posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:07 AM
A scare of pending, disaster hasn't happened globally, since what 2000 computer crash scare? Whereas that was different people were preparing,
fearing for the worse and it was widely talked of. Thanks to big box office movies such as 2012, more people have learned of what has a potential of
happening-with a doomsday prediction. For those who have known about and believe something is possible, being still in preparation, are trying to let
others know the safety process in it all. No one knows for sure what will happen- volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, dramatic earth
shift, polar ice caps melting within a short amount of time, causing the the new pole areas to freeze, etc,. due to planetary alignment or may all
happen at once, meteor, epic solar flare, aliens returning, global nuclear(bigger than Japan) disaster-, but surely they feel being safe is a better
step than being sorry.