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JFK demanded UFO files from CIA 10 days before assassination?

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Absolutely astounding! I always thought there was some sort of connection there . . . There are too many coincidences surrounding the assassination to be anything short of a conspiracy theory extraordinaire.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

Why didnt we just hunt these vermin down at the time? It was obvious to the truthers of the day, Im sure.

Because maybe they didn't realize how deep the conspiracy was rooted in the power structure at the time. In other words, the government of the US was already infiltrated and overthrown. Kennedy merely was trying to return the country to the people. He himself, it appears, did not realize the full extent of the "Black Spiders Web" of conspirators. In any case you can not fight an enemy that you cant see, or even realize exist.

It is obvious to me that the Nazis were (are) still in control.

The Nazis are the power structure you are looking for.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by louieprima

You are right, its pathetic how brainwashed people are I posted on FB about radiation all replies I think overall people just dont care unless they have their entertainment taken away

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:51 PM
Keep in mind, Carter wanted to know all about UFO's and their possible existence. He was not assassinated...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:54 PM
Im beginning to wonder if the secret societies should be running things anymore. When doing disinfo....forget it. Me explaining it to the disinfo ministers will only confuse them more . Just remember the light doesn't shine in you as much as you would like to think it does

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

Why didnt we just hunt these vermin down at the time? It was obvious to the truthers of the day, Im sure.

Because maybe they didn't realize how deep the conspiracy was rooted in the power structure at the time. In other words, the government of the US was already infiltrated and overthrown. Kennedy merely was trying to return the country to the people. He himself, it appears, did not realize the full extent of the "Black Spiders Web" of conspirators. In any case you can not fight an enemy that you cant see, or even realize exist.

It is obvious to me that the Nazis were (are) still in control.

The Nazis are the power structure you are looking for.
Nazis? Really? The Kennedy family was admirers of Hitler. How could it be Nazis?

Interesting note I just found,

Jacky Kennedy, was born to a Jewish mother, hmmmmmmm.
Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy (née Bouvier) was a Jewess, a fact well hidden, but revealed by her cousin/step-brother, Gore Vidal, in his autobiography:

Upon viewing Jackie's movements in the seconds before and after the head shot it now appears she had more to do with it than one might think. I do not believe she was directly involved in the assassination, but I do believe she had foreknowledge of the event. Her actions immediately after the head shot are illogical unless she was the one to be the final judge that Jack was dead, and this would be signaled by her getting up with that highly visible pink dress.

It is said she got up and went to retrieve part of Jacks skull, but how could she know? She started up upon the final shot after checking Jack, then callously pushing him out of the way so she could get up. SHE NEVER LOOKED TO THE BACK OF THE CAR BEFORE STARTING TO MOVE! to even see if their was something back there to retrieve. She started moving to the back of the car, before looking.

Zapruder, Jack Ruby, Jacky O, were not Catholics, and they were certainly not Nazis! So, what were they?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:08 PM
Did anyone else click the link about the found body of an alien? Is there a thread on here anywhere about that? I'd post a thread just on that...haven't got my 20 posts yet though.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by DiamondEyes

The russian one yes, but this is the wrong forum for that. There is more than one aswell.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Hillbilly123069
He had also just signed legislation abolishing the federal reserve. Should have known better on that. Anyway, less than 2 HOURS after he was assassinated, his replacement, by executive order, rescinded the bill. Why didnt we just hunt these vermin down at the time? It was obvious to the truthers of the day, Im sure.
edit on 19-4-2011 by Hillbilly123069 because: (no reason given)

I'm more likely to go with that than the UFO case, but yeah, this letter is definitely interesting.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by louieprima

Interesting, but the Kennedys had so many enemies. I think it's more probable that JFK was "removed" because of his opposition to the Vietnam War -- and the powers who ran the military-industrial complex. Mega-money.

Where's the money in suppressing UFO info?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:44 PM
Oh now it is all starting to make sense eh?


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Another one for the loonies

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by NAeagle89
Keep in mind, Carter wanted to know all about UFO's and their possible existence. He was not assassinated...

That may be true, Eagle, BUT, neither was Carter the charismatic-man-of-the-people that Kennedy was.

Possible scenario:

Day 1 - Kennedy: "The commies are restless. They're jabbering on about these phenomenon in the skies over 'their Motherland". What gives? What do we got? Send me your top dog with the lowdown on our situation.

Day 2 - CIA: "No can do, sir. We can show you perhaps a bit more than that Blue Book fiasco - but - the real good juice is classified "Above Camelot". With our apologies Mr. President..."

Day 3 - Kennedy: "Bull$hit! Get your asses in here right now and bring your creme-de-la-creme or you'll all be pulling guard duty in Antarctica! Kapiche?"

Day 4 - CIA: Yes, Mr President. Right away sir. We're on our way.

Day 5 - In the Oval Office, Kennedy: "Holy Crap, Boys! This is unbelievable! Is this for real? And Ike knew all along? I mean, just look at those creepy fellows out at Edwards - I'm surprised 'ole Ike kept his composure so well! A real rock that guy was..." Anyway - this is just too big and too magnificent to keep from the American public any longer. It is profoundly important - I am sworn to look out for the best interests of the American public - and they deserve to know the truth, Dammit!"

Day 6 - Langley: "We have problem. Lancer is going to spill his guts about "it/them". He plans to go public after the Dallas trip."

Day 7 - Deep in Utah/Colorado/New Mexico/D.C.: "We can't let that happen. It will undermine everything. The disruption to society and to 'the plan' will be irreversible and our analysis predicts utter global chaos and anarchy within weeks. The status quo MUST be maintained at all costs. Indeed - at ANY cost.

Day 8 - location indeterminate: no information.

Day 9 - location indeterminate: no information.

Day 10 - Dallas: History is made. A sad day for nearly everyone - but 'order' is maintained...

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by louieprima

Originally posted by enigma91
Really surprised to see that story on the front page of Drudge.

Makes me think it might be more tempering of the public for whats to come.

I was thinking the same thing. Lots of UFO "tidbits" being dropped in the MSM lately. Truth is, though, this stuff gets picked up by ATS and other alternate sites, but most Americans that I talk to have no interest in the matter. I link stuff like that on Facebook and no one even comments or shows interest. Bring up Charlie Sheen or Dancing With the Stars, though? Minimum 10 replies.

You're spot on. That's why humanity is doomed. 95% of people have their heads buried in the sand, drink the kool-aid, and think the be all - end all is who got kicked off American Idol this week.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:26 PM
A few points about the whole background .

Lee Harvey Oswald was a RADAR tech, that was his specialist field during his military days. He spent 2 years on it. So his defection is seen by some as some kind of deliberate misinformation ploy by the US military to feed the Russians, almost but not quite enough to make a difference information, about NATO RADAR tech. There could be some credence to certain factions seeing JFK's *hand of friendship* towards the USSR as being a step too far and likely to expose them in a wholly unfavourable light as being every bit as aggressive, policy wise, as they claimed the USSR were.

Maybe, JFK asking for the UFO files was just another nail in his coffin and that, if he was shown they were almost sure that JFK would want a joint mission with the USSR to try and find out the truth? To many minds in the military that was tantamount to JFK having a hammer and sickle tattoo on his arm and singing the red flag on memorial day.

Don't forget the CIA was set up on the model of the Whermacht military intelligence. As an aside this is often one of the most common mistakes made by all parties about "Operation Paperclip". The guy who set the CIA up wasn't SS or Gestapo he was Whermacht and there is some evidence to suggest he quite deliberately with held information from Hitler in order to shorten the war. However, there was, within the CIA a philosophy that, the *enemy* was the USSR, even after Stalin had died.

Asre Dark Skies, I;'e pointed this out several times on here. Check the Uniform Frank Bach wears... it's a Naval Officers'. Ever wonder why ? ...I think it's the same in the USA as Britain,. The Navy is the senior service, they outrank all other service's officers of their own equivalent rank.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:34 PM
Kennedy knew he was out of the loop. He knew the tech was eclipsing the office of the president of the U.S., and I believe he suspected whom were in charge. In fact, I am sure of it.
The real power brokers spread their wings...Bush the elder was coming into his own.
And the next half century was written.
And here we are, and we have no clue what happened to us...
We are still looking for spaceships.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
Kennedy knew he was out of the loop. He knew the tech was eclipsing the office of the president of the U.S., and I believe he suspected whom were in charge.

In fact, I am sure of it.

How are you so 'sure of it' in fact?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by louieprima

JFK knew too much, i.e. about the Rothchild's and the banking cabals and globalists, and their plans. He made a speech in which he talked about secret societies.(
v=DxnpujfanUM&feature=related 0

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Hitoshura

HIllybilly Bingo!!!!!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:17 PM
Jimmy Carter had a major UFO sighting and even campaigned on openness about UFOs. He had a lot of documents released during his 4 years and helped make UFO studies legitimate.

As a former U.S. Navy officer, he knew the skies (Navigation Officer) and understood that what he saw was beyond our understanding. He got stymied in releasing a lot of the information due to national security but he did more for UFO research than any U.S. President to date.

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