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On the "King of all the World (Hiram Abiff);" the Masonic Messiah & other Masonic Conspiracies.

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posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

If you're not Catholic, what did you mean when you said you're not supposed to like us? Is there another group that is supposed to be idealogically opposed to the Masons?

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Try 90 percent of the conspiracy theorists, but i don't look at it that way like i said i go by if someones cool or not and there's some cool masons on here, so i consider them friends we just have a different belief but who agress on everything...

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

I don't think 90% of Conspiracy Theorists are anti-Mason. In fact, I think there are only a handful of anti-Masons on ATS, the there is an equal number of actual Masons, and a whole bunch in the middle with no opinion. Besides conspiracy theorists don't have a union or hierarchy, so there is no "supposed" to do anything. If there were some expected behavior for a conspiracy theorist, that in and of itself would be an additional conspiracy!

I think maybe you have fallen victim to another rumor about Masons. Despite the best efforts of the anti-Masons, in general, most people like us. Someone asked earlier about how Masons are received in real life, and I have never met anyone in real life that had any issue with me being a Mason, and usually they are impressed by it.

If you read through the threads in this forum, and you count the number of responses that are anti-Mason, you will see they come from just a select few of the posters. The majority of the posters don't have a strong opinion, or have a slightly positive impression of Masons. The fringe just happens to be the squeekiest wheel.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Maybe 90 percent was too high but i'v seen alot of conspiracy theorists that were very anti mason, you know the whole story there's supposed to be a secret higher hierarchy controling the world ect ect ect i'v givin my take on it, but like i said with me it boils down to if the posters cool and such if he's a mason so be it.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I don't think 90% of Conspiracy Theorists are anti-Mason. In fact, I think there are only a handful of anti-Masons on ATS, the there is an equal number of actual Masons, and a whole bunch in the middle with no opinion. Besides conspiracy theorists don't have a union or hierarchy, so there is no "supposed" to do anything.
Likewise there's no union of ATS Masons, yet we get accused of gang posting left and right…

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
. Besides conspiracy theorists don't have a union or hierarchy, so there is no "supposed" to do anything.

Actually, they do have such a hierarchy. It's just that most conspiracy theorists are porch conspiracy theorists, not high enough in the ranks to know about it.
edit on 29-4-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton
Likewise there's no union of ATS Masons, yet we get accused of gang posting left and right…

that's usually because we say the same things. You know, the stuff that the "higher up's" brainwashed us to say.

either that or we say it because it's true, whichever.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 08:37 PM

We all know your being brian washed and you are all part of the plot for world domination.....

Also here's a super secret photo i took when the higher ups were having a world domination meeting for there plot........

Told you so.....

edit on 29-4-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light


reply to post by King Seesar

Can any non- or anti-Mason actually name the degree, order, or body of that first picture?

I'm not familiar with clown get-up of the Shriners. Are those Shriner clowns?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Send in the clowns...don't bother there here, lol i'm not sure of what lodge the men dressed in clowns are from i bowered the picture from Lucifer777 who has a pretty big dislike for Shriner's so i would say the clowns are from that, not 100 percent sure tho...

edit on 30-4-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

We all know your being brainwashed and you are all part of the plot for world domination.....

Yes, brainwashed to believe, that they are the savior's of the world; so anything goes because the end justifies the means.

A letter from masonic officer in Massachusetts encouraged ponton to stress in his speeches the point that "English-speaking peoples and organizations [are] the saviour of the world and more than ever needed at this time"

Builders of Empires: Freemasons and British Imperialism.

edit on 30-4-2011 by illuminazislayer because: ex link.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by illuminazislayer


putting things in perspective always seems to help.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Lucifer777

. You seem to have a rational head on your shoulders.

"The criticism of religion is the premise of all criticism" Marx

Freemasonry is a relatively minor religion in the world with probably no more than a few million acolytes; which in comparison to the hundreds of millions of adherents of the three major religions (Christianity, Islam and Hinduism) makes it a comparatively minor world religion, but in terms of the economic power of the Freemasons themselves, it is a major Capitalist gang, and in the UK in particular they seem to be "the" major Capitalist gang and are referred to as the "Masonic Mafia" for good reason. The religionists and the ideological Capitalists of Capitalism's major gangs are of course the traditional enemies of the Communist and Socialist Left, so you have to have to expect some major opposition; further when "human reason" and "critical thinking" are applied to almost any religious tradition, the consequence is often ridicule and opposition. Thus a critical, analytical and hostile approach to the study of Masonry is, in my judgement progressive, though I think it important to try to stick to the facts rather than to encourage the more bizarre anti-Masonic conspiracy theories promoted by Christians and Muslims who generally consider all competing forms of religion to be "Satanic."

Do you supppose the "real" truth is somewhere in the middle? There is an uncomfortable amount of truth in how you describe the Jesus of the conservative Western world. There are those people that lump religion, capitalism, patriotism, and anti-everything else all together in one bundle. On the other side of the coin, you have those that find flaw with that belief, so they swing all the way to the other side and denounce all of those things.

Unfortunately beliefs affect human behaviour. Jesus and Mohammad are probably the two main individuals in the world today who are considered models of human perfection, and yet from the perspective of a modern, rational, scientific, psychological humanist who is unnafected by religious hypnosis and indoctrination, they are clearly both classic models of a stereotypical religious schizophrenic. Modelling oneself after such schizophrenic religious fanatics is part of the "problem" in our world, not the solution.

As for me, and many of the Masons that I know, we tend to be more accepting of both ends of the spectrum. I believe therre are plenty of flaws in the Christian religion, and there are plenty of flaws in those that denounce all religion, or choose to join a fringe religion like Satanism.

The various forms of Modern Satanism are essentially all just anti-Christian phenomena, and whether it is Marylin Manson ripping up Bibles and having sex on stage or the more serious philosophy of Satanic atheism or spiritual Satanism, I consider all such phenomena to be progressive and necessary in the process of dechristianisation. Almost all forms of Satanism are generally "humanistic" in the sense that human nature and human desire is revered and "God's Will" which is essentially based on the ramblings of primitive religious fanatics is utterly rejected.

Deep down, I think most rational minds can agree that the real truth lies somewhere in the middle. It is up to each individual to take the pieces and parts and good qualities from all things and develop their own paradigm, their own personal religion, their own personal set of morality.

Whether you believe it or not, Masonry is a very, very good venue to make that spiritual leap! Of course, one does not have to be a Mason, anyone can step back, open their mind, take it all in, and make an educated decision on their own morality.

I tend to think that the "morality" of the future world will be humanistic and natural and will be based on a rejection of religious morality. I still think that there is a tendency for Masonic cultists to have a "cult mindset" and to consider themselves to be somehow "holy and sacred knights" on a mission for the God of Capitalism. Unfortunately there seems to be almost no amount of human evil that cannot be justified by the "men of God" and since Freemasons tend in general to be ideological Capitalists, anti-Communists and Anglo-American Imperialist, state terrorist, narco-terrorist collaboraotrs, I of course consider them to be generally diabolical, and from a Communist perspective, militant reactionaries and conservatives.

With regards to Masonry assisting men to make a "spiritual leap," unfortunately the word "spiritual" is an important keyword in the religious hypnosis. By the term "spiritual," this term simply refers to "human consciousness" and all humans have a consciousness. I do not share the rigid materialistic perspective of most Communists and I generally consider my even billion brothers and sisters here to be eternal "spiritual" beings; gods and goddesses if you like, many of who are mentally imprisioned by religoius hypnosis and indoctrination. In common with almost all Communists and humanists, I consider religion to be a major "cause" of human psychological and economic suffering. The "cure" is dehypnosis and this generally is a process which requires an education which produces a rational, critical and free thinking person, who is immune to religious hypnosis and indoctrination and whose political philosophy is derived from human reason and from humanistic and humanitarian values. I have no religious "replacement" for the current religions of the world other than a humanism, which demands the reverence of human life, the love of other human beings and a militant hatred of God and the "men of God" who are the ultimate enemies of humankind; and by "God" I am not referring to the hypothetical Creator or Creators of humankind, but rather to the anthropomorphic projections of the men of God, who usually define Her as a paternalistic Capitalist male and an ally of the military, religious and economic establishment and who are essentially the perpetrators of economic and psychological Hell on earth.



Originally posted by whatdahill
Sorry if I am coming across as just butting in on the thread, but I would like to get an answer from the OP regarding something.

"a lesbian Anarchist Communist (for example)".

My reference to "God" as being a "militant black (African) lesbian Communist" is not a serious theological statement, but it is not merely satirical as it makes a serious theological point, which is that the definition "God" is that of an anthropomorphic projection of the mind of the religious fanatic.

To an American Nationalist for example "God (Jesus to the Christians)" may be a genocidal American nationalistic, imperialistic, state terrorist, narco-terrorist anti-Communist deity; this is simply a projection of the beliefs of the fanatic, just as the depiction of Jesus as a blond haired, blue eyed Teutonic knight in the stained glass windows of German churches is a projection of the beliefs of the believer.

Above: British Masonic cult leader: Fieldmarshall the Duke of Kent.

Similarly with many Freemasons, God may be be an aristocratic monarchist and a genocidal Capitalist imperialist; again it is simply a projection of their own beliefs.

Similarly Hugo Chavez claims to be a devout Christian; he is a product of the Latin American Liberation Theology (Neomarxist Christianity) movement and he refers to Jesus as a socialist and a revolutionary. This is of course not an historical view; there is nothing Socialistic about the Jesus of the Gospel's advocating strict adherence to the fanatical and genocidal Judaic Law and encouraging people to abandon their families, their employment and to become wandering homeless exorcists and fake healers; nevertheless, this "Communist" or "Socialist" Jesus is an anthropomorphic projection of the minds of persons who are themselves Communists and Socialists.

The question of whether the universe has a Creator or Creators, is not a problem which can be resolved by philosophers, since they can only make "arguments" for or against the position and they cannot provide proof of either position; as Richard Dawkins argues, the question of whether the universe has a Creator is a scientific question and it is a question which scientists have not discovered the answer to. "Theology" on the other hand, has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the "Creator" in a scientific sense; it is simply a study of the anthropomorphic ramblings of religious fanatics and their various definitions of God and the gods and their myriads of religious laws. There is no more evidence for God being a homophobic ideological Capitalist than there is of Her being a lesbian Communist, and both statements are derived from the same scientific evidence of Her nature, which is absolutely "no evidence" whatsoever.

edit on 30-4-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Additional response

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by network dude

"putting things in perspective always seems to help."

Let's try it again......

Builders of Empires: Freemasons and British Imperialism, 1717-1927

A letter from masonic officer in Massachusetts encouraged ponton to stress in his speeches the point that "English-speaking peoples and organizations [are] the saviour of the world and more than ever needed at this time"

Still tells us about the masonic indoctrinations, which makes the masonic cultists to believe that they are the savior's of the world. These type of indoctrinations makes a masonic cultist to believe that he is on a noble cause, and hence he will kill millions of innocents without feeling any guilt or shame. Because the end justifies the means.
Thanks for agreeing with me, now things are really in perspective.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by illuminazislayer
. These type of indoctrinations makes a masonic cultist to believe that he is on a noble cause, and hence he will kill millions of innocents without feeling any guilt or shame.

Yes of course, but unfortunately this is not limited only to Freemasons, and applies to numerous forms of religious indoctrination and hypnosis. The texts of the world's three major religions (The Bible, Koran and the Vedas). for example, have essentially genocidal war gods, and the hypnotised cult victim can actually come to believe that they are "good" by supporting all manner of human evil, war, genocide and tyranny.

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord." Colossians 3.22

It is interesting that probably the nation in the world which has the largest number of Christian religious fanatics and where around half the adult population believe that a genocidal global dictator (a "King of Kings," a global tyrant; i.e., the Second Coming of Christ) will return to "save" the American Christian Neofascists, nationalists and Capitalists, is also the world's leading terrorist state, with a long history of slavery, overt and covert wars, genocides, economic imperialism, state terrorism and narco-terrorism in general, and who have sponsored and assisted numerous Neofascist coups and dictators who serve their economic interest.

If the belief that genocidal war, terrorism and economic tyranny were "noble causes" was limited only to the Masonic cultists, the population of the world would surely rise in revolution against them, however unfortunately much of the population of the world are similarly affected by different forms of the memetic virus of religion.

We already have Imperial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; the latter has left over a million people dead, littered the nation with several thousand tons of depleted uranium and installed a police state where torture and extra judicial executions are endemic, and in the latter case (of Afghanistan) has overthrown Islamic religious fanatics and allied themselves with opium warlords. Now their propagandists of US state terrorism are claiming that they are assisting the Libyan people because the Libyan government is "killing civilians (some thing the Christian US state terrorists would never do of course);" same old, same old.

"[I]The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Marx

Just as the sacred and holy "Hula Hula Bull Dance" initiation ritual of Freemasonry and the application of whipped cream and strawberries to the genitals of Masonic cultists and numerous other holy and sacred hazing rituals of Masonry are entirely "man made," so too are all the religions, all the definitions of God and the gods, and all the myriads of religious laws of the ancient and modern world; it is only with complete and total rejection of this diabolical cacophony of the metaphysical ramblings of religious schizophrenics that humankind can begin to awaken from Aeons of religious hypnosis and indoctrination.

The liberation of humankind from the effects of religious hypnosis and indoctrination and from the political indoctrination by the Capitalist elites is a prerequisite for world revolution.


"The criticism of religion is the premise of all criticism"

edit on 1-5-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:39 PM
2015 Prince William Antichrist 33 Mason NWO dictator Rothschild german BAUER 2012, 3 years and half of peace, 2015

The following information contained in this website is of interpretation of prophecies contained within the detailed Biblical accounts of the coming Antichrist at an end of days period. Given that there exists a spiritual gift and literal Spirit of prophecy, and equally for that of interpretation, it becomes therefore of great importance that one fall under the correct interpretation. So many other interpretations you could read on this important and timely matter are clearly of man's devising, as they add in their own interpretations that have not been committed whilst under the Spirit of Truth and as with everything man creates of himself, is vanity. For example, there is an entire group of people, increasingly so, who falsely think that Isaiah must have been speaking about the Antichrist when he referred to a "King of Assyria" and even though they are correct in Isaiah evoking the final Evil King, the totality of their interpretation quickly becomes vainity as it fits their overly-simplistic and innate biased belief that the Antichrist must be a modern Islamic leader, a man of Arabic descent. I tell you in all Truth, anyone who speaks such a word is corrupted in their interpretation and leads your mind astray in falsehood, and lies.

Satan would never want us to unmask his Antichrist, and yet many vainly think God is the one who would never want us to unmask and reveal the Beast, however, that in itself is another false belief men are all too quick to expouse. The Scriptures didn't go into all of that detail spanning across several books about the coming Antichrist for nothing. The Antichrist is to be "revealed in his time" to the entire planet, at "the end of days," at a time of great technological advances, yet also at a time of great change and upheaval in the world, wars, natural disasters, etc. The Scriptural account makes this clear, yet what even some Christians too quickly assume is that the Antichrist must appear evil from the start, to which they only want to ascribe an Islamic connection with. Clearly they are ignorant, and Satan is entirely smarter than that. Daniel (Chapter 9:26-27) actually outlines the characteristics of the Antichrist they overlook, stating that he will be a European Prince whom the whole world adores, a descendant of the ancient Roman Empire, who becomes a King at a time when Europe is again unified as in the days of Rome. Knowing this, I invite you now into the knowledge of other key details of this coming One-World leader who shall yet bring the entire planet under a single international banner, with a single currency and religious system, and why this is dangerous to humanity even though at the time, it will sound as if that "New World" and its Order arising like a phoenix from the ashes of our presently dying Age, is earth's only hope for survival.

link to identity of the AC

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by illuminazislayer

If a little perspective is good, a lot must be great. Here's what the author actually thought about Freemasonry and British India:

While the lessons taught in British lodges would have never encouraged indigenous men to defy the Raj, they did present Indians with the possibility that they were not just the younger brethren of European Masons but in fact their equals. It was but a short step from there to demand equality outside the lodge. The extent to which colonial nationalists and British Masons both found in Freemasonry resources for dealing with the era of decolonization remains a matter in need of further investigation. What is clear, however, is that the same ideology which had long been used to build and maintain the empire could also be used to destroy the very foundations on which it stood.

As it turns out, the author completely disagrees with your conclusion, finding Indian Masons of two minds about the subject. See what happens when you try to learn from a book instead of doing one-word searches for what you're looking for?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Sir, why freemasonry collaborated with the tyrannical British empire and helped it in achieving its objectives of global enslavement; why freemasonry fully cooperated with the British colonists and made regimental/military lodges, offices and recreational buildings for British imperialists, as stated by this pro-masonic author in her book. And, why freemasonry was involved in the political agendas of the British monarchies, contrary to the claims of masonic cultists that freemasonry has no relation with politics.?

The primary mechanism responsible for building of this expansive network of lodges was the regimental lodge. By the early nineteenth century every regiment in the British army boasted at least one lodge, that accompanied it on its imperial sojourns.

In the colonies, masonry's long established association with the men of prominence (such as millitary officers and colonial governors) made it attractive to rising men who sought status and power to accompany their wealth.

why freemasonry was associated with military men and colonial governors; is this why people join freemasonry to quickly climb up the ladder of social status and power with the help of men of prominence.?

Freemasonry was thus a prominent feature of the public landscape of the British empire during the second half of the eighteenth century. It performed a range of functions, that buttressed the imperial state: providing buildings for public and official meetings, offering recreational outlets, and contributing to the ceremonial dimensions of british imperialism.

Freemasonry supported the rape, pillage and plunder of British imperialist regime, because masonic cultists were indoctrinated with the beliefs that they are the savior's of the world, and it is not genocide, rape, pillage and plunder when we do it, but globalization and the command of supreme being/great architect, and hence must be fulfilled. The author has fully agreed with my conclusions of Freemasons being indoctrinated slaves.

As it turns out, the author completely disagrees with your conclusion, finding Indian Masons of two minds about the subject. See what happens when you try to learn from a book instead of doing one-word searches for what you're looking for?

No need to become an imperial apologist sir; to see the truth, only the removal of masonic mask is required.

3 million died because of famine creation policies of British colonists in India.

Deliberately inducing a major famine more or less every two years, was, for over half a century, the backbone of British colonial policy in India.

The history of the British in India is a history of the deliberate creation of famines. Such famines resulted from the policies of the East India Company. Those policies included looting through "tax farming," usury, and outright slavery of the indigenous population.

As we shall see, a limit to this rapine was reached in the middle of the 19th Century, leading to the first struggle for Indian independence, which began with the Sepoy Mutiny. Following that revolt, a new policy was developed by the British Colonial Office, which took over all the operations of the East India Company. The new policy revolved around creating famines in selected regions on a continuous basis, with the goal of creating a mass of starving people who could be used as slave labor, needed by the British to build the infrastructure of British rule.

With the advent of the Western colonizers, the peoples of the Third World were actually set back in their development sometimes for centuries. British imperialism in India provides an instructive example. In 1810, India was exporting more textiles to England than England was exporting to India. By 1830, the trade flow was reversed. The British had put up prohibitive tariff barriers to shut out Indian finished goods and were dumping their commodities in India, a practice backed by British gunboats and military force. Within a matter of years, the great textile centers of Dacca and Madras were turned into ghost towns. The Indians were sent back to the land to raise the cotton used in British textile factories. In effect, India was reduced to being a cow milked by British financiers.

By 1850, India's debt had grown to 53 million pounds. From 1850 to 1900, its per capita income dropped by almost two-thirds. The value of the raw materials and commodities the Indians were obliged to send to Britain during most of the nineteenth century amounted yearly to more than the total income of the sixty million Indian agricultural and industrial workers. The massive poverty we associate with India was not that country's original historical condition. British imperialism did two things: first, it ended India's development, then it forcibly underdeveloped that country.

The evidence - researched by scholars such as Amartya Sen, Nicholas Dirks, Mike Davis and Mahmood Mamdani, Caroline Elkins and Walter Rodney - shows that European colonialism brought with it not good governance and freedom, but impoverishment, bloodshed, repression and misery. Joseph Conrad, no radical, described it as "a flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly". Good governance? More famines were recorded in the first century of the British Raj than in the previous 2,000 years, including 17-20 million deaths from 1896 to 1900 alone. While a million Indians a year died from avoidable famines, taxation subsidising colonial wars, and relief often deliberately denied as surplus grain was shipped to England.

Tolerance? The British empire reinforced strict ethnic/religious identities and governed through these divisions. As with the partition of India when 10 million were displaced, arbitrarily drawn boundaries between "tribes" in Africa resulted in massive displacement and bloodshed. Freedom and fair play? In Kenya, a handful of white settlers appropriated 12,000 square miles and pushed 1.25 million native Kikuyus to 2,000 restricted square miles. Resistance was brutally crushed through internment in detention camps, torture and massacres.

The Indian textile industry was the most advanced in the world when the British arrived; within half a century it had been destroyed. The enslaved and indentured (at least 20 million Africans and 1.5 million Indians) were shipped across the globe to work on plantations, mines and railroads. The stupendous profits deriving from this enabled today's developed world to prosper.

Sir, masonic cultists are serving the interests of slave traders, drug lords and genocidal terrorists and they have no idea about it. Because masonic cultists have been indoctrinated with such vile beliefs that wars, slavery, genocides are absolutely necessary for the well being of humanity. This is how freemasonry makes a good man corrupt, but in order to break free of the cult indoctrinations, a cultist must connect with his real conscious self. But thanks for agreeing that freemasonry fully supported tyrannical British empire.

edit on 2-5-2011 by illuminazislayer because: freemasonry is a evil cult.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by illuminazislayer

Oh, Vinay, you still fail massively. Just because some soldiers were masons, did not make any occupation or war "masonic" in nature. Anymore than we can say the US is a masonic country because some of the founding fathers were masons. Fix your house before you spout off about how bad your neighbors roof is.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by illuminazislayer
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Sir, why freemasonry collaborated with the tyrannical British empire and helped it in achieving its objectives of global enslavement

That's not what she said. The author clearly claims that a) the relationship between Masonry and the British Empire has not yet been conclusively examined and b) that the colonists found as much in Freemasonry as the imperialists.

And, why freemasonry was involved in the political agendas of the British monarchies, contrary to the claims of masonic cultists that freemasonry has no relation with politics.?

The primary mechanism responsible for building of this expansive network of lodges was the regimental lodge. By the early nineteenth century every regiment in the British army boasted at least one lodge, that accompanied it on its imperial sojourns.

This quote does not support that statement; it merely reaffirms the common knowledge that British military men formed lodges.

In the colonies, masonry's long established association with the men of prominence (such as millitary officers and colonial governors) made it attractive to rising men who sought status and power to accompany their wealth.

why freemasonry was associated with military men and colonial governors; is this why people join freemasonry to quickly climb up the ladder of social status and power with the help of men of prominence.?

Here's why that same author thought men joined Freemasonry:

...membership offered a passport to convivial society, moral and spiritual refinement, material assistance, and social advancement in all parts of the empire.

What's sad is that I don't even need a link to that; it's on the same page you quoted.

Freemasonry supported the rape, pillage and plunder of British imperialist regime

Unless you actually read the book you've quoted.

The author has fully agreed with my conclusions of Freemasons being indoctrinated slaves.

She said that Freemasons disagreed entirely on the place of the British Empire in India. That's pretty much the opposite of being an indoctrinated slave. I remind you of your own position on mere contradiction as a debate tactic.

No need to become an imperial apologist sir

I'm not, and the attempt to cast me as one is a straw man.

Sir, masonic cultists are serving the interests of slave traders, drug lords and genocidal terrorists and they have no idea about it.

But you do, of course...

Because masonic cultists have been indoctrinated with such vile beliefs that wars, slavery, genocides are absolutely necessary for the well being of humanity.

According to Leo Zagami, of course.

But thanks for agreeing that freemasonry fully supported tyrannical British empire.

I'd love for you to show me where I said anything like that. Oh, right, if someone says the exact opposite of what you say, it means they must agree with you. Which is why you so easily find sources "supporting" your position that turn out to claim the exact opposite when read more than two sentences at a time.

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