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Are 'these' Rap/Hip Hop artists trying to 'Enlighten' us?

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:52 PM
You know, it's not about genre, it's about artists.

You could name a lot of artists from so every genre that give good, or somewhat 'awakened', purposes to their music. Serj Tankian is the first to come to mind. You can also find a bunch of bad examples from every genre as well. It's all about the talent of the artist and the background of their music. The genre just affects how receptive our minds are too it.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by ReadyPower

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79
Really? Did you just try and make a connection to hip hop and enlightenment?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in that there are VERY FEW actual hip hop artists who use music as a message, whether that be conspiracy in nature or political agenda, but they are all opinions of the artist.

That being said, the overwhelming majority of hip hop artists are just out for the money, the 15 minutes of fame and the bling. If they could put 50" rims on their cars and lift them 8' in the air all while blasting music and wearing diamonds in their teeth, they would, and some of them have.

I'm sorry, but the only message hip hop is giving out is how to stereotype a race, support the gangsta lifestyle of illegal drugs, prostitution and gunplay as well as trying to look cool while doing it. And people fall for it.

Hip hop started as a way for urban males to spread a message, now it's just degraded to b**ches and h*es, my money and my car. What is there to enlighten? The people you post are not mainline artists, they are drops in the bucket of the hundreds of hip hop artists that are actually hurting society and furthering stereotypes and conveying the WRONG message.

No, they are not enlightened. A few might want to be, but all in all....NO.


This is BS.

There are guys out there who will not SELL OUT. EVERY main stream rapper sold out. The guys that do not sell out and have talent remain underground. Example? Immortal Technique. Apak Masters. Apakalypse. BG Knocc Out.

there is basically zero thought provoking music main stream radio plays. It is all mindless crap like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga; American Idol, Usher, Jay Z... all sell out tools.

did BG Knocc Out go political? I'm 35 and I remember when he ghost wrote rhymes for Eazy E. And His album w/ his brother Dresta. Straight up gangsta ####.

but good stuff

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Skerrako

Yes, I always read/listen to the entire posts before just blatantly making random comments like most ATS members. I've been around here long enough to know the difference and I also know that when I post I expect half of ATS to agree with me and the other half to disagree.

The fact doesn't change that, as I already stated and apparently nobody pays attention, YES, there are rappers like this who choose to say something, but just like I pointed out in the beginning:

They are not the majority, therefore the message is going to stay underground. It will go almost nowhere until you raise enough hell for your message to be heard. It took MLK Jr. decades to voice his message, and in the end it still took time for something to be done, but something happened. You can cry all you like about how rap is broken up into different styles and try to justify each one of them; I can say the same thing about any kind of music.

But the point is that the population of this country and others around the world are too concerned with their twitter, their facebook, their IPad, their money and how much stuff they can get before they die to actually pay attention to anyone in the music industry who is trying to say something important.

I give them kudos for trying, I really do, but until someone with power gives them the chance to bring that message to more than just a few thousand people, it's not going to do any good. So they keep trying, good for them, but don't get pissed at me because you can't handle the truth.

Mainstream Hip hop this OP is NOT.

Do they have a message? Most of the time
Are some of them Bias? Yes
Will they change the world? Probably not

I'm glad to see that the OP at least changed his thread title to "these" so as to get rid of this stupid debate.

Try not to be so assumptuous about me before posting again, thanks.


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by huntsfromcanada

True, I think he must be a member on here. I just posed four vinnie paz records. End of days, Trail of lies are my favorites when it comes to waking people up. Some people on here seem to think Lupe is waking people up, Wrong he's sold himself out. He's flashing Illuminati symbolism yet he goes around saying Illuminati run the music industry, He's a hypocrite if you ask me. His new garbage album is filled with clubs songs........Won't wake anyone up.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Kingalbrect79

Oh dear, the usual ATS antics...

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79

'Sigh'...Yes, really!

Did you just try and make a connection to hip hop and enlightenment?

No...I asked a question, given the content of the videos/lyrics....Do you think the artists in the thread are trying to enlighten us?

Enlighten: 1. Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.

Do you understand?

It is quite clear you did not read the content of thread or watch the videos...Thanks..

No, they are not enlightened. A few might want to be, but all in all....NO.

Thanks, but that is not what I asked... You've completely missed the premise of this thread...

Can you give your opinion on the videos/lyrics posted, are you capable of this feat?

I'm not as dumb as you think I am


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Your answer is simple. The majority of "mainstream" hiphop and rap artist are complete and total sell-outs, not all, but most. However, in the underground hip-hop scene the message is clear. Revolt against a shady government, open your eyes to the truth, resist anyone that oppresses people or kills people in the name of profit, and stand ready for the revolution. There are also some underground hiphop artist that rap about extraterrestrial beings, UFO's, other dimensions, and the history of how civilisation began (the non mainstream historian point of view).

The fact is that the music industry makes is very hard to get to the top for very obvious reasons. Its no doubt that the government over watches the entertainment industry (or pretty much regulates it) for their personal gain and protection. You cant control mass amount of population in your country if your letting people say what they want and talk about. But that's another issue I'm not going to get into. Ha.

A few examples of hiphop artists (underground) that are trying to enlighten us are:

1.Immortal Technique
2. Vinnie Paz (from Jedi Mind Tricks)
4.The Lost Children Of Babylon
5.Jedi Mind Tricks
6.Conspiracy of Mind
7.Army of the Pharaohs
8.Wu-Tang Clan
9.Doap Nixon

I strongly recommend you checkout some of their tracks on youtube or itunes. Especially songs from Immortal Technique and The lost Children of Babylon.
edit on 17-4-2011 by digitalreneg4de because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by ReadyPower
There are guys out there who will not SELL OUT. EVERY main stream rapper sold out. The guys that do not sell out and have talent remain underground. Example? Immortal Technique. Apak Masters. Apakalypse. BG Knocc Out.

I didn't know these existed in the wild, but ladies and gentlemen we have a real treat on our hands, I think we have just encountered the very rare hip-hop hipster!!

In all seriousness, I agree with you in principle, mainstream music is almost exclusively garbage. But an artist - in any genre - doesn't have to be "underground" to be respected, in my opinion anyway. Artists only "sell out" when they change their style to get on the radio and make $$. But sometimes an artist is so good that despite never changing, their popularity is inevitable and not manufactured. In hip hop Kid Cudi comes to mind, but i'm from Cleveland so I am a little biased, maybe he does suck now, but he never will to me for representing the 216. Especially in the age of pirated music, I don't fault a legit artist for making a buck or two on a commercial or charging me $40 for a show.

Oh and to the rest of you hipsters out there in the world - you are not cooler than anyone because you "knew" about a band before they did. Also, take off those ridiculous tight jeans, assclowns.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:11 PM
Thanks for the replys and insights...Changed the thread title to include 'these' for those who can't be arsed to actually read the thread...

Serizawa, JimIrie, svetlana84, Skerrako and Huntsfromcanada...

Thanks for posting additional videos...taking a look now...

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:14 PM
i think it is amazing how effectively the mainstream shapes peoples opinions, either for or against any one topic.

Though i think, like everything, generalizations can become quite misleading. i personally make a distinction between hip-hop and rap because of how profoundly different the messages can be as well as overall predictability of the music. some will use "underground," though i do not as i find the other terms more convenient and accurate.
i think people like gift of gab, sandpeople, oldominion, sweatshop union, and aesop rock (amongst many others) are trying to send out a positive message overall usually with significantly more skill and effort than anything on mtv. At the very least, it tends to be "honest" in deeper ways. "mainstream" genres, in almost complete totality, tend to be formulaic and based on the same thing that the industry knows will make it money. the artists are like a revolving door, and the music itself stays contextually based on the same thing.

Overall judgment on any one genre tends to be contradicted at some point of honest exploration. i have found if one looks hard enough, we can usually find music we enjoy in literally every genre. But, it is so incredibly subjective...

As far as "enlightening," i guess some might have that intention. Though that would likely be from being a certain subsect of the overall population, and will be present in certain percentages regardless of a specific genre. It all depends on ones definition of "enlighten" as well. i think there are definitely artists who are trying to make a positive change in every genre though.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:22 PM
Ignorance at it's best on ats.
To all the people not acknowledging the op: well done!
To the op: there are some rappers who care about us. It's not all about smoking, drinking and f*cking hoes, all may I add everyone has done!
Immortal technique is a very powerful mc, and I'd ask ANYONE to give him a chance and then tell me you have a bad word to say.
But people will stick to 50 cent, jay z or whoever and say that's the WHOLE of hip hop. But what can you do right ?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by de1111codEiT

Oh dear, the usual ATS antics...

I guess you can't stand having people actually reply to you, because I used the word really, that must have been so offensive and shocking. I must have really been up to something there. [blatant sarcasm]

No...I asked a question, given the content of the videos/lyrics....Do you think the artists in the thread are trying to enlighten us?

No, you posted a title thread with a general question that applied to ALL hip hop artists while posting examples of specific individuals that you wanted recognized. When I responded in agreeing with your post and replying with a counter argument you proceeded to change the title of the thread so it was more specific, AFTER I posted a response to your general statement.

Enlighten: 1. Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.

Do you understand?

It is quite clear you did not read the content of thread or watch the videos...Thanks..

Nope, guess not. I guess when I agreed with what you posted to another member here:

In response to ReadyPower

...I've heard of almost all of them and I enjoy what they have to say. I completely agree that they stick to what they believe in and try to get the message out, unfortunately they are just as I stated, a minority stating their personal opinions, no mainstream record label will give them the time of day unfortunately, despite their talent.

In response to Skerrako

.....I give them kudos for trying, I really do, but until someone with power gives them the chance to bring that message to more than just a few thousand people, it's not going to do any good. So they keep trying, good for them,

In response to You
Mainstream Hip hop this OP is NOT.

Do they have a message? Most of the time
Are some of them Bias? Yes
Will they change the world? Probably not

I'm actually agreeing with you, whether you believe it or not....

but that is not what I asked... You've completely missed the premise of this thread..

Can you give your opinion on the videos/lyrics posted, are you capable of this feat?

Now you are attacking me personally, now who is up to typical ATS antics?

I didn't miss the premise of the thread, I merely took a different spin on what you chose as a general opening. You can post all the videos you like of artists with a message, but the fact remains that the thread was changed after I posted so that you don't look like an idiot.

Yes, the videos you posted have something to say, do I agree with all of them, no. Like I stated before and i'll post again:

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in that there are VERY FEW actual hip hop artists who use music as a message, whether that be conspiracy in nature or political agenda, but they are all opinions of the artist.

edit on 17-4-2011 by Kingalbrect79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:10 PM
They are not trying to enlighten us. They feel enlightened but they might have their own agenda, or might be part of one. It is a way for agendas to be cocky about themselves by putting out the best rappers to rap about the most hardcore lifestyle in order to draw the most hardcore crowd in order to have influence and control over them which enables them to get more money because there are more hardcore people in the world than no hardcore ones.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by TheTruthCqer

Please listen to the music posted before you reply. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 08:32 PM

No, you posted a title thread with a general question that applied to ALL hip hop artists while posting examples of specific individuals that you wanted recognized. When I responded in agreeing with your post and replying with a counter argument you proceeded to change the title of the thread so it was more specific, AFTER I posted a response to your general statement.

No,wrong. You did not respond to my 'general statements', you replied to the 'thread title'.

Nope, guess not. I guess when I agreed with what you posted to another member here:

Huh, I have not posted anything to another member...Genius [blatant sarcasm]

What exactly did I post to another member? It seems to me that your reading and comprehension skills need working on ...!

I'm not as dumb as you think I am


You can post all the videos you like of artists with a message, but the fact remains that the thread was chaned after I posted so that you don't look like an idiot.

I posted two videos in the OP.....?

And...Yes, I made a minor change to the thread title and put in the word 'these' because of a suggestion made by another poster and for those participating who are quite obviously easily confused...I did not know one word would make all the difference...

Although, the content of the thread remained the same (apart from some spelling and grammar), with the same questions...

These ones....

So, are there Rap/Hip Hop artists trying to 'Enlighten' us?

So fellow ATS' ers, do you think these Rap/Hip Hop artists are trying to 'Enlighten' us or at least do you feel they are trying to bring pertinent information to our attention?

What 'truths' or messages can you find and/or relate to in the music/lyrics?

I didn't think anyone was arrogant enough to read the 'thread title' and want to comment, but hey, I've learned something new today...Thanks...Good to see you've edited your first post and admitted that you didn't actually read the thread and just responded to the 'general question in the thread title'..Although you claim that in the OP I was 'referring to ALL hip hop artists and not just these'....

You are a all means feel free to consult the mods as I did not amend the OP other than spelling and grammar...and of course the 'thread title'...

I do not wish to play 'keyboard warriors' with the dishonest, so I will not be responding to your next outburst of unfounded drivel...

edit on 17-4-2011 by de1111codEiT because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:02 PM
Rap/ Hip Hop has basically eroded society... I had no problem with Run DMC or Public Enemy and Enjoyed some of the Rap of the early 90's.... but the Rap society of the past decade and a half offers nothing but dumbing down the youth..
and a gaggle of retarded thugs

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Surely it had to be a form of music that eroded society! It couldn't have been me! It couldn't have been the people who create the policies I support and follow! It couldn't be the people I work for or give my money to! It couldn't be!

It had to be the music! Yes, that is it...

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:33 PM
Some of you seem to be dismissing this because you don't like rap or find it distasteful or whatever.

Try ignoring who rapped it and just look at the lyrics of some of these songs. Ask yourself, what would inspire this individual to rap about this specific thing? What would inspire this rapper to rap about this issue from this angle?

I mean, yeah rappers are in it for the money. If they're just in it for the money, why not make all their songs about booze and girls? Why take the time to rap about things usually only found on conspiracy theory websites?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

To reply to the video you posted: I think this is great. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to bond.

For those of us that feel that enlightenment means that we get all of the ability to evaluate and analyze instantaneously; why would that happen? Isn't learning a very long process?

If you feel that you have been able to look at the topics described in these afore-posted lyrics with greater insight, then you should be happy to have someone trailing you. Does there not need to be a new generation that we teach to understand what we have begun to understand? When you were just beginning to flourish in your wisdom, was there not someone who was just a bit more educated on the topic that you now feel that you are proficient within?

To shrug at the desire and observation that others have is kind of a mechanism of going backward. Just because you feel that you are farther along on the path to enlightenment does not mean that you should disregard the findings of those who are willing to be awakened.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:11 AM
I'd like to contribute a song or two
Artist: Immortal Technique. Of course the lyrics are explicit. However, if you have an open mind, listen to all voices and hear the truth from many tongues.

Seek truth in many places, find it in all

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 12:37 AM
Music is such a great medium for information, activism, story telling and emotion. Rap/Hip Hop is such a powerful genre becuase of the style in which people sing their lyrics. Rap is more like spoken word or poetry, because the main focus of the "singer" is not on the melody, but the rythm and the words. A powerful art form indeed.

One of my all time favourites Mos Def and Talib Kweli's Theives in the Night.

Not strong
Only aggressive
Not free
We only licensed
Not compassionate, only polite
Now who the nicest?
Not good but well behaved
Chasin after death
so we can call ourselves brave?
Still livin like mental slaves
Hidin like thieves in the night from life
Illusions of oasis makin you look twice


Please don't knock hip hop because it is used against us. There are so many great and beautifull artists out there. Don't close your mind and miss out on some very positive vibrations. Even gangsta rap had its place at one point, it has just been sqeud to serve the masters of mind control.

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