While attending a University in 1974, I had a Professor who went on almost daily rants about overpopulation and the impending depletion of resources.
He predicted that Global Cooling would lead to the death of most plant life by now and that mass starvation would occur due to overpopulation a decade
or so ago. He was not alone in those ideas.
He also taught that the oil would be completely gone by 2014 and that materials to fuel nuclear reactors would already be gone by now. He was not
alone in those idea's either. All of this was taught as fact, in the same way the current tools of fear are being taught now.
The truth of it? There is more standing timber now than when Europeans first arrived. Even though the population has risen dramatically, there is
plenty of food and those who are hungry are that way due to political issues and governments denying them food to control them. We now know that
between Oil, Natural Gas and Oil Shale we have hundreds of years of supplies still in the ground.
In the U.S. and much of the Western World, there would be zero population growth were it not for Immigrants. The more educated and technologically
advanced a society is, the less it procreates. In India for instance the family sizes are so large to provide labor to survive. We saw the same in the
U.S. a hundred or more years ago.
The answer to any population problem seems to be education and technology. Overpopulation only exists in societies that are still not advanced due to
radical religious beliefs or controlling governments withholding food and resources as a tool of control.
All of the above is quite factual and reasonable, but those radicals who buy into the extremists views don't look at reality and facts. Facts like we
are ourselves animals and anything we do is natural for our Species. Nothing we do is actually unnatural. We eat meat because we evolved to eat meat
just like our also Omnivorous cousins the Great Apes.
Those of you old enough might recall that the Progressive, Radicals in the Science Community hid the fact that all Great Apes eat meat and will when
given the chance choose meat over anything else. Even now that the cat is out of the bag on that one, they turn to other methods to make us feel
somehow dirty for eating our natural diet. They deny in fact we are ourselves animals and our behavior is natural for our Species. Our intelligence
and self awareness are our survival tools, just as surely as are a Lion's claws and massive strength.
We need to get the radicals out of our governments and universities and tackle our problems in rational ways. There is where the problem lies. A
relatively tiny number of radicals have taken over our education system and instead of teaching, they now indoctrinate. They are the same now as they
were 40 years ago. Their goal is to take control of everyone and everything and dictate to everyone else, every aspect of their lives.
Their leaders hop around the world in their private jets and after exiting their Limo's or SUV's with their cadre of servants and admirers, they
preach conservation and population control. They preach that we should all drive dangerous tin cans around and ride bikes to work, then hop back into
their private jet and move on to the next location, where they happily get into their latest SUV or Limo, ignoring what they preach. They rely on
followers carefully brainwashed in schools they would never allow their own children to attend. They attend the finest universities even though their
academics are below standard, gaining entrance with bribes from their rich elitists families.
They don't need to spread propaganda as they have now brainwashed a couple of generations of puppets who parrot what they say, never bothering to
notice their leaders are living in luxury and living exactly how they wish, whole demanding everyone else go without.
edit on 4/18/2011 by
Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)