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Is Obama a genetically engineered Alien/Human Hybrid ???

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Wtf dude.
This thread is a perfect example of why ATS is going downhill fast.

Numerous GREAT threads get buried in utter crap like this.
Thought you would know better.
Apparently not.

I've seen some great threads lately that just get ignored and buried..
Yet this crap is somehow "popular" and gets attention??? Seriously ATS?

Speaks volumes about the state of ATS right now.

Please, Boondock...
Don't ever wonder again why this community gets treated like a bunch of crazy a-holes who don't know which way is up.
THIS is the reason.

You should be ashamed, for multiple reasons.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
just found an amusing story
out of Russia. It seems I am not
the only one paying attention to
Obama's Palm.

This page says that Obama's Palm
print says a Russian dirty word.
They show a pic of a palm, but I
cannot vouch that it belongs
to Obama. And I don't speak
Russian so I do not know what
word in the Russian language
they are referring to. But here's the

Dude! LMAO! That's funny! This Russian "word" is a popular reference to the male genitalia. You have to be a little creative to see that word on the palm, though. Funny, nonetheless.

Not as funny, but here is a proof that Obama is a Russian a previous life he was known as Nikolai Yezhov the head of the NKVD :


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Ahmose
ATS is not going downhill fast lol but boon is. lol Actually, boon finally landed at the bottom of the hill with this one.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 03:01 AM
Hey boondock, pay no attention to these worthless detractors. Your thread is by no means a "train wreck", it is simply too deep and subtle in conception for a lot of people to grasp. Look at the works of Z. Sitchen, I. Velikovsky, E. VanDaniken, A. Bell etc., did any of them give up on the value of their work simply because a few people could not comprehend the enormous magnitude of the issues they presented.
Just consider the annals of history that substantiate the validity and vital importance of asking this penetrating question as you have proposed here. If alien lifeforms are ever to make contact with the earth on a planetary scale, then they would have to have one of their own as a point of contact. I'm sure that they have seen "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and have realized that Klatu would not be well received without proper preparation.
Not to mention that many think Obama is attempting to bring the U.S. into alignment with the agenda of a New World Order. What if it isn't anything to do with a NWO but a New Intergalactic Order? Notice the strange similarity - NIO with Neo of "The Matrix" - kind of freaky. Were those movies somehow prophetic in foretelling the coming of Obama?
Already, there is too much evidence leading to the convincing proof of alien bio-genetic engineering. The aliens have presented earth with "The Fifth Element" - Obama an alien genetic soup, who is simply a harbinger of what is to come. Many people have noticed that their palms seem to match, which is highly unusual and can only lead to the speculation that the aliens have been messing with us humans for a long time now.
Obviously, to uncover the ancient secrets where I believe all this began, let's look at "The Egyptian Book of the Dead". Quoting from the 1967 Dover reprint of the original 1895 work by E.A. Wallis Budge, pgs. 271-218 - "I come forth, advancing, unknown is his name. I am yesterday. Seer of millions of years, is my name, traveling, twice, along the way of Horus the Judge. I am the lord of eternity, I feel, I perceive, I am the lord of the crown. I am in the utchat [and in] my egg, twice. It is granted to me to live [with] them. I am in the utchat in [its] closing. I exist by its strength. I come forth [and] I shine; I go in [and] I come to life. I am in the utchat. My seat is on my throne. I sit in the pupil of the eye by it. I am Horus traversing [millions of years.] I have commanded my seat, I rule it by [my] mouth; speaking and silent I maintain an exact balance. Verily my forms are inverted."
Think about this passage carefully. This is not simply a passage about a soul traversing the underworld, but a soul emerging from the underworld back into life. Who's to say that "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" is just an odd and indecipherable ancient religious text? What if it's really an invaluable alien manual revealing how they bio-genetically engineered Obama from the DNA of ancient Pharaohs?
They have been watching us for a long time and pondering the question of - "How to Serve Man", or is it something else?
Perhaps, soon, we will all have an answer - keep watching the skies.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 06:18 AM
Ok, I will give you another clue from a more familiar text - Revelation 17:8, "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition; and the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come." This is not directly about Obama but, it is related. Try to think about it outside of common religious interpretation. If as many cultures believe, (Hopi, Mayan, etc.) there have several world ages before this one, and as Sitchen, VonDaniken and others have written about intervention from 'gods from the heavens' upon this earth, well.......let's just say that perhaps this is a power (a beast,) that alters the natural course of events and not for the benefit of humankind. Consider also what Christ says in Luke 21:25-26, "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." Now ask yourself where bio-genetic engineering fits in. Any lights going on?

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I do agree with you about one thing, there is something about Obama that is not quite right. I think you're on to something here. But im not convinced that this is the uncovering of Obamas secret. I believe that the past of Obama is the main key here. But Credits for you my friend, keep on!

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Ahmose
reply to post by boondock-saint

Wtf dude. This thread is a perfect example of why ATS is going downhill fast.
Numerous GREAT threads get buried in utter crap like this.
Thought you would know better. Apparently not.
Man, I've seen some great threads lately that just get ignored and buried..
Yet this crap is somehow "popular" and gets attention??? Seriously ATS?

Speaks volumes about the state of ATS right now.

Please, Boondock...
Don't ever wonder again why this community gets treated like a bunch of crazy a-holes who don't know which way is up. THIS is the reason. Ridiculous.
You should be ashamed, for multiple reasons.

Thank you for expressing your opinion
and you are free to do so.
Your opinion is duly noted
even though I do not agree with it.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
But thank you for your contribution
to this train wreck resembling a thread.

As the conductor, it is incumbent upon you to realize that train wrecks are largely caused by human error in the form of poor judgement, lack of technical knowledge and failure to heed proper training. By virtue of the overwhelming majority of rational thinkers who refuse to jump on board this crazy train, you may want to consider signaling the brake man.

But alas ATS is not a very forgiving group and I suspect your 'reputation' will suffer irrevocable tarnish.

Obama may or may not be many things and perhaps most notably he isn't the President many had hoped for to turn our county around. But above all he is a husband, father and person who loves his country. The fatal flaw in the entire thread premise is that Obama IS TOTALLY HUMAN as evidenced by his lackluster leadership as we humans do tend to be imperfect.


In short, give it a rest or as George Jetson might say: "Jane, stop this crazy thing."

edit on 22-4-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:15 AM
As others have said, the theory that he's an alien because his palms match (or appear to in the limited test data you've examined - IE online photos of poor pixel quality) really doesn't work.

The whole idea of "no two palms match exactly" from wikipedia is referring to how no two (separate) people have the same fingerprints or palmprints.

All of us are 'fairly' symmetrical from left to right, though there are varying differences as to how close one side is from being identical to the other. Halley Berry was once given an award for the symmetry of her face/figure because she was almost completely identical from one side to the other.

This is why so many have responded to this thread that their palms are identical to each other, because they should be pretty close on everyone. Now if you found 2 different people with indentical palms, that would be a problem as not even indentical twins have the same.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
As the conductor, it is incumbent upon you to realize that train wrecks are largely caused by human error in the form of poor judgement, lack of technical knowledge and failure to heed proper training. By virtue of the overwhelming majority of rational thinkers who refuse to jump on board this crazy train, you may want to consider signaling the brake man.

But alas ATS is not a very forgiving group and I suspect your 'reputation' will suffer irrevocable tarnish.

if you think I give a chit about my reputation or ego
then you do not know very much about me.
And yes I did start this thread, but it was NOT I
who derailed it. But if you want to blame me
by all means, it shows your lack of responsibility.
And just FYI, I will not be responding to any more
of your posts as they do absolutely nothing but
contribute to your original agenda of derailment.
best wishes


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Dashdragon
The whole idea of "no two palms match exactly" from wikipedia is referring to how no two (separate) people have the same fingerprints or palmprints.

1) when LEO do prints on criminals, they take
prints on all 10 fingers and both palms. If everybody's
palms were identical, why would they take prints
of BOTH palms ???

2) I have also proven on page 13 of this thread
that somebody said their palms were identical
and they produced a photo of their palms and
I showed at least 4 differences. Since then, not
ONE individual has produced a photo of their
identical palms.

I am still waiting on somebody, anybody here
to prove just 1 set of palm prints are identical
to each other. I'll be waiting.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Dashdragon

and I find ur account very suspicious.
You just registered today and your very first post
is in this thread ??? lol

c'mon, some people are smarter than you
give them credit for.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by Dashdragon

and I find ur account very suspicious.
You just registered today and your very first post
is in this thread ??? lol

c'mon, some people are smarter than you
give them credit for.

Is it a habit to be overly suspicious? Yes I just registered today and my first post was what? Everyone has to have a first post somewhere and I thought this was ridiculous enough that I wanted to comment. I've been reading this site for the past month or so.

If you had paid attention to what I had wrote, I said everyone has a different degree of symmetry from one side of their body to another. Me, my right foot is 1/2 a shoe size smaller than my left for example.

This range of difference is why prints are taken from both hands as they can't "assume" the amount of symmetry in a person, not to mention the fact that you can have cuts/scars on one hand that are not present on the other.

My hands are not heavily lined, and I can say pretty easily that in a similar pose and quality of photo as your Obama ones, you probably wouldn't be able to see hardly any of my prints at all. So by your tinfoil logic, I would have to be an alien, etc.

Is Halle Berry an alien because her symmetry was rated by a computer as being almost perfectly symmetrical? This to a computer means that to the human eye she is effectively 100% symmetrical at close scrutiny...and you're basing your hypothesis for Obama on some crappy photos of him waving.

Unless you get a computer to analyze his actual palm prints (prints taken in the same manner as every law enforcement agency requires) you cannot even say they are identical, but as I said, even if they came back as 99% (which is unlikely, but not impossible) it wouldn't mean anything as there are probably millions of other perfectly normal humans that would turn up the same way.

Just because you are unlucky in that body symmetry screwed you over on your palmprints, doesn't mean that those who are mostly symmetrical are some sort of ET.

Disclaimer: This isn't to say that he couldn't be as we would really have no way of knowing one way or the other, but honestly, if he is, then we probably all are. However, I will say that if they were smart enough to 'make' him, then they wouldn't be stupid enough to make an error that someone with wikipedia as their source would be able to figure out. Especially with his hands considering, as the President, he's going to be waving quite a bit.
edit on 22-4-2011 by Dashdragon because: Spelling/disclaimer/fact correction

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:02 PM
This has to be some kind of new low... I'm aware that this is a conspiracy message board but I can't believe that so many people were actually entertaining the idea that Obama is a genetically engineered Alien hybrid. If someone was viewing ATS for the first time and saw this it would confirm to them the generally accepted idea that all conspiracy theorists are loons.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by ShakaDoodle

......Honestly don't you think that if they can CREATE a person from scratch, that they might just also have the ability to......oh I dunno......forge a birth certificate? I mean it wouldn't be very hard, ya know. Actually the fact that he hasn't presented a 'long form' Birth Certificate is probably pretty good proof that the Government is not capable of Making an alien/clone/hybrid/whatever.....And to keep the logic rolling....If Obama had the inside sources to forge a 'short form' birth certificate (which if he was not born in Hawaii, he would have logically had to do...then why the Hell couldn't he have them forge a 'long form' Birth Certificate as well???? The answer is HE COULD.......IF he was faking it. Its not as if the 'long form' has some sort of magical properties making it unforgeable you know....obviously the hospital, as well as the entire Hawaiian Government would ALREADY have to be in on his plot, so WHY IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD HE NOT FORGE IT IF HE COULD?!?!? Oh I know....because he didn't forge anything and he doesn't have time to bother with stupid crap like like people trying to say he was born in Kenya.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

edit on 22-4-2011 by aero56 because: I changed my mind.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
he would have logically had to do...then why the Hell couldn't he have them forge a 'long form' Birth Certificate as well???? The answer is HE COULD.......

ur right he could have.
However, it was NOT required BEFORE he became
president. The short form sufficed to get him in
office. Now that he is already there, there is no
need to produce further fake documents. Plus, Barry
has also signed an EO sealing all his history.

Providing a long form would have opened too
many possibilities of being detected as a fraud
as there is quite a bit more details on the LF
like a delivery doctors name, Barry's feetprints,
birth weight, citizenship of parents, etc... etc ....

Opening up all those other doors of info would have
proven under normal scrutiny that it was fake.

We still do not know to this day, what doctor
delivered Barry. And there is NO doctors signature
on his short form BC only the signature of a gov offical
claiming it is a valid document and even that signature
is only a inked rubber stamp applied to the paper.

But it is not my intention to turn this into a birther thread
either. But it seems it just can't be avoided when we discuss
genetic engineering of a Alien/Human hybrid.

edit on 4/22/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by christof94
This has to be some kind of new low... I'm aware that this is a conspiracy message board but I can't believe that so many people were actually entertaining the idea that Obama is a genetically engineered Alien hybrid. If someone was viewing ATS for the first time and saw this it would confirm to them the generally accepted idea that all conspiracy theorists are loons.

and yet another comment from a poster
who just registered today.

Lemme guess you've been reading for
months or even years too ???

They are coming out of the woodwork, lol.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Plus, Barry
has also signed an EO sealing all his history.

like a delivery doctors name, Barry's feetprints,

2 questions. Can anyone see that EO besides you?
What line do the feet prints go on?

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

What line do the feet prints go on?

As far as I know - - the feet prints have nothing to do with the official birth certificate.

Weren't those the hospital versions for the parents?

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