any outsider to this discussion who the ‘brainwashed’ that “can’t see straight” are.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by romanmel

No, because everyone knows that Delaware is a figment of my imagination and no one actually lives there except for a couple corporate "persons" who winter in the Caymans. So, technically, the next "real" American in line would be Boehner...

...are we ready for that kind of an emotional, high-ballin' president??

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Sphota
Who cares?

This is a major distraction. The Republicans focus on Obama's eligibility and the Democrats roll their eyes. FOX quotes birthers and MSNBC rolls its eyes.

At the end of the day, nothing is progressing for either "group's" issues when all we focus on are things we cannot fully prove to another's liking.

A certificate of live birth is not enough...ok. Well, even without that I could tell you he was born at some point. If he is not who he says he is, who are the kids? Who is Michelle? Are they actors? Are Sasha and Maliyah CIA agents as well? Or, are they Manchurian girlscouts???

The Defense budget is still 7 times that of the nearest competing nation, by the way. Afghanistan is still totally illogical and incredibly immoral, by the way. Iraq, too.

So, what does it matter whether or not he has a birth certificate? It certainly doesn't change status quo either way.

He must resign if it is revealed that he was born in Kenya.
President Joe Biden will do a great job. Give him a chance.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:18 PM
'Any nation will do': New book reveals Barack Obama wanted to be prime minister of Indonesia at tender age of 9

"The book continues: 'Samardal Manan, who taught with Ann in Jakarta, remembered Ann saying something similar - that Barry could be, or perhaps wanted to be, the first black president.'

His mother's ambition was clearly not lost on the future U.S. president. When his Indonesian stepfather asked him once what he wanted to be when he grew up, he was probably expecting him to say an airline pilot or an athlete.

'"Oh, prime minister', Barry answered,' wrote Ms Scott."

yep nothing wrong with a kid wanting to lead the nation he was born in right lol

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:21 PM
oops my bad Obviously Barry aint Indonisian has we all know no way would they let him be prime-minister when we all know this...

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by UcDat

The real AP article can be found here as it was originally written before that "kenyan born" part was added by SOMEONE ELSE LATER.

When the birthers finally get something that has not already been debunked I just might finally get some respect for them. Good luck!
edit on 21-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
reply to post by UcDat

The real AP article can be found here as it was originally written before that "kenyan born" part was added by SOMEONE ELSE LATER.

When the birthers finally get something that has not already been debunked I just might finally get some respect for them. Good luck!
edit on 21-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

ill see your link
and raise you a vid

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by UcDat
ill see your link
and raise you a vid

Holy crap! He has Kenyan roots? You do not say? I hope they never find out that I have family back in Ireland. Pretty sure we all already knew he had family back in Kenya, didn't we?

This is what I do not understand about the birthers. You post an edited article in order to perpetrate a lie. You are countered with the truth and instead of taking pause to think about what it means to cling to proven falsehoods, you just move on to the next thing you hope will bolster the first thing, even though it has been completely debunked. This demonstrates beyond all doubt that the goal has nothing to do with knowing the truth but is purely about pushing an agenda.
edit on 21-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Holy crap! He has Kenyan roots? You do not say? I hope they never find out that I have family back in Ireland. Pretty sure we all already knew he had family back in Kenya, didn't we?

This is what I do not understand about the birthers. You post an edited article in order to perpetrate a lie. You are countered with the truth and instead of taking pause to think about what it means to cling to proven falsehoods, you just move on to the next thing you hope will bolster the first thing, even though it has been completely debunked. This demonstrates beyond all doubt that the goal has nothing to do with knowing the truth but is purely about pushing an agenda.
edit on 21-4-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

and yet the best you can do is cherry pick your talking points and avoid the facts
check this out then get back to us on that certificate of live birth your holy grail is full of holes non?
heres another vid for those who dont want to waste their time reading about the facts..

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